
Friday, September 3, 2021

Trollskull Alley - Waterdeep Dragon Heist, Chapter 3


That afternoon, the team decided to explore their surroundings. The North Ward was inhabited primarily by upper-middle class Waterdhavians, successful merchants, lesser noble families of the city, and civic workers. It was an overcast early winter day and the air outside was a cool 45 degrees. Trollskull Manor was located on Saerdoun street.

Across the street was a three-story building in the process of being renovated. Workers could be heard hammering and sawing within. A few houses down they saw a house with a black sign painted with an orange-and-black cat's eyes. Curious, they tried the door. The door was locked so they pulled the golden chain to ring a small bell. 

A few moments later they were met at the door by a dapper gentleman wearing comfortable silk robes over a brocade waistcoat and smoking a long-necked pipe. He wore a magnificent brooch of polished tiger's eye. The man was eloquent and refined with a hint of smirking detachment - like he was in on a joke of which you were completely unaware.

"Greetings. Normally I require an appointment but since you are all newcomers to our little neighborhood, I'll make an exception. I am Vincent Trench. Please come in."


The Adventurers:

  • Winterfrost of House Silverspear - Neutral Good Moon Elf Noble and Fighter. The daughter of elven diplomats, raised among dwarves.
  • Etlenda, aka "Exile" - Neutral Good Eladrin Outlander and Paladin. Exiled from the Feywild and raised by wolves. While exploring the Feydark he crossed over into the Underdark and emerged into the Mortal World.
  • Tempus Vegvisir - Lawful Good Human Trade Sheriff and Cleric of Helm. Husband and Father.
  • Push-ta Tok - Neutral Half-Orc Former Smuggler and Rogue.
  • Kem Hearthfire - Chaotic Good Half-Orc Former Gladiator Priestess of Gond.
DM- This week we spend some time exploring the area around Trollskull Manor. This was a lot of fun for me because I got to do a lot of role-playing as NPCs and do various voices. Its little interludes like this that do a great job of world-building and make the setting feel real to the players. This week I'm making use of material found in Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Complete DM's Bundle (Guides, Maps, Adventures and other Resources) available from

Tiger's Eye

He led them into a sitting room immediately off the entrance foyer. The sitting room was lushly appointed with cushions, chairs, rugs, and fine wooden tables. The windowless walls were covered with shelves containing books and curios. There were no windows and the room was lit by small oil lamps. He graciously met each one and offered them some tea from a silver tea set. 

Trench introduced himself as a gentleman detective - he provided investigative services for a nominal fee. He referred to himself as "the Tiger's Eye", a dramatic nomme-de-plume to be certain, and thus the sign out front.

The team introduced themselves, explaining that they had only today purchased the old Trollskull Manor. Mister Trench asked if they had intentions of reopening the manor as a tavern or public house - as it was many years ago. 
They said that they thought they might. Mister Trench gave a wry smile and asked if they had yet encountered Mister Frewn. He explained that a man named Emmek Frewn had wished to purchase the old house and re-open it as a tavern himself. He had bid against Volothamp Geddarm and lost. Since Volo had no plans of opening a tavern, Mister Frewn directed his money into purchasing the house next door and renovating it into a tavern. 

They agreed to meet with Mister Frewn and work out any problems. They thanked Mister Trench for his hospitality. Mister Trench produced a business card - black with orange cat's eyes. They were very impressed and took note to have their own cards made soon. Mister Trench reminded him that future visits must be arranged in advance via correspondence and asked that they respect his privacy in that regard. They agreed and bade their farewell.

Emmek Frewn

The team visited the building next door in the midst of its renovation. They saw a barrel-chested man, a northerner with red hair and a magnificent red handlebar mustache. He was barking orders and directing workers in a thick Illuskan accent.

Winterfrost cleared her throat and the man turned. The team introduced themselves. The man introduced himself as Emmek Frewn, owner of this property and proprietor of the soon-to-open Frewn's Brews public house. 

The team mentioned that they owned the Trollskull Manor house next door. Mister Frewn's attitude became suddenly wary. He asked what they planned to do with the old house.

Winterfrost answered, "Well, we're thinking of opening a tavern. That's what we're here to talk to you about today. It doesn't make sense to open two taverns right across the street with each other. We think you should operate this building as an inn with rooms for the night. We'd then like to hire you to run OUR tavern."

Frewn stared at them, dumbfounded, silent.

