
Thursday, March 31, 2022

Dark Harvest - Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Chapter 12

 Etlenda had received a mission from his contact in the Emerald Enclave - for the past several months a halfling vineyard outside the city of Waterdeep had been beset by scarecrows appearing and coming to life, destroying property, and frightening away the workers. So far no one had been injured. Previous scarecrows had been destroyed by other agents of the Emerald Enclave, but after a few weeks new scarecrows would appear. Etlenda's mission was to destroy the latest scarecrow and eliminate the source of the problem, if possible. 


The Mystics of Trollskull Manor:
  • Winterfrost of House Silverspear - Chaotic Good Moon Elf Noble and Fighter. The daughter of elven diplomats, raised among dwarves.
  • Etlenda, aka "Exile" - Neutral Good Eladrin Outlander and Paladin. Exiled from the Feywild and raised by wolves. While exploring the Feydark he crossed over into the Underdark and emerged into the Mortal World.
  • Tempus Vegvisir - Lawful Good Human Trade Sheriff and Cleric of Helm. Husband and Father.
  • Push-ta "Bearbite" Tok - Neutral Half-Orc Former Smuggler and Rogue, secret member of the Zhentarim.
  • Kem Hearthfire - Chaotic Good Half-Orc Former Gladiator Priestess of Gond. 
  • Glom the Wretched - Chaotic Neutral Goblin NPC, former thief and guide to the Arcane Chambers.
DM - This week we do another side quest for a faction, taking a page from Waterdeep: Expanded Faction Missions by Brandon Waldmann, but leveled up and expanded.


The team traveled to the Stoutfellow Vineyard where they met the matron, Mary Stoutfellow. She showed them to the latest appearance of scarecrows - four stuffed figures made of burlap and old clothes filled with dried moss and straw attached to poles in a fallow field. She said they appeared several days ago - the latest in a long series. They come to life at midnight, destroying equipment and causing havoc. She said they keep getting stronger and tougher to destroy. Her workers were afraid. None of them would go near them. 

When asked about simply removing them during the day, she replied that she had tried that. They mysteriously and magically reappear in the field again before coming to life. 

She explained that the timing of the curse was terrible. The appearances began last fall right after her family's wine became popular among the nobility of Waterdeep. Unfortunately, the damage caused and the lack of workers willing to help meant that they might not be able to harvest enough grapes to make a new vintage this year.  

That evening the Mystics of Trollskull Manor slept in a tenant farm house near the afflicted field. The tenants had abandoned the house when the scarecrows appeared. The team's first order of business was to remove the inanimate scarecrows from the field. Tempus used a minor cantrip to create a pit in the soft earth into which the scarecrows were thrown. They then set a watch while the other slept.

Midnight Appearance

That night around midnight, Etlenda and Kem were on watch on the front porch. A luminous fog appeared over the field. Etlenda scanned the field for intruders. To his surprise, he saw the four inanimate scarecrows attached to poles in the field, in exactly the same positions as the ones they removed!

He woke the others. They donned their armor and weapons and gathered in front of the house. The old scarecrows were still in the pit. They cautiously approached the closest scarecrow in the field. They felt a chill sense of fear as they drew near. Winterfrost cautiously poked it with a sword - it was filled with straw, an ordinary inanimate scarecrow.

They moved towards the second. Kem froze in her tracks, seized by fear. She refused to come any closer! 

The scarecrow in the center burst to life! It rose into the air, growing in size until it was twenty feet tall and spreading its spindly wooden arms wide into sharpened talons! Its wide mouth filled with sharpened metal teeth. Its hollow eyes flashed with magical yellow light! 

With a wave of its arms the other two scarecrows hopped off their poles and moved like stiff murderous marionettes - their eyes aglow with magical yellow light. 

Winterfrost threw a lasso of magical lightning at the big one and pulled it down to her. One of the smaller scarecrows slashed Winterfrost. The attack frightening her, causing her to hesitate.

Etlenda charged in to her side, his aura of bravery bolstering his companions. Tempus said a prayer to the god of twilight, illuminating the field in dim light and bringing succor to all his allies. 

Kem was eventually able to overcome her fear and join the fray. Together the Mystics of Trollskull Alley fought a pitched battle against the animated fiends. 

Tempus wreathed his hammer with green flame, burning the scarecrows. Winterfrost used the same magical spell to enhance her attacks. The large scarecrow inflicted a grievous wound against Winterfrost but Tempus performed a miracle to turn back time, causing the attack to miss!

The two smaller scarecrows were soon eliminated and the larger more menacing foe was likewise eventually defeated.

Having once again rid the vineyard of scarecrows, Mary Stoutfellow rewarded the Mystics with a barrel of Stoutfellow wine.

DM - for the upgraded scarecrow, I basically took a treant and gave it the fear powers, vulnerabilities, and immunities of a scarecrow. Boom - instant Challenge 9 "Dread Scarecrow".


The team spent the next several weeks pursuing various individual goals. Etlenda scoured the various shops and markets of Waterdeep in search of magical items for sale while Tempus studied a new language and Kem learned herbalism. 

Push-ta, aka Bearbite, met with Davil Starsong of the Zhentarim to discuss some ideas he had regarding Xanathar's Guild and their operations. He learned that the Guild had a secret base deep underneath Waterdeep. Push-ta was given the task of finding this secret base. In addition, he was given special secret instructions regarding the Zhentarim guards currently watching over Trollskull Manor. 

Push-ta also asked about Vevette Blackwater. The pirate captain had shown an interest in meeting Push-ta and seemed to have close contact with the Harpers. After her recent involvement with the Manshoon simulacrum and its attempt to usurp power within the Zhentarim, Captain Blackwater had been kicked out of the group. Indeed, Push-ta was told that he should capture her and deliver her alive to the Zhentarim for "proper punishment". He kept his recent encounter with Blackwater at a soiree thrown by the leader of the Harpers a secret. 

Meanwhile, Winterfrost did some research on animated scarecrows. He learned that they were created by necromancers and hags by binding a spirit, minor demon, or devil into a proxy body. His suspicions immediately fell on the halfling necromancer they encountered in the City of the Dead last winter. Further research revealed that the wealthy Snobeedle family had tried to purchase the Stoufellow Vineyard and that their offer had been rebuffed. He began to suspect that the Snobeedles had hired the halfling necromancer to create the scarecrows to force them to sell the vineyard.

Winterfrost, with Push-ta's assistance, began to investigate the halfling necromancer, studying broadsheet reports and speaking with contacts who might know something. She soon learned that a halfling named Losser Mirklav was secretly and illegally teaching necromancy to students in a hidden laboratory somewhere near the Trade Ward. She discovered that Losser Mirklav was also a proprietor of a wig shop in the Trade Ward known as Dandymops -  a wig shop conveniently located near the cemeteries of the City of the Dead.

She decided to stake out Dandymops - watching for anything unusual. 

The Fear Witch

One day, she saw an unusually tall woman wearing a tight fitting head scarf and a long heavy cape entered the shop. She was so tall she had to stoop to enter. The door closed behind her.

Winterfrost moved closer to get a better look. Suddenly the tall woman was looming over Winterfrost's shoulder!

Winterfrost spun around. The woman leaned over and looked Winterfrost eye to eye. Her bulging eyes burned with a yellow magic fire. She bared her lips, revealing too many teeth in her mouth. She said, "It would be wise for you to leave my pupil alone, if you know what's good for you.'" She returned to her full height, straight and tall, and slowly descended into the ground, never once turning her menacing gaze away from Winterfrost's eyes. 

Winterfrost's knees buckled with fear. She stumbled and ran back to Trollskull Manor. The rest of the team heard her storm up every flight of stairs to her room in the attic. She locked herself away and refused to come out for two days.

DM - That was fun and improvised. I can't wait for her to turn back up again. I have new great plans for the Fear Witch.

Return to the Dungeon of the Mad Mage

After three weeks above ground, the team returned to the Yawning Portal to once more delve into the dungeon of Undermountain beneath Waterdeep. 

They retraced their steps on the first level. Tempus noticed that the secret compartment at the base of one of the pillars in the forest of pillars had been replaced. Push-ta used his magic to open the compartment remotely from a safe distance. As predicted, the magical glyph protecting the compartment exploded - though no one was injured. Push-ta removed an opal that had been hidden there.

