Humans of Antara

Humans of Antara

(None of the images on this page are by me and I claim no credit for any of them. They are used here without permission and are for imaginative reference only.)

You are one of ten million humans living across Antara. The vast majority live within the walls of the great city-states of Atlantis, Avallonis, Meropis, Plaksha, and Horai. The rest dwell within smaller outposts and colonies or live in scattered barbarian villages or nomadic tribes.

Friendly races such as therans and golyat treat humans with the respect similar to that reserved for distant relatives. Elder races such as the giants, the dragons, and the ophidians view humanity as vermin infesting the world. Antagonistic races such as the jinn and the scourge view humanity as a festering cancer that must be removed once and for all.


Agartta is a large island west of Bres. The great empire of Nedula Madyha once ruled this entire continent. The empire was brought down in a great cataclysm that saw the simultaneous destruction of all of its cities in one night by an extra-dimensional army called the Shadim. Today the once great cities of Nedula Madhya lie in ruins. Magic forces twist and warp any creature that dwell too long in its eerie radiation.

The east coast of Agartha is covered in dense tropical jungles and home to the last remaining colonies of the ancient Asuran empire. The interior is a vast desert plain ruled by a handful of principalities and kingdoms. The southwest river valley is dominated by the megalithic ruins of the ancient Asuran empire or Nedula Madhya which was destroyed hundreds of years ago. The west coast is dominated by a red dragon-hold known as Kuluvecam.

Agarttans possess dusky light brown skin and almond shaped eyes. Agarttain hair is dark brown and can be straight or wavy. Their once great civilization was destroyed several hundred years ago. The modern Agarttans live in villages and small cities, each ruled by an independent archon. The largest of these city-states include the port city of Thither in the Xanthus River Valley, the former colonial cities of Koso, Darrix, and Azator in the Jungles of Xoth.

Modern Agarttans worship gods from the Ana pantheon, most notably Justicia.



Xanthusians hail from the isolated Xanthus river valley on the central east coast of Agartta. Xanthusians are divided into those who live in the highlands of the Upper Xanthus river, above the Silver Falls, and those who live in the lowlands beneath the falls. Highlanders are rugged commoners. They are miners, woodsmen, and hunters. Lowlander commoners are fishers, farmers, and craftsmen. The city of Thither at the mouth of the Xanthus river is populated with wealthy merchants, traders, and politicians as well as sailors, laborers, and a large population of beggars and vagrants.



Kalmathians hail from the desert region of Kalmath in central-eastern Agartta. Kalmathians have tan skin and dark hair generally worn short or in pony tails. Kalmathians are a civilized people ruled by a matriarchy with individual cities ruled by satraps.


Kunkara Vyakt

The highlanders of Kunkara Vyakt are rugged barbarians who wear little more than animal skins. They have tan skin and long dark brown hair. They paint their skin in garish colors. They live in villages and nomadic tribes in the high mountains of north-central Agartta.



Xothians possess dark brown skin and straight dark hair worn in long ratty dreadlocks. Xothians paint their faces white and pierce their lips and noses with long straight needles. Their bodies are painted in intricate patterns. They wear dirty animal skins. Xothians are primitive hunter-gatherers who live in villages deep in the jungles of Xoth in south-eastern Agartta. Xothians are renowned cannibals. Xothians are extremely hostile to the more civilized Agarttans who dwell in the colonial cities along the coast.



The continent of Atlantis is a temperate realm of rolling hills, small mountain ranges, and verdant forests. The land is ruled by various small but sophisticated city-states with ancient histories. The southern reaches of Atlantis give way to desert plains ruled by the dragon lords. Ancient ruins of the prehuman Ana civilization dot the landscape. Many are said to still be inhabited by the immortal beings who refused apotheosis.

Atlanteans were once the slaves of the Ana - an immortal prehuman race. The Ana civilization collapsed ten thousand years ago following their apotheosis though many Ana persist to this day.



The modern Atlantean empire is itself an ancient civilization ruled by a noble class of psychic humans known as the Vril-Ya. The Vril-Ya rule over their subjects using mind control and magical technology.

