Cosmology of Antara

In the beginning there was only one universal element: space. Space was a vacuum, an empty void existing in complete equilibrium, a steady state of nothingness. There was no matter, no light, no time, no change. The Unknown Demiurge created what we know as the universe when it introduced created the six elemental dimensions: Geos, Aeros, Hydros, Pyros.

The four primary elements mixed together and formed chaos at the dawn of creation. In time the four elements coalesced into the universe, forming the Day Star and its many worlds, including Antara.

The Unknown Demiurge imbued these celestial bodies with consciousness and the power to project their will across space. These entities became the the Greater Deities: Tzann, Gaia, Thumina, Darkun and others.

The union of Tzann and Gaia created two new dimensions: Aeon and Skion- the spark of creation and the corruption of entropy - creating linear time. In so doing, Gaia populated the world of Antara with flora and fauna, each possessing a consciousness and soul.

The souls of living beings undergo reincarnation in an endless cycle of death and rebirth that, in time, accumulates power. Eventually, sufficiently powerful souls may undergo apotheosis and become gods - or god-like.

These gods are referred to as New Deities and many thousands of individuals have achieved godhead.

The Afterlife

Unlike the Elemental Realms or the Celestial Realms which were created by the will of gods, the realms of the Afterlife were created spontaneously by the collective will of the souls of the living.


Devachan is a type of limbo where souls reside while they await reincarnation. Devachan is protected by devas.

Nirvana or the Summer Land

The ultimate destination of all enlightened souls at the end of time

Celestial Realms 

The Realms of the Gods
Different groups of new deities from different cultures often create extra-dimensional domains in which to dwell, separate and protected from the material world of men. These godly domains are collectively referred to as the Celestial Realms.

Each of the Ana maintain their own Celestial Realm. Some realms overlap with other realms allowing travelers to migrate from one to another.


Portam is the domain of Nil, Queen of Death and Keeper of Karma. Portam is a vast temple-like structure in which are house the devas led by Corpus, the record-keeper, who maintain the records of karma which are used by Nil, the goddess of death, to judge a soul worthy of the Summer Lands. Souls deemed unworthy are sent to Devachan to await reincarnation. Those whose karma balance is egregiously negative are sent to the Ennead Hells of Narak for a few millennia instead.

The Wildlands

A land of forests and wild places filled with paragons of every type of beast. The domain of Ohma Tor.


The City of the Gods, where the Ana conduct official business, arbitrate disputes, etc. It is the domain of Choranus the Seer Father, Lorimes, Justica, Trapezitam, Altina, and others.

The Infinite Labyrinth

A vast city of ancient buildings, endless mazes, and subterranean tunnels occupied by the twisted creations and fiendish challenges of Amun Tor. Adhinatta rules the domain's underworld. Shul sometimes wanders the twisting mazes.

The Fields of Bliss

A place of warmth, growth, and happiness where the foods of the gods are tended and raised by devas. The domain of Bilgelik and Saprin Pang.

The Twin Realms 


The Plane of Light, Growth, and Energy

Aeon is the dimension of life energy and change. It is the source of radiant energy. It is a bright realm filled with entities of pure thought, imagination, and creativity known as the Fey. Beings from Aeon that cross over into our own world take on the form of magical beings and creatures such as dryads, satyrs, unicorns, will-o-wisps, and pixies. Energy from Aeon can also animate plants and grant intelligence to beasts.

Despite the association with life energy, not all entities from Aeon should be considered allies of humanity. Many entities from Aeon such as hags, darklings, and other so-called Unseelie are often hostile to humankind.

Aeon is an analog for the Feywild. Unlike the Feywild, Aeon is a realm of pure energy with no physical dimension. Corporeal entities may not travel to Aeon. The realm of Arba is the closest a corporeal being may approach Aeon.


The Plane of Death, Decay, and Entropy

Skion is a dark shadow of Aeon, a false sense of life, animation devoid of energy or purpose. Skon is a dark realm inhabited by entities of hatred and entropy known as the shades. Shades feed like parasites on the energy of the living. Skion is the source of necrotic energy. Shades from Skion can cross over into our dimension by animating the psychic or physical remains of the dead.