DM -
Push-ta's player said he cast “Invisible Hand”, meaning “Mage Hand”. 

Kem's player replied, “you affect their economics?”

I, as DM, said, “okay, you cast Keynes’ Invisible Hand*. You seize the means of production and exploit the working class. What do you do?”

*technically it was Adam Smith that defined the Invisible Hand of the Market, not Keynes, but that’s not what I said and "Smith's Invisible Hand" is not as funny sounding.

Spirit of the Dwarf King 

The party once more found themselves in the room with the well and the diagram depicting the levels of Undermountain. The south wall was tagged with graffiti, "Utkarl's Territory". They opened the secret door leading to the hall of the Dwarven King only to be met by the piercing scream of frightened child. Winterfrost located the source of the scream, a large fungus known as a shrieker, and smashed it to pulp.

Etlenda said, "Well, they know we're coming."

They passed through the winding secret corridor and into the hall of the dwarven king. It was dimly lit with lanterns containing luminescent fungi. A glowing apparition stood in the room - the ghost of the dwarven king!

It pointed to them, "Who dares enter my domain? You who trespass must pay me tribute or suffer my wrath in the form of a curse!"

Winterfrost and Push-ta strode forward confidently. Winterfrost declared, "The hell we will!"

Four other ghosts, glowing in the darkness, appeared from the chamber behind the king, weapons drawn. The king stepped backwards, "Come no closer or my legions of the dead will cut you down!"

Push-ta said, "Bullshit!"

A familiar voice appeared out of the darkness of the rear chamber, "Cut! Cut! Okay, break scene guys. " It was Utkarl, the leader of a band of confidence artists who had previously impersonated vampires in an attempt to extort payment from those who venture into the Undermountain. "They're onto us. Hey, King, you did great but I have some notes."

Utkarl held aloft a proper lantern, revealing the truth - the dwarf and the legion of the dead were actors covered in luminescent paint. 

Winterfrost said, "Me too. For one thing, don't start in Common. The ghost of a dwarven king would speak Dwarvish - THEN switch to Common."

The dwarf playing the ghost king glared at Utkarl, "I TOLD you!"

Utkarl explained that Xanathar's Guild once controlled this checkpoint, but they were all killed or fled. So he and his actors split away from Harria Valashtar and her group. They gave up being vampires and gave their try at being ghosts.

Etlenda, Winterfrost, Tempus, and Push-ta gave positive reviews and constructive criticism to the would-be ghosts, praising them for their ingenuity and creativity. Winterfrost put five gold coins into their collection basket. Etlenda told Utkarl that, in the future, any information they might share regarding those who pass through the checkpoint might result in a lucrative and generous reward.

With that, the team descended the stairs into the Arcane Chambers.

To Be Continued...

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Spy Party - Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Chapter 11

A magical silver raven appeared on Winterfrost's window sill at sunset, tapping on the pane. It bore a small package. She opened the window and unwrapped the package. It contained a note and a pendant. The note read:

"Lady Remallia Haventree is hosting a party at her villa on Delzorin Street, located between Vhezoar Street and Brondar's Way in the North Ward. We have reason to suspect that drow spies have infiltrated the guest list. Attend the party and root out the disguised drow. We've put you on the guest-list already, but you'll have to bring your own attire. Dress sharply."

She gave her answer to the silver raven, "We'll be there."

The next evening at sunset, the Mystics of Trollskull Manor stood before the entrance to the Ulbrinter villa. They were dressed in their finest attire, hand selected by Winterfrost, who - despite her skills as a deadly warrior and predilection towards dwarven fighting styles, weapons, and armor - was also the daughter of ambassadors and a member of the elven nobility with a keen fashion sense with many friends in high places among the Waterdhavian elite. 

Push-ta, now going by the goblin name Bearbite, was concerned that his allegiance to certain organized crime factions operating in Waterdeep would cause a distraction, so he wore his magical hat of disguise to change his appearance to that of a tall human man from the north.

The footman opened the door and announced their arrival to the rest of the guests, "Ladies, Gentlemen, and other Guests, I present to you - Lady Winterfrost of House Silverspear and her entourage."


The Mystics of Trollskull Manor:
  • Winterfrost of House Silverspear - Chaotic Good Moon Elf Noble and Fighter. The daughter of elven diplomats, raised among dwarves.
  • Etlenda, aka "Exile" - Neutral Good Eladrin Outlander and Paladin. Exiled from the Feywild and raised by wolves. While exploring the Feydark he crossed over into the Underdark and emerged into the Mortal World.
  • Tempus Vegvisir - Lawful Good Human Trade Sheriff and Cleric of Helm. Husband and Father.
  • Push-ta "Bearbite" Tok - Neutral Half-Orc Former Smuggler and Rogue, secret member of the Zhentarim.
  • Kem Hearthfire - Chaotic Good Half-Orc Former Gladiator Priestess of Gond. 
  • Glom the Wretched - Chaotic Neutral Goblin NPC, former thief and guide to the Arcane Chambers.
DM - This week was entirely role-playing and interactions with Waterdhavian NPCs. It was a lot of fun and a nice little holiday from all the dungeon crawling.

The Guest List

The host, Lady Remalia Haventree, greeted them and made them feel welcome. There were roughly half-a-dozen guests milling around the entrance foyer. The doors to the garden were open and a few more could be seen outside. Servants were wandering around with drinks. She informed the new arrivals that light food was available in the dining hall. 

At the entrance they met Tarkus Forrester, a carpenter who had recently become famous for writing a fiction novel - the Serpent of Salinger. The novel, with its tale of horror deep under the earth, became an instant hit among the elite, making the otherwise common Forrester an instant celebrity. He engaged Kem in conversation, asking if she was good friends with Lady Haventree. When Kem admitted that she was not, Tarkus seemed disappointed and displayed waning interest in the conversation. 

Kem excused herself and went out into the garden where she met a dwarf engineer admiring the fountain. The dwarf, Hannskjald Riverwright, was a hydraulic engineer and was impressed by the workings of the fountains. He and Kem, as a priestess of Gond, god of engineering, hit it off and engaged in interesting and technical conversation.


Inside, the party split up and began to mingle. Tempus was drawn in by Volotham Geddarm who began talking about his new book, asking about the house and their adventurers, and generally never shutting up to let anyone get a word in edgewise. 

Tempus managed to extricate himself from Volo and meet some of the other guests. Winterfrost stood by a wall in the corner and used the pendant to read the surface thoughts of everyone with which Tempus spoke. 

He met Levedi Celsa, a boring nobleman with nothing to hide. He then spoke with the foreign merchant named Aizkorri de Challon - who was actually a foreign spy but not interested in Lady Haventree. 


Bearbite followed a gnome woman named Gwiston Kalliwart to the dining hall to get some food. She was friendly and talkative. Bearbite, wearing his hat of disguise, introduced himself as "Sven". Gwiston did not seem the noble or elite type. When asked how she knew Lady Haventree, Gwiston replied that she was one of Lady Haventree's "good friends" and asked if Sven was one of Lady Haventree's "good friends". Sven said he did not think so. 

A moment later, a tall striking woman wearing a black wide-brimmed hat entered. It was Vevette Blackwater - notorious pirate captain and former associate of Manshoon - the renegade criminal that recently attempted to overthrow the power structure of the Zhentarim. Vevette and Bearbite had a history. He would capture her, she would flirt with him, she would escape, they would fight, she would lose, she would flirt, and he would let her free. It's how it went. 

Vevette pulled Bearbite/Sven aside. Bearbite was certain his disguise had been blown. She looked at him, took a deep breath, and said, "Excuse me. My name is Vevette. I saw you come in with Winterfrost and her goons. They may have told you about me. Did Push-Ta Tok happen to join you tonight? Is he here? Is he with you?" She looked around, searching. 

"No," he said, in his best foreign accent.

She narrowed her eyes, "What's your name?"

"S-Sven," he stuttered, nervously.

He considered this. She smiled, and touched his chin, "Well, if you see him, tell him I was looking for him. See you around - Sven." She left.