He eventually uttered, "Are you having me on? You come in here, into my building, to tell me you're opening a tavern in the building I really wanted - the one that the idiot Volo bought out from under me for his bloody research - and offer to HIRE me in YOUR tavern?"

"Yes, that's about it. How about it? Like I said, this building could be an inn."

Frewn's voice became louder and angrier, "Oh, an INN is it? Renting rooms to travelers for a silver bloody shard a night, while I work me arse off in YOUR tavern selling YOUR spirits while YOU make a bloody right profit?"

"Look, if you think about it, it's a generous offer."

"You can take your generous - No. Wait! You know what? I'd love to take you up on your offer. Put me in charge of your bloody tavern! I'm the perfect bloody choice! I'll ensure it makes a bloody profit and runs like a bloody clock! I'm in!"

Tempus said, "I can tell you're not serious. We'll be leaving now."

Frewn was enraged, "You're damn right you'll be leaving now! I've sunk over a thousand golden dragons into renovating this building and getting it ready to be a tavern. I've already installed the bloody bar! I've got barrels of me family label down in the cellar waiting to be tapped! If you think you'll be opening up a tavern right across the street, you've got another thing coming, boyo!"

Winterfrost held up her hands, "Okay, okay! Look, what if we do something else with the property? It doesn't have to be a tavern."

Frewn's demeanor suddenly shifted. The rage was quickly replaced with polite professionalism, "Oh, well, that's different then. Best of luck to ye! I look forward to seeing what you open! Now if you'll excuse me, I have finish this work by the end of the month." Frewn turned to a worker, "No! Not there! Put it over THERE!"

The team retreated to the street, "So, do we still want to open a tavern?"

Kem Hearthfire said, "Actually, I was thinking something along the lines of one of those gentlemen's clubs."

Winterfrost wrinkled her nose, "Like a strip club?"

"No! No! You know, where rich people sit around in comfy leather chairs by a fire, smoking from pipes, and sipping brandy, with huge monster-heads mounted on the wall, and butlers, and tea, and coffee. More like a- an private social club."

There was a general nodding in agreement, Et'lenda said, "Then its agreed. No tavern. Private social club it is."

Corellon's Crown

The team continued their exploration of their surroundings, entering the herbalist's shop known as Corellon's Crown. There they met the elf proprietor named Fala Lefaliir, who's preferred pronouns were they/them. Fala was pleased to meet their new neighbors and asked if they intended to re-open that dreadful tavern - complaining of the noise and chaos at all hours of the night. The team assured them that they had no such intention but warned them that Emmek Frewn planned on opening a tavern next door.

DM- I described Fala Lefaliir as looking and acting like Perfuma from the new She-Ra cartoon. 

Steam and Steel

The team continued their exploration of the alley, past the woodworker's shop, and to the metal building belching steam and smoke. A sign outside identified the shop as a smithy called "Steam and Steel". Kem Hearthstone smiled, "Now this is my kind of place!"

They met the co-owners, a married couple named Embric and Avi. Embric was a red hot and glowing - a fire genasi - while Avi was cool and blue - a water genasi. Embric was outgoing and blustery, proud of his work. Avi was more reserved and complimentary.

The pair were happy to meet their new neighbors and were especially glad that Kem Hearthfire was initiated in the holy mysteries of Gond. They welcomed her to join them whenever she wanted.

Embric asked if they planned to reopen the tavern. He missed the old place and loved to hang out there and get rowdy. Avi expressed his preference for meditation under a cool mountain waterfall - a statement that drew Winterfrost's interest. The moon elf asked if she could join Avi sometime and Avi graciously invited her.

DM- Embric and Avi were fun to roleplay. I had good voices for each that reflected their attitudes and natures. 

Also, I asked Winterfrost's player what pronoun Winterfrost preferred to use and if Winterfrost had a gender preference in partner - or if Winterfrost was asexual. The reason I asked is because all the reference art he had sent me for inspiration for her painting above was very androgynous and the bio was intentionally vague. He said that Winterfrost does, indeed, have a very intentionally androgynous appearance but does prefer the "she/hers" pronouns. However, Winterfrost was bisexual and possibly pansexual.