Vril-Ya are pale humans with pale skin of white marble.  They are completely hairless. Their eyes are almond-shaped with golden-colored irises.


Atlantean Commoners

Atlantean commoners have brown skin and white or black hair that is straight or wavy. Upper class Atlanteans typically shave their heads to better resemble their Vril-Ya masters. Atlantean commoners possess round-shaped eyes with dark irises.

Atlantean culture is corrupt and decadent. The Vril-Ya and the upper class commoners spend much of their day in drug-induced stupor while foreign slaves see to their every need. Atlantean commoners of all classes are entertained by death-matches in the arena. Atlantean raiders fly their magical sky-ships across Antara in search of slaves and treasure.

Atlanteans worship Saprin Prang, the god of debauchery.



Avallonians hail from the island of Avallonis located between Atlantis and Polaris. The region is temperate and known for its sacred groves of magical fruit trees.

Avallonians have pale skin and hair that ranges from light to dark brown, though some groups possess blonde or red colored hair. Aballonians generally wear their hair long and straight. They possess round eyes with irises that can be brown, blue, or green in color.

The Kingdom of Avallonis is an ancient civilization that values tradition, honor, and loyalty. The Avallonians worship the founder of their nation - the immortal god-king Artorius who lies in a state of permanent magical slumber.

The current queen of Avallonis, Queen Victoria,  is a powerful monarch attended by an order of knights, cavaliers, and holy-warriors known as the Circle. The monarchy possesses a powerful navy which often comes into conflict with Atlantean raider fleets.

In addition to the reverence in which they hold their sleeping god-king, the Avallonians also worship the Anaean goddess Banrion-na-Loch, considered the mother of Artorius.



The frigid plains of  Boreas are home to hardy primitive nomadic tribes that follow the migrating megaloceri and mammoth.

Boreans have pale skin and dark brown straight hair and beards. They possess round eyes with blue or grey irises.

Boreans tend to be grim and dour. They are laconic with little sense of humor and no patience for frivolity.

Boreans wear leathers, hides, and furs made from seals, mammoths, and megaloceri.

Boreans trade with the daro of the eastern mountain range for weapons of iron.



The desert of Aranya in Dalu is populated by a handful of nomadic human tribes. These Dalusians possess light tan skin, straight dark brown hair, and round eyes with blue or brown irises.

They wear loose lightweight fabrics that block the sun, sand, and gravel but breathe easily. Dalusian warriors  wear little armor and carry long curved scimitars.

Dalusian nomads are laconic no-nonsense people with strict draconian laws and customs. Their caravan sledges are pulled by massive lizards.  Their scouts and knights ride large two-legged bird-like reptiles known as satardir.

Dalusians from the coastal cities are much more open and liberal. They are expert traders and engineers. Dalusians are masters of irrigation and alchemical processes for creating fresh water from salt- and waste-water.

Dalusians worship a pantheon containing hundreds of gods. There are so many that they are easily confused for the others and can be difficult to identify.


The Warrior-Monks of Daqhal

The Citadel of Daqual is home to an order of militant monks which welcomes applicants from across Antara. These monks study the art of battle, strategy, and philosophy. The warrior-monks of Daqhal often serve as advisors to generals and kings.



The people from the temperate archipelago of Hora have pale skin and straight dark hair. Their eyes are almond-shaped with dark brown and black irises.

Horaians wear loose textiles in many overlapping layers. Commoners wear cotton or hemp while nobles wear silk or more exotic materials. Horaians often wear wide hats and helmets as protection from the soaking rains and intense sun that plague the region.

Horai is composed of hundreds of small feudal states who owe fealty to the Emperor of Tzann. The ancient Empire of Tzann is highly xenophobic. Foreigners are executed on sight so trade usually occurs in neutral islands devoted to that purpose. Life within the Empire of Tzann is highly regimented and strictly controlled. Nearly every aspect is overseen by the Emperor’s secret spy network. Violations of the strict code of etiquette and social rank are quickly discovered and harshly punished.