Standing the back of the room was a tall shy man. He would smile and look away. He sat down on a chair and avoided the others. Push-ta/Bearbite/Sven introduced himself. The man was named Tethyn Lambros. He was not a nobleman, a merchant, or one of the city elite. He worked for a charitable organization trying to raise funds and resources to help war refugees from the East. He had heard a rumor that - he paused to whisper - that Lady Haventree had helped drow refugees escape the Underdark. He was hoping he could get her or her friends to help his organization as well.


Etlenda avoided mingling. This was not his scene. He went down the side hall, checking the doors to see which were locked. He opened the door to the library and caught a man and woman jump apart, wiping their faces and straightening their attire.

It was Eranthis Van Gaveren  and Alyva Broeckaert, two prominent nobles. They were both married, but not to each other. 

Etlenda apologized and closed the door. They each emerged from the room, separately, a few minutes later.

Etlenda went out into the garden. There he encountered the flamboyant Nicomachos du Quesnai. Yes, "THE" Nicomachos du Quesnai. Nicomachos du Quesnai only ever pronounced every syllable of his full name - Nicomachos du Quesnai. He was well aware that everyone was pleased to meet the mane who was named - Nicomachos du Quesnai.

DM - Nicomachos du Quesnai soon became the group's favorite NPC. They loved butchering his name and they loved every time I said it - for always did I say it with feeling - and emphasis - the name - Nicomachos du Quesnai!

Nicomachos du Quesnai left Etlenda to converse with another couple - a mysterious warlock named Adventure Donoghan and someone Etlenda already knew from the Emerald Enclave - the druidess Ysoria Brenden. Etlenda soon realized that Adventure was attempting to woo the demure Ysoria. Etlenda apologized and prepared to exit when Adventure touched his arm, insinuating that he need not leave. Adventure said, "With you involved, this night might go either terribly terribly wrong or terribly terribly right."


Inside, Tempus introduced himself to J.B. Nevercott. The man was a tailor and haberdasher from the trade quarter. He was working the room, handing out his calling card and trying to make business contacts. His crass marketing at a social function made him a bit of a pariah at the soirĂ©e. 

Tempus learned that Nevercott's hats and clothes were made from imported silk - silk that was durable and resistant to tears and abrasions. Nevercott refused to reveal the source of his silks, leading Tempus to deduce that they must come from the drow. This put Nevercott on the list of suspects as the possible spy.  

Tempus also met a halfling named Bill Goodbarrel, a retired adventurer and "good friend" of Lady Haventree. When asked why he no longer adventured, Goodbarrel knocked on his wooden leg and smiled. 

The Rumor

Winterfrost met Tarkus Forrester in the garden. Tarkus seemed very interested in Winterfrost's relationship with Lady Haventree, as well as Winterfrost's expeditions into the Undermountain with the Mystics of Trollskull Manor. Winterfrost, likewise, was very interested in how Tarkus knew so much about the Underdark. He admitted that he did thorough research at the scriptoriums and libraries. His story - a carpenter with no history of writing, doing thorough research at the library about a place few had ever seen, suddenly writing a popular novel - seemed suspicious. 

Tarkus changed the subject and asked Winterfrost if she had heard the rumors that Lady Haventree had smuggled drow into Waterdeep. Shen she said she had not, she smiled and moved on to speak to someone new. 


Push-ta/Bearbite/Sven found Winterfrost and pulled her aside into the music room. Inside they found famed investigator, Vincent Trench, the "Cat's Eye" himself, playing the harpsichord. Popular musician Giregilo Dolder stood nearby, appreciating the performance. Vincent was smiling and amiable. 

Winterfrost did a double take, "Great, he's probably figured out who the spy is already."

He smiled, "Of course I have, dear!"

"You going to tell us who it is?"

"Oh, heavens no! This is my night off!"

Bearbite and Winterfrost huddled in a corner and shared what they knew about Lady Haventree and the rumors of smuggling drow. They suddenly had their suspicions about their host. They gathered the others together in the garden to share everything they had learned so far.

Etlenda said, "I haven't learned much, but I think I might be in a threesome later."

The Host

The Mystics of  Trollskull Manor sought out Lady Haventree.

Lady Haventree was entertaining some guests by the entrance. A plump human woman, Mirabella Trill , the wife of a prosperous Waterdhavian craftsman, hovered near Lady Haventree's elbow trying desperately to be Lady Remalia's friend. 

The Mystics requested a meeting with Lady Haventree in private. Their host agreed and led them to her office. 

She asked them if they had uncovered the drow spy yet. They said they had two suspects, but they had some questions. They asked her about the rumors that she had smuggled drow into Waterdeep.

She matter of factly explained that she had. She had helped drow refugees escape slavery and torture in the underground city of Menzoberranzan. She had helped find them shelter and safe haven. That was, specifically, why the rulers of Menzoberranzan hired the drow mercenaries and spies known as the Bregan D'aerthe to stop her. She had received intelligence from one of her "good friends" that a high level agent of the Bregan D'aerthe planned to infiltrate the party in order to learn about out her methods, contacts, routes and schedules.

Bearbite/Sven said, "Wait, do we know anything about the Bregan D'aerthe?" 

Winterfrost said, "Yeah, we hunted down one of their members that was a serial killer in the docks. That's how I got the pistol, remember?"

Lady Haventree asked for details about their suspects. The Mystics went through the entire guest list, sharing all the intelligence they had gathered and eliminating the obviously innocent.

They focused their attention on Tarkus Forrester and J.B. Nevercott.

"Well, which one is it? I can't afford to accuse the wrong person." 

Winterfrost said, "I've got a plan."

The Plan

Before exiting Lady Haventree's office, Kem Hearthfire said a prayer. In response, she was granted the ability to sense magic. The team exited the office and surveyed those present in the entry foyer. J. B. Nevercott radiated a slight bit of enchantment magic, likely due to his special silk. 

The team made their way around the house, checking the occupants of each room. Vincent Trench radiated powerful transmutation magic. Likewise did Bearbite radiate an aura of transmutation due to his magic hat. Unexpetedly, Winterfrost's forehead emanated a small aura of transmutation magic

Notably, however, no one could find Tarkus Forrester. They checked every room. They decided to check those off limits to guests.

They found Tarkus Forrester in the kitchen along with the halfling chef Tamora Nessik and Hu-Man  Patty Johnson. Tamora was a guest who happened to be observing the kitchen staff. Hu-Man Patty Johnson had been invited but the team had asked her to stay at home to avoid any awkward social situations. They found her in the kitchen, dressed in her finest new gown, stealing silverware and cutlery and putting them in a sack. 

Tarkus Forrester, however, quickly excused himself and went into the adjoining dining hall. The kitchen staff informed Winterfrost that Tarkus had been asking for details about Lady Haventree's guests.

They followed Tarkus into the dining hall. Tarkus, aware he was being followed, made his exit into the garden. 

Kem reported that she could detect no magic on Tarkus. Winterfrost and Etlenda were both confused by this information.

Winterfrost told the others to back off and meet her in the foyer.  She went into the garden and called to Tarkus, telling him that she had important information about Lady Haventree.

Tarkus, intrigued, pulled her aside to a private nook. Winterfrost asked again why Tarkus wanted to know about Lady Haventree. He told her that he was working as an agent for the Lords of Waterdeep who suspected Lady Haventree of smuggling drow agents into the city. 

Winterfrost told Tarkus that she had found evidence of the smuggling and offered to take him to Lady Haventree's office. Tarkus nodded and followed her into the entrance foyer.

The Reveal

Once in the foyer, Winterfrost called out to Lady Haventree, informing her in front of all the guests that Tarkus was the one she sought. 

Vincent Trench called out, "Finally!"

Tarkus, surrounded by all the other guests and trapped by the other Mystics guarding the exits, stood straight and began a slow congratulatory clap. 

"Well done. Well done, Winterfrost." Tarkus removed his wig, revealing stark white hair and pointed elven ears. As he spoke, he removed a false nose and wiped away the makeup on his face, revealing a skin of dark charcoal. He was a drow - and not just any drow, he was Jarlaxle, the leader of the Breagan D'earthe! His Waterdhavian accent was gone, replaced with the clipped accent of Menzoberranzan, "Well done, I must congratulate you. You found me out and executed your little trap to perfection. Unfortunately, this is where I take my leave of you. Ladies and gentlemen, I bid you good evening!"

The room was plunged into darkness. When light returned a moment later, Jarlaxle was gone. So, too, was J. T. Nevercott.

