
Thursday, March 10, 2022

Xanathar Sends His Regards - Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Chapter 9


The cavern in which the party stood began to fade away into an indistinct fog. They were standing on a black sound stage with no edges. In the center of the stage was Halaster Blackcloak, sitting in a comfortable chair next to a free-standing fireplace. He was reading a book. The old wizard lowered his book when he noticed the newcomers, "Ah! Contestants! Triumph! Glory! Inevitable death! These await you, but come, stay awhile and listen." 

A force manipulated the Mystics of Trollskull Manor, moving them before the hearth.

"You've descended to the ruins of Stromkuhldur, bastion of the ancient Melairkyn dwarves. Here they eked out their small, little lives. Bright lives in the darkness. Before that darkness swallowed them whole. To this day the veterans of that ancient war lay siege to these ruins. The vile drow of House Auvryndar war against the Legion of Azrok for control of these ruins so that they may seize Skullport, perhaps even Waterdeep itself. It's up to you to strike at the drow—or leave them to their devices. History has shown them to be a stubborn, sadistic lot, so I'm sure it'll all work out."

"Within this shattered city two factions wage battle. One one end are the hobgoblins of the Legion of Azrok. On the other, the drow, led by a priestess named T'rissa Auvryndar, who has orders to secure the city for her noble house."

"I'm implementing a new feature of my challenge. On each level of my Undermountain you will face one of my tasks. You bypassed my task in the Arcane Chambers. I was very disappointed. That was why I decided to add this new requirement - you can't proceed to the next level until you overcome the task for that level! On some levels, I will give you a task directly. On others, you must seek it out."

"In this case, I'll give you a direct task - kill T'rissa Auvryndar and rout her forces in Drow Town. Once you've done that, cast her holy symbol of Lolth into the River Sargauth. I promise you a reward of great power if you succeed."

"Okay, you guys got this! I'm really rooting for you! Good luck!"

The room disappeared, leaving them where they started.


The Mystics of Trollskull Manor:
  • Winterfrost of House Silverspear - Chaotic Good Moon Elf Noble and Fighter. The daughter of elven diplomats, raised among dwarves.
  • Etlenda, aka "Exile" - Neutral Good Eladrin Outlander and Paladin. Exiled from the Feywild and raised by wolves. While exploring the Feydark he crossed over into the Underdark and emerged into the Mortal World.
  • Tempus Vegvisir - Lawful Good Human Trade Sheriff and Cleric of Helm. Husband and Father.
  • Push-ta "Bearbite" Tok - Neutral Half-Orc Former Smuggler and Rogue, secret member of the Zhentarim.
  • Kem Hearthfire - Chaotic Good Half-Orc Former Gladiator Priestess of Gond. 
  • Glom the Wretched - Chaotic Neutral Goblin NPC, former thief and guide to the Arcane Chambers.
DM - Kem's player was absent this week. 

Webbed Tunnels

The party left the catacombs through a passage that led towards the southeast. The passage branched - one path led south while a rougher tunnel led east. The eastern tunnel was draped in white spider webs. 

Winterfrost led the party into the spider tunnels. The spider tunnel snaked around to a roughly northern direction while a side tunnel led to the southeast. 

Bearbite spotted some movement in a cavern at the end of the north passage. He saw a furred man-beast - a cross between a gorilla and a bear - dart across his narrow field of view.

Bearbite charged into the room after the man-beast but quickly found himself surrounded by three other man-beasts who had been hiding in ambush. The four man-bears tore into the half-orc rogue. 

The rest of the party soon followed Bearbite into the chamber and made short work of the creatures. One managed to flee but was quickly chased down and dispatched by Tempus and his bolts of magic fire.

The Goblin

The party then explored the side passage to the southeast. The webbing grew thicker and one could begin to make out strange shapes within the strands - eyeballs. They found a cavern covered in thick webs. Oblong cocoons were suspended from webbing along the walls and ceiling. Another passage led to a larger chamber. The party looked within the larger chamber without entering, it was empty. They were hesitant to enter.

Behind them, hue-monn woman Patty Johnson - formerly goblin Glom the Wretched - noticed movement within one of the cocoons. 

