
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

"The Price Must be Paid" - Tomb of Annihilation, Chapter 6

The path turned left and disappeared into a cleft cut into the smooth rounded edge of the top of the mountain. The steep path became stone steps that ascended between the cleft. Into the walls of the cleft were various bas relief carvings depicting giant jungle creatures, flying lizards, and erupting volcanoes.

Through the cleft they found an ancient entrance threshold made of finely carved petrified wood. The wooden doors that were once attached to the gateway had rotted away. Several piles of human skulls were stacked neatly inside the remains of the entrance.

The city once consisted of wooden and thatch structures on stone foundations. The structures were long gone leaving only the bare foundations and rubble.

In the distance was a single structure - a hut made of thatch and animal hides stretched over the rib cage of an immense reptile. Animal skulls, wind chimes, and totems of feathers and shells rattled in the breeze, and smoke drifted from the hut.

A small hunched elderly woman hobbled out of the hut and tended to a small garden of tubers. Flying monkeys would occasionally deliver to her small tools which she put immediately to use and returned to her helper who flew away giggling.

The old woman was blind with cloudy cataracts over her eyes. Upon her ancient leathery face was a yellow skull painted in dried clay.

Nova Scotia Blackman approached cautiously, "Hello!"

The old woman turned awkwardly, "Ah.. Ah.. Hello? Who goes there?"

"We are travelers. We mean you no harm. Who are you?"

The old woman stared off into the sky, then looked around as if at various invisible guests, "The people of Mbala once called me Nanny Pu'pu."


The party travels to the lost city of M'Bala
to investigate the cause of the mysterious curse
that is causing the dead to rise throughout Chult...

John Henry Blackman, "The Nova Scotian" - a black Canadian archaeologist (Human Bard) from 1920s Earth who was transported from Greenland to the strange continent of Zazamanc. He is searching for a way to return to Earth but has come to appreciate his new home. He is searching for a man named Artus Cimber.

Apparently Jones - a blue-skinned demijin caravan guide and animal trainer (Air Genasi Ranger) from Akasa, the land of sky mountains. She is traveling to Port Nyanzaru to find work as an animal handler.

Bramble Wolf - a theran barbarian wise-man (Wildhunt Shifter Druid) searching for the legendary origin of his tribe.

Xoc-Wik - a b'alam warrior (Tabaxi Fighter) from the jungles of Bres, searching for those responsible for the destruction of his tribe.

Zeynap Shiravadakar - a Eusebean smuggler (Human Warlock) bearing the spirit of a celestial unicorn.

"Why do you come to see Nanny Pu'pu in cursed Mbala? You seek a love charm? A curse?"

Nova asked, "We came to find out if you are causing the dead to rise across Chult."

"Oh... you seek knowledge! Nanny Pu'pu knows many things. But knowledge has a price. There's ALWAYS a price!" The old woman's cackle sent the flying monkeys scattering.

She wheezed for a moment and regained her breath, "You speak of the DEATH CURSE! Yes, the little monkeys have told Nanny Pu’pu about the dead things in the forest. Nanny Pu’pu does not cause it. Nanny Pu’pu can return life to the dead but only when the price is paid."

Nova continued, "Do you know what is causing it?"

"Nanny Pu’pu knows the answer to your questions. But she will answer no questions unless you bring Nanny Pu’pu a gift. Yes. Bring her a gift and pay the price."

Xok-Wik stepped forward, "What is the price?"

"Hidden in the rocks on the south side of this tepui is a nest of pterans, wretched things that steal Nanny Pu’pu’s turnips and eat her little monkeys. Bring to Nanny Pu’pu one of their wretched eggs, or better one of their wriggling young, and Nanny Pu’pu will answer your questions. The price must be paid. Yes."

Xok-Wik looked at Nova and the pair looked back at Apparently, Bramble, and Zeynap. Everyone was in agreement. They would pay the price.

It was late in the afternoon so the party set camp among the ruins of M'Bala. It was the middle of the night while everyone was asleep that Apparently thought she saw a figure moving through the rubble.