The Bent Nail

The woodworker's shop was next door so they paid it a visit. The sign outside was a blank piece of wood in which was embedded a bent nail. The proprietor was a lanky half-elf named Talisolvanar “Tally” Fellbranch. Mister Fellbranch had impeccable posture and spoke in a sharp clear voice. His handiwork ranged from furniture to shields, to staves, to cudgels and even the stocks of crossbows. His works were extraordinarily beautiful - smooth and curved with a polished finish. 

Push-ta Tok asked if he made greatclubs. Mister Fellbranch assured him that made cudgels of the finest quality. He produced a long heavy piece of wood with a smooth finish and thick gnarls.

Tally's pride was beaming, "I call it 'the Whacker!' Only 100 golden dragons!"

Push-ta stared in awe, "a genuine Tally Whacker! I love it! But - I'm afraid I can't afford it right now."

Etlenda quickly conferred with the others, then turned to Push-ta, "I just talked with the others. We are willing to share our money to buy you this magnificent cudgel. We can't bear to see you holding anything other than a genuine Tally Whacker!"

Push-ta began to tear up, "Gee. ((sniff)) Thanks!" 

DM - We got a LOT of mileage out of that joke! 

We envisioned a hostile orc on the battlefield, upon seeing his hated foe armed with a genuine Tally Whacker cudgel, unable to be but a little impressed when brought down by such a fine weapon, only to spend his dying breaths disappointed to learn that it was, in fact, a cheap imitation counterfeit. The SHAME!

Anyway, I decided to treat Tally's wooden weapons as "Silvered". They're not silver, mind you. They're just so beautiful and so well-made that they do full damage to creatures that have resistance to non-magical weapons. 

The Book Wyrm's Treasure

Finally the group visited the last shop in the neighborhood - a bookstore with a painted sign showing a sleeping dragon curled around a treasure hoard of books. 

They entered and met the proprietor - a diminutive dragonborn named Rishall the Page Turner. Though a dragonborn, Rishall had the stature of a dwarf. He graciously welcomed the new neighbors into his establishment. The bookstore contained many tall shelves lined with books. Stacks of loose books were piled here and there. The store, in fact, appeared larger on the inside than on the outside.

DM - I had to take a quick second to explain to some of my more illiterate players Terry Pratchett's concept of L-Space.

Rishall complemented Push-ta on his fabulous weapon, asking if it was a genuine Tally Whacker. The others giggled. Rishall, confused, asked, "Why is that funny? It is indeed a large wha- OH! I see! It's a play on words! A double-entendre! How ingenious! I never realized that before! Oh-ho-ho-ho! How very clever!"

He froze, suddenly embarrassed, "Oh, I just realized, I thought that was his name! I've been calling him Mister Whacker for years! Oh how dreadful!"

After a few more pleasantries, he described his shop - the Book Worm's Treasure - and the services it provided.

Kem asked, "That's a very cute name."

Rishall, confused, said, "Oh yes, we get many book worms in here indeed."

"No," she said, "Because you're an - AHEM?"

Rishall suddenly got it, "Oh! Oh my! Because I'm a dragonborn, it could also be Book WYRM's Treasure! Oh I never thought about that before! How very clever! It's another play on words! Two in one day! Oh-ho-ho-ho!"

DM - Rishall was also fun to play and his not getting puns became an instantly endearing character trait.

Tempus becomes a Wizard

Upon their return to Trollskull Manor, the team saw Renear Neverember waiting for them. Renear had heard that they had purchased the old house from Volo so he came by to congratulate them and to once again thank them for saving his life the previous day. 

Renear inquired about their future plans.

Tempus answered that he was thinking of studying magic at one of Waterdeep's arcane academies. 

Renear replied, "Well, I was more talking about your plans for the old house, but as it turns out, I happen to be close personal friends with none other than the head of the Blackstaff Academy, the Blackstaff herself, Vajra Safahr! Let me pull some strings!"

Tempus found himself enrolled in Blackstaff Academy the next day. There he learned the basics of wizardry surrounded by teenagers. In a single day of study Tempus had begun his spellbook and was performing his first simple spells. 

Late in his first day, the Blackstaff of Waterdeep, Vajra Safahr, paid Tempus a visit during class. She inquired into the status of his progress and wanted to know if he was enjoying his time in the Blackstaff Academy. It was rare for the Blackstaff to take a personal interest in a student, especially a newcomer. Vajra then asked to speak to Tempus in her sanctum.

Vajra Safahr was a dark-skinned Tethyrian in her late twenties. She was slim and attractive and friendly, not at all what one would expect from the head of Waterdeep's magical community. 

