
Tuesday, March 6, 2018

"Camp Vengeance" - Tomb of Annihilation, Chapter 5

It was the tenth day after leaving Port Nyanzaru.

The trail left by the survivors fo Camp Righteous led towards the bank of the River Soshenstar to the right.

The forest cleared to the south revealing a wide marsh teeming with swarms of insects.
The river flowed from the marsh over a series of shoals.

Across the river was a hill freshly cleared of trees. Atop the hill was a crude timber fortification - a walled compound with watchtowers and a gate house facing the river.

All around the fort were decaying bodies and skeletons of humans and other animals impaled on long poles, still writhing, animated by some eldritch necromancy. Flies swarmed and the stench was unspeakable.

Undril, wearing the tabard of the Knights of the Circle, caught the attention of a guard on the gate house. The guard called some orders within the fort and soon a young man wearing a dirty uniform exited. The young man crossed the river in a rowboat and met the expedition.

He was skinny and disheveled. His face was unshaven and he seemed very tired. He took a deep breath and gave gave Undril the salute of her order which she returned.

"Greetings," he said in a low-born Avallonian accent, "Welcome to Camp Vengeance."


The party must deliver a message
to the commander of the Knights of the Circle.
They have finally arrived at Camp Vengeance
and prepare to deliver their message... 

John Henry Blackman, "The Nova Scotian" - a black Canadian archaeologist (Human Bard) from 1920s Earth who was transported from Greenland to the strange continent of Zazamanc. He is searching for a way to return to Earth but has come to appreciate his new home. He is searching for a man named Artus Cimber.

Apparently Jones - a blue-skinned demijin caravan guide and animal trainer (Air Genasi Ranger) from Akasa, the land of sky mountains. She is traveling to Port Nyanzaru to find work as an animal handler.

Bramble Wolf - a theran barbarian wise-man (Wildhunt Shifter Druid) searching for the legendary origin of his tribe.

Xoc-Wik - a b'alam warrior (Tabaxi Fighter) from the jungles of Bres, searching for those responsible for the destruction of his tribe.

Undril Silvertusk - a theran priestess (Beasthide Shifter Priest NPC) delivering an important message to Lord Toriad of the Knights of the Circle.

Zeynap Shiravadakar - a Eusebean smuggler (Human Warlock) bearing the spirit of a celestial unicorn.

They were ferried across the river. There are three other rowboats tied to the bank.

The fort was about 85 feet wide and 125 feet long. The walls were constructed of a crude log palisade about 12 feet tall and surrounded by ditch filled with fetid muddy water.

The expedition approached the gate but it remained closed. The young soldier called out to open the gate and provided the correct response to the challenge. The gate was opened and they were hurried inside. It closed promptly after them. The expedition got the sense they don’t like opening the gate. Once inside they noted that there was only one person manning the gate.

The interior was muddy and wet and miserable.

To the left was a large puddle and an animal pen with four sick looking goats. To the right was a small patch of grass and a watchtower with one guard on duty.

Ahead was a large rectangular tent flanked by two circular yurts. The central tent flied multiple flags and pennants including the flag of Avallonis, the banner of the Knights of the Circle, a pennant indicating its status as a command tent, and a pennant of a noble house of Avallonis featuring an image of a broken bone.

The expedition was introduced to the camp commander, Lord Commander Niles Toriad of Avallonis. Lord Toriad was a man in his forties with noble bearing. He was an experienced military commander. He wore the red uniform of an Avallonian officer with a symbolic shoulder pauldron and epaulet of chain main indicating his status as a knight.

Behind him was his lieutenant, Ser Perne Salhana, an Agarttan woman.

Not present was Ser Ord Firebeard, a Polarian daro.

The Lord Commander received Undril and greeted her companions.

Undril delivered her message - a scroll in a sealed tube. The Lord Commander opened the tube and unfurled the scroll. He read the message and grimaced, crumbling the paper in his hands.

"I fear you brought the worst possible tidings."

He gave the message to Ser Salhana who read it and took a sharp breath. The Lord Commander instructed one of his aides to summon Ser Firebeard.