She saw what appeared to be a bedraggled foreigner moving as if exhausted and barely alive. The figure groaned in pain. She was shocked when the foreigner looked up revealing dark hollows for eyes and a translucent ghostly pallor. The ghostly specter spoke, "Where is my soul?"

Apparently stumbled backwards, "I- I don't know!"

The specter became angry, "Return my soul!!" It lunged at her, shoving her up against a section of wall. She tried to fire her bow and arrow but missed in the close confines of hand-to-hand combat. The specter throttled her and began draining her soul, inhaling it from her mouth.

Zeynap and Xok-Wik were both roused by the commotion and jumped to Apparently's aid. Zeynap released small bolts of lightning at the specter but his aim was poor. Xok-Wik shouted for the others to wake and slashed at the specter with his short sword. The sword passed through the specter and sprayed the wall with ectoplasm.

Nova Scotia woke with the others and came to the ranger's aid. Apparently broke free from the specter's grasp and ran. The specter gave chase but was cut down by Xok-Wik. The specter dissolved into a viscous puddle of ectoplasm.

Hours later, when everyone had returned to sleep, Xok-Wik observed the ectoplasm reform into a specter and began to wander back into the dark. The b'alam cat-man followed the specter to a small pile of hand-stacked bones. Mixed in with the bones were a pair of manacles and an expensive-looking lock. He took the manacles and lock and returned to camp.    


Dawn broke on the M'bala plateau revealing a sunny blue sky overlooking a rocky island above a sea of low clouds. The party investigated the area overlooking the location of the pteran nest. They found a small fissure in the rock from which was emitted a foul reptilian odor. The fissure seemed too small to be safe so they decided to descend the cliff face.

The entrance to the pteran nest was a cave in the cliff wall about seventy feet below the edge of the cliff. Apparently levitated down while Xok-Wik used his cat-like claws to easily climb down. Nova Scota and Zeynap climbed down a long rope which was lowered over the side.

The party debated the morality of their action as they descended. Were pterans intelligent creatures? Were they mindless beasts? No one knew.

The cave entrance was covered in foul white excrement. The pterans apparently defecated over the side of the cliff. Apparently, who was the first to descend, encountered two pterans relieving themselves just within the entrance. The pterans were reptilian humanoids. Their small fingers were elongated and a wide flap of membranous skin connected the end of the finger to the pteran's thighs creating wings. The heads of the pterans possessed long pointed snouts filled with teeth and long fin-like sagittal crests.   They resembled pteranodons with humanoid lower torsos.

The pterans responded to Apparently's intrusion with violence, throwing javelins at the invaders. One rushed her and tried to push her over the edge while the other ran past and took wing.

Xok-Wik descended into the cave and loosed several arrows into the flying pteran. Xok-Wik asked Apparently, "Well? Are they intelligent? Can we kill them?"

Apparently, locked in mortal hand-to-hand combat with a pteran, shouted, "Don't know yet! But I hope we can!"

The pteran swooped around and dove at Xok-Wik. As it did so it cried a blood curdling shriek that turned Xok-Wik's feline blood to ice. The pteran crashed into Xok-Wik with his  claws and tore into him with his toothy maw!

Zeynap joined the fight with his magical attacks, "They have to be intelligent! They're bipedal!"

Xok-Wik and Apparently both cast incredulous glances at Zeynap. Apparently shouted, "What does THAT have to do with it?"

Zeynap, offended, countered, "Name ONE bipedal creature that isn't sensuous!"

Nova Scotia, having descended the rope and engaging in the combat, replied, "First of all.." he paused to parry his attacker and counter-attack, "its SENTIENT! Second of all.. PARROTS!"

Xok-Wik, also in combat, offered, "Monkeys!"

Apparently shouted, "Emus! Ostriches! Cassowaries! Some breeds of octopus!" before she fell beneath the claws and bites of her attacker.

The pterans were finally defeated and thrown over the edge to fall to the jungle below.

Zeynap rushed to Apparently's unconscious side and supplied healing magic, restoring her to consciousness. He replied, gently, "Point taken."