The retreated from the side chamber and cut down the cocoon. Within they found a goblin - he was emaciated and his tongue was cut out. There was a swollen lump in his neck. The party deduced it was an implanted egg that would erupt outward. 

The goblin, unable to speak, pleaded for his life. Etlenda said a prayer and passed his hands over the swollen neck. A gelatinous egg splurted out and hit the floor. The semi-transparent egg was filled with tiny wriggling spiders. Tempus burned the egg with arcane fire.

DM - I decided to treat the implanted spider egg, a detail from the Companion book which was not really given rules, like the egg implanted by a Slaad - as a disease. So Etlenda's "Cure Disease" feature of Lay on Hands was able to remove the egg. 

My Vengeance is Eternal

The party decided to return the emaciated goblin to the goblin bazaar. They retraced their steps through the catacombs to the stairs and began their ascent.

They passed the long hallway with the animated ballistae and opened the door to what had been, up until twelve hours or so ago, a guard post manned by the Xanathar's Guild. 

On the other side of the door was the revenant - Halleth Garke. With him was a zombie dwarf - the animated remains of Copper Stormforge. Halleth saw the Mystics of Trollskull Manor standing before him. His eyes glowed red with rage as anger overtook him, "YOU PEOPLE! You left me to rot in that pit! All I asked for was a little help. All I needed was for you to lower a rope. Had you let me out, I'd have left you, THANKED you even, and set off on my quest for righteous vengeance! I only asked for the revenge that was rightfully mine! And you LEFT ME THERE TO ROT! On that day I swore vengeance, not just on the Fine Fellows of Daggerford for murdering me - BUT ON YOU!"

Winterfrost sent a lasso of lightning at the revenant in an attempt to draw it closer. It batted away the lightning like a toy. Bearbite summoned forth a magical great club composed of shadow and hurled it at the revenant. It had little effect. 

The revenant glared at Winterfrost, its glowing eyes searing into her soul. For a moment, she froze. Tempus shouted, "No!" and broke the spell. Winterfrost looked away.

Etlenda, mounted on his giant spirit wolf, charged the zombie. The wolf knocked it down, raking it with its lupine claws.  Etlenda slashed at the revenant, carving a mighty swath in its torso.

DM - Natural 20! 20 slashing from the sword, 30 slashing from the smite, and another 4 from something, I don't remember. 54 points of damage!

The zombie, however, continued to move. Tempus sent a bolt of arcane fire at the undead dwarf. Winterfrost began chopping the zombie with her greataxe - chopping - chopping - chopping! Eventually she had dismembered the zombie and it ceased moving.

The revenant of Halleth Garke turned its ire on the elven warrior-maiden. He punched Winterfrost with his bare fist, almost knocking her to the ground. He punched her again - hard.

DM - 9 bludgeoning from the slam plus another 15 from the vengeance. 16 more from the second slam plus 20 from the vengeance. 60 points of damage in one round!

Winterfrost fell to the ground, dying.

Etlenda, enraged, slashed at the revenant once more while Tempus sent a bolt of arcane fire. Halleth arched his back as he became consumed by flames. It stood and pointed at Tempus, "You have defeated me, but I will return! MY VENGEANCE IS ETERNAL!"

It crumbled to burning cinders, leaving nothing but ash and smoke.

A moment later, Winterfrost inhaled a sudden deep breath and regained consciousness. She coughed, "Wha- What happened?"

DM - She rolled a natural 20 on her death save and woke up with 1 hit point.

Return to the Goblin Bazaar

The party found its way back to the flea market that was the Goblin Bazaar. They obtained secure sleeping rooms for when they got tired, got some baths, and did some shopping to replenish the crossbow bolts and other sundries. 

The squad of hobgoblin soldiers was still present. The walls were plastered with paper bills in various languages:


Azrok's Hold is a haven for the downtrodden and mistreated who would otherwise face persecution on the surface. Pariahs, outcasts, join the legion! We promise safe harbor to all who dedicate themselves to creating out a lasting kingdom for goblinoids.

They spoke to the squad's hobgoblin leader, Captain Daronok. From the captain they learned that the ancient ruined city of Stromkuhldur had been resettled by Azrok as a haven for hobgoblins, bugbears, and goblins. However, that haven had recently come under attack by the vile drow of House Auvryndar. Warlord Azrok, an honorable warrior and savior of his people, had therefore issued a call-to-arms, promising glory and gold to those that aid the Legion, regardless of race.

