
Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Hatred Surfacing - Waterdeep Dragon Heist, Chapter 4


Push-ta Tok paid a visit to the Yawning Portal in response to a summons from someone named Davil Starsong. He asked for Davil per the instructions and was directed towards Yagra Stonefist, the tall and muscular half-orc brawler on whose behalf he and his companions had intervened several nights ago. Yagra recognized him and shook his hand. She led Push-ta to a private back room. 

Within was a golden-skinned sun elf wearing fine clothes. He stood up and introduced himself as Davil Starsong. He thanked Push-ta for his intervention in the previous encounter and made mention of Push-ta's contributions to the "Syndicate" during Push-ta's previous life as a smuggler. Davil informed Push-ta that the Syndicate had heard good things about the "Mystics of Trollskull Manor" and was looking to extend an invitation to Push-ta, and any of his companions who might be interested, in officially working for the Zhentarim Syndicate. 

Push-ta expressed his personal interest but admitted he was unsure about his companions. Davil seemed unconcerned and sealed the arrangement by purchasing Push-ta a drink.


The Mystics of Trollskull Manor:
  • Winterfrost of House Silverspear - Neutral Good Moon Elf Noble and Fighter. The daughter of elven diplomats, raised among dwarves.
  • Etlenda, aka "Exile" - Neutral Good Eladrin Outlander and Paladin. Exiled from the Feywild and raised by wolves. While exploring the Feydark he crossed over into the Underdark and emerged into the Mortal World.
  • Tempus Vegvisir - Lawful Good Human Trade Sheriff and Cleric of Helm. Husband and Father.
  • Push-ta Tok - Neutral Half-Orc Former Smuggler and Rogue.
  • Kem Hearthfire - Chaotic Good Half-Orc Former Gladiator Priestess of Gond.
DM- I started this week with some one-on-one roleplay with Push-ta's player in private chat. Afterwards, we re-played the exploration of Trollskull Manor from the previous week but this time with some great room-by-room descriptions I found on Reddit. Afterwards the team did some investigation to track down a serial killer in the dock ward, using the expanded faction quest found in Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Complete DM's Bundle available from This week's chapter had some great role-playing and a challenging battle. Etlenda's player was traveling and missed this week's game.

The Mission        

"Someone is killing elf and half-elf sailors in the Dock Ward – three bodies so far, each decapitated by a blade in the dead of night. Look into it, will you? Methinks the City Watch could use a little help. Do a good job, and I'll make sure there's some gold in it for you."

"How much gold?"

"That's a great question, and I like where your head is at. 250 golden dragons."

"So, tell me about these murders." asked Push-ta.

"There have been three murders. As I understand it, the first murder happened a week ago near a tavern called The Sleeping Wench on Belnimbra's Street. The second murder occurred only three days ago near another tavern known as The Bloody Fist on Snail Street. The third was just last night. The body was found near a tavern called The Thirsty Sailor on Fish Street. If I were a betting man, I'd wager another body will show up soon – and once again near a dockside tavern. I don't know the taverns well enough to say if there's a pattern, but if you can figure out which tavern the murderer will choose next, you might be able to lay a trap for them."

"Who are the victims?"

Davil checked his papers, "The first victim was a an old half-elf fisher named Sigyrna Moontouched. She occasionally moved product for us. The second victim was a sailor on shore-leave named - Hmm, I don't have that information. The third victim was an elven dancer and performer named Star."

"I'm on the case."

DM- At this point I re-played the exploration of the house using the new detailed information. The players seemed to get a kick out of the added detail and appreciated the itemized list of improvements so they could prioritize what needed to be fixed. It really added a sense of realism to the scenario.

The Money Pit

The residents of Trollskull Manor had contracted an inspector to tour their new house. They went through the house, room-by-room, an identified all the problems. 

The engineering inspector entered Trollskull Alley from the south. He saw a mixture of shops and housing, a pretty nice neighborhood! The buildings were firmly upper-middle class, typical of the North Ward, but as he came around the corner his hopes fell into a pit, TrollSkull Manor loomed before him.

Trollskull Manor was stories tall and boasted balconies, a turret and five chimneys. Troll Skull manor WAS at one time one of the grandest structures in TrollSkull Alley. It had clearly fallen into some disrepair. Boards covered the windows and doors, he could see from the street that the roof needed work. Some of the windows were broken and had been boarded over.

Two Ravens were perched on the second floor balcony, they looked at him lazily as he approached.

There was a small deck along the front. On the right side was a wide door, its red paint had peeled off. The new owners awaited him on the deck - a human man dressed like a road sheriff, a half-orc woman dressed like a blacksmith, an elven - woman? her gender was unclear - dressed as a dwarf, and a half-orc man dressed like a fisherman. He had heard somewhere that they called themselves the Mystics of Trollskull Manor - they didn't look like mystics.

