Ages of Antara


200 million years ago

In the beginning there was only one universal element: space. Space was a vacuum, an empty void existing in complete equilibrium, a steady state of nothingness. There was no matter, no light, no time, no change. The Unknown Demiurge created what we know as the universe when it introduced created the six elemental planes: Geos, Aeros, Hydros, Pyros.

The four primary elements mixed together and formed chaos at the dawn of creation. The four elements eventually coalesced into the universe. Into this early universe were born cosmic beings of immense power: the Elder Gods. The Elder Gods were embodiments of universal forces that existed long before Earth or Man. They are completely neutral and indifferent towards men. Though some men have learned to bend the will of these cosmic forces to their own ends, the sheer incomprehensibility of these deities tend to drive these supplicants mad.

It was the Elder Gods that created the Day Star and Antara and the other worlds. As they created, they spawned new gods, personifications and embodiments of their creations. Thus were created the Greater Gods: Tzann, Gaia, Thumina, Darkun and others. These deities are vast and impersonal, remote and unapproachable. They are generally indifferent to the affairs of man but may occasionally be swayed by the offering of sacrifice.

It was the union of Tzann and Gaia that created the two final planes: Aeon and Thanatos - the spark of creation and the corruption of entropy - creating linear time. In so doing, Gaia populated the world of Antara with flora and fauna, each possessing a consciousness and soul.

Antara's counterpart, Earth, formed slowly at least 4.5 billion years ago. It is possible that Antara split from Earth 200 million years ago as the result of the Triassic Extinction Event.

The First Age - the Age of the Chaya

200 million years ago - ??? million years ago

The first race to rule Antara were known as the Chaya. The Chaya were creatures of air and shadow. The surface of Antara was still cooling at that time. The first mountain to arise out of the stormy primeval ocean was Mount Meru.

The Second Age - the Age of Dragons and Giants

200 million years ago - 34.5 million years ago

Antara’s third age  was ruled by the dragons from the now lost continent of Shalmali. Shalmali slowly submerged over time and the dragons dispersed throughout the world. As the dragons power diminished, that of the young race of giants emerged. In time the giants came to rule over all of Antara. The age of giants finally waned over 34.5 million years ago when all of Antara was finally submerged in the Slow Flood.

Thre Slow Flood

34.5 million years ago - 21 million years ago

All of Antara was submerged slowly as the sea levels rose over a period of millions of years. The great flood reshaped the land-masses of Antara and was a crucible for all life forms of the world at the time.

The Third Age - the Age of Lions and Serpents

21 million years ago - 16 million years ago

The northern hemisphere of Antara was ruled by the  feline race known as the kimpurusha from Plaksha which was, at that time, a tropical realm located at the north pole of Antara. The sourthern hemisphere was ruled by an empire known as the Nagina Samrajya controlled by the race of intelligent serpents known as nagas. The kimpurusha and the naga lived in harmony for many millions of years.

The peace was broken when spiritual elder naga rulers of the Nagina Samrajya were overthrown by the machinations of the younger nagas who worshiped dark gods.

The dark nagas led a war against the kimpurusha and conquered all of Antara. The dominion of the dark nagas ended 16 million years ago when Antara was struck by a flaming comet from the Outer Void. The impact caused a massive cataclysm that reshaped and reconfigured the surface of Antara. The surviving dark nagas retreated deep beneath the surface of the world or became trapped in pocket dimensions. The feline races  known as b’alam, odum, waesa, b’aghra, and others are the modern descendants of the ancient kimpurusha.

The Flaming Comet 

16 million years ago

Sixteen million years ago a hurtling celestial object impacted Antara. Massive earthquakes struke every continent. Fire and destruction rained down across the globe. Once again the land forms of Antara were reshaped, with continents appearing and disappearing, mountains rising and falling, and seas boiling away into deserts. 

The Fourth Age - the Age of the Ana

4.5 million years ago - 10,000 years ago

The immortal race known as the Ana rose to prominence 4.5 million years ago. The Ana founded the great city of Kusha, which would one day become Atlantis, and ruled the world of Antara.

The Ana were highly technologically advanced. They were adept at the creation of devices powered by arcane energies. As the Ana gained power they began to experiment with the creation of new life forms. Their first creations were the artificial beings known as matons. The matons served as defenders, servants, and laborers for the Ana for over one million years. Eventually the matons rebelled and fled their masters.

They also experimented with creating and re-shaping living things. They abducted and experimented on primitive humans, creating the advanced psychic race known as the Vril-Ya.

In time the Ana gained enlightenment and decided to transcend their physical forms to become gods. The Apotheosis, as it is called, occurred ten thousand years ago and resulted in a great cataclysm that reshaped Antara.

The Fifth Age - The Age of Man 

10,000 years ago - Today

The Fifth Age of Antara began ten thousand years ago when, in the wake of the Apotheosis, the Vril-Ya stepped into the vacuum left by the Ana. Using their innate psychic power, the Vril-Ya quickly enslaved as many humans as they could and set about building a new empire which they called Atlantis.

1500 years ago - the Arrival of Artorius

The Kingdom of Avallonis was founded when the demi-god Artorius crossed over from the Otherworld. Artorius still reigns as the immortal god-king of Avallonis.

Recent Agarttan History

500 years ago - The Shadim Invasion

The asuras of Nedula-Madhya in Agartta performed a ritual to summon and bind the shadim to serve as fuel for their apotheosis. The Immortal Ana intervened and released the shadim. The shadim, freed from their binding and seeking vengeance, razed the Nine Cities of Nedula-Madhya in one night.

In addition, the Immortal Ana cursed the surviving asuras of Nedula-Madhya. The asuras were transformed into infernal analogues of the shadim complete with inhuman complexion, antlers and horns, claws, and long reptilian tails. So too would the descendants of the rebel Asuras bear the curse of their ancestors for perpetuity.

80 Years Ago - Osgda and the Red Okor of Zinnober

The okor hero Osgda united the tribes of the Red Okors of Zinnober and threatened to lay waste to all the cities and villages of the Xanthus River Valley (and also north of Mount Zinnober).

Lacking a unified government or army, the various archons of the valley  banded together to form a temporary alliance called the Aureate Compact.  The militias and town guard of all the villages were unified under the leadership of Marshall Honn. Under his leadership, the okors were defeated at the battle of Flinch. Thousands died that day and Flinch was destroyed. Osgda escaped.

40 Years Ago - Fall of Duirndown

The great Daro city of Duirndown fell to a combination of civil war and sacking by the Grey Okors of Ravus led by the evil wizard Ezekiel. It was abandoned to the evil forces and the gates sealed. Every few years, adventurers return with the key and venture into the bowels of Duirn's mountain.

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