Undril looked worried, "What is it? What is wrong?"

The Lord Commander asked the theran, "Undril, do you know why the Knights of the Circle are in Chult?"

"No really, no sir."

"Ser Salhana, please explain."

The Lord Commander stepped away and his lieutenant, Ser Salhana, explained, "Over a century ago, the people of Chult were forced to flee their cities when the land became overrun by the undying forces of Skion - the bodies of the dead animated through foul necromancy.

"Over the last hundred years, the Knights of the Circle have sent multiple expeditions to eliminate these abominations. Over time we seemed to be winning. Whatever necromancy that animated the dead over a century ago had ended. The walking dead were becoming rarer and rarer. Their animated corpses rotting away. They were now little more than skeletons.

"Six months ago, we were an expeditionary force of one hundred knights. Our orders were to eliminate the last remaining deathless abominations in Chult. A task that, at the time, seemed reasonable and achievable.

"We established Camp Righteous on the banks of the River Shoshenstar. In our overconfidence we built no fortifications.

"However, we were immediately overrun by hundreds of animated corpses. These were not the wretched decaying bodies of a forgotten time. These were the freshly reanimated bodies of the recently dead - humans, beasts, batiri, everything!

"We were forced to abandon our camp. We regrouped and traveled upriver to establish a new base which we have named Camp Vengeance.  The Lord Commander sent a messenger to Port Nyanzaru to summon reinforcements. What forces were available at Port Nyanzaru were sent upriver and new replacements were requested from Avallonis.

"The current forces of Camp Vengeance include:

  • Lord Niles Toriad of Avallonis
  • Myself
  • Ser Ord Firebeard, a Polarian daro
  • Eight knights, of which five are healthy and three are sick beyond the ability of our healers.
  • Twenty-four soldiers, of which thirteen are healthy and eleven sick.
  • Sister Cyas, priestess of Saint George
  • Six acolytes of Saint George
  • Wolf Rygor, an scout of mixed Avallonian and sylvan parentage
  • Lorsa Bilwatal, a native scout
  • and fifteen native warriors

"On this side of the river we are relatively safe from the walking dead. But the water here is poor and we can't boil water or collect enough rain for everyone. Plus the biting insects that swarm over the swamps carry their own foul pestilences.

"The men are becoming weary and are slowly succumbing to disease and exhaustion. 14 are currently incapacitated with various injuries and illnesses.

"This message is the response from Avallonis. Our request for reinforcements was denied. We were unable to convince the high command that a new threat exists here in the jungle. They are thousands of miles away. They have not seen what we have seen. The Lord Commander has been instructed to carry out his original orders."

Ser Ord Firebeard entered the tent and exchanged greetings with the Lord Commander. Ser Firebeard was a daro. He stood about four feet tall with a squat thick body. His face consisted of a series of jowls and folds of pale skin. He had dark deep-set eyes and a long dark red moustache and beard.

Lord Commander Toriad then took over for Ser Salhana. He introduced Ser Firebeared and addressed the expedition, "Since we sent that request, we have sent patrols into the jungle. We have learned this - Anything that dies in the jungle east of the River Soshenstar is coming back, reanimated by the undying force of Skion! A few months ago, it was only in the jungle interior. Since then it has grown!

"Undril told me that she promised we would pay you each two gold coins a day for your services. Ser Salhana will see to your remuneration. However, I must instruct you that I have further need of your services. I need to find out what is causing this. I need to put a stop to it. But I am unable to allocate any more of my men on any more patrols. I need more men. I am therefore conscripting you as soldiers of the Monarchy of Avallonis. Your first assignment will be to join a small expeditionary force under the command of one of my sergeants. The force will consist of yourselves, four of my soldiers, and four of the native warriors.

"Your mission is to follow up on some intelligence we have obtained from local sources. You will travel to the lost city of Mbala and investigate reports of an ancient evil there. I believe whatever is there is reanimating the dead. You will find this ancient evil and you will eliminate it.

Ser Firebeard and Ser Salhana gave each other a questioning look. Ser Firebeard began to smile, "Excellent! Welcome to the force!" Ser Salhana sighed and looked at the expedition with pity. 