A living person always radiates psychic energy. That psychic energy leaves an imprint on the world the way heat from a fire warms the walls of a room. When that person dies, their imprint lingers.

A shade is able to wear that imprint like a costume, manifesting in our world as an incorporeal creature we know as ghosts or spirits. Common folk believe ghosts are the souls of the dead when, in truth, they are a shadow impostor.

A shade may also animate the remains of a dead body like a necromancer, controlling the body like a marionette made of flesh.

A powerful shade may even manifest a corporeal form in our world based on their pure will, similar to the fey of Aeon.

Skion is an analog for the Shadowfell. Unlike the Shadowfell, Skion is a realm of pure entropy with no physical dimension. Corporeal entities may not travel to Skion. The realm of Necros is the closest a corporeal being may approach Skion.

The Elemental Realms

In addition to the planes of light and darkness there exist four planes corresponding to the four classical elements. Like Aeon and Thanatos, the elemental planes possess no physical dimension and are inaccessible to mortal beings with corporeal form. Entities from the elemental planes may assume physical form while in our dimension. Such entities include jinn (genies), salamanders, azers, xorn, weirds (water weirds as well as air, earth, and fire versions), stalkers (invisible stalkers as well as earth, fire, and water versions), and mephits. Entities from our dimension may harness elemental energy. Over time this elemental energy permanently transforms the creatures and all their offspring, giving rise to gargoyles, medusae, and pisceans (merfolk).

The elemental dimensions overlap and influence all of Antara in some way though each of the dimensions has a greater influence on some lands more than others.


The Plane of Air/Gases

Aeros is the plane of air and the sky. It is the source of creatures such as djinniinvisible stalkerscloud giantsstorm giants, and air elementals.  Aeros has a strong influence on the land of Akasa and Polarion.


The Plane of Earth/Solids

Geos is the plane of stone and earth. It is the source of creatures such as daostone giantsgargoylesmedusaexorn, and earth elementals. Geos has a strong influence on the subterranean realms of Mokor and Thomon and many entities from Geos can be found there. Geos has a strong influence over the lands of Nuunos, Aralis, and Xunlun.


The Plane of Fire/Plasma

Pyros is the plane of fire and heat. It is the source of creatures such as efreetisalamandersazermagminfirenewtsfire giants, and fire elementals. Pyros has a strong presence in Dalu and Zazamanc and any place associated with volcanoes or heat.


The Plane of Water/Liquids

Hydros is the plane of water and the sea. It is the source of creatures such as maridwater weirds, and water elementals. Hyrdros has a strong presence in Bres, northern Zazamanc, and the deepest parts of the sea.

The Nether Realms

Many other parallel dimensions overlap with Antara. These parallel dimensions can be accessed using dimensional gates. Dimensional gates work like more powerful teleportation circles. They allow entities to transit from one dimension to another but require powerful magic to activate. The two most notable parallel dimensions are the nether-realms of Narak and the Abyss.

Ennead Hells of Narak

The Domain of Devils

The Ennead Hells of Narak is a parallel dimension populated by entities called shadim (devils). Shadim desire to conquer our dimension. During the Ascension the human inhabitants of the city-state of Asura made an alliance with the shadim which allowed the forces of Narak to invade Antara. The invasion was stopped and the gates to Narak were closed though it is still possible to open temporary portals or transition from one dimension to another using powerful magic.

The Abyss of Gaadha

The Realm of Demons 

The Abyss of Gaadha is a parallel dimension populated by entities called shang (demons). Shang relish destruction, chaos, and entropy. They desire nothing more than to reduce the worlds of the material dimension to rubble and fire. Only the desperate and the mad ally themselves with shang.

Dimensional Portals

Weaknesses in the fabric of reality expose various locations across Antara to one or more of these dimensions.  The weakness in the fabric creates natural portals that allow transference from Earth to Antara and back. Such portals exist at the poles, deep beneath the surface of the Earth, at the bottom of the sea, at the heart of the most powerful fires.

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