DM - My players were very impressed that Jarlaxle used make-up instead of magic. They didn't even think of that and thought it was genius.


Despite the interruption, the party continued for several more hours. Lady Haventree took the Mystics into her office and thanked them. She rewarded each of them with a box filled with 200 golden dragons. Winterfrost returned her reward and asked Lady Haventree to use it to help Tethyn Lambros and his refugees. She agreed. 

Next Week...

Etlenda's player wants to do a faction quest for the Emerald Enclave and the players want to do some downtime book-keeping, language learning, shopping, etc. 

DM - This week was a lot of fun. Great roleplaying and interactions with NPCs. The scenario was adapted from the book Waterdeep: Expanded Faction Missions by Brandon Waldmann

When the players heard the name Jarlaxle, they were like "Why is that so familiar?" and I said, "You, as players, met him before at the end of Out of the Abyss." This jogged their memory, "Oh yeah! Council of Spiders!"

Thursday, March 17, 2022

The Last Knights - Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Chapter 10

 After searching the body of the slain assassin of Xanathar's Guild, the Mystics of Trollskull Manor heard a knock at the south door of the checkpoint - the door leading deeper into the Undermountain. 

Tempus opened the door, "Yes?"

It was a dwarf fighter, two half-orc brothers, and a human woman of Shou descent. The dwarf spoke, "Yeah, uh, we're the Last Knights. We seek passage through this checkpoint to return to the surface." The dwarf saw the dead bodies of several thugs and bugbears lying on the floor in the room beyond, "But, um, I see there may be new arrangements?"

Tempus said, "Come on in. Did you have to pay a toll or something?"

One of the half-orcs said, "Yeah, we had to pay 25 gold each!" His brother elbowed him in the ribs, "Uh, I mean, no. We had an arrangement. We didn't have to pay no toll!"

Tempus allowed them to pass into the room, "We're the Mystics of Trollskull Manor."

The dwarf said, "Oh yeah, you're this season's contestants, yeah? How's it going?"

"We've barely made it to the third level. How about you?"

"We've made it down to the seventh level. We're headed back for a rest."

"Seventh level huh? Can you tell us what to expect?"

The dwarf looked offended, "Really? Were you not told?"

Winterfrost asked, "Told what?"

The human woman smiled, "I don't think they were told. They don't know."

The dwarf said, "We can't tell you what's coming next. Sorry."

Winterfrost became agitated, "Is this a new rule? How come nobody told us about these rules?"

"All I can say is, you'll find out. Anyway, pleased to meet you, I'm Kukunri Bonehide. These two bone-heads are Renobar and Atumar, they're brothers. And this is Chow Nie, our priestess. Like I said, we're the Last Knights, with a 'K'. Where are you headed? Up or down?"

Etlenda said, "We've had a rough day. We're headed back up."

"Great! Mind if we join you? We won't cause any trouble."


The Mystics of Trollskull Manor:
  • Winterfrost of House Silverspear - Chaotic Good Moon Elf Noble and Fighter. The daughter of elven diplomats, raised among dwarves.
  • Etlenda, aka "Exile" - Neutral Good Eladrin Outlander and Paladin. Exiled from the Feywild and raised by wolves. While exploring the Feydark he crossed over into the Underdark and emerged into the Mortal World.
  • Tempus Vegvisir - Lawful Good Human Trade Sheriff and Cleric of Helm. Husband and Father.
  • Push-ta "Bearbite" Tok - Neutral Half-Orc Former Smuggler and Rogue, secret member of the Zhentarim.
  • Kem Hearthfire - Chaotic Good Half-Orc Former Gladiator Priestess of Gond. 
  • Glom the Wretched - Chaotic Neutral Goblin NPC, former thief and guide to the Arcane Chambers.
DM - Kem's player was absent this week. 

I quickly rolled up a party of four adventurers using the tables in the Companion.

Big Ears Watch Post

The combined parties returned through the Goblin Bazaar and ascended the stairs to the first level. There they encountered the checkpoint occupied by the Big Ears Bugbear troop with a handful of goblins. 

Tempus called up the stairs, asking for safe passage and letting the goblins know that they could expect protection if any conscripts wished to escape their bugbear overlords. 

The goblins scurried to warn the bugbears and set up ambush points. Etlenda, riding his spirit wolf, charged into the center of the room where he was peppered with small arrows. Hu-man Patty Johnson ran off after one of the goblins who disappeared down a side corridor, pleading with him in the goblin language. Winterfrost started to follow Hu-man Patty Johnson but was forced to abandon her and help defend her companion Etlenda. 

Etlenda took great pains to use the flat of his blade against the goblins, hoping to show mercy against those who were coerced to fight but prepared to defend himself should they pose a threat.

A group of bugbears emerged from the back room. Tempus threw a magical fireball into their midst, devastating them. 

Bearbite hugged the wall to the right, keeping a low profile and eliminating goblins and bugbears with deadly and efficient stealth.

A bugbear broke ranks and ran down the corridor in the back left corner. A moment later the sound of giants could be heard lumbering down the hall. A pair of fat two-headed giants known as ettins entered the room. Etlenda and Winterfrost tried to hold them at the back corner but they were too far away and both managed to gain entry. 

Tempus said a prayer and became a beacon of holy light, bathing his companions in his radiant support.

Meanwhile, a bugbear and a goblin in the back right corner attacked Hu-man Patty Johnson as they emerged from the side corridor. She was in danger but managed to flee to the safety of Tempus' aura. 

Bearbite made short work of the bugbear and goblin that harried his friend. They never even knew from where their death had come.

There was a pitched battle but the ettins, bugbears, and goblins were soon defeated. 

The Last Knights emerged from the stairs, "Is it safe?"

"Yes! We killed them all!" replied Winterfrost.

"We usually just pay the toll and avoid the fight. We don't want no trouble with Xanathar's Guild. Okay, if you're going to stick around, we'll just head up. We'll see you on the surface."

Winterfrost led the others as they explored the corridor in the back. It led to a dead end. Several side passages promised additional space and other mysteries but Winterfrost had already grown weary of the diversion, "I'm done. Let's head back."

The Secret Room

On their way out they passed into the corridor decorated with bas reliefs of demons. The dead body that once lay on the ground, pointing towards one of the bas reliefs, was gone. A chalk arrow on the wall pointed to one of the carvings. 

Though they had passed this way several times the party now decided to investigate. They found a secret door behind the carving leading to a winding rough hewn passage that descended sharply. The passage opened into a room that was tilted and flooded with sewage. A statue of a sahuagin fish-man rose from the muck to the right - its head turned backward. 

Winterfrost called Bearbite forward, "Think you can climb over the muck and check out that statue?"

Bearbite rubbed his half-orc chin, "Maybe?"

Winterfrost dug through her backpack and produced a potion, "Here, drink this. It's a potion of spider climbing."

"Sweet!" Bearbite drank the potion and clambered across the wall and ceiling like a spider. He reached the statue and found that its head unscrewed from the body. He removed the head and saw that it was hollow with two emplacements to mount candles. When lit the candles would appear to make the eyes of the statue glow. 

Suddenly there was a ripple in the water and Bearbite was struck with a painful splitting headache! He looked down and saw an amorphous gray mass rising up out of the water, climbing the statue towards him. 

"Yeah, fuck that!" He said as he quickly scrambled back to the others in the corridor, "We're leaving."

They abandoned the room and returned to the well at the bottom of the Yawning Portal. 

Vandalized House

The Mystics of Trollskull Manor returned to their home just after noon to find it vandalized. The outside walls were covered in graffiti. The door to the first floor had been broken open, the furniture and fixtures in what they were planning to be a sitting room had been busted. However, there appeared to had been a fight. There was blood on the floor, articles of clothing, and other little signs indicating that the intruders had met a encountered a surprise reception that chased them away. Tempus knocked on the bar and called out to the poltergeist that dwelled there, "Thank you. It won't happen again!" Three knocks answered back. 

Tempus began the work of cleaning up the mess while Winterfrost and Bearbite showed Hu-man Patty Johnson the house.

There was a knock at the open door of the bar/sitting room. It was Emmek Frewn, owner of the tavern across the street. He told Tempus that the vandalization had occurred several nights ago while they were down below. He knew it was Xanathar's Guild because several of their human thugs had been hanging out at his tavern while they cased the manor. They were trouble and he didn't want anything to do with the Guild. 