Suddenly a rasping voice shouted, in Chultan, from a tunnel in the back of the cave, "What's going on? Are we under attack? Do you guys need help?"

Everyone looked at each other in fear. They were out of breath and needed to rest. Apparently whispered, "Well, I guess they're kind of intelligent."

Nova Scotia responded to the voice, doing his best to mimic it, "It was just some flying monkeys! We took care of it!"

There was a pause, then, "Okay! Hey, when you are done, fly down to the jungle and grab some more food, okay?"

"Got it!"

The party sat down and rested in the foul tunnel entrance covered in filth. 

The passage at the back of the cave rose sharply, requiring anyone entering to climb into the next chamber. A lone pteranid climbed down from the rear passage muttering, "What is taking them so long?" He saw the party and turned back the way he came. He was quickly overwhelmed by the party and his body was thrown over the edge. 

Xok-Wik and Apparently climbed the passage at the rear of the cave. They emerged into a chamber filled with bones piled around a nine-foot-tall black obelisk engraved with strange glowing runes. There were three pterans eating in this room. As they ate they would pile offerings of uneaten food around the obelisk. At the first sign of intrusion the three pterans sprang to action and a fight ensued.

DM Note- The obelisk had profane powers. It healed 1d4 hit points to any pteran who prayed within five feet of it and caused 1d4 damage to any non-pteran who stood within five feet of it.

The pterans were soon defeated. A search of the room uncovered the recently deceased remains of a foreign explorer. The explorer's pack contained a gemstone and a healing potion. Zeynap gave the healing potion to Apparently who promptly drank it. Xok-Wik looked concerned, commenting, "Oh. Okay, I guess we're just going to do that then."

Xok-Wik prepared to smash the obelisk but Nova Scotia stayed his hand. Nova Scotia studied the obelisk. It appeared to be dedicated to some kind of demonic cult.

DM Note- Unknown to the players, it was dedicated to Kroorata - the Aarokan cult of ferocity, savagery, and primitivism. Not a specific deity or demon per se, but a philosophy and lifestyle. 

There were two other exits in the rear of the chamber, one heading left and one heading right. The chamber to the right led to a small cool room used for storing meat. Seeing and hearing no other activity, the party decided to once more rest for an hour.

After a short rest the party continued down the tunnel to the left. The passage led twenty feet and opened over a ten-foot fissure. The fissure continued up and a small amount of sunlight could be seen above. It was obviously connected to the opening they saw on the surface. 

Two passages continued on the opposite side of the fissure. Xok-Wik climbed across carrying a rope and helped the others traverse the gap. They continued down the passage to the left.

After about thirty feet the passage bent to the right. Another twenty foot passage opened into a large chamber.

Within the chamber were over half-a-dozen pterans. The chamber was forty feet wide and sixty or seventy feet deep. There were two other exits, one about halfway down the wall on the right and one in the far rear. The rear section of the cavern was separated from the main cavern by a wall. The pterans within numbered six warriors, two elders, and a leader.

The party got the attention of the pterans and attempted to confine the fight to the entrance, hoping to limit the number of pterans they fought at a time. This proved more difficult than they anticipated as only one of them could fight in the passage while up to three pteran warriors could fight them from within the chamber using pointed sticks as thrusting spears.

Meanwhile the two elders and two of the other warriors exited through another passage in the rear right of the chamber. The leader and the other warrior peppered the intruders fighting single-file in the passage using thrown sticks as javelins.

The fight was brutal but Xok-Wik and Apparently managed to defeat two of the warriors and make their way into the chamber followed by Zeynap.

To their horror the elders and other warriors looped around and were coming at them from behind!
Nova Scotia did his best to hold the rear flank but he was first to fall. Xok-Wik was able to defeat a few more warriors but the battle ultimately turned he fell to their spears.

Zeynap and Apparently took on the leader and warrior in the room, hoping to demoralize the pterans by defeating the leader. in final showdown. Zeynap took out a few more warriors, leaving only one fresh warrior and a heavily wounded leader. Zeynap taunted the leader in an attempt to draw attacks away from Apparently. At first the taunts had the opposite effect but eventually Zeynap's insults and attacks became too great for the leader to ignore. The leader turned his attention to Zeynap and the Eusabean warlock soon fell. Apparently was alone and near death!