He implored the Mystics to join in the cause, promising them safe passage to Stromkuhldur if they pledged their service to fight the drow.

The party considered the offer but inquired after the amount of obligation required. Captain Daronok said that they must swear a binding oath to Warlord Azrok, an oath that the captain did not take lightly, and join them in their assault against the drow.

The party declined. Daranok said they would be recruiting in the bazaar for another four days if they changed their mind.

The party took some time off, studied, practiced, recuperated.  

DM - you can only benefit from a full rest once every 24 hours, and they had only spent maybe two hours since their last full rest, so they had some time to kill. 

Yek the No-Longer-Tall confronted Tempus about the Circlet of Human Perfection - which was currently worn by Hu-man Patty Johnson - aka Glom the Wretched. Yek wanted to buy it back. 

Tempus told Yek that it had been stolen by some drow on the next lower level. Yek was furious. He turned to Captain Daronok, helping him by convincing other goblins to join the cause, kill the drow, and return his circlet to him!

The Heist

After a full rest, the party prepared to continue their foray into the Undermountain. Bearbite caught Hu-man Patty Johnson leaning on a wall watching the guarded entrance to Yek's treasure vault. Bearbite sidled up to her and asked what she was doing.

Hu-man Patty Johnson nodded her beautiful face at the vault, telling Bearbite that Yek kept all his treasures in there and that it was only guarded by two lowly goblin guards. She said a real "caravan guard" would help her see what was inside.

Bearbite demurred. He didn't want to cause any waves with their host. 

Hu-man Patty Johnson sneered, "Bah. A REAL goblin would not think twice about taking a look inside vault. A REAL goblin would help me."

"Look," said Bearbite, "I'm not like that."

"Not like that??" said Hu-man Patty Johnson in disgust, "Is that half-a-orc Push-ta talking or is that REAL GOBLIN Bearbite talking?"

Bearbite's eyes narrows and his lips pursed. He beared his tusks. "Okay, fine! I'm in! What's your plan?"

DM - THAT hooked him! The players are SO PROUD of their goblin names. Using it against him was glorious!

Hu-man Patty Johnson said, "Just two guards. We need to distract and sneak past."

Bearbite grinned, "I've got an idea."

Bearbite found a nearby goblin and had Hu-man Patty Johnson translate = he paid the goblin a gold coin to go bother the guards and distract them. The gold coin was more money than the goblin would see in months, so he agreed. 

The goblin was soon tugging on the guard, pulling, and calling for help. The guard became annoyed and pushed the goblin away. The goblin got back back up and redoubled his efforts, causing the second guard to intervene.

In the ensuing confusion, Real Goblin Bearbite and Hu-man Patty Johnson snuck past. The door at the end of the short corridor was unlocked. They slipped inside and closed the door behind them.

Within they found a collection of oddities!

Along the east wall was a life-sized diorama of a battle between goblins - made of actual goblin skins stretched over mannequins - with a beholder suspended from the ceiling by wires - likewise made of actual beholder skin stretched over a mannequin. The goblins wore glittering jewelry. 

On the north wall was a nine foot tall painting of Yek in his beautiful human form. 

In one corner was a chest - unlocked and unprotected. The chest was filled with hundreds of silver coins - the most common currency found in the Goblin Bazaar.

Hu-man Patty Johnson's green eyes grew wide as she smiled. She scooped her hands into the silver treasure. 

"Quickly," she said, "give me magic bag!"

"A what?" said Bearbite, confused.

"A magic bag! Pretty man has one, scary elf lady has one, stupid man has one. Don't all of you have one?"

DM - Tempus' player realized he was the "stupid man" in this description and said, "Hey!"

"No! I don't have a magic bag! Put the treasure in your pockets!"

Hu-man Patty Johnson stood up to show off her tattered goblin rags that barely covered her shapely human hips and ample breasts, "Where I have pockets?"

"Then just take what you can carry in your hands and let's go!"

"Fine!" Hu-man Patty Johnson also took some jewelry off the mannequins and hung them around her neck.

Bearbite counted out exactly ten silver pieces and stood up. 

Hu-man Patty Johnson said, "Is that all? Why so little?"

