
Thursday, March 24, 2022

Spy Party - Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Chapter 11

A magical silver raven appeared on Winterfrost's window sill at sunset, tapping on the pane. It bore a small package. She opened the window and unwrapped the package. It contained a note and a pendant. The note read:

"Lady Remallia Haventree is hosting a party at her villa on Delzorin Street, located between Vhezoar Street and Brondar's Way in the North Ward. We have reason to suspect that drow spies have infiltrated the guest list. Attend the party and root out the disguised drow. We've put you on the guest-list already, but you'll have to bring your own attire. Dress sharply."

She gave her answer to the silver raven, "We'll be there."

The next evening at sunset, the Mystics of Trollskull Manor stood before the entrance to the Ulbrinter villa. They were dressed in their finest attire, hand selected by Winterfrost, who - despite her skills as a deadly warrior and predilection towards dwarven fighting styles, weapons, and armor - was also the daughter of ambassadors and a member of the elven nobility with a keen fashion sense with many friends in high places among the Waterdhavian elite. 

Push-ta, now going by the goblin name Bearbite, was concerned that his allegiance to certain organized crime factions operating in Waterdeep would cause a distraction, so he wore his magical hat of disguise to change his appearance to that of a tall human man from the north.

The footman opened the door and announced their arrival to the rest of the guests, "Ladies, Gentlemen, and other Guests, I present to you - Lady Winterfrost of House Silverspear and her entourage."


The Mystics of Trollskull Manor:
  • Winterfrost of House Silverspear - Chaotic Good Moon Elf Noble and Fighter. The daughter of elven diplomats, raised among dwarves.
  • Etlenda, aka "Exile" - Neutral Good Eladrin Outlander and Paladin. Exiled from the Feywild and raised by wolves. While exploring the Feydark he crossed over into the Underdark and emerged into the Mortal World.
  • Tempus Vegvisir - Lawful Good Human Trade Sheriff and Cleric of Helm. Husband and Father.
  • Push-ta "Bearbite" Tok - Neutral Half-Orc Former Smuggler and Rogue, secret member of the Zhentarim.
  • Kem Hearthfire - Chaotic Good Half-Orc Former Gladiator Priestess of Gond. 
  • Glom the Wretched - Chaotic Neutral Goblin NPC, former thief and guide to the Arcane Chambers.
DM - This week was entirely role-playing and interactions with Waterdhavian NPCs. It was a lot of fun and a nice little holiday from all the dungeon crawling.

The Guest List

The host, Lady Remalia Haventree, greeted them and made them feel welcome. There were roughly half-a-dozen guests milling around the entrance foyer. The doors to the garden were open and a few more could be seen outside. Servants were wandering around with drinks. She informed the new arrivals that light food was available in the dining hall. 

At the entrance they met Tarkus Forrester, a carpenter who had recently become famous for writing a fiction novel - the Serpent of Salinger. The novel, with its tale of horror deep under the earth, became an instant hit among the elite, making the otherwise common Forrester an instant celebrity. He engaged Kem in conversation, asking if she was good friends with Lady Haventree. When Kem admitted that she was not, Tarkus seemed disappointed and displayed waning interest in the conversation. 

Kem excused herself and went out into the garden where she met a dwarf engineer admiring the fountain. The dwarf, Hannskjald Riverwright, was a hydraulic engineer and was impressed by the workings of the fountains. He and Kem, as a priestess of Gond, god of engineering, hit it off and engaged in interesting and technical conversation.


Inside, the party split up and began to mingle. Tempus was drawn in by Volotham Geddarm who began talking about his new book, asking about the house and their adventurers, and generally never shutting up to let anyone get a word in edgewise. 

Tempus managed to extricate himself from Volo and meet some of the other guests. Winterfrost stood by a wall in the corner and used the pendant to read the surface thoughts of everyone with which Tempus spoke. 

He met Levedi Celsa, a boring nobleman with nothing to hide. He then spoke with the foreign merchant named Aizkorri de Challon - who was actually a foreign spy but not interested in Lady Haventree. 


Bearbite followed a gnome woman named Gwiston Kalliwart to the dining hall to get some food. She was friendly and talkative. Bearbite, wearing his hat of disguise, introduced himself as "Sven". Gwiston did not seem the noble or elite type. When asked how she knew Lady Haventree, Gwiston replied that she was one of Lady Haventree's "good friends" and asked if Sven was one of Lady Haventree's "good friends". Sven said he did not think so. 

A moment later, a tall striking woman wearing a black wide-brimmed hat entered. It was Vevette Blackwater - notorious pirate captain and former associate of Manshoon - the renegade criminal that recently attempted to overthrow the power structure of the Zhentarim. Vevette and Bearbite had a history. He would capture her, she would flirt with him, she would escape, they would fight, she would lose, she would flirt, and he would let her free. It's how it went. 

