
Saturday, July 22, 2023

Tomb of the Serpent Kings, Chapter 3

Week three of Tomb of the Serpent Kings. The characters carefully maneuvered the ledge of the chasm, easily bypassed the trap on the door, and fought a jelly skelly. 

Due to my description, they concluded Jelly Skelly was covered in similar black ooze from the crypt - I was trying to walk a fine line between linking them thematically as failed mummies without linking them mechanically. So they used oil and burning to try to destroy the jelly skelly like they would a black ooze. 

I feel like I should have just rolled with it and rewarded their deduction skills - but I kept it as indestructible jelly skelly. I kept trying to hint that they could use the benches to safely move it around but they didn't pick up on that. 

The jelly skelly killed one PC. They lured it out onto the ledge and used a rope to trip it while using a 10' pole to shove it over. Good job! Defeated! 

The OSE conversion notes do not specify an XP value for the jelly skelly. How much do you figure? A regular skeleton is 10 XP. What should an unkillable skeleton be worth??

Jeff's character made his saving throw and spotted the magic manacles moving towards him like he was magnetic. Trevor devised a plan to catch the manacles using a borrowed staff.

After that they found the goblin warren, and Erica's character, the only one who could communicate with them (because Chaotic) became their queen. 

We'll pick up from there next week. Only one PC death this week - they're getting better!

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