
Thursday, May 5, 2022

The Path of Wailing Torment - Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Chapter 16

The drow prisoner begged to be allowed to face the Test of Lolth. He a survivor, he would only face execution for his failure. His only path at redemption lay in the test of his dark demon-goddess. If he passed, he could return to his people. If he failed, he would be transformed into an abomination.

The party agreed. They cut him loose and allowed him to leap within the abyssal circle. 

He disappeared in a gout of sulphureous flame.

The Mystics of Trollskull Manor stood around, waiting, ready for anything to return from the "Test". 

When nothing happened for ten minutes, they shrugged and gave up waiting. "Did he pass or fail?" Nobody knew. 

The party formed up and faced the natural tunnel to the south. A cool wind issued forth, carrying the sound of distant echoing screams. They pressed forward into the tunnel.

The freed human prisoner, Geldax Breer, called out in the darkness, "What's happening? I can't see anything?"

Tempus said, "Just hang on to Push-ta's belt. We can see just fine."

"The orcine fellow? Is that safe? I think he has brain jellies!"

"It's just temporary. Don't worry. We'll protect you."

As they advanced deeper into the tunnel, the sound of wailing became louder. It was constant, seeming to always be rising, like a chorus of a hundred demons.

The tunnel wound around like a serpent. They came upon a cavern. There they saw, in the darkness, a chimeric thing - with the torso of a drow and the body of a giant spider! It looked mad, clutching its head in agony, driven mad by the constant wailing. It was clearly agitated and aggressive, "Make it stop!" it cried in elvish, "Make it stop!"


The Mystics of Trollskull Manor:
  • Winterfrost of House Silverspear - Chaotic Good Moon Elf Noble and Fighter. The daughter of elven diplomats, raised among dwarves.
  • Etlenda, aka "Exile" - Neutral Good Eladrin Outlander and Paladin. Exiled from the Feywild and raised by wolves. While exploring the Feydark he crossed over into the Underdark and emerged into the Mortal World.
  • Tempus Vegvisir - Lawful Good Human Trade Sheriff and Cleric of Helm. Husband and Father.
  • Push-ta "Bearbite" Tok - Neutral Half-Orc Former Smuggler and Rogue, secret member of the Zhentarim.
  • Kem Hearthfire - Chaotic Good Half-Orc Former Gladiator Priestess of Gond. 
  • Randall - Chaotic Good Human Scout and Smuggler. The child of minor nobles slain by Manshoon - or one of his duplicates, he now leads smugglers down the River Sargauth to Skullport.
  • Glom the Wretched, aka "Hu-Man Patty Johnson" - Chaotic Neutral Goblin NPC, former thief and guide to the Arcane Chambers.
DM - Push-ta's player was absent this week. I was also not as prepared for Skullport as I thought I was.

The Drider

The monstrosity begged for help, but whenever anyone began to approach, he would lunge menacingly, short swords bared, "Stay back! I won't let you through! I WON'T LET ANYONE THROUGH!"

Lacking magical spells of silence or anything else, The party tried to dart past as quickly as possible. Randall and Kem Hearthfire ran past and down the passage on the other side. Winterfrost moved forward to block the way in case the drider attacked. The drider threw himself at Etlenda and his spirit wolf, slashing! The wolf was struck and disappeared, leaving its rider and barding behind to fall to the ground.  

Geldax Breer, Hu-man Patty Johnson and Push-ta were trapped, unable to move past the dangerously unstable drider. Geldax called out, "Hello? Is there fighting? What's happening?"

"Stay back there! We'll protect you!"

The drider frothed, "MAKE IT STOP!!"

Randall returned to aid his newfound companions. Randall, Tempus, Etlenda, and Winterfrost engaged the spider-thing as it madly spun around, attacking at random! 

The party did its best to show mercy towards the drider, attacking with the flat of their blades and shoving with their hammers instead of wild swings. Eventually the drider was smashed into the wall and fell to the floor, unconscious. 

The party quickly made its way past. Geldax called out in the darkness, "Did we win?"

The Writing on the Wall

The party finally made it to the Sargauth river - a sluggish underground river with pitch black water. They passage opened into a cave with a shore covered in gravel. The walls and ceiling were covered in spider webs. 

An inscription carved on the wall read:

If Skullport’s where ye wish to be,

With the Sargauth’s flow go ye.

If pirate booty is what ye crave,

Fight the surge to the captain’s grave.

"Do we want to find the captain's grave?" asked Tempus enthusiastically.

"Maybe." agreed Kem, tentatively.

"No!" interjected Etlenda, "We're going to Skullport. Winterfrost, don't you have a mission there?"

"Yes, but pirate booty!" said Winterfrost.

"Pirate booty is a distraction! It's a drain on resources! But let's have a vote."

The party voted.

"Skullport it is! Winterfrost, throw the thing in the water."

The Mad Mage Returns

Winterfrost tossed the holy symbol of Lolth, taken from the high priestess of the drow, into the River Sargauth.

Nothing happened.

"What's supposed to happen?" asked Etlenda.

"I don't know. Let me try something." Winterfrost tossed the scarab bearing the symbol of House Auvryndar into the water.

Nothing happened.

They waited. Nothing.

After about an hour, the party realized they either had the wrong holy symbol or they were duped by the Mad Mage. They gathered up their things and turned back into the -

- they heard the sound of an approaching gondola being poled down river. The gondolier was a robed figure. Standing at the prow was the Mad Mage - Halaster!

