Races of Agartha

Primordial Races
The original inhabitants of the world were serpentine beings known as the Naga. With the assistance of their servitor race, the Yuan-Ti, they built a great empire across the primordial super-continent known as Nagina Samrajya. Although the race and their civilization are believed to be extinct, legends tell of buried caches of naga eggs, waiting to be found and hatched by living remnants of the race thought long dead.

The serpentine Yuan-Ti served their masters the Naga in ancient times. They are believed to be extinct today though legends tell of their ability to blend in among humans using spells and illusion.

Pre-Human Races
Azi (Dragonborn)The Azi are humanoid dragons created by Bahamut, the platinum god of good dragons, to live in the mountainous inhospitable places of the world. They possess horned reptilian heads, thick overlapping scales, and clawed hands and feet, similar in appearance to their cousins, the true dragons. Azi nobility often possess working leathery wings.

Elioud (Eladrin)
The elioud, known to men as "Otherworlders", "Grey Elves", or "High Elves", are mysterious alien beings from a parallel universe, known in later times as the Feywild. The Feywild is a realm of pure thought and energy, metaphor and imagination, emotion and meaning, a creative force and the source of light and life force in our world. In their native state, elioud are beings of pure spirit, ethereal, composed of luminous energy and vitality, lacking physical form or spatial boundary.

When they cross over into our world, elioud must assume a physical form. When they do so, many of their material attributes are expressed as metaphors of their meaning. Their skin and eyes are usually the color and complexion of pale marble. Their hair manifests in vibrant colors unnatural to humans: blue, green, purple, pink, gold, etc. As they interact with and are exposed to the races of our world, their skin color slowly changes to match those around them.

The gnomes are diminutive relatives to the Asuras who colonized our world from the Feywild many centuries ago. Unlike their cousins, the Silvans, the gnomes did not shy away from the coming of the humans. Instead, the gnomes joined human culture, integrating into their cities and societies. Gnomes possess an innate love and appreciation of gems and machinery and many gnomes have become wealthy and powerful bankers or inventors.

The most powerful kingdom of the gnomes is the mountainous land known as Xurish. The "Gnomes of Xurish" is the name of the powerful banking cartel that controls much of the world's economy and politics.

Silvans (Forest Elves)
The Asuras colonized our world long ago. Many settled in the forests, jungles, deserts, and other wild places of the world where they built great hidden kingdoms in the deepest least accessible recesses of nature. Their appearance is more natural, less alien. Their long exposure and interactions with the humans and hill-folk have given their skin a pinkish-white, brown, or tan hue.

Humans generally make no distinction between the Asuras and their Silvan cousins, calling them both "Elves", though many humans distinguish Silvans from the Eladrin by referring to them by their habitat, for example, "Forest Elves" or "Desert Elves" or "Mountain Elves".

Human Races
Humans native to the continent of Agartha tend to have light brown skin tone, almond shaped eyes, and hair that can be dark brown or blonde. Eastern Agarthans tend to have more Atlantean influence while western Agarthans are more like the Muvians. Since the fall of the empire of Nedula Madhya, most of the the Agarthans city-states formed small pocket kingdoms built around tiny independent walled villages ruled by an archon.  A few of the city-states have even banded together to form cooperative alliances and leagues.

The monarchies of Kalmath, Myradonia, and Kyrion remained independent even during the height of the empire. With the dissolution of the empire, these once small kingdoms have risen in power and have begun campaigns of expansion, conquering the isolated city-states of the former empire and warring with each other.

Think of Agartha as a mixture of Persia, India, and Babylonia. Agartha is every sword-and-sorcery movie from the 80s.

The people of Atlantis have dark tan skin, white or black hair, green almond-shaped eyes. Atlantis is a warm tropical land of jungles, deserts, and plains with a few mountain ranges. The culture of Atlantis is that of a multitude of independent city-states. The Atlanteans are renowned for their advanced culture, scholarship, science, and technology.

Think of Atlantis as a more advanced analog of Hellenistic Greece. Atlantis is every Italian Hercules movie from the fifties and sixties.

The inhabitants of Avalon are of medium height and build with light leucochroic skin. Hair color varies from blonde to brown to black and is typically straight or wavy. The land of Avalon is temperate and cool with mountainous regions, vast forests, and rolling hills. The Avalonian Republic is a vast polity encompassing the entire continent. The republic is divided into dozens of provinces, each ruled by a proconsul.

Think of Avalon as a mixture of Arthurian England and the Roman Republic with mounted knights and chivalry. Avalon is every Roman epic, Arthurian romance, and generic quasi-medieval fantasy kingdom.

Hyperboreans are tall muscular humans with dark mesochroic skin, long straight black hair, and steel grey eyes. Hyperborea is barren and desolate, a frigid land of rock and ice. The people live in small nomadic tribes that follow the herds of mammoth across the wind-swept tundra and steppe.

Think of Hyperborea as an analog of the Russian steppe mixed with Outer Mongolia. Hyperborea is Conan and every heavy metal album cover.