After introductions, he took out his note book and ink-filled stylus and began his tour of the house.

The First Floor

The first floor looked like it was once a tavern. Broken tables and chairs littered the floor. There was a hearth off to the left side and an L shaped bar off the back wall. Dust covered everything. It smelled like mold and old beer.

The hearth was in good shape but the chimney was completely clogged. The interior of the hearth was covered in black soot.

One of the large windows was broken.

All the wall lanterns were broken.

There was a keg that once contained beer behind the bar. It had nearly disintegrated and disgorged its contents onto the floor below, causing severe damage to the floor behind the bar. The floor sagged as he walked upon it.

There was a small plaque behind the bar, hanging on the wall. that said "Employee of the tenday: Lif"

The cellar door was completely swollen shut from the keg leak and needed to be broken to open.

The pantry was an absolute mess. It looked like mice/rats got into everything and feces and food were strewn all over the floor. The cabinets were still in good shape. They just need some major cleaning.

The kitchen was in relatively good shape but the cooking hearth was completely cracked and would need to be repaired or replaced before use.

There were no stairs to the upper level. It looked like there used to be but it was closed off to separate the tavern from the living quarters above at some point.

They descended into the cellar. The cellar smelled very musty and strongly like vinegar. It was empty, as if it had been cleaned out at some point. There was an inch of standing sewage on the floor. He could see some broken plumbing pipes hanging from the ceiling.

There were two large wine casks in the wine cellar that had long ago turned to vinegar. There was one bottle of wine that fell from a broken wine rack lodged behind one of the casks.

The Second Floor

They exited the house and climbed the exterior stairs in the back to the second floor.

The common room had a few end tables and a couch. The couch was rotten. The common room fireplace was in good shape. It appeared to have been maintained. The chimney needed to be cleaned out and some work done on it. There were birds nests in it.

The den has a nice sitting area in the turret. One of the chairs was ok. The other has a bad leg and looked like it could not support weight. The couch was completely rotten.

The bed in the first floor bedroom was rotted. As they entered, they startled a stray cat who fled from  under the bed and out a broken window.

The spare bedroom was completely empty and covered in decades of dust.

The main hallway had a small end table with a worthless vase containing long-dead flowers. There were some faded paintings hanging on the wall.

The Third Floor

They climbed the staircase to the third floor. The indoor privy was surprisingly nice and clean - it was essentially a small seat with a hole in middle connected to a wide pipe in the floor. A bucket nearby would normally be filled with water. The inspector warned the others from using the privy as the pipes were disconnected from the city sewer system.

The library was in total disarray. The ceiling had long ago collapsed after a leak or possibly a heavy snow. The twenty or so books left in the room were completely unreadable. It reeked of mold.

The private bath had a large copper tub. It was full of sludge and debris and half full of water. The water rippled a little. The inspector fished around in the tub and pulled out a large frog.

DM- I asked the players "Anyone want to reach in to the tub?" and was met with a resounding "NOPE!"

 The master bedroom was empty except for a large wardrobe. The wardrobe was full of dried up pine branches.

DM- Only one player got the Narnia reference.   

The other bedroom was plain but the bed was in surprisingly good shape. It smelled of moth balls and dust. A painting on the wall showed trollskull alley from a birds eye view.

The Attic

They climbed into the attic. One of the rooms was full of old junk and broken but repairable furniture and crates full of trinkets. The other room had a broken window. Opening the door startled two ravens in their nests and they flew out the window. 

An exploration of the turret peak revealed a single chair and an empty painting easel. The view of the street below matched that in the painting on the third floor.

The inspector tallied up his observations and presented an itemized list of repairs:



Roof Repair

200 gp

Brick Repair

45 gp

Water Damage

325 gp

Broken Windows

50 gp

Replace Furniture

50 gp

Replace Kitchen Hearth

100 gp

Purchase Brewing Equipment

50 gp

Mugs, Plates, Pots, Pans, Kitchen stuff

30 gp

Cleaning and servicing the Chimneys

5 gp

Fix the Lanterns

25 gp

Fix the Plumbing

80 gp

Fix the Balcony Railings

20 gp

Replace the Sign

15 gp

DM- Thanks again to Busboy 80 for posting this to Reddit. This is amazing stuff.

The Investigation

Kem Hearthfire commented, "That's a lot of money."

Push'ta cleared his throat, "As it happens, I have a job that might earn us some money - 250 golden dragons - if you're interested."