Vevette pulled Bearbite/Sven aside. Bearbite was certain his disguise had been blown. She looked at him, took a deep breath, and said, "Excuse me. My name is Vevette. I saw you come in with Winterfrost and her goons. They may have told you about me. Did Push-Ta Tok happen to join you tonight? Is he here? Is he with you?" She looked around, searching. 

"No," he said, in his best foreign accent.

She narrowed her eyes, "What's your name?"

"S-Sven," he stuttered, nervously.

He considered this. She smiled, and touched his chin, "Well, if you see him, tell him I was looking for him. See you around - Sven." She left.

Standing the back of the room was a tall shy man. He would smile and look away. He sat down on a chair and avoided the others. Push-ta/Bearbite/Sven introduced himself. The man was named Tethyn Lambros. He was not a nobleman, a merchant, or one of the city elite. He worked for a charitable organization trying to raise funds and resources to help war refugees from the East. He had heard a rumor that - he paused to whisper - that Lady Haventree had helped drow refugees escape the Underdark. He was hoping he could get her or her friends to help his organization as well.


Etlenda avoided mingling. This was not his scene. He went down the side hall, checking the doors to see which were locked. He opened the door to the library and caught a man and woman jump apart, wiping their faces and straightening their attire.

It was Eranthis Van Gaveren  and Alyva Broeckaert, two prominent nobles. They were both married, but not to each other. 

Etlenda apologized and closed the door. They each emerged from the room, separately, a few minutes later.

Etlenda went out into the garden. There he encountered the flamboyant Nicomachos du Quesnai. Yes, "THE" Nicomachos du Quesnai. Nicomachos du Quesnai only ever pronounced every syllable of his full name - Nicomachos du Quesnai. He was well aware that everyone was pleased to meet the mane who was named - Nicomachos du Quesnai.

DM - Nicomachos du Quesnai soon became the group's favorite NPC. They loved butchering his name and they loved every time I said it - for always did I say it with feeling - and emphasis - the name - Nicomachos du Quesnai!

Nicomachos du Quesnai left Etlenda to converse with another couple - a mysterious warlock named Adventure Donoghan and someone Etlenda already knew from the Emerald Enclave - the druidess Ysoria Brenden. Etlenda soon realized that Adventure was attempting to woo the demure Ysoria. Etlenda apologized and prepared to exit when Adventure touched his arm, insinuating that he need not leave. Adventure said, "With you involved, this night might go either terribly terribly wrong or terribly terribly right."


Inside, Tempus introduced himself to J.B. Nevercott. The man was a tailor and haberdasher from the trade quarter. He was working the room, handing out his calling card and trying to make business contacts. His crass marketing at a social function made him a bit of a pariah at the soirĂ©e. 

Tempus learned that Nevercott's hats and clothes were made from imported silk - silk that was durable and resistant to tears and abrasions. Nevercott refused to reveal the source of his silks, leading Tempus to deduce that they must come from the drow. This put Nevercott on the list of suspects as the possible spy.  

Tempus also met a halfling named Bill Goodbarrel, a retired adventurer and "good friend" of Lady Haventree. When asked why he no longer adventured, Goodbarrel knocked on his wooden leg and smiled. 

The Rumor

Winterfrost met Tarkus Forrester in the garden. Tarkus seemed very interested in Winterfrost's relationship with Lady Haventree, as well as Winterfrost's expeditions into the Undermountain with the Mystics of Trollskull Manor. Winterfrost, likewise, was very interested in how Tarkus knew so much about the Underdark. He admitted that he did thorough research at the scriptoriums and libraries. His story - a carpenter with no history of writing, doing thorough research at the library about a place few had ever seen, suddenly writing a popular novel - seemed suspicious. 

Tarkus changed the subject and asked Winterfrost if she had heard the rumors that Lady Haventree had smuggled drow into Waterdeep. Shen she said she had not, she smiled and moved on to speak to someone new. 


Push-ta/Bearbite/Sven found Winterfrost and pulled her aside into the music room. Inside they found famed investigator, Vincent Trench, the "Cat's Eye" himself, playing the harpsichord. Popular musician Giregilo Dolder stood nearby, appreciating the performance. Vincent was smiling and amiable. 

Winterfrost did a double take, "Great, he's probably figured out who the spy is already."

He smiled, "Of course I have, dear!"

"You going to tell us who it is?"

"Oh, heavens no! This is my night off!"

Bearbite and Winterfrost huddled in a corner and shared what they knew about Lady Haventree and the rumors of smuggling drow. They suddenly had their suspicions about their host. They gathered the others together in the garden to share everything they had learned so far.

Etlenda said, "I haven't learned much, but I think I might be in a threesome later."

The Host

The Mystics of  Trollskull Manor sought out Lady Haventree.

Lady Haventree was entertaining some guests by the entrance. A plump human woman, Mirabella Trill , the wife of a prosperous Waterdhavian craftsman, hovered near Lady Haventree's elbow trying desperately to be Lady Remalia's friend. 

The Mystics requested a meeting with Lady Haventree in private. Their host agreed and led them to her office. 