DM Note- It was down to the leader, who had 19 hit points left, and a fresh warrior, and Apparently who had 3 hit points remaining. It was going to be a TPK so I called the fight.

Suddenly Avallonian soldiers rushed into the room from front entrance while Chultan warriors entered from the rear entrance. The Chultans fought the leader and remaining pteran warrior from one flank, allowing Apparently to scamper behind them to safety, while two of the Avallonians fought from the opposite flank. The remaining two soldiers stabilized Xok-Wik and Zeynap.

The pterans were ultimately defeated but two of the Avallonian soliders and two of the Chultan warriors were dead.

The soldiers were able to save Xok-Wik and Zeynap but Nova Scotia Blackman was beyond rescue.

The soldier informed Xok-Wik, "He is dead."

The b'alam hung his head in sadness.

The sole surviving Chultan warrior of the agwọ na-efe efe (flying snake) tribe touched Xok-Wik's soldier, "Perhaps he may still be saved."

"How do you mean?"

DM Note - At this point, I made Nova Scotia's player leave the room.

"I have heard many stories of Nanny Pu'pu. They say she can restore life to the dead. Perhaps she can help your friend."

The Avallonian soldiers were against the idea but the surviving party members agreed and brought Nova Scotia's body to the surface along with six large pteran eggs each the size of a man's head and six live wriggling hatchlings each the size of a large human baby.

Xok-Wik and the others returned to "Baba Nunu" (what they kept calling Nanny Pu'pu). They brought her the eggs and hatchlings. "We've done as you have asked but we have another request."

Her curiosity was piqued, "Yesss?"

They asked the old witch if she could restore their friend Nova Scotia Blackman to life.

She said that she could but that she lacked a key ingredient - a precious stone from deep within the earth. They produced the stone recovered from the Pteran nest and asked if it would suffice. She agreed that it would.

She said she would perform the ritual but that it would take several hours. They said they would wait.

Nanny Pu'pu prepared for the ritual. She laid Nova Scotia Blackman's body on a large flat slab of smooth cold stone and shaved him of all hair using a ritual blade. She collected the hair into a clay bowl. She then bathed him and cleaned his body using ritual liquids and oils. She drained his body of any remaining blood or fluids and sewed his wounds closed. She inserted a quill into his arm and began pumping a strange liquid into his veins. She painted various magical sigils onto his skin and arranged pine needles, various salts and powders, and smooth round stones on the slab around his body. Flying monkeys continuously brought her necessary tools and ingredients from her hut as she needed them.

A cold breeze picked up and the sky darkened from a passing cloud.

She began the ritual, chanting in a strange unintelligible muttering. She then reached into the litter of pteran hatchlings and pulled forth a wriggling live specimen the size of a toddler. Its beak was tied shut and its clawed wings and legs were bound. She laid it on the slab near Nova Scotia's head. She placed the precious gemstone upon the squirming pteran's forehead. It seemed to attack through some unseen adhesive.

She looked at Xok-Wik as if daring him to interfere and said, "If any of you are weak of stomach, this next part may cause a problem for you. Shall I proceed?"

Xok-Wik consulted Zeynap and Apparently. They nodded in agreement. She continued.

The struggling pteran became weak. Its breath became labored. It stopped squirming and lay still on the stone, panting feebly. The gemstone began to glow purple. The creature stopped breathing.

Nanny Pu'pu removed the glowing gemstone from the forehead of the now dead pteran hatchling and placed it upon the forehead of Nova Scotia.

There was a moment of silence. The breeze had stopped. The cloud had grown large and was now ominously dark. There was a peal of far off thunder.

Nova Scotia Blackman took a deep gasping  breath. His eyes opened wide in horror. He began panting. He looked around as if in panic and rolled off the slab.

The illusion of the pteran hatchling was gone revealing the lifeless body of an aarokan hatchling.

It began to rain.


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