The tropical land of Bres is covered by dense jungles and fetid swamps. The impenetrable interior is the domain of humanoid jaguars known as b’alam and therans. Ancient crumbling cities are home to the last nagila, living remnants of the Second Age.

The Mazzan river flows from the western mountains to the eastern sea bisecting the continent into northern and southern Bres. The Mazzan river is a wide slow river filled with dangerous life.  The Mazzan river is also home to a prosperous human kingdom who have built several cities along its banks.

These Mazzanians have brown skin and straight black hair which is usually shaved or worn in top-knots. Their almond-shaped eyes possess dark brown irises.

Due to the extreme heat and humidity Mazzanian commoners usually wear little more than a simple loin cloth or wrap or perhaps a long tunic. Mazzanians adorn themselves with the colorful plumage of the exotic birds of the jungle. Mazzanian warriors style their weapons and armor after the beasts of Bres, especially the jaguar, the eagle, and the anaconda. Their armor is often decorated with bits of animal pelts, teeth, or claws.

Mazzanians worship a pantheon of gods that include Kulkulkan, the feathered serpent, and Chaac, the god of rain and thunder.



The island of Meropis is home to three powerful city-states. Meropian humans have olive skin. Their round eyes can be blue, brown, or green. Their dark brown or black hair tends to be wavy or curled. Meropian men often wear their hair long and held in a ponytail while women wear their hair in various fashionable styles.


Most of Anostos is constructed underground. Anostosians don heavy protective clothing and special breathing masks when travelling outside to protect them from the red steam and liquid that.constantly belches from the great abyss at the center of the city.



It is said that the nobility of Eusebos are immune to age and illness. Depending on which rumor one believes, their immortality is the result of either dark pacts with otherworldly powers or alchemy based on human sacrifice. Wealthy nobles from Eusebos wear exotic silks and fine textiles and adorn themselves with fine jewelry and ornamentation. Even the commoners wear the expensive attire and adornments. Eusebean skin color varies from blue to rose to plum. Their hair tends to be black, red, or white.



Machimos is a city with a strong martial tradition. Machimesian armies serve as mercenaries in wars across Antara. Machimesian warriors wear utilitarian attire and minimal adornment.



Mu is a vast continent covered in grasslands known as the Plains of Kza. The far west is mountainous and home to many dragon holds. The interior is covered in grasslands with rolling forested hills in the east.

Muvians have dark olive skin and almond-shaped eyes with blue or brown irises. They possess straight black or dark brown hair which is often worn braided.

Muvians tend to wear layered and quilted silk garments with leather overcoats.

Muvians are a nomadic tribal people who follow herds of various types of grazing animals across the plains. There are a few small walled cities that serve as centers of commerce and trade. These cities are run by warlords.

Muvians culture encourages friendly gregarious interaction. Muvians welcome strangers and are considered excellent hosts. Muvian culture also reveres the horse and horse riding skill. Muvian warriors are excellent mounted archers and lancers. Muvians also revere birds of prey and re renowned falconers.



The Celestial Empire of Xan in the continent of Plaksha is a dragon kingdom under the rule of the Golden Dragon Emperor Xan. Although humans are considered subjects of the dragon emperor, Xan is a benevolent ruler and the humans that live within his domain are treated well and enjoy many freedoms. Many human nobles enjoy positions of importance and favor at least as high as the Azi nobles in the dragon emperor’s court. Indeed within the hierarchy of the Celestial Empire of Xan, most humans fare better than the Kavrita.

Plakshans have yellowish tan skin. Their almond-shaped eyes possess brown or black irises. Plakshan hair is straight and black.

Plakshan nobles wear garments of fine silk while commoners wear simple layered textiles.

Plakshans worship the gods of the dragons and indeed revere many dragons as living gods.

The Plakshans of the Celestial Empire of Xan serve alongside their azi brethren in the Imperial armies in their battles against the rival dragon kingdoms of



Polarians are tall with pale skin. Their round eyes possess brown, blue, or green irises. Their hair can be straight, curly, or wavy and is usually blonde in color. Polarian men wear their hair long, grow long beards, and wear both in complicated braids.