"As conscripts, you will earn the standard pay of an Avallonian soldier - 2 gold coins a day, paid at the end of the mission. My lieutenants will see to your uniforms and equipment. Excuse me."

Lord Commander Niles Toriad nodded at his lieutenants and left the tent.

Ser Firebeard gleefully exclaimed, "Let's get you fitted with a helmet and a spear!"

Nova Scotia, Bramble, Xoc-Wik, and Apparently Jones exchanged a worried glance.

Nova Scotia spoke up, "Now wait a minute! We didn't agree to this."

Ser Salhana explained, "Sorry, but that's sort of the idea of conscription."

Bramble warned, "Look, we're happy to help, but if you try to enslave us, there's going to be trouble!"

Ser Firebeard guffawed, "Slavery?? No, son! This is military conscription! You'll be paid and there are terms for your service. It may be compulsory but we're no slavers! Come now, you'll enjoy it! You'll be serving the greatest empire in the history of Antara! You should be proud!"

Ser Salhana rolled her eyes.

Bramble bared his teeth but Nova Scotia intervened. He addressed Ser Salhana, pleading with her sense of conciliation, "Hey, how about we serve as mercenaries?"

Ser Firebeard narrowed his eyes and growled, "The Knights of the Circle do NOT employ mercenaries!"

"No, only slaves!", interrupted Bramble.

The two were about to exchange blows when Nova Scotia suggested, "Slow down! Slow down! Ser Salhana, we don't want trouble but we're not going to submit to conscription. Perhaps we can discuss alternatives."

"Such as?" she inquired.

"Independent contractors. We'll go on the mission for the same pay. However, we will not serve under an Avallonian sergeant. They'll work under OUR supervision. In addition, we'll take care of the incapacitated soldiers in your medical tent. We are confident that by the thrice poxed anus of Saint Arturo, we'll have at least- five..."

"Seven," interjected Bramble.

"...Seven of your incapictated soldiers back in action by tomorrow morning. The healthy soldiers can then take the ones that are still sick downriver to Port Nyanzaru to get the medical attention they need."

"You can do that?" said Salhana.

"Absolutely!" assured Blackman.

"The Lord Commander will never agree to this!" declared Firebeard.

Ser Salhana thought for a moment. She looked at her daro colleague, "I've got an idea. I think we can solve two problems with one catapult." The pair exited the tent.

A moment later, Ser Salhana returned alone, "Okay, you've got a deal. If you heal my men, you can lead the mission as contractors. However, I've got one more stipulation. You'll need to take another little problem off our hands."

Blackman looked wary, "Which is?"

Ser Firebeard returned to the tent accompanied by a dishevelled figure, a Eusabean from the island of Meropis. He had dusky skin and shaggy black hair and a large knot on his forehead the size of half of a chicken egg. He was in chains.

"You take him off our hands. I don't care what you do with him, but he can't stay here."

"Who's he?" inquired Blackman, skeptically.

The man, still shackled, smiled and reached out to shake Blackman's hands, "Greetings! Zeynap Shiravadakar, at your service."

"He's a smuggler we found on the river. We arrested him but we can't take him back to the authorities in Port Nyanzaru. Neither can we hold him. You take him into your custody and we have a deal."


Later, while the rest slept, Nova Scotia Blackman and Bramble Wolf sat around a fire and talked with the tribal warriors of the camp. Nova pulled forth a harmonica he brought with him from Earth. Lorsa Bilwatal was impressed with the instrument and struck up a conversation with the archaeologist.

Nova learned that the warriors belonged to the Flying Snake tribe and that they were acting as guides and hunters for the soldiers of the Knights of the Circle. At Nova's prompting, Lorsa relayed everything she knew about the recent history of Chult.