"Look, if you want, I know some wee fellahs who make good guards. They're a gang of halflings from down in he South Ward, named the Shard Shunners. I've got an in with them and I can make an introduction, if ye want. They don't come cheap but they've got special skills."

"Wait," said Tempus, "The Shard Shunners, aren't they were-rats?"

"Well, I don't know nothin' about that. But they got some - special - skills that make them worth every gold dragon."

"Thanks. We'll think about it."

Poo-poo Holes

Meanwhile, Hu-man Patty Johnson was getting a tour of the house. She had never seen such luxury before! Individuals got their own rooms! They lived like kings! However, the feature that impressed her the most was when Bearbite showed her the indoor privy. 

"Wait," she said, amazed, "What - is - that?"

"That's the privy," said Bearbite proudly, "You do your poopy and pee-pee business in the hole, pour in a pail of water, then turn this thing here. It goes away into some pipes."

"Hold on hold on," she said, her eyes closed, "You no go poop at end of hall or in empty room?"

"No, ma'am. You poop in here."

"You poop. In the hole."

"Yes, and pee too."

She was stunned.

They crossed the hall and Bearbite showed her the other privy.

"Wait wait wait. There are TWO poo-poo holes?"

Bearbite nodded.

"Such DECADENCE! You - I mean we humans live like KINGS!"

Taking Care of Business

After the tour, Etlenda gathered the group together for a team meeting. They gathered together all the loot and treasure accumulated from the Undermountain. 

"It's not a lot," complained Etlenda.

After decided who kept what and providing estimates on how long it would take to transcribe the spells from the spellbooks they had acquired, Etlenda took the excess magical artifacts to his buyer,  Obaya Uday. He returned with gold which he divided among the team - even giving a share to Hu-man Patty Johnson - 43 gold coins, the most treasure she had ever seen in her life.

Afterwards they talked about hiring guards to watch the house while they were in the mountain. Tempus mentioned the Shard Shunners. Bearbite, however, said he had contacts through "the Caravan Guild" - his codeword for the Zhentarim syndicate for which he worked - and could get guards at a discount.

The team did the math and decided to hire Bearbite's guards - ten armed guards and ten unskilled men to watch the house in three eight hour shifts - at a total cost of 3 gold pieces a day for five weeks. 

After the meeting, Hu-man Patty Johnson sat staring at her pile of gold coins. Winterfrost saw this and said, "Hey, put your gold in a sack. We're going shopping!"

"We go what?" 

Shopping Montage

DM - What followed was what my players described as a shopping montage. Various boutiques, trying on clothes, harried clerks and seamstresses, getting their hair done, the whole thing. 

Winterfrost took Hu-man Patty Johnson on a whirlwind tour through Waterdeep's Trades Ward. Winterfrost spent her own money to purchase the latest fashions and accessories for the goblin-turned-human. 

While they were out, she ran into Lady Remallia Haventree, the lady of House Ulbrinter and leader of the spies known as the Harpers. Winterfrost introduced Hu-man Patty Johnson to the esteemed elven lady.

Hu-man Patty Johnson, a stunning human beauty wearing her new dress, stood straight and thrust out her stiff arm to shake Lady Haventree's hand, "HALLO LADY! I AM HUMAN PATTY JOHNSON!"

"Yes," was the refined response, "I'm sure you are. Anyway, Winterfrost, I'm having a little party at my villa in two days. I'd like it if you and your - ah - companions could join us. I fear a drow spy may try to infiltrate our little circle of performers and I would like you and your companions to root them out. This will be a glamorous event, so please dress sharply. If you are concerned about any of your friends - ah - not fitting in with high society, there will be refreshments served in the garden for the more - ah - outdoorsy types where they can feel more comfortable."

"The what now?" said Winterfrost, suddenly on edge.

"You know - that tall orcine fellow, the eladrin with the wolf pelt who I'm told sleeps on the floor in your cellar, and the orcine woman who works in the forge. I forget their names."

DM - I think I laid on the snootiness a little too thick. I wasn't trying to sound snobby or make her sound racist - I was legitimately trying to give an option for characters like Bearbite - a member of an underworld crime syndicate - and Etlenda - who was LITERALLY RAISED IN A CAVE BY WOLVES to participate. But boy did Winterfrost's player take it as snobby casual racism, but I honestly can't blame him. I did use the term "orcine", which I thought would be a polite euphemism for "half-orc", but REALLY came out sounding fantasy-racist.

"Understood. I'll have to check with my team, of course, but I think we can do this."

"Excellent. I'll send my raven by tonight to get your answer."

Hu-man Patty Johnson's eyes got big, "We go on mission to fancy lady house?"

Winterfrost seethed a little at the implication that her companions could not fit in with polite society, "Yes, Patty. I think we will. We're going to need to buy "

To Be Continued...

Next week - Spy Party!

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Xanathar Sends His Regards - Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Chapter 9


The cavern in which the party stood began to fade away into an indistinct fog. They were standing on a black sound stage with no edges. In the center of the stage was Halaster Blackcloak, sitting in a comfortable chair next to a free-standing fireplace. He was reading a book. The old wizard lowered his book when he noticed the newcomers, "Ah! Contestants! Triumph! Glory! Inevitable death! These await you, but come, stay awhile and listen." 

A force manipulated the Mystics of Trollskull Manor, moving them before the hearth.

"You've descended to the ruins of Stromkuhldur, bastion of the ancient Melairkyn dwarves. Here they eked out their small, little lives. Bright lives in the darkness. Before that darkness swallowed them whole. To this day the veterans of that ancient war lay siege to these ruins. The vile drow of House Auvryndar war against the Legion of Azrok for control of these ruins so that they may seize Skullport, perhaps even Waterdeep itself. It's up to you to strike at the drow—or leave them to their devices. History has shown them to be a stubborn, sadistic lot, so I'm sure it'll all work out."

"Within this shattered city two factions wage battle. One one end are the hobgoblins of the Legion of Azrok. On the other, the drow, led by a priestess named T'rissa Auvryndar, who has orders to secure the city for her noble house."

"I'm implementing a new feature of my challenge. On each level of my Undermountain you will face one of my tasks. You bypassed my task in the Arcane Chambers. I was very disappointed. That was why I decided to add this new requirement - you can't proceed to the next level until you overcome the task for that level! On some levels, I will give you a task directly. On others, you must seek it out."

"In this case, I'll give you a direct task - kill T'rissa Auvryndar and rout her forces in Drow Town. Once you've done that, cast her holy symbol of Lolth into the River Sargauth. I promise you a reward of great power if you succeed."

"Okay, you guys got this! I'm really rooting for you! Good luck!"

The room disappeared, leaving them where they started.


The Mystics of Trollskull Manor:
  • Winterfrost of House Silverspear - Chaotic Good Moon Elf Noble and Fighter. The daughter of elven diplomats, raised among dwarves.
  • Etlenda, aka "Exile" - Neutral Good Eladrin Outlander and Paladin. Exiled from the Feywild and raised by wolves. While exploring the Feydark he crossed over into the Underdark and emerged into the Mortal World.
  • Tempus Vegvisir - Lawful Good Human Trade Sheriff and Cleric of Helm. Husband and Father.
  • Push-ta "Bearbite" Tok - Neutral Half-Orc Former Smuggler and Rogue, secret member of the Zhentarim.
  • Kem Hearthfire - Chaotic Good Half-Orc Former Gladiator Priestess of Gond. 
  • Glom the Wretched - Chaotic Neutral Goblin NPC, former thief and guide to the Arcane Chambers.
DM - Kem's player was absent this week. 

Webbed Tunnels

The party left the catacombs through a passage that led towards the southeast. The passage branched - one path led south while a rougher tunnel led east. The eastern tunnel was draped in white spider webs. 

Winterfrost led the party into the spider tunnels. The spider tunnel snaked around to a roughly northern direction while a side tunnel led to the southeast. 

Bearbite spotted some movement in a cavern at the end of the north passage. He saw a furred man-beast - a cross between a gorilla and a bear - dart across his narrow field of view.

Bearbite charged into the room after the man-beast but quickly found himself surrounded by three other man-beasts who had been hiding in ambush. The four man-bears tore into the half-orc rogue. 

