
Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Nelsonanon Bagbradley, purveyor of fine potions, tinctures, and tonics


What follows is the full interaction, conducted via email, between myself and the player of Andrew Price, cleric, regarding the purchase and consumption of vitality tonic.

The next day, as you explore the metropolis of Sigatona, you hear someone trying to get your attention.

"Holy father, I say, honored clergyman! Might I have your attention!"

It's a man in a fine long coat and a fancy hat with long brightly colored plumage. He sports fashionable facial hair and a shiny gold earring. 

"My esteemed follower of the holy Gods of Law, my name is Nelsonanon Bagbradley, an explorer and merchant at your service, a purveyor of fine potions, tinctures, and tonics."

"I could not help but notice that you suffered a certain, shall we say, paucity of vigor in your otherwise admirable and sublime personnage. Why, I fear for your health, good sir! These are trying times, what with plagues and poxes and all manner of ailments running rampant through the streets, carried to our fine shores by mongrels and vagabonds from foreign lands."

"Sir, as a humble servant of the Great Hierarchy I entreat you to take precautions to protect yourself. We need your good works, this city NEEDS your counsel and guidance, your wisdom and teachings! I beg of you, righteous father, to consider your own health as you navigate these troublesome streets filled with bursting pustules and dangerous miasma!"

"Allow me to offer you a small service as a patron of the most divine Hierarchy." He reaches into his voluminous coat and produces a small phial, "Allow me, an unworthy supplicant, to provide to you this small gift so that you might stave off the unclean airs that befoul this wanton hive of sin and provide your grace and succor to those MOST in need."

He puts the phial in your hand, clasping your hand with both of his and curling your fingers over the phial. 

"Most consecrated curate of Order, this free gift to you, a trifle that I offer as oblation, is a Tonic of Vitality. This one small tonic will bulwark you against the evils of this land. It is a formula derived from that created by the great alchemist Aleria herself! For it is from her that I learned this formula. It is my great honor that I might create this concoction so that I might share it with you, so that you might continue your virtuous crusade."

"Go well, reverend. And remember my  name, Nelsonanon Bagbradley, when you say your prayers. Should you ever need my services, simply ask for me at the local herbalist or seek me out at the city market whereupon I conduct my trade. I shall be honored by your grace. Good day, sir!"

With a flourish he continues on his way, leaving you with the small potion, ornately labeled "Vitality".

You look around, you notice two or three empty bottles on the ground and spot a washer-woman finishing off the small vial. She looked tired, exhausted, frail. Upon finishing the small phial, she looks pleasantly surprised, she smiles, she seems refreshed, she looks energized, full of vim as she continues on with her day.
Andrew Price, Cleric: I will approach the washer woman and ask her about the vial, its contents and effects. Also what she knows about Nelsonanon.

She's never seen him before. He gave her this free concoction. She is chronically exhausted but it perked her right up. She feels great!

A nearby fisherman says "You got that from Nelsonanon? Oh, they're a fine tonic all right. You feel better, hale even, but only for a day. He gives you the first one for free, but every tonic after that costs you, and they're not cheap either - 10 gold pieces per tonic!"

Another man, a well-to-do merchant shopping for fish, says, "Worth every penny if you ask me. I mean, if you can afford it. I purchase them all the time, not for everyday use, mind you, but when I know I'll need a little extra energy to get me through the day. He sells them down at the market. I heard he was a student of the great Apothecary Aleria herself!"

The fishmonger sneers, "Pshaw! Who can afford it!"

The wealthy merchant merely chuckles at the fishmonger, smiles, and gives you a wink as if to say "Oh, some of us can."

Andrew Price consulted with the other members of the party - should he try the tonic? They advised against it. He ultimately drank it. I asked the player to roll 3d6 - that was their new temporary CON for the day. A potion will only last for seven days before spoiling. Andrew later tracked down the charlatan and purchased seven tonics for later use. 

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