Lorsa said that one hundred years ago, Chult was ruled by several powerful city-states. There was Mezro in the east, Mbala in the west, and Omu in the south. All three have since fallen and have been forgotten. She told Nova about the Ras named Nsi, one of the seven Chosen of Ubtao, sworn to protect Mezro. So zealous was he that he waged a war of genocide on a tribe that dared to attack the city. For this crime he was exiled by the other six chosen. Ras Nsi vowed revenge and

Nova and Bramble asked Lorsa to identify some of the the various strange creatures they had encountered so far in Chult. Lorsa was impressed that the expedition had survived the dreaded Kamadan and had encountered the Chwinga forest spirits which are known to impart good fortune. She also relayed what she knew about the yellow-skinned mask-wearing savages known as Batiri.

That night the members of the expedition rested safely within the walls of Camp Vengeance.

Day 11
Cyclone-strength winds beset the camp for the entire day. The expedition decided to postpone leaving Camp Vengeance for a day until the winds died down. Undril Silvertusk and Nova tended to the soldiers and knights who were ill. Undril prayed for Saint Arturo to take their suffering and Nova raised their spirits by playing his harmonica.

Day 12
Morning - Heavy rains and no wind. The new expedition, including Zeynap, four soldiers, and four tribal warriors, set out for the lost city of Mbala. The mission would travel overland through the jungle. The terrain was hilly with many ravines and small valleys.

Afternoon - Medium rains and light wind. That afternoon, while most of the expedition set camp, Xoc-Wik and a tribal warrior went foraging in one direction while Apparently and another tribal warrior went foraging in a different direction.

Apparently encountered another camp of travelers! The camp appeared to belong to a wealthy trader or explorer and consisted of four hirelings and seven native warriors. Apparently observed them from hiding before returning to inform the others.

Nova, Bramble, and Zeynap openly approached the camp in peace while Apparently covered them from hiding with her bow.

The camp belonged to Zalma Haik, a merchant from Ys. Zalma was searching Chult for a man named Artus Cimber. Artus had stolen something belonging to the merchants of Ys and he was sent to bring it back. Zalma's journey had taken him from Fort Belurian to Jakaha Anchorage. He then traveled up the River Tath, through the Ataaz Kahalka, aka the Gorge of Screaming Death, and past the Aldani Basin. He was on his way to the River Soshenstar where he would continue to Port Nyanzaru.

Nova Scotia Blackman explained that he, too, was searching for Artus Cimber. The mystery man was said to have information on how he might return to Earth. Blackman was surprised to learn that Haik was familiar with Earth and had met other Earthlings, though he had never been there himself.

The two groups exchanged pleasantries and eventually parted ways. Nova, Bramble, Zeynap, and Apparently returned to their camp.

Meanwhile, Xoc-Wik and his native companion had encountered a sinkhole in the jungle. The ground gave way and the pair barely managed to grab a nearby vine for safety. To their horror there erupted from the sinkhole a massive swarm of centipedes!

Xoc-Wik managed to flee to safety but the native warrior panicked. The warrior tried to stab at the centipedes with his spear but there were too many. He was quickly swarmed by the crawling insects. He screamed and reached fruitlessly to Xoc-Wik as he fell. Xoc-Wik turned away in disgust as the native slowly lid into the pit covered in venomous centipedes!

Xoc-Wik returned to camp and relay the sad news to the rest of the expedition.

Night - Nothing to report.

Day 13
Morning - Medium rain and no wind. Nothing to report.

Afternoon - No rain and no wind. Nothing to report.

Night - Medium rain and strong winds. Nothing to report.

Day 14
Morning - Medium rain and no wind. The terrain continued to rise in elevation. During their journey, Apparently, who was leading the caravan as navigator, heard something large crashing through the forest. She signaled the others to stop and she scouted ahead. She saw a giant one-eyed humanoid lumbering through the forest. The cyclops' path led in the same general direction and would intersect with their own but it otherwise seemed intent on journeying to a different destination. Apparently remained hidden and let it continue unmolested.

Afternoon - Medium rain and no wind. The expedition arrived at the base of a tepuis or table mountain. The flat-topped mountain had sheer walls and rose almost two thousand feet above the jungle. The lost city of Mbala awaited them atop the plateau. They found a narrow path and began their ascent.