She asked them if they had uncovered the drow spy yet. They said they had two suspects, but they had some questions. They asked her about the rumors that she had smuggled drow into Waterdeep.

She matter of factly explained that she had. She had helped drow refugees escape slavery and torture in the underground city of Menzoberranzan. She had helped find them shelter and safe haven. That was, specifically, why the rulers of Menzoberranzan hired the drow mercenaries and spies known as the Bregan D'aerthe to stop her. She had received intelligence from one of her "good friends" that a high level agent of the Bregan D'aerthe planned to infiltrate the party in order to learn about out her methods, contacts, routes and schedules.

Bearbite/Sven said, "Wait, do we know anything about the Bregan D'aerthe?" 

Winterfrost said, "Yeah, we hunted down one of their members that was a serial killer in the docks. That's how I got the pistol, remember?"

Lady Haventree asked for details about their suspects. The Mystics went through the entire guest list, sharing all the intelligence they had gathered and eliminating the obviously innocent.

They focused their attention on Tarkus Forrester and J.B. Nevercott.

"Well, which one is it? I can't afford to accuse the wrong person." 

Winterfrost said, "I've got a plan."

The Plan

Before exiting Lady Haventree's office, Kem Hearthfire said a prayer. In response, she was granted the ability to sense magic. The team exited the office and surveyed those present in the entry foyer. J. B. Nevercott radiated a slight bit of enchantment magic, likely due to his special silk. 

The team made their way around the house, checking the occupants of each room. Vincent Trench radiated powerful transmutation magic. Likewise did Bearbite radiate an aura of transmutation due to his magic hat. Unexpetedly, Winterfrost's forehead emanated a small aura of transmutation magic

Notably, however, no one could find Tarkus Forrester. They checked every room. They decided to check those off limits to guests.

They found Tarkus Forrester in the kitchen along with the halfling chef Tamora Nessik and Hu-Man  Patty Johnson. Tamora was a guest who happened to be observing the kitchen staff. Hu-Man Patty Johnson had been invited but the team had asked her to stay at home to avoid any awkward social situations. They found her in the kitchen, dressed in her finest new gown, stealing silverware and cutlery and putting them in a sack. 

Tarkus Forrester, however, quickly excused himself and went into the adjoining dining hall. The kitchen staff informed Winterfrost that Tarkus had been asking for details about Lady Haventree's guests.

They followed Tarkus into the dining hall. Tarkus, aware he was being followed, made his exit into the garden. 

Kem reported that she could detect no magic on Tarkus. Winterfrost and Etlenda were both confused by this information.

Winterfrost told the others to back off and meet her in the foyer.  She went into the garden and called to Tarkus, telling him that she had important information about Lady Haventree.

Tarkus, intrigued, pulled her aside to a private nook. Winterfrost asked again why Tarkus wanted to know about Lady Haventree. He told her that he was working as an agent for the Lords of Waterdeep who suspected Lady Haventree of smuggling drow agents into the city. 

Winterfrost told Tarkus that she had found evidence of the smuggling and offered to take him to Lady Haventree's office. Tarkus nodded and followed her into the entrance foyer.

The Reveal

Once in the foyer, Winterfrost called out to Lady Haventree, informing her in front of all the guests that Tarkus was the one she sought. 

Vincent Trench called out, "Finally!"

Tarkus, surrounded by all the other guests and trapped by the other Mystics guarding the exits, stood straight and began a slow congratulatory clap. 

"Well done. Well done, Winterfrost." Tarkus removed his wig, revealing stark white hair and pointed elven ears. As he spoke, he removed a false nose and wiped away the makeup on his face, revealing a skin of dark charcoal. He was a drow - and not just any drow, he was Jarlaxle, the leader of the Breagan D'earthe! His Waterdhavian accent was gone, replaced with the clipped accent of Menzoberranzan, "Well done, I must congratulate you. You found me out and executed your little trap to perfection. Unfortunately, this is where I take my leave of you. Ladies and gentlemen, I bid you good evening!"

The room was plunged into darkness. When light returned a moment later, Jarlaxle was gone. So, too, was J. T. Nevercott.

DM - My players were very impressed that Jarlaxle used make-up instead of magic. They didn't even think of that and thought it was genius.


Despite the interruption, the party continued for several more hours. Lady Haventree took the Mystics into her office and thanked them. She rewarded each of them with a box filled with 200 golden dragons. Winterfrost returned her reward and asked Lady Haventree to use it to help Tethyn Lambros and his refugees. She agreed. 

Next Week...

Etlenda's player wants to do a faction quest for the Emerald Enclave and the players want to do some downtime book-keeping, language learning, shopping, etc. 

DM - This week was a lot of fun. Great roleplaying and interactions with NPCs. The scenario was adapted from the book Waterdeep: Expanded Faction Missions by Brandon Waldmann

When the players heard the name Jarlaxle, they were like "Why is that so familiar?" and I said, "You, as players, met him before at the end of Out of the Abyss." This jogged their memory, "Oh yeah! Council of Spiders!"

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