
Sunday, October 29, 2023

Return to the Tomb of the Lost Lich - The Land of Jo'Ril, Chapter 19

The party returns to the Tomb of the Lost Lich. Is this too much dungeon for them?

We are playing Old School Essentials, which is another way of saying Basic D&D circa 1981.

The Party:

  • Arrn, level 3 magic user 
  • Wumpus, level 3 dwarf
  • Waverly, level 3 ranger
  • Andrew Price, level 3 cleric
  • Gordon Binghampton, level 4 cleric, out this week
  • Fitzhugh Skitter, level 2 thief 
  • Hildetrude, a level 1 Halfling NPC hireling

Here's a quick summary of their hex-crawl exploration of the land of Jo'Ril as generated by HEXROLL.

Note - Be aware, we are playing full-on tomb plunderers. We are aware of and deplore the real-world issues of colonialism, cultural theft, etc. We are role-playing characters and situations with different cultural mores and norms than our own. This is not an endorsement on our part for such behavior in the real world. 

After resting overnight at the Wight and Crying Queen Inn, the party reunited with Arrn and returned to the Tomb of the Lost Lich, this time without Gordon.

1. Two Troglodytes. The party, certain of the presence of a secret door in this corridor, returned to try again. This time, they found it after thirty minutes of searching. They entered and spotted the troglodytes using their mimicry ability to set up an ambush (neither side was surprised, thanks to the Waverly's ranger abilities). The troglodytes were quickly killed and looted, producing 16 gems worth 815 gp in total and 20 jewelry items worth 4,550 gp in total. It was later determined that the troglodytes were guards placed in a magical form of suspended animation.

2. Seven Pit Vipers. A room with lit by a single candle lit in a sconce. The center of the room was covered in a large pile of debris, loose bricks, large rocks, etc. A human man was chained to the wall in the southwest corner. Wumpus went to his aid, then called Fitz over to open the manacles. Fitz inspected the manacles, they were held by a cotter pin. She removed it and glared at Wumpus. As she trudged back to the southeast corner of the room, she stepped over the debris pile. A venomous pit viper, hidden within the loose stones and bricks, struck her. She staggered before falling to the ground, dead. (Failed Save vs. Poison).

Wumpus quickly killed the viper while Waverly doused the entire pile in oil before setting it ablaze. The pile burned. Six more vipers emerged from their hiding spots, fleeing the flames.

DM Note- By my original design, had they just avoided the pile of debris, they wouldn't trigger any vipers at all. However, setting the pile on fire did one round of burning damage to the vipers but forced them out of the pile. They're animals so I rolled reactions for each viper to see if they'd just flee or attack. 

Two slithered towards Wumpus and Waverly, biting but missing. Arrn cast a sleep spell and all the vipers fell into torpor. They were quickly dispatched as the flames died down. The party quickly dispatched the remaining vipers. The room produced no treasure.

3. Five Robber Flies. A secret door in the northwest corner kept opening, then closing, then opening, then closing. It was soon discovered that one of Arrn's invisible guards had been pressing on the floor plate in the previous room, opening and closing the secret door.

DM Note- the real reason was I said, "Oh wait, you stepped on the plate, the door is open!" and opened it in the VTT, then immediately remembered, "Wait, that was yesterday, the door is re-closed. No, it should be open." and I literally kept opening and closing it in the VTT. Wumpus' player said "Which is it?!" and I came up with the story about the guard stepping on the plate over and over again. 

Inside the secret room were five yellow-and-black insects, each the size of a large rat! Were they hornets? Bees? It was difficult to say. They leaped onto Wumpus and Waverly and began biting with their mouth parts. 

DM Note- one of the bees bit Wumpus HARD twice! Once for 8 damage and once for 7 damage!

The lack of stingers told Waverly these were robber flies, insects that resemble killer bees. The insects were soon dispatched.

A lever was located in the secret room. Waverly pulled the lever but it was blocked. Suddenly, a spitting cobra slithered out from under the lever! 

DM Note- I had rolled the cobra as a wandering monster, and this was a perfect place to fit it in!

The cobra was quickly killed before it could do any harm.

Waverly pulled the lever with no immediate effect.

The human captive turned out to be a half-elf from the city Arkon. He introduced himself as Boots.

DM Note- we used the captive as a way to introduce Fitz's new replacement character.

4. 76 Bats. Wumpus forced opened the door to this room to find dozens of bats flying hanging from the ceiling. The opening of the door sent them into a swarm, filling the room with a cyclonic cloud of flying bats! Arrn cast a sleep spell and all the bats fell to the floor. The room produced no treasure.

DM Note- I wasn't quite sure how 7HD of monsters equated to 76 bats each with 1hp. In retrospect, I should have had Arrn's player roll 7d8 and that many bats would fall asleep. Whatever, they're just bats.

A secret door to the north was open, revealing a hidden niche filled with bat food. 

The door to the west was locked but a key the party had earlier found fit and the door opened.

5. Four Killer Bees.  An altar contained four large yellow-and-black flying bee-like insects. These attacked immediately, stinging Wumpus multiple times (Successful Saves vs. Poison). That these had stingers and died after using them told Waverly they were giant killer bees. The bees were soon eliminated. The room produced no treasure.

The party thought about continuing north but, out of holy miracles and arcane spells, and low on hit points, they decided to retrieve Fitzhugh's body, retreat to the entrance, and return to to the Wight and Crying Queen Inn. There Wumpus buried Fitz with a dwarven funeral dirge.

Back at the Inn

DM Note - We had about thirty minutes left to play so we did some interaction with some NPCs at the inn. I used donjon's random inn generator to create some more guests. 

Wumpus met a male dwarven storyteller and his male travelling companion. The storyteller had been cursed by a necromancer in the city of Tybor int he neighboring land of Urazar. The travelling companion was a drunkard trying to scam people out of free drinks. Wumpus also met a female dwarf travelling to Kömür to earn money for her hold - her clan's mine had dried up and they need some more money to survive a few more months while they dig deeper, hoping to find a lost vein of gold. Arrn offered her money but she angrily snapped, "A dwarf never accepts charity!" 

DM Note - That's where we left. What will happen next week? Will they return to the obviously deadly Tomb of the Lost Lich for some more punishment? Will they seek a gentler dungeon? Will they travel to Ankar? Who knows? 

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