Push'ta explained the mission to capture the serial killer. He did not mention who it was that gave him this mission. The others agreed.

After a short bit of planning, the team decided to head down to the Dock Ward to interview the owners of each of the taverns in an effort to find some clues or commonalities among the victims.

The Thirsty Sailor

The Thirsty Sailor was a noisy tavern on Fish Street run by a half-elf couple, Jens and Petra. The owners explained that Star was a performer, a dancer. His body was found in a dark alley nearby. Tempus carefully asked if Star had taken on any private clients or left with anyone. The owners were offended by the implication that Star may have been a prostitute, exclaiming that they did not run that kind of business. Their elven and half-even dancers were professional artists! Star had left alone very late, thank-you-very-much!

Petra muttered that at least their dancers didn't smell like dwarves. This was a direct insult aimed against Winterfrost who, having been raised among dwarves, wore dwarven attire and had several dwarven mannerisms. 

Winterfrost took offense and lunged for Petra. Her attack was thwarted by Kem and Tempus, who grabbed Winterfrost by the arms and pulled her outside to calm down. Winterfrost was livid and ready to fight. 

Push-ta soon joined them outside and they began their journey to the next destination. Along the way, Push-ta nudged Winterfrost, "If you want to go back later and bust some heads, count me in."

The Sleeping Wench

The Sleeping Wench was a small tavern on Belnimbra's Street. The clientele were mostly sailors of all races and origins. The bartender was an outgoing human woman named Sarah Two-Knives - a tough wiry woman with two large blades on her belt.  

Sarah explained that she knew the victim - an elderly woman named Sigyrna Moontouched. She was a regular - a fisher who owned a small boat and took her nets out into the bay. Sigyrna would spend all hours here at the tavern, not leaving until late at night. She didn't know anything about any smuggling but a small-time fisher's gotta make ends meet. She was saddened to hear of Sigyrna's murder and had no idea why anyone would want to kill a sweet old elven woman like that. Apparently they found her, decapitated, in a dark alley not far from the tavern.

The Bloody Fist

The third destination was a ramshackle tavern on Snail Street called the Bloody Fist. As they entered, the team was met with the sounds of bare-knuckled fighting and cheering elven crowds. 

DM - I jokingly described the elven applause as beatniks snapping. 

The owner and bartender was a male dragonborn named Ethylbas. 

Ethylbas was unaware that any of his customers had been murdered. He had no memory of the anonymous elf who had been killed. The only thing he remembered being out of the ordinary from three nights ago was an elf  ordering Myth Drannor Palefey Ale. Ethylbas carried many exotic drinks favored by elves - wines and ciders from across Faerun - but few ordered ale. Luckily, he had a cask in his cellar. He could remember nothing else of interest about the elf who ordered the drink save that he left at a very late hour. 

The team asked Ethylbas what other taverns there were in the Dock Ward. Ethylbas thought about it and listed them off: "There's the Muleskull Tavern on Ship Street, Selûne's Smile on Deepwater Street, The Bearded Mermaid on the Way of the Dragon, The Hanged Man on Net Street, The Pickled Fisherman on Boat Street, Soaring Pegasus Tavern on the Way of the Dragon, and The Skewered Dragon on Fillet Lane."

The Muleskull Tavern

It was past midnight by the time the team arrived at the next stop on their list - the Muleskull Tavern on Ship Street. The Muleskull was a cozy little tavern run by an elven woman named Alhazin Meadowsong. The clientele consisted of elves and half-elves. A prominent sign proclaimed that Silverymoon Bloodwine was available and, indeed, most of the patrons were enjoying that beverage.

Push-ta mentioned to the others, "I couldn't help but notice that this tavern is located near some very dark alleys very late at night. All three murders occurred in a dark alley. That can't be a coincidence."

Tempus said, "I agree. We should keep our eyes peeled and follow anyone leaving alone."

They eventually noticed one man, an elf, deep in his cups, trying to start belligerent arguments with various patrons who wanted nothing to do with him. Alhazin explained that the man was named Heldar, a regular patron with no friends as far as she could tell. She often has to kick him out around this hour.

No such encouragement was needed, however, as Heldar staggered towards the door, alone, and into the night. 

Tempus gathered the others, "Let's go."

Trapping the Killer

Heldar, the drunken elf, staggered through the late night streets of Waterdeep. The team followed but maintained a discrete distance. Winterfrost, Kem, and Push-ta continued their conversation about Winterfrost's upbringing among the dwarves of Hammerhold. Tempus turned to address them, "Please be quiet and pay attention!" He turned around and had lost sight of Heldar. "Damn!"

There was a scream followed by the sound of a butcher chopping meat. The team ran to the ally from whence the sound came. In the gloom they could see the dark silhouette of a man with two scimitars standing over a decapitated body. 