She told Tempus that she had made an exception in allowing him, an adult and someone not from a wizarding family or with any arcane background, into her school. She had done so as a favor to the Neverember family. However, she had heard the story of how the Mystics of Trollskull Manor had taken on kenkus and thugs from Xanathar's guild to save someone they didn't even know. She was impressed and wanted to call upon the services of the Mystics.

She had a simple job offer - go to the hermit Hlam who lived in a cave on Mount Waterdeep, ask him a question and return with his response. This mission had no pay but would serve as a test of their abilities and their discretion. 

Tempus expressed his interest. Vajra explained that it was a steep five mile hike up the side of Mount Waterdeep to Hlam's cave. The trip there should take three hours. She would give Tempus a small grey stone, a token that should be shown to Hlam as proof of their identity. 

"I have a nagging feeling there's evil brewing in Waterdeep. Evil beyond the petty violence of brutish thugs warring in the streets. I wand you and your companions to ask Hlam what he's heard about threats to the city, but try not to annoy him or overstay your welcome."

Tempus agreed.

A Monk on a Mountain

Tempus explained the job to the others. 

Winterfrost asked, "So we're the 'Mystics of Trollskull Manor' now?"

Kem said, "Sounds like its got some legs, whether we like it or not."

The team, aware of the Blackstaff's importance in Waterdeep, agreed to the mission. 

The next morning they assembled outside the Field of Triumph on Julthoon Street and started their hike on the Cliffride. They left the road and took the trail indicated to them by the Blackstaff. The trail quickly became steep and difficult. 

The party was hugging a steep portion of the trail when a sudden cascade of rocks and debris fell down upon them. Several members of the party were trapped or immobilized. Tempus was completely buried and unconscious. Etlenda freed himself from the rubble and helped excavate Tempus while Kem freed herself and said a prayer of healing to her human companion. 

Etlenda noticed a humanoid form observing them from above - from near where the rocks came crashing down upon them. 


The party continued up the trail and encountered an old stone bridge over a ravine. Before they could cross the bridge, a manticore - a flying lion with bat-like wings, a man's face, and a tail covered in porcupine-like quills - swooped out of the rocks and unleashed a barrage of quills from its tail. 

The quills landed at Etlenda's feet. The team quickly found cover beneath some nearby bushes and began attacking the manticore at long range using bows, crossbows, and ranged spells. 

Winterfrost stood in the open by the bridge, banging on her shield with her hammer and shouting to get the manticore's attention. The manticore flew lower to get a better shot but was, in turn, peppered with arrows and spells. The manticore howled in pain and flew away, retreating to its lair in a cave on the side of a cliff several hundred feet above.

The party briefly considered hunting the manticore but decided their primary mission was more imporant.

DM - that was a fun little encounter. There aren't a lot of purely ranged fights in D&D so it was a pleasant change of pace. The manticore is too tough for these level 2 chuckle-heads so the encounter was designed so that it simply harassed the party with quills and fled at half hit points. 

The Guard Post

A few hours later the party was nearing their destination. They passed the location from which the landslide originated. There Etlenda noticed some footprints in the dirt leading up the path. The path led through a gulley with steep sides. They footprints led to a gate built block the path through the gulley. There were three people - two men wearing the uniforms of the Waterdeep Watch and a woman wearing simple civilian attire - manning the gate. One said to the other, "They're here. Get Terrik."

The party stopped about a hundred feet from the gate. Etlenda quietly informed the others that he suspected that these were not city guards and that they started the landslide earlier. 

A city watch commander joined the other three atop the wall, "Hail! I'm Captain Terrik of the City Guard. Who comes?"

The party, showing discretion regarding their mission, introduced themselves but explained that they were simply explorers scaling Mount Waterdeep. 

Terrik told them that the way was closed and there was nothing to see anyway. He instructed them to head back.

A tense tête-à-tête ensued as the party coyly attempted to persuade the guards to let them through without mentioning their mission while the guards tried to keep the visitors from passing through without revealing their true nature.

Eventually a compromise was reached, the party would be allowed through the gate if they sheathed and secured their weapons. Then they could approach and continue this conversation without long-ranged shouting. The party secured their weapons and approached. The two guards opened the gates to allow them to enter.

Etlenda noticed that the footprints split in front of the gate, moving to either side of the gate and avoiding the area directly in front of it. He signaled this to his companions.