The rest of the party soon followed Bearbite into the chamber and made short work of the creatures. One managed to flee but was quickly chased down and dispatched by Tempus and his bolts of magic fire.

The Goblin

The party then explored the side passage to the southeast. The webbing grew thicker and one could begin to make out strange shapes within the strands - eyeballs. They found a cavern covered in thick webs. Oblong cocoons were suspended from webbing along the walls and ceiling. Another passage led to a larger chamber. The party looked within the larger chamber without entering, it was empty. They were hesitant to enter.

Behind them, hue-monn woman Patty Johnson - formerly goblin Glom the Wretched - noticed movement within one of the cocoons. 

The retreated from the side chamber and cut down the cocoon. Within they found a goblin - he was emaciated and his tongue was cut out. There was a swollen lump in his neck. The party deduced it was an implanted egg that would erupt outward. 

The goblin, unable to speak, pleaded for his life. Etlenda said a prayer and passed his hands over the swollen neck. A gelatinous egg splurted out and hit the floor. The semi-transparent egg was filled with tiny wriggling spiders. Tempus burned the egg with arcane fire.

DM - I decided to treat the implanted spider egg, a detail from the Companion book which was not really given rules, like the egg implanted by a Slaad - as a disease. So Etlenda's "Cure Disease" feature of Lay on Hands was able to remove the egg. 

My Vengeance is Eternal

The party decided to return the emaciated goblin to the goblin bazaar. They retraced their steps through the catacombs to the stairs and began their ascent.

They passed the long hallway with the animated ballistae and opened the door to what had been, up until twelve hours or so ago, a guard post manned by the Xanathar's Guild. 

On the other side of the door was the revenant - Halleth Garke. With him was a zombie dwarf - the animated remains of Copper Stormforge. Halleth saw the Mystics of Trollskull Manor standing before him. His eyes glowed red with rage as anger overtook him, "YOU PEOPLE! You left me to rot in that pit! All I asked for was a little help. All I needed was for you to lower a rope. Had you let me out, I'd have left you, THANKED you even, and set off on my quest for righteous vengeance! I only asked for the revenge that was rightfully mine! And you LEFT ME THERE TO ROT! On that day I swore vengeance, not just on the Fine Fellows of Daggerford for murdering me - BUT ON YOU!"

Winterfrost sent a lasso of lightning at the revenant in an attempt to draw it closer. It batted away the lightning like a toy. Bearbite summoned forth a magical great club composed of shadow and hurled it at the revenant. It had little effect. 

The revenant glared at Winterfrost, its glowing eyes searing into her soul. For a moment, she froze. Tempus shouted, "No!" and broke the spell. Winterfrost looked away.

Etlenda, mounted on his giant spirit wolf, charged the zombie. The wolf knocked it down, raking it with its lupine claws.  Etlenda slashed at the revenant, carving a mighty swath in its torso.

DM - Natural 20! 20 slashing from the sword, 30 slashing from the smite, and another 4 from something, I don't remember. 54 points of damage!

The zombie, however, continued to move. Tempus sent a bolt of arcane fire at the undead dwarf. Winterfrost began chopping the zombie with her greataxe - chopping - chopping - chopping! Eventually she had dismembered the zombie and it ceased moving.

The revenant of Halleth Garke turned its ire on the elven warrior-maiden. He punched Winterfrost with his bare fist, almost knocking her to the ground. He punched her again - hard.

DM - 9 bludgeoning from the slam plus another 15 from the vengeance. 16 more from the second slam plus 20 from the vengeance. 60 points of damage in one round!

Winterfrost fell to the ground, dying.

Etlenda, enraged, slashed at the revenant once more while Tempus sent a bolt of arcane fire. Halleth arched his back as he became consumed by flames. It stood and pointed at Tempus, "You have defeated me, but I will return! MY VENGEANCE IS ETERNAL!"

It crumbled to burning cinders, leaving nothing but ash and smoke.

A moment later, Winterfrost inhaled a sudden deep breath and regained consciousness. She coughed, "Wha- What happened?"

DM - She rolled a natural 20 on her death save and woke up with 1 hit point.

Return to the Goblin Bazaar

The party found its way back to the flea market that was the Goblin Bazaar. They obtained secure sleeping rooms for when they got tired, got some baths, and did some shopping to replenish the crossbow bolts and other sundries. 

The squad of hobgoblin soldiers was still present. The walls were plastered with paper bills in various languages:


Azrok's Hold is a haven for the downtrodden and mistreated who would otherwise face persecution on the surface. Pariahs, outcasts, join the legion! We promise safe harbor to all who dedicate themselves to creating out a lasting kingdom for goblinoids.

They spoke to the squad's hobgoblin leader, Captain Daronok. From the captain they learned that the ancient ruined city of Stromkuhldur had been resettled by Azrok as a haven for hobgoblins, bugbears, and goblins. However, that haven had recently come under attack by the vile drow of House Auvryndar. Warlord Azrok, an honorable warrior and savior of his people, had therefore issued a call-to-arms, promising glory and gold to those that aid the Legion, regardless of race.

He implored the Mystics to join in the cause, promising them safe passage to Stromkuhldur if they pledged their service to fight the drow.

The party considered the offer but inquired after the amount of obligation required. Captain Daronok said that they must swear a binding oath to Warlord Azrok, an oath that the captain did not take lightly, and join them in their assault against the drow.

The party declined. Daranok said they would be recruiting in the bazaar for another four days if they changed their mind.

The party took some time off, studied, practiced, recuperated.  

DM - you can only benefit from a full rest once every 24 hours, and they had only spent maybe two hours since their last full rest, so they had some time to kill. 

Yek the No-Longer-Tall confronted Tempus about the Circlet of Human Perfection - which was currently worn by Hu-man Patty Johnson - aka Glom the Wretched. Yek wanted to buy it back. 

Tempus told Yek that it had been stolen by some drow on the next lower level. Yek was furious. He turned to Captain Daronok, helping him by convincing other goblins to join the cause, kill the drow, and return his circlet to him!

The Heist

After a full rest, the party prepared to continue their foray into the Undermountain. Bearbite caught Hu-man Patty Johnson leaning on a wall watching the guarded entrance to Yek's treasure vault. Bearbite sidled up to her and asked what she was doing.

Hu-man Patty Johnson nodded her beautiful face at the vault, telling Bearbite that Yek kept all his treasures in there and that it was only guarded by two lowly goblin guards. She said a real "caravan guard" would help her see what was inside.

Bearbite demurred. He didn't want to cause any waves with their host. 

Hu-man Patty Johnson sneered, "Bah. A REAL goblin would not think twice about taking a look inside vault. A REAL goblin would help me."

"Look," said Bearbite, "I'm not like that."

"Not like that??" said Hu-man Patty Johnson in disgust, "Is that half-a-orc Push-ta talking or is that REAL GOBLIN Bearbite talking?"

Bearbite's eyes narrows and his lips pursed. He beared his tusks. "Okay, fine! I'm in! What's your plan?"

DM - THAT hooked him! The players are SO PROUD of their goblin names. Using it against him was glorious!

Hu-man Patty Johnson said, "Just two guards. We need to distract and sneak past."

Bearbite grinned, "I've got an idea."

Bearbite found a nearby goblin and had Hu-man Patty Johnson translate = he paid the goblin a gold coin to go bother the guards and distract them. The gold coin was more money than the goblin would see in months, so he agreed. 

The goblin was soon tugging on the guard, pulling, and calling for help. The guard became annoyed and pushed the goblin away. The goblin got back back up and redoubled his efforts, causing the second guard to intervene.

In the ensuing confusion, Real Goblin Bearbite and Hu-man Patty Johnson snuck past. The door at the end of the short corridor was unlocked. They slipped inside and closed the door behind them.

Within they found a collection of oddities!

Along the east wall was a life-sized diorama of a battle between goblins - made of actual goblin skins stretched over mannequins - with a beholder suspended from the ceiling by wires - likewise made of actual beholder skin stretched over a mannequin. The goblins wore glittering jewelry. 

On the north wall was a nine foot tall painting of Yek in his beautiful human form. 

In one corner was a chest - unlocked and unprotected. The chest was filled with hundreds of silver coins - the most common currency found in the Goblin Bazaar.