Lemurians have dark brown to black æthochroic skin with hair that varies from golden to dark black, straight to tightly curly. Their eyes are almond-shaped and range from black to brown to gold. Lemuria is a tropical land, the northern third is characterized by vast dry deserts while the southern mass of the continent is covered in deep impenetrable jungles and swamps. The Lemurian culture is built around strong autocratic jungle city-states. Life in Lemurian society is brutal and highly regimented. Lemurians practice human sacrifice to bizarre alien gods.

Think of Lemuria as a mixture of ancient African kingdoms and the Aztec empire. Lemuria is the Scorpion King mixed with Edgar Rice Burroughs' Opar and Apocalypto.

The natives of Konoshima tend to be short with amber, almost golden, xanthochroic skin and almond-shaped eyes. Their hair is straight and black. Their eyes are typically brown or green. Konoshima is home to dozens of small warring kingdoms. The islands archipelago of Konoshima have a mountainous spine. The islands are heavily forested with cool temperate lands to the north and hot humid jungles to the south. The society of Konoshima is rigidly stratified and bound by a strict code of honor and ritual.

Think of Konoshima like feudal Japan with samurai and ninja. Konoshima is every samurai and ninja movie.

The people of Mu tend to be short with skin that ranges from pale leucochroic to yellowish-tan xanthochroic. Their hair is straight and ranges from light brown to dark black. Their eyes are almond-shaped and dark brown, gold, silver, or green. Mu is temperate to warm with cool dry plains in the north and humid jungles in the south. The Jade Empire of Mu is an ancient culture with deeply entrenched traditions. The Jade Emperor is considered a divinity among his people.

Think of Mu as an analog of ancient China. Mu is every kung fu movie set in Imperial China.

The people of Rutas are tall with dark mesochroic skin, long straight black hair, and brown almond-shaped eyes. Rutas is a cool temperate land of mountain ranges and forests with vast prairies. The Rutasians tribesmen follow the herds of giant elk across the tundra of the north while great empires flourish in the southern forests.

Think of Rutas as a mix of Siberia and North America with Inuit tribes in the north and Native Americans in the south.

The Thuleans are tall and muscular with pale leucochroic skin. They are typically blonde or red haired with round blue eyes. Thule is an arctic realm of impossibly tall mountains and deep glacial inlets. Thuleans are famous seafarers, raiders, and pirates. Thuleans settlements can be found on every continent and Thulean warriors often serve as mercenaries in foreign armies. Thuleans are often considered barbaric by Atlantean, Avalonian, and Muvian society.

Think of Thule as an analog of Scandinavia, Iceland, and Greenland. Thule is every Viking stereotype and misconception.

Humanish Races
 Hill Folk, aka "Bantami" (Dwarves)
The people of eastern Agartha known to humans as Halflings or Hill Folk, refer to themselves as Bantami. The Bantami are diminutive humans with disproportionately large heads and hands for their size. They are gentle primitive people who live a rustic existence in small rural villages clinging to remote hillsides away from civilization.

Bantami are generally hirsute and stout, possessing excessively hairy arms, hands, legs, and feet. The hair on their head ranges from stiff and bristly to long shaggy curls. Their eyebrows and sideburns are especially prominent.

Daro (Dwarves)
The race that humans call Dwarves, known as the Daro in their own language, are short, twisted, ugly albino creatures of the earth with heavy brows, short wide noses, long arms, thick leathery skin, bushy wiry hair and long braided beards. They live deep within the mountains of Agartha where they build great subterranean cities. They have also been known to turn entire mountainsides into ornate cities of living rock.

Erians (Tieflings)
The Erians were once humans. A thousand years ago, they were the noble ruling caste of the empire known as Nedula Madhya. It was the Erians of Nedula Madhya who built massive cities and pyramids across the continent of Agartha using enslaved Azi. They were ultimately cursed by the gods to bear the mark of their worship of the Uuani, who were cast out of the Seven Heavens of Mount Elysium and imprisoned in the Nine Hells as devils. To this day, the descendants of the original Erians are horned with brightly colored skin and long sinewy tails, echoing the curse place upon the Uuani they once revered.

The Savage Races
Ourk (Orcs)
Ourks are a savage race of humanoids. The ourks are evil, twisted beasts. They think of nothing but violence, plunder, and destruction. They are extraordinarily fecund and capture female slaves from other species to use as breeding stock.

Little is known about where the ourks came from. Some theorize they were degenerate humans, the result of isolation and inbreeding. Others believe they were created by a malevolent force in aeons past.

Like the Silvans, the orcs have acquired physical characteristics according to their environment. The Red Orcs of Zinnober have taken a deep red hue like the mountain on which they live. The Grey Orcs of the Ravus Warrens are ash grey, like the caves they inhabit. The Black Orcs of the Atrous River have dark grey skin like the black waters that flow through the forest in which they live. The Jungle Orcs of the Xoth are sickly green like the jungle in which they live.

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