Polarians wear garments of dyed wool, animal skins, and furs.

Polarians worship many gods but especially revere the gods of thunder and the gods of the earth.



The city-state of Xamballa is located in the highland plateau of Kunlun on the continent of Plaksha. The ancient city-state is ruled by an enlightened immortal god-king and is defended by mystical warrior-monks. As part of their initiation, the warrior-monks must spend a period of several years travelling the world of Antara righting wrongs and defending the weak and oppressed.

Xamballans have tan-yellow skin. They have almond-shaped eyes with irises of any color including gold or purple. Their dark brown or black hair can be straight or wavy. Hair is usually shaved or worn in long heavy braids.

Xamballan monks wear loose light silk and textiles to facilitate easy and graceful movement. Commoners wear durable textiles for working in the fields.

Xamballan culture favors silence so Xamballans tend to be laconic or reserved. Xamballan monks are trained to hide or suppress their emotions and remain calm, observant, and contemplative at all times.

Xamballans worship many gods but follow the enlightened teachings of the Awakened Immortal.



The city-state of Ys is located on the island that bears its name a few hundred miles off the northeast coast of Atlantis. The city-state is ruled by a representative elected by the six prosperous mercantile houses that control the city. The city-state is a neutral location for mercantile trade, diplomacy, and intrigue. It is protected by a powerful magical artifact capable of destroying any unwanted craft that approaches by sea or sky.

Ysian nobles have pale skin while commoners have a darker more olive colored complexion. Ysian eyes are round-shaped with irises in many hues. Their hair can be straight, wavy, or curly.

Ysian nobles and merchants wear opulent silks and other fine fabrics imported from across Antara and adorn themselves with fabulous jewelry and ornamentation. Most Ysian commoners are sailors, dock workers, and stevedores so they tend to wear durable textiles and wear little ornamentation.

Ysians are a liberal cosmopolitan people bordering on decadence. They worship the gods of the sea and storm as well as gods of trade and knowledge but tolerate many gods imported from faraway lands.


The people of Zazamanc can be grouped into three primary ethnicities - the dark brown Mmadu people of the western coast, the dark black Binadamu people of the northern jungles and the light-brown Styxians of the desert interior and southeastern coast.


The peninsula of Chult in western Zazamanc was once the home of a powerful city-state of Omu built upon the wealth of its gold mines. That city-state fell several hundred years ago with the depletion of the mines and the rise of the living dead in the surrounding lands. In time the city was abandoned and its location was lost as the descendants of its former inhabitants fled to the walled city of Port Nyanzaru on the coast.

Mmadu have dark brown skin. Their hair is dark brown or black and naturally tightly curled.

Mmadu nobles wear rich textiles in brightly dyed colors and adorn themselves with gold jewelry. Mmadu commoners wear brightly dyed tunics, sarongs, and kilts.

Mmadu are canny merchants and traders and value honor and reliability. They long ago abandoned the worship of the god Ubtao and now worship a pantheon known as the Nine Gods.



The kaskazini people of the forested northern realm of Zazamanc have dark black skin, curly black hair, and almond-shaped eyes with dark brown irises.

There are several Kaskazini cultures, the largest and most powerful being the Kingdom of Ufalme. The city of Akwa-Obio in Ufalme is a cosmopolitan kingdom of scholars, artists, and scribes who maintain the largest library in Antara.

The jungle interior is populated by numerous tribes and clans with constantly shifting alliances and confederations.



The northwest coast of Zazamanc is also home to many ruined cities, the last remnants of the kingdom of Styx. It is believed that the ancient necromancers of Styx learned magic from the undying Nagila sorcerers that once ruled an empire that dominated all of Bres, Zazamanc, and Plaksha.

Styxians have brown skin and deep-set round-shaped eyes with dark brown irises. Their hair is straight with dark brown to black coloring. Men and women either shave their heads, leave a small area unshaven and allowed to grow long, or wear their hair long and ungathered.

Styxians wear little clothing other than loin cloths, kilts, or togas made of loose lightweight cotton fabrics. Styxian nobles adorn themselves with opulent jewelry of gold and precious stones.

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