DM - Every member of the team had to make a DC 13 Perception check. The number of successes determined how the encounter started:

  • 0 successes = The party doesn't spot the attack at all and the murderer gets away.
  • 1 successes = The party spots the killer after he has murdered Heldar.
  • 2 successes = The party spots the killer before he has murdered Heldar, roll initiative.
  • 3+ successes = The party spots the killer and catches him by surprise.

The party rolled only one success, so Heldar was murdered.

Push-ta charged towards the attacker. His Tally Whacker masterwork greatclub crashed down upon the attacker. Kem loosed a crossbow bolt into the darkness but missed. 

The killer smiled and sliced Push-ta with his scimitars before turning to run down a side-alley. Push-ta bludgeoned the killer as he ran away. 

Tempus cursed as he ran to catch up. Winterfrost chose a route around the building, hoping to catch the killer on the other side.

Push-ta gave chase, attacking the killer as he fled. Kem said a prayer and sacred flame shot out towards the killer but missed. 

The killer emerged from the side alley and onto the cobblestone street. Illuminated by street lights it was clear that the killer had dark grey skin and pointed ears - a subterranean dark elf known as a drow! In his belt he carried a Lantanese pistol. 

Winterfrost taunted him, "Hey! He saw Winterfrost and sneered, "Another foul iblith traitor! It will be my pleasure to offer you as a gift to my Spider Queen!" He cast a spell onto those emerging from the side-alley. All but Tempus managed to dodge out of the way. Tempus became engulfed in an aura of purple magic. 

Winterfrost pointed her hammer at the killer. A bolt of lightning reached out from the hammer, wrapped around the killer, and drew him towards her, "You can't get away that easily!"

The team surrounded the killer, hemming him in. The killer cursed and performed a spell. He levitated into the air, out of reach from his attackers. The glow around Tempus faded.

A small bat, Tempus' wizard familiar, flittered around the killer's face, distracting him. Suddenly a loud bell pealed around the elevated killer, followed by a crossbow bolt from Push-ta. Kem sent a miraculous guiding bolt towards the killer but missed horribly.

The killer threw his scimitars to the ground and withdrew his pistol and shield. He pulled the trigger and the pistol made a loud noise like a crack! A bullet shot into the ground near Winterfrost, missing her. 

Tempus called forth another bell while Winterfrost and Push-ta peppered the killer with crossbow bolts. It was too much for the drow killer. He fell to the ground, dying.

Tempus quickly said a prayer and touched the killer, saving his life. They quickly removed his firearm and accoutrements, his boots, and any other armor or weapons, stripping him down to his underclothes.

A moment later, they could hear the sound of a whistle of the city watch - no doubt responding to the gunshot. The team gathered up their quarry and made haste to leave the scene. 

Mission Accomplished

They carried the unconscious drow gunslinger to the Yawning Portal. It was several hours after midnight and business was slow. They were stopped at the door by one of the guards, "What's this? You can't bring him in here?"

Yagra was sitting at a nearby table saw this and intervened, "It's okay. I'm expecting him. I'll take care of this." Yagra helped carry the unconscious drow to a private room and laid him on a table. Yagra then instructed a messenger to notify Davil who had a private room upstairs, and asked Kem, Tempus, and Winterfrost to wait in the tavern's main room while she and Push-ta confer in private.

A moment later Davil entered the room from a side door wearing a silk robe.

 He examined the drow, "This is our killer?"

"Yes. He used these scimitars. He said something about making offerings to his spider queen - whatever that meant. He REALLY hates elves apparently."

"I know this one. I've seen him around. His name is Soluun Xibrindas. He works for the Bregan D'aerthe." Davil grabbed the unconscious drow's cheeks, "So Mister Xibrindas really hates elves does he? Well, Mister Xibrindas, you made the mistake of killing an associate of the Zhentarim. We will make you regret that action."

Davil turned to Push-ta, "You have done well, Mister Tok. I am impressed. Here is your payment, plus a little extra for bringing him in alive." An associate put a bag of coins on the table. Davil took out a smaller bag and poured its contents into the larger bag. "300 golden dragons. You have earned it."

"Can we keep his stuff?"

"Of course. I have no use for it, and soon neither will he. Thank you, Mister Tok. You may go."

Push-ta rejoined his companions in the main room. Tempus and the others got a short glimpse of a sun elf holding the drow's face in one hand and a knife in the other while looking into the drow's open mouth as the door closed. 

"Well," said Push-ta, "We got paid, plus a bonus! I don't know about you, but I'm bushed. Let's head home."

To Be Continued...

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