The Xanthus River valley was once a tiny remote province of Nedula Madhya, the vast empire that once ruled Agartha. The valley is nestled between the Great Wall mountains and the Smaragdine sea. The valley's chief claim to fame was that it was home to the subterranean realm of the dwarf king Duirn. The great sea port city of Sinopia once dominated trade at the mouth of the Xanthus river. Sinopia was destroyed in magical fire during the apocalypse that decimated the Agarthan empire.
Ancient Trade Road, the: The road made of cyclopean slab-like paving stones was laid down over a thousand years ago by the Agarthan empire of Nedula Madhya to facilitate trade between the remote kingdoms of the west and the sea-port city of Sinopia.
Ancient Tunnel, the: once used to connect Duirndown to the city of Sinopia, this tunnel was a shortcut under the steep hills beneath Duirn’s mountain. Additional tunnels connected Duirn’s Realm to the Fortress of the Exile. Today, the tunnel is in ruins and collapsed in places. Many creatures have taken up residence within.
Choke: a walled village on the upper Xanthus river, so-named because the river narrows to a deep gorge. A natural bridge allows access to the Gateway to Elfland.
Flinch: The village is a small round walled village built in ancient times. It can house 400-500 inhabitants. The land around the village has been cleared of trees for nearly half a mile and is farmed for beets, turnips, potatoes, onions, leeks, and other bulbs and tubers. The farm plots are separated by low fieldstone walls. The village itself has one main gate and a smaller side gate. The walls of the village are built of ancient stone and are quite resilient. There are twenty buildings in the village including a polytheistic temple and a great hall. The village hasn't been ruled by an archon in hundreds of years. Instead, the village is governed by a village elder. The village was founded by the dwarfish exile known as Elder Flinch, who mined gold and Atuta Dhatu (Mithril). The village of Flinch prospered for hundreds of years until it fell 100 years ago to the Red Orcs of Zinnober.
Atrous River, the: the dark black water of this river emerges from the Blackwood forest. It is populated with hideous river monsters, slimes, slugs, and giant snakes.
Blackwood Forest, the: a dark impenetrable forest inhabited by wild beasts and fell monstrosities.
Burned Village, the: once a prosperous logging village in the Blackwood forest, the village was burned down a generation ago by marauders. It is rumored that treasures are hidden beneath its charred remains.
Canyon of Chaos, the: this dry riverbed boasts several extensive cave systems and is home to several tribes of orcs, goblins, ogres, and trolls.
Choke: a walled village on the upper Xanthus river, so-named because the river narrows to a deep gorge. A natural bridge allows access to the Gateway to Elfland.
Crying Swamps, the: the city of Sinopia was destroyed here over a thousand years ago. The resulting marshy swamp is home to lizard-men, ghosts, ghouls, giant snakes, and reptilian horrors. The sound of the unquiet dead can always be heard moaning in the wind.
Dead Forest, the: And entire forest of horrifyingly twisted trees with blood for sap. Anything that dies in the dead forest will rise as a zombie or ghoul.
Defile of Castragon, the: A narrow pass that wends for almost twenty miles between Mount Glothacon and Mount Ignoit. A paved road marks the way. Steep mountain slopes rise to either side. At some points the road rises and falls starkly. In ancient times, the pass was patrolled by Agarthan road wardens. No warden has passed this way in centuries. Today, the road is in poor repair, covered in pot-holes and twisted and jumbled in great upheavals of earth. Boulders, landslides, and wash-outs often hinder travelers. In addition, the way is plagued by ogre attacks, hill giants, bandits, griffons, perytons, giant birds of prey, and massive spiders. Despite the dangers, the defile represents the only route through the Great Wall, and merchants are still willing to take the risk.
Duirn’s Mountain: The realm of the dwarf king Duirn once prospered under this imposing mountain. The dwarves abandoned the realm three generations ago when monsters overran their defenses.
Duirndown is a small village of 200 people located near the source of the Xanthus River. Duirndown was once a major trade center and the entrance to the underground Dwarven Kingdom of Duirn located beneath the Great Wall. The dwarves fled their kingdom a few generations ago and now live in small communities on/near the surface. The subterranean realm is now ruled by monsters and the entrances have been walled up. Duirndown is still considered a trading town, though its glory days are long gone. Today, its mostly farmers from Wince, fur-trappers from Swallow, and dwarven miners and craftsmen who meet to trade in Duirndown.
Flavous River, the: The Flavous River begins as glacial runoff high in the crags between Mount Zinnober and Nightflame Mountain. It collects in a deep clear lake below the village of Flinch and cascades down a series of several natural multi-step waterfalls before it joins with the Xanthus River to the south.
Flavous River, the: The Flavous River begins as glacial runoff high in the crags between Mount Zinnober and Nightflame Mountain. It collects in a deep clear lake below the village of Flinch and cascades down a series of several natural multi-step waterfalls before it joins with the Xanthus River to the south.