Hu-man Patty Johnson's green eyes grew wide as she smiled. She scooped her hands into the silver treasure. 

"Quickly," she said, "give me magic bag!"

"A what?" said Bearbite, confused.

"A magic bag! Pretty man has one, scary elf lady has one, stupid man has one. Don't all of you have one?"

DM - Tempus' player realized he was the "stupid man" in this description and said, "Hey!"

"No! I don't have a magic bag! Put the treasure in your pockets!"

Hu-man Patty Johnson stood up to show off her tattered goblin rags that barely covered her shapely human hips and ample breasts, "Where I have pockets?"

"Then just take what you can carry in your hands and let's go!"

"Fine!" Hu-man Patty Johnson also took some jewelry off the mannequins and hung them around her neck.

Bearbite counted out exactly ten silver pieces and stood up. 

Hu-man Patty Johnson said, "Is that all? Why so little?"

Bearbite brushed off his shirt, "Just a token to recoup my losses."

They quickly exited, slipped past the guards, and gave the hired goblin the signal that his services were no longer needed.

Bearbite and Hu-man Patty Johnson rejoined the party as they were ready to leave.

"Where have you been?" asked Winterfrost.

"Nothing. Let's go." said a hurried Bearbite.

DM - Later, I told Bearbite's player, "I just realized you spent a gold and took only 10 silver. You broke even."

He said, "I was wondering when you were going to notice that."

The Guild Checkpoint

The party returned to the checkpoint once operated by Xanathar's goons - where they had yesterday defeated the revenant Halleth Garke. As they turned the corner at the entrance, Bearbite sensed an ambush. He saw two goons armed with crossbows guarding the southern door. He also sensed a bugbear hiding on the other side of the entrance. 

He allowed Etlenda and Winterfrost to charge into the room. They took the brunt of several bugbear attacks. Bearbite threw his shadow-club at an enemy while Winterfrost used her lightning lure to draw a bugbear closer. 

The goons with crossbows loosed quarrels at the intruders while two more goons emerged from around the corner to guard the crossbowmen.

Suddenly, a tiny goblin clad in black, his face covered in wrappings, stepped out of hiding from around the far corner and loosed some crossbow bolts with deadly accuracy, only to disappear once more around the corner.

DM - At this point, around 10:00pm, Discord failed for several of us. We lost sound. Luckily it came back after about 15 minutes.

The Goblin Assassin

The assassin's crossbow bolt struck Bearbite with deadly accuracy!

DM - I rolled a natural 20! 12 piercing + 50 poison (save for half). Tempus used his Chronal Shift ability to force me to reroll. I rolled again. A NATURAL 20! This time for 10 piercing + 51 poison (save for half) + 27 sneak attack! That's 91 points of damage! 

Bearbite staggered!

DM - Bearbite, being a half-orc, was reduced to 1 hit point instead.

Meanwhile the party worked on the bugbears surrounding them while Winterfrost and Tempus pushed towards the goons guarding the door. 

Etlenda charged into the next room in pursuit of the goblin assassin. The assassin threw down his crossbow, drew his short sword, and stabbed the Eladin paladin in the spleen!

DM - I rolled a THIRD NATURAL 20! 11 piercing + 51 poison (save for half) + 24 sneak attack damage! That's 86 points of damage! 

Etlenda fell off his wolf to the ground, unconscious and bleeding. 

DM - at this point the players were starting to feel nervous.

Winterfrost and Tempus finished off all but one of the door guards and withdrew. Bearbite retreated from the fight to stand near Kem and hu-man Patty Johnson. There he drank a healing potion to replenish his vigor.

Tempus said a prayer of healing for Etlenda. The paladin got up and re-mounted his spirit wolf.

Winterfrost used her lightning lure to pull the goblin assassin towards her. The assassin was trapped, unable to escape! 

DM - Winterfrost has the Sentinel feat. The goblin provokes opportunity attacks even if it tried to escape. Winterfrost was also now in the room with him, he had no place to hide!

The goblin retaliated by stabbing Winterfrost! 

DM - Only 8 piercing + 17 poison this time. No more criticals. No more sneak attack. 

The lone surviving goon pressed his attack against Tempus who was trying to aid the others against the goblin assassin. Tempus' bat familiar, Edward, stood between them. 

Tempus turned and saw the goon eyeing Edward, "Don't you dare!"

The goon smashed Edward with his mace.

Tempus became angry and pointed at the goons, "You fucker! That's the last mistake you'll ever make!"

The goblin assassin managed to escape and run towards the secret door in the back of the room. He opened the door but Winterfrost, Etlenda caught up with him. Tempus reluctantly left the goon that killed his bat to help chase down the goblin.

Etlenda's spirit wolf trampled the goblin while the others stabbed him to death. 

Bearbite took out the goon with his magical shadow-truncheon.

They turned the goblin over to search him. On his head was tattooed a circle with radiating lines with a red dot in the center - the symbol of Xanathar's Guild. They found a folded piece of paper with printed lettering - 






The goblin smiled, blood bubbled out of his mouth as he used his last breath to say, "Xanathar sends his regards..."

To be Continued...

Thursday, March 3, 2022

I am the Modron Man! - Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Chapter 8


As the music faded, the party decided to explore the door to the south. There they found a wide gallery decorated with walls bas reliefs of Dwarves at work. The bas reliefs had been magically defaced - warped so that strange stone tentacles sprouted from the walls. 

The massive double-doors at the end of the gallery were watched over by the statues of two dwarven warriors, cut into the wall and flanking the door. They opened a door to the south.

Beyond the door was a room with walls painted with murals of elves in a forest with no leaves. In the center of the room were  four pillars of white marble, each shaped in the likeness of a stoic female elf in flowing robes with a flowering branch clutched to her chest. The caryatids faced inward.

Around the pillars marched a bizarre creature - a golden cube with long multi-jointed arms and legs and tiny mechanical wings. On the front of the cube was a mechanical face. It marched with military precision, counting off its paces, and holding its golden bow and arrow ready. 

It turned as the party entered, drawing its bow and shouting, "Halt! Come no further! What are your intentions?"


The Mystics of Trollskull Manor:
  • Winterfrost of House Silverspear - Chaotic Good Moon Elf Noble and Fighter. The daughter of elven diplomats, raised among dwarves.
  • Etlenda, aka "Exile" - Neutral Good Eladrin Outlander and Paladin. Exiled from the Feywild and raised by wolves. While exploring the Feydark he crossed over into the Underdark and emerged into the Mortal World.
  • Tempus Vegvisir - Lawful Good Human Trade Sheriff and Cleric of Helm. Husband and Father.
  • Push-ta "Bearbite" Tok - Neutral Half-Orc Former Smuggler and Rogue, secret member of the Zhentarim.
  • Kem Hearthfire - Chaotic Good Half-Orc Former Gladiator Priestess of Gond. 
  • Glom the Wretched - Chaotic Neutral Goblin NPC, former thief and guide to the Arcane Chambers.
DM - Thanks to Jim Milligan for the idea for this episode's title.


"Uh, we're looking for Halaster the Mad Mage. Is he here?" said Etlenda.

"Obviously not! Do you mean to cause any damage to the statues?" said the cube-being, still aiming its child-size bow and arrow at the party.

"No, of course not!" replied Etlenda.

"Oh," said the cube creature, lowering its weapon, "Then carry on as you were." It continued to march in a circle around the four figurative pillars, counting out its steps, "1-2-3-4-5-6-right face!"

The party began asking the cube-creature questions. They soon learned that its name was Halastron and that it was tasked by its creator, Halaster, to guard the pillars. As long as they had no intention of harming the pillars, Halastron had no interest in anything they did. 

"So, can we just, like, go past? Like, down that hall over there?" asked Push-ta warily.

"I care not. Do as you wish!" was Halastron's reply.

Creature Storage

The party moved past the pillars to the corridor to the east. Winterfrost, out of curiosity, went and stood between the pillars. Halastron stopped and aimed an arrow at the elven warrior. When nothing happened, Winterfrost rejoined the party. Halastron returned to its march. 