Once the boat was close enough, it became clear that the gondolier was the animated skeleton of a demonic tiefling.

"Sorry I'm late! "Well done, well done! I never believed in you, and you made it through anyway! Well done, indeed! You threw the thing of whats-her-name into the river, just like I asked! You have earned your reward!"

He reached into his robe and withdrew a handful of dice. He threw them into the air. They froze in mid-flight. 

"Twenty-six! An even number! Very auspicious! That means you win a - just a second - " He searched through his wizard robe covered in moving eyeballs, reaching into pockets, "no, no, that's not it, hold on."

He finally withdrew a feather, displaying it between his thumb and finger, "There it is! Take this!"

Etlenda took the feather. It magically transformed into a coin or token embossed with the image of a feather.

"What is it?" inquired Etlenda.

"Your prize! Where are you headed next?"

"We're going to Skullport. Can we use your boat?"

Halaster shrugged, "Sure! Why not. I've got other things to do anyway. Okee-dokee then, I'll be off. Have fun! I hope you don't die! And by that I hope you totally die! Later losers!" Halaster stepped off the boat and sank into the river, disappearing from view.

Down River

The gondola floated downstream with the current, directed by its skeletal pilot. 

The party passed a landing where, until recently several drow rafts had apparently been kept. Now only one raft remained next to the drag marks in the sandy gravel. 

About two hundred feet later, the river widened as they passed another landing outside an ornately carved stone door flanked by dwarven statues. The party resisted the temptation to explore and kept floating on.

A few hundred feet more, they passed another landing on the far side of the river. Several glowing and translucent pirates were digging in the dirt. As the gondola passed, the ghostly apparitions stood and waved in an attempt to flag down the passing party. Once again, they ignored the distraction and carried on.

Sniper Ambush

The river turned around a bend and passed beneath two ledges, eight feet above the water. As they drew near, crossbow bolts rained down into the river from drow crouched near the ledge. Hu-man Patty Johnson was struck by an crossbow bolt and fell down into the boat. Tempus grabbed her covered her body with his as he said a prayer to keep her alive. Etlenda used his body as a shield to protect Geldax Breer. 

Kem Hearthfire said a prayer and a spiritual hammer of Gond appeared above the ledge to harry the drow. 

Winterfrost magically summoned her drow pistol and fired a shot at the leader of the drow. The loud report echoed throughout the river.

The leader stood up and shouted at Winterfrost, "Where did you get that weapon? You did not earn that weapon! You don't even know how to use it! You sully it with your infidel hands!"

Winterfrost shouted back, "Come take it!" and fired another round. 

Etlenda shouted at his elven friend, "Winterfrost, just take cover! There's no need to attack these jokers! We'll be out of range in a minute! You're just wasting ammo and putting yourself in danger!"

Winterfrost stood in the boat and fired another round!

The party took several poisoned arrows as they floated past. They eventually disappeared around another bend. 


The gondola floated for a while more before entering a vast cave. Looming before them was a subterranean fortress - a walled castle guarded by bugbears armed with ballista and weapons that threw streams of liquid alchemist's fire.

Their arrival was closely observed. 

"This place has really gone downhill since Xanathar's Guild took over," grumbled Randall.

The gondolier poled the craft under a bridge to a sandy beach to the right. Before them was an entire city built underground! The buildings of the city were several stories tall. The lower stories seemed decrepit and dark while the upper stories were well lit and lively. Walkways and rope bridges connected the upper levels.

"Okay, I hate this place," said Etlenda, "Winterfrost, lets do your thing and get out. What are we looking for?"

"Someplace called the Flagon and the Dragon." said the elf.

"I know the place," said Randall, "Follow me."

They left the boat. No one offered any coin to the skeletal pilot. The gondola sank into the water.

A patrol of bugbears was approaching in the distance.

Kem Hearthfire cleared her throat and said, "Everyone come here for a minute, lets duck into this alley."

She took out her disguise kit and applied fake moustaches, wigs, scars, and false noses and ears. "There we go. Now we look less like the wanted enemies of Xanathar's Guild."

The Flagon and the Dragon

The party entered the tavern and found a half-drow woman tending bar. She greeted them warmly, "Hello, Newcomers! What's your poison?"

Winterfrost asked for Cal’al Claddani, explaining that he had a gift for them from the bard named Threestrings, a regular in the Yawning Portal.

The woman identified herself as Cal'al and acknowledged her friendship with Threestrings. Winterfrost gave to her the pouch she had promised to deliver. Within the pouch was 50 gold pieces and three moonstones. Winterfrost asked Cal'al if she was a friend of Lady Haventree - Harper code to identify fellow Harpers. Cal'al replied that she knew of her but not very well, an indication that she was unaware of the code and therefore not a Harper.

The thanked Winterfrost for the gift rewarded the party with a round of free drinks. 

To Be Continued...

DM - Honestly, I had to end early because I was unprepared for the complexity of Skullport. I had read over the basics, but once the party started going through the town, I felt overwhelmed and did a poor job communicating the layout of the place. So I asked for more time to familiarize myself with the details - Who does what? Who knows what? What activities to do? What are the quests? Meanwhile, Etlenda's player is DYING to leave this place and move forward to level 4 of the Undermountain. 

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