They had climbed several hundred feet above the trees of the jungle. They were rewarded with a spectacular view. To the east they could see the mountain known as Firefinger belching smoke and ash. To the southeast stretched the vast marshy swamps of the Aldani basin. In the sky to the southeast they could see the small floating chunk of rock that Lorsa had described as the Heart of Ubtao.

Near the top they witnessed a strange event. A glowing ball of energy like ball lightning appeared in the clear blue sky. The energy flashed and pulsed. Out of the flash emerged a bizarre flying craft! The craft resembled no Antaran flying vehicle. It was not an Atlantean flying disk. It was not an Akasan sky-ship suspended by a gas-filled balloon. It was long and slender with four flat wings, two large ones towards the front and two smaller ones in the rear. The craft was as large as a sailing ship and appeared to be made of metal.

Nova Scotia Blackman recognized it as an aircraft from Earth but it was larger and heavier than any aircraft he had ever seen in 1920!

The aircraft was on fire and trailed heavy smoke. The wings and fuselage appeared heavily damaged. It flew over the jungle for nearly fifty miles before crash-landing near the horizon. Blackman made a note of its location for future investigation.

The path turned left and disappeared into a cleft cut into the smooth rounded edge of the top of the mountain. The steep path became stone steps that ascended between the cleft. Into the walls of the cleft were various bas relief carvings depicting giant jungle creatures, flying lizards, and erupting volcanoes.

Through the cleft they found an ancient entrance threshold made of finely carved petrified wood. The wooden doors that were once attached to the gateway had rotted away. Several piles of human skulls were stacked neatly inside the remains of the entrance.

The city once consisted of wooden and thatch structures on stone foundations. The structures were long gone leaving only the bare foundations and rubble.

In the distance was a single structure - a hut made of thatch and animal hides stretched over the rib cage of an immense reptile. Animal skulls, wind chimes, and totems of feathers and shells rattled in the breeze, and smoke drifted from the hut.

A small hunched elderly woman hobbled out of the hut and tended to a small garden of tubers. Flying monkeys would occasionally deliver to her small tools which she put immediately to use and returned to her helper who flew away giggling.

The old woman was blind with cloudy cataracts over her eyes. Upon her ancient leathery face was a yellow skull painted in dried clay.

Nova Scotia Blackman approached cautiously, "Hello!"

The old woman turned awkwardly, "Ah.. Ah.. Hello? Who goes there?"

"We are travelers. We mean you no harm. Who are you?"

The old woman stared off into the sky, then looked around as if at various invisible guests, "The people of Mbala once called me Nanny Pu'Pu."


DM Commentary
The player controlling Nova Scotia Blackman was unhappy with the character as a rogue. It wasn't matching his mental image of the character. Since the campaign is young and I'm pretty loosey-goosey about these things, I encouraged him to re-create the characters as a Bard. If he's still not happy, he may replace the character altogether.

During the journey through the jungle on day 13, the player controlling Zeynap began to complain about the rain and miserable conditions. I consider it a compliment to my storytelling skills and power of description that the player was beginning to BELIEVE in the rain and mud! It made me very happy.

Last week there were two extra rowboats at Camp Righteous. That's in the module. I can only think that there were only enough survivors to flee upriver to fill four rowboats so they left two behind. However, in my story I had the survivors march overland. I wanted more of a clue to leave the players to follow. So the presence of two rowboats was technically a plot hole. Until the introduction of Zeynap this week, which gave me the opportunity to tie his character to the lost explorers from week three and suddenly all plot holes were filled! HUZZAH!

I often allow the players to name NPCs. So of course they named the wealthy explorer "Salma Hayak" which was a call-back to an earlier joke when I tried to think of an actress to whom I could compare Ser Salhana's appearance and one player blurted out "Salma Hayak?" which was a) random and b) incorrect. Anyway, when it came time to name an NPC, the other players blurted out "Salma Hayak!" And so it was.

Anyway, when role-playing "Salma Hayak" I was trying to do a posh English accent which the players immediately interpreted as Hedonism Bot from Futurama. I kept trying to reiterate that Salma WASN'T decadent or hedonistic but the mental image, and the accent, just kept coming back.

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