Once in front of the gate, the party sprang into action. Tempus moved around to the left side of the gate and clung to the wall, swinging himself around to avoid any pit traps in front of the gate. The guard drew his scimitar and slashed at Tempus as he fumbled to withdraw his hammer from the secured position on his backpack. The guard captain atop the small tower loosed a crossbow at Tempus.

A lasso made of lightning burst from Winterfrost's hammer, wrapping around the other guard. She pulled the guard towards her. Just past the threshold of the gate, the ground gave way revealing a hidden pit trap. The guard fell into his own pit! 

Kem leaped across the pit in order to assist Tempus, calling down sacred flame from the heavens but to little effect. 

Etlenda disappeared only to magically reappear atop the small tower in a puff of silver mist. Terrik the guard captain shouted at the woman, "You're the wizard! Cast some spells or something!" The woman sighed and spread her hands towards Etlenda. Flames spread out in a wide fan. Etlenda was overcome and fell unconscious. 

Push-ta moved stealthily out of sight and hid in the corner underneath the tower. Push-ta shot the guard with his crossbow as he climbed out of the pit. The guard screamed and fell back into the pit, dead.

Kem said a prayer of healing for Tempus, who had fallen under the onslaught of the guard as well as ranged attacks from the tower. After dealing with the guard at the gate, Tempus raced to the top of the tower to say his own prayer of healing for Etlenda. 

With the two other guards dead, Kerrik the guard captain and the wizard were soon dispatched. Tempus busily checked on each foe, saying prayers to stabilize them and prevent their deaths. Each of the guards, as well as the wizard, possessed tattoos of black winged snakes - they were imposters, agents of the Zhentarim Syndicate! A quick search of the guard post found three recently dug graves containing the actual guards. The team confiscated the imposters' belongings - 100 gold dragons, a mysterious wand, a flask of viscous black fluid, and some gemstones. They left the zhentarim imposters tied up - they would be retrieved and given over to the city watch on their return.

Hlam the Hermit

Another quarter of a mile brought the team to the cave of Hlam the Hermit. They entered the cavern carefully, Tempus leading the way. 

The cave within was furnished with a small cooking fire, a writing desk, and a bedroll. They found an old bald man wearing sackcloth sitting in a lotus position on a ledge high up on the wall of the cave. There was no ladder and no steps - the man must have climbed there.

Tempus approached, brandishing his grey stone. He called out, "Sir, are you Hlam? Vajra sent us to ask you a question."

The old man held up a single finger to stop Tempus from talking. An uncomfortable minute of silence passed, the old man never opened his eyes. He eventually took a deep breath and said, exasperatedly, And so it is lost. A hundred year old truth nearly unraveled. I hope you have important cause to interrupt me."

Tempus respectfully nodded and said again, "Vajra sent us to ask you a question. What have you heard about threats to the city?"

Hlam considered this before answering, cryptically, "Evil’s twin hides its face for now. Expect that to change before winter’s end."

"What does that-"

"You may go now."

The team retreated from the cave. Tempus asked the others, "Did you all get that?"

"Yes, but what does it mean?"

"No clue. Okay, let's go back."

The team descended the mountainside, picking up their prisoners along the way. They gave the prisoners over to the city watch at the first post they came across. They eventually returned to the Blackstaff Tower to report Hlam's words to Vajra. 

The Grey Hands

Vajra thanked them and asked if any of them had ever heard of the Gray Hands. Tempus was aware of them - the private security force of the Blackstaff. They worked in conjunction with the City Watch and had the blessing of the Open Lord of Waterdeep. 

Vajra told them that this mission was a test of their abilities and their discretion - a test they had passed. She invited the team to join the Grey Hands, to work as her agents in the interest of the safety of Waterdeep. She explained the benefits and obligations membership would entail. They didn't all have to join as a group - only those who were interested. 

The team considered this and asked for some time to discuss. She gave them as much time as they required. 

An Ophidian Visitor

That night, while sleeping in his new house, Push-ta woke at the sound of rustling in his room. He sat up and looked around. At the foot of his bed was a winged snake, coiled with its head reared up, its wings folded. Even in the dim light of Push-ta's night vision, he could tell the snake was jet black. The snake had a rolled up parchment tied around its neck, just above its wings.

Push-ta took the parchment, opened it, and read.

“Want to be part of something big? Speak to Davil Starsong at the Yawning Portal.” 

To Be Continued...

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