Bearbite brushed off his shirt, "Just a token to recoup my losses."

They quickly exited, slipped past the guards, and gave the hired goblin the signal that his services were no longer needed.

Bearbite and Hu-man Patty Johnson rejoined the party as they were ready to leave.

"Where have you been?" asked Winterfrost.

"Nothing. Let's go." said a hurried Bearbite.

DM - Later, I told Bearbite's player, "I just realized you spent a gold and took only 10 silver. You broke even."

He said, "I was wondering when you were going to notice that."

The Guild Checkpoint

The party returned to the checkpoint once operated by Xanathar's goons - where they had yesterday defeated the revenant Halleth Garke. As they turned the corner at the entrance, Bearbite sensed an ambush. He saw two goons armed with crossbows guarding the southern door. He also sensed a bugbear hiding on the other side of the entrance. 

He allowed Etlenda and Winterfrost to charge into the room. They took the brunt of several bugbear attacks. Bearbite threw his shadow-club at an enemy while Winterfrost used her lightning lure to draw a bugbear closer. 

The goons with crossbows loosed quarrels at the intruders while two more goons emerged from around the corner to guard the crossbowmen.

Suddenly, a tiny goblin clad in black, his face covered in wrappings, stepped out of hiding from around the far corner and loosed some crossbow bolts with deadly accuracy, only to disappear once more around the corner.

DM - At this point, around 10:00pm, Discord failed for several of us. We lost sound. Luckily it came back after about 15 minutes.

The Goblin Assassin

The assassin's crossbow bolt struck Bearbite with deadly accuracy!

DM - I rolled a natural 20! 12 piercing + 50 poison (save for half). Tempus used his Chronal Shift ability to force me to reroll. I rolled again. A NATURAL 20! This time for 10 piercing + 51 poison (save for half) + 27 sneak attack! That's 91 points of damage! 

Bearbite staggered!

DM - Bearbite, being a half-orc, was reduced to 1 hit point instead.

Meanwhile the party worked on the bugbears surrounding them while Winterfrost and Tempus pushed towards the goons guarding the door. 

Etlenda charged into the next room in pursuit of the goblin assassin. The assassin threw down his crossbow, drew his short sword, and stabbed the Eladin paladin in the spleen!

DM - I rolled a THIRD NATURAL 20! 11 piercing + 51 poison (save for half) + 24 sneak attack damage! That's 86 points of damage! 

Etlenda fell off his wolf to the ground, unconscious and bleeding. 

DM - at this point the players were starting to feel nervous.

Winterfrost and Tempus finished off all but one of the door guards and withdrew. Bearbite retreated from the fight to stand near Kem and hu-man Patty Johnson. There he drank a healing potion to replenish his vigor.

Tempus said a prayer of healing for Etlenda. The paladin got up and re-mounted his spirit wolf.

Winterfrost used her lightning lure to pull the goblin assassin towards her. The assassin was trapped, unable to escape! 

DM - Winterfrost has the Sentinel feat. The goblin provokes opportunity attacks even if it tried to escape. Winterfrost was also now in the room with him, he had no place to hide!

The goblin retaliated by stabbing Winterfrost! 

DM - Only 8 piercing + 17 poison this time. No more criticals. No more sneak attack. 

The lone surviving goon pressed his attack against Tempus who was trying to aid the others against the goblin assassin. Tempus' bat familiar, Edward, stood between them. 

Tempus turned and saw the goon eyeing Edward, "Don't you dare!"

The goon smashed Edward with his mace.

Tempus became angry and pointed at the goons, "You fucker! That's the last mistake you'll ever make!"

The goblin assassin managed to escape and run towards the secret door in the back of the room. He opened the door but Winterfrost, Etlenda caught up with him. Tempus reluctantly left the goon that killed his bat to help chase down the goblin.

Etlenda's spirit wolf trampled the goblin while the others stabbed him to death. 

Bearbite took out the goon with his magical shadow-truncheon.

They turned the goblin over to search him. On his head was tattooed a circle with radiating lines with a red dot in the center - the symbol of Xanathar's Guild. They found a folded piece of paper with printed lettering - 






The goblin smiled, blood bubbled out of his mouth as he used his last breath to say, "Xanathar sends his regards..."

To be Continued...

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