The corridor contained over a dozen small cells. Within each cell were groups of highly detailed stone statues:

  • four humanoid frog creatures
  • one boar
  • one constrictor snake
  • three gricks
  • one kenku
  • two elves wearing spider-themed clothing 
  • one lizardfolk  
  • one mind flayer
  • four rust monsters
  • one hunched humanoid creature with a single large eye
  • five troglodytes
  • one orc war chief
  • one giant badger
  • one humanoid bear creature
  • six goats
  • one surprised human female

The figures were obviously beings that had been turned to stone by some magic.

They returned to the mail hall and asked Halastron about the statues. Halastron said, "Oh, the master brings them in from time to time. He stores them here until he needs them. Then places the statue between the pillars to reanimate them. I thought that was why you were here. Didn't you want to reanimate one?"

"No, thank you." answered Etlenda, "What's behind that other door?"

Halastron replied, "I have no idea."

Push-ta put his ear to the door and listened.

"What is it? What do you hear?" asked Winterfrost.

"It sounds like a bear hooting!"

Owlbear Storage

Push-ta opened the door, a short entry corridor led to the left. He stealthily crept down the corridor and looked into the room beyond. It was an ancient elven crypt - several crypts had been knocked over and broken. Four large owl-bears hungrily rooted around the room in search of food.

Push-ta returned to report what he saw. The party made a plan to dispatch the owlbears. Push-ta turned to charge into the room. Winterfrost grabbed him by the back of his armor, "What are you doing?" she hissed, "If you go charging in, you'll be separated from my and Etlenda's protection. Go in, attack one with a crossbow, then get back here behind us."

Push-ta re-entered the room and took a pot-shot at an owlbear with his crossbow. He withdrew behind Etlenda and Winterfrost just as the enraged owlbear gave chase. 

Kem said a prayer and dozens of spiritual hammers sprang into existence around her and attacked the owlbear. 

Glom stepped up next to Kem and let a stone fly from her sling. It struck the owlbear in the head, killing it. Etlenda, Winterfrost, Push-ta, Kem, and Tempus showered the goblin with praise! She beamed with pride. 

DM- Glom scored a critical hit with her sling stone, killing the owlbear and impressing everyone.

The other three owlbears joined the fight. A brutal fight ensued near the entrance but ultimately the owlbears were slain. 

Patty Johnson

The team was so happy with Glom's performance they told her she was to be admitted into their human tribe as a honorary human. They bestowed upon her the human name "Patty Johnson". 

Halaster's Crushing Eye

A passage led south out of an alcove in the west wall of the burial crypt. The passage turned west then turned north. The north passage sloped upward at an incline.

Etlenda said, "You know what this means."

Winterfrost said, "Yep. Push-ta, look for pressure plates or traps."

Push-ta led the way, looking closely at the floor and walls. Halfway up the corridor he felt the floor give slightly under his feet. He heard a click and, from around the corner at the end of the corridor, a door slide open. 

Push-ta realized what he had done, "Oh. Shit." 

There was a heavy rolling sound followed by a loud bang, then more rolling. A giant ten-foot diameter stone sphere rolled around the corner, hit the wall at the end of the corridor, then started rolling towards them, gaining momentum. 

The party immediately turned and ran. Etlenda grabbed Glom off the floor and put her on the back of his spirit wolf. They stayed in front of the ball as they retreated to the crypt chamber. The ball hit the wall at the bottom of the sloped corridor before disappearing behind two concealed doors. The party could hear the sound of machinery as the ball was rolled back to the top and the trap was reset.

Push-ta tried again, alone this time, creeping slowly up the corridor. This time he found the pressure plate concealed under a flagstone. He needed something to spike it to keep it from being depressed. He had no spikes - having lost his to the magic door earlier - so he tried crossbow quarrels. He broke the heads off the shafts and squeezed them under the flagstone like shims. He needed more, so he asked everyone to give up their crossbow quarrels. They did so and he eventually had enough jammed into the trap to prevent its activation.  

DM - Push-ta player asked if he could use crossbow quarrels instead. I said sure but he'd have to sacrifice every crossbow in the party inventory. 

Bloodletting Chamber

At the top of the corridor and around the corner, they found a room with stone tables. The tables were used for draining blood from creatures into catch basins. A thorough search of this room found nothing.

Abandoned Study

Past the bloodletting chamber they found a small area that had been converted into a makeshift study. The lid of a crypt had been placed atop some blocks to make a desk. There were old books and notes stacked on the desk. Elven funerary urns were piled up in a corner, having been removed from their shelf where books now sat stacked. 

Winterfrost and Push-ta examined the urns but were careful not to disturb the contents out of respect for the dead. 

Winterfrost noticed some loose stones in the corner. She removed them and was surprised to find a hidden chamber. Floating in the middle of the chamber was a spherical creature like a beholder, but only the size of a cantaloupe and with only four eye stalks. 

The creature said Hello and introduced itself. It told them that it had been sealed up in that chamber for a very long time after its master, a wizard student of Halaster, had been caught drinking instead of studying. Its master was banished to a pocket dimension while Halaster had the beholderkin walled up. 

They informed the beholderkin that they had met its master, Kalabash, but had sent him back to the pocket dimension. They also told it its master was a dick.

"I know, right! Oh, it's so good to be able to say that! After the first one hundred years, I was bound to follow his orders and worship him like a god, but now I'm free! I can say whatever I want! Do whatever I want! Go wherever I want!"

They let the beholderkin know it was welcome to join their party. It replied, "Nope! I'm free! I just want to go explore now." 

They stood aside and told it it was free to go.  

The Hall of Dragons

The party retraced their steps to the long hall with the defaced bas reliefs. They opened the large doors flanked by statues of dwarven guardians. Within they found a T-shaped gallery with massive dragon skeletons  held together with wire, plaster, and supports. One of the statues had long ago collapsed. Each dragon represented one of the metallic breeds of dragons. 

After a thorough search they moved to the exit at the rear. A corridor led to a small shrine to the Dwarven gods. Within they found the long-dead remains of a tiefling adventurer. 

After consecrating the remains and removing them from the shrine, the party decided it was time to rest. They spent an hour studying newly acquired magical items, praying, eating, studying books, etc. Kem fashioned some new iron spikes out of some scrap metal. Winterfrost used the spikes to set up some hammocks they had obtained. Everyone slept comfortably within the hammocks - everyone but Winterfrost who was beset by nightmares. 

DM - When in a dungeon, wilderness, or other uncomfortable setting, I have my players make a Survival roll vs. 10 to determine if they actually benefit from a long rest. They need a bedroll and blanket for a straight roll, Disadvantage if they are lying down on the bare floor, Advantage if they have things like hammocks, silk pillows, etc. In this case they rolled with Advantage because of the hammocks and secure location, but Winterfrost still failed. 

Down the Stairs

After a rest, the party roused and gathered their things. They mustered near the stairs leading down and held a vote - continue exploring the second level or proceed down to the third level? They decided to descend.

They also decided to give Glom the Circlet of Human Perfection to go with her human name. 

DM - After descending, they leveled up!

Dwarven Catacombs

They descended a long stair that turned south. At the bottom they could go east or west. They chose east and found themselves in an ancient Dwarven ossuary devoted to the god Dumathoin. 

Dead Adventurer

At the back of the catacombs they found a burrow. Inside the burrow they found the partially rotten remains of a dead adventurer - the remnants of his face twisted into a silent scream. Winterfrost found a locket on the body. The locket bore the image of an elf she knew from the Yawning Portal. This, she knew, was the body of his lover. She took the locket to return to the elf in the locket.

More Gricks

The party explored a small tunnel in the back of the burrow - forcing them onto their hands and knees in places. They emerged into a dug out chamber. Etlenda spotted a section of wall shifting slightly on the far side of the chamber.

"Grick!" he shouted, pointing.

"I hate these things!" said Winterfrost. Suddenly a grick dropped from its hiding place above her and attacked. 

The other grick moved from its hiding place to a spot out of sight to the right. Etlenda and the others entered the cavern to attack it. Etlenda was set upon by a third grick that was hiding on the ceiling. 

Winterfrost dispatched the grick attacking her while the others moved to help Etlenda. All three gricks were soon dead.

To Be Continued...

DM - Kem's player is an architect in real life and she's been using the drafting software on her computer to live-map the dungeon as they go. Here's her map of Level 2 she shared with our group. She has the measuring tool out constantly, darting around the map as we play.