Flinch: The village is a small round walled village built in ancient times. It can house 400-500 inhabitants. The land around the village has been cleared of trees for nearly half a mile and is farmed for beets, turnips, potatoes, onions, leeks, and other bulbs and tubers. The farm plots are separated by low fieldstone walls. The village itself has one main gate and a smaller side gate. The walls of the village are built of ancient stone and are quite resilient. There are twenty buildings in the village including a polytheistic temple and a great hall. The village hasn't been ruled by an archon in hundreds of years. Instead, the village is governed by a village elder.
Fortress of the Exile, the: once a great dwarven fortress built into the top of a rocky outcrop, the fortress was a part of the subterranean realm of the dwarf king Duirn. Today it is abandoned and occupied by all manner of flying creatures.
Gateway to Elfland, the: This mysterious moor contains an arcane portal to the otherworldly realm of the elves. The portal opens every full moon. Magical energies from this place cause mutations in the surrounding wildlife.
Great Wall, the: a towering mountain range that prevents passage from the valley to the wastelands beyond. The only ways through lie at the pass through the Witch-Moor and the Defile of Castragon.
Griseous River, the: a slow syrupy river with dark grey water, polluted by the Dead Forest.
Horek: a village on the far side of the Great Wall. Horek welcomes pilgrims to the Temple of Azi-Dahaka and is a refuge for those traversing the treacherous wastelands.
Lost City of Sinopia, the: Sinopia was once a prosperous port city. It was destroyed by arcane energies over a thousand years ago. A few of its ruins slowly crumble to the north of the Crying Swamps.
Lost Road, the: once a well maintained road connecting Sinopia to Duirndown, the lost road has fallen into disuse and disrepair. The way is now beset by the terrors of the Blackwood forest.
Mount Shaitan: an imposing black mountain containing a gateway to the underworld within its roots. The mountain is home to many demons and their ilk.
Mount Zinnober: At a height of 13,000 feet, Mount Zinnober looms over the northern mountain-scape. Mount Zinnober is made of reddish-brown stone. It is home to many tribes of orcs, notable for their red skin.
Nightflame Mountain: a tall mountain of midnight blue stone. At night, the summit of the mountain is aglow with a halo of strange witch-fire.
Ruined Keep, the: an ancient ruin from imperial times. The keep is said to be haunted.
Sanding Stones, the: concentric circles of ancient menhirs built by a primitive pre-imperial society, possibly pre-human. It is believed that the stones conceal a portal to the astral realms that only opens once every 50 years.
Silver Falls: a 200 foot waterfall where the Xanthus river pours from the upper valley over a cliff-face to the lower valley. A winding path allows travelers to transfer from one elevation to the other. The village of Swallow is perched at the top of the path.
Smaragdine Sea, the: a vast ocean of deep green water.
Spit: The tiny walled farming village of Spit is home to 100 people and a ferry allowing travelers to cross the Xanthus or the Zinnober rivers.
Stairs, the: a great zig-zagging stairway descending from the entrance to Duirn’s underground realm to the wasteland below. The stairs are 20 feet wide but very steep.
Swallow: the walled village of Swallow is named for the birds that nest there every year. The village is home to 500 people and is perched atop Silver Falls. The people of Swallow make their living catching river fish in nets.
Temple of Azi Dahaka, the: a holy shrine and pilgrimage site dedicated to the god Azi Dahaka, the demon prince of stomes and waste.
Thither: a walled coastal fishing village of 1500. Thither has become wealthy due to its intrepid explorers and trading ships.
Tower of the Mad Alchemist: an ancient tower that is (or was once) home to an insane alchemist. Only conflicting legends speak of its lord. It is the source of many strange hybrids and chimeras.
Valley of the Beasts, the: so-named for the variety of strange hybrids and chimeras that inhabit the forest, escapees from the Mad Alchemist.
Wastelands, the: the vast interior of the continent of Agartha is a dry desolate wasteland of deserts, hoodoos, mesas, and buttes.
Watchtower, the: this towering lighthouse-like structure once stood watch over the city of Sinopia. Today, it is abandoned and home to various flying monsters.
Wince: a walled farming village of 500 located on the Xanthus river. The farmers of Wince grow wheat, barley, beans, and rice for the valley. An ancient bridge allows transit over the river.
Witch-Moor, the: a cold swampy moor located in the highlands beneath Duirn’s mountain. The Witch-Moor is infused with magical energies and strange otherworldly creatures. Peat from the Witch-Moor is often used as a component in magical rituals.
Xanthus River, the: named for its dull yellow color, the Xanthus river begins in the highlands of the upper valley, pour over a towering waterfall, meanders slowly through the lower valley, and ends in a swampy delta at the edge of the Smaragdine sea.
Yon: a strange walled village of 300 necromancers and wizards on the shores of the Poison lake. Yon is home to the Esoteric Oder of the Upaya.
Zinnober River: a river of reddish brown color with its source in Mount Zinnober.
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