
Tuesday, October 10, 2023

A Storm is Coming - The Land of Jo'Ril, Chapter 17

The party survives a magical hurricane in Kömür, then set off to explore the Ironhammer fields. Pretty much two combat encounters and lots of fun exploration and roleplay.

We are playing Old School Essentials, which is another way of saying Basic D&D circa 1981.

The Party:

  • Arrn, level 4 magic user
  • Wumpus, level 4 dwarf
  • Waverly, level 3 ranger - showed up two hours late
  • Andrew Price, level 4 cleric
  • Gordon Binghampton, level 4 cleric
  • Fitzhugh Skitter, level 1 thief - still out this week

Here's a quick summary of their hex-crawl exploration of the land of Jo'Ril as generated by HEXROLL.

Note - Be aware, we are playing full-on tomb plunderers. We are aware of and deplore the real-world issues of colonialism, cultural theft, etc. We are role-playing characters and situations with different cultural mores and norms than our own. This is not an endorsement on our part for such behavior in the real world. The orcs in my setting were created by the serpentines to wage war against the elven kingdoms in the ancient times. They are a created lifeform that knows only war and violence.

We started in Kömür during an unprecedented cyclone. The party and their retainers huddled in the house of Arrn when suddenly every door burst open and every window was smashed, their shutters thrown wide.

Through every aperture appeared wispy creatures - bat-wings made of smoke and mist with no bodies! They flew into every room, smashing things and making a mess. 

Note - these were 1HD Fundamentals from the Creature Catalog. Originally they are immune to normal weapons but I got rid of that for this fight. Every room was engulfed in strong wind which made missile weapons useless. The entire encounter was meant to make a storm menacing and give players something to do. 

Arrn and Andrew ran downstairs to aid the three guardsmen retainers and one cook against three fundamentals.

Gordon and Wumpus stayed on the second floor to fight the five fundamentals there.

Gordon cast Protection from Evil and found that the minor air elementals avoided him. However, if he attacked, the prayer would wear off. So he stayed on hand in case anyone needed healing.

Arrn, Andrew, and the retainers made pretty quick work of the fundamentals downstairs so they returned to help Wumpus.

Wumpus took a few hits but was holding his own. With the help of his friends, he was able to dispatch the remaining fundamentals, including the two in the attic.

The next day, Arrn found a note on the front door of his house.

Only a fool trusts a fool.  Nelsonanon Bagbradley is a charlatan and a fool.  Seek the Apothecary in the Demonskull Dunes.  -a friend

Their original plan was to search the long finger-like extension known as the Wizards of Alvania desert. With this new information, they decided to postpone that search.

Many houses were struck by Storm Fundamentals, many people died and there was much property damage. The party spent the remaining week helping to rebuild the neighborhood from the storm damage and preparing for a journey.

They left Kömür following the east bank of the river north. 

Hex 74 - The river flowed down a waterfall from a deep lake of black water. Three hippogriffs foraged for food. One flew near them, investigating. Arrn dumped a bag of rations onto the ground and the party hurried on.

Hex 28 - The land became increasingly dark and gloomy. The ruins of an ancient castle sat atop a nearby hill. The terraced hillside spoke of once fertile farmland, now withered and dead. The bones and skulls of long dead human warriors splintered under their boots and horse hooves. This was a place of death - the location of the Tomb of the Lost Lich and home to Baron Solomon, the Vampire. 

They hastened their journey, pressing on to reach their destination.

Hex 27 - A black lake nestled between two bleak hills, dead fish gathered on its shore. A sign read "The Wight and Crying Queen Inn", pointing to a large structure on the shore of the lake. 

Inside they found a friendly travelers inn, warm and inviting. The party was exhausted. They would spend the next day resting.

They spent the next day relaxing in the dining hall, getting to know their fellow travellers. 

Note- I got to roleplay a lot of NPCs. it was a lot of fun.

  • Meinward Magnificus, a level 2 Elf. 
  • Minger Roenwallon, a level 2 Thief. 
  • Svator Nadalbert, a level 1 Magic-user. 
  • Ratrude of Narus, a level 1 Fighter. 
  • Facetus of Zamara, a level 4 Magic-user. 
  • Littera Hildetrude, a level 1 Halfling. 
  • Hildewin of Goldenclover, a level 3 Magic-user. 

Wumpus took a liking to Littera Hildetrude, a halfling with plate armor. No one would allow her into their adventuring party. Wumpus also liked Ratrude of Narus, who was so stupid she thought everyone was making fun of her whenever they said her name. 

Later that afternoon the large barn-like doors were thrown open.

In came a man, part-pig, fat and disgusting, leading a group of mercenaries. The pig-man stopped when he saw Waverly.

"You! (SNORT) You did this to me! Do you remember me? It's Drudo Cadhoiarn! You delivered the black lotus - the black lotus that did THIS to me!" he pointed at his porcine appearance. "100 gold pieces to the man who captures her alive! I want to have some fun with her!"

Note - Drudo had like ten men or so. I rolled reaction for each of his men, some were neutral and stayed out of the fight, many took him up on his offer and ran towards Waverly. One rolled a 12 and turned on Drudo! 

What followed was a barroom brawl. Arrn charmed one of the mercenaries and ordered him to stand by his side. Ratrude and Littera got involved. The brawl was harmless, for the most part, until one of the berserkers took it too far and Wumpus was forced to defend himself using his axe, then Littera shot a mercenary with her bow. 

Waverly leaped over tables and made a bee-line to Drudo. She drew her flaming sword and skewered the pig-man through the neck and head.

Note - she rolled a 20 and did great damage!

Drudo fell down dead. The remaining mercenaries surrendered. They didn't like Drudo much anyway.

Without a leader, the mercenaries turned to Ratrude. They were impressed with her fighting prowess. She gladly stepped in and took over, naming the group the Iron Dragons.

Wumpus hired Littera.

The three dead bodies were dragged away and buried, their feet cut off to prevent them becoming zombies.

The next day, the party, now accompanied by Littera, left their wagon and horses at the inn and returned to the crumbling castle. 

They searched the grounds, hoping to find the entrance to the Crypt of the Lost Lich. After an hour of searching, Wumpus found an old castle privvy, the hole in the floor led to a set of stairs that descended into the earth.

They found the entrance.

To be continued...

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