
Thursday, January 20, 2022

Sick Trivia - Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Chapter 2

Beyond the rune doors was a vast chamber that reeked with rot and waste. Its high vaulted ceiling held up by crumbling pillars. A sinuous voice floated out from the dark: "Ah… The newest contestants. Welcome. Welcome to Halaster's Challenge!"

Out from the dark stalked a beast with the face of a man, the body of a lion, and the wings of a drake. Its spiked tail scraped against a nearby pillar. Indistinct shadows moved on the walls and ceiling in the vaulted chamber.

"Yours is a special game," said the beast. It flashed a smile far too human for anyone's liking. "A special game indeed. The Mad Mage expects a great performance for his audience."


The Mystics of Trollskull Manor:
  • Winterfrost of House Silverspear - Chaotic Good Moon Elf Noble and Fighter. The daughter of elven diplomats, raised among dwarves.
  • Etlenda, aka "Exile" - Neutral Good Eladrin Outlander and Paladin. Exiled from the Feywild and raised by wolves. While exploring the Feydark he crossed over into the Underdark and emerged into the Mortal World.
  • Tempus Vegvisir - Lawful Good Human Trade Sheriff and Cleric of Helm. Husband and Father.
  • Push-ta Tok - Neutral Half-Orc Former Smuggler and Rogue, secret member of the Zhentarim.
  • Kem Hearthfire - Chaotic Good Half-Orc Former Gladiator Priestess of Gond.


The manticore backed up as if inviting the team to enter, "Come in, come in. Introduce yourselves. Tell the audience at home a little bit about you." The Manticore gestured towards an invisible audience with its forepaw.

Each of the Mystics of Trollskull Manor entered cautiously, looking around. They could see no "audience". As far as they could tell, the Manticore was referring to a blank wall. They played along, introducing themselves as they entered.

"Excellent! That's fantastic! Okay, let's get ready for the challenge, shall we? This challenge is called 'Sick Trivia'! I'm going to ask you a series of trivia questions. If you get six correct - you win. If you get three incorrect - you lose!  If you lose, I get to EAT YOU! You answer as a team, but only one answer will be accepted. LET'S PLAY!"

The manticore danced around to inaudible music for a moment then returned to the Mystics.

"First question! Ancient is this realm. On the bones of what civilization is the Mad Mage's dungeon built?"

The team conferred. Winterfrost answered, "Drow?" 

DM- if they couldn't guess, the players had the option of rolling an appropriate skill with Advantage because they were working as a team. In this case, History. They rolled 11/12. 

The Manticore asked, "Is that your final answer?"

"Yes. The drow."

"INCORRECT! Waterdeep is built upon the bones of a dwarven realm once known as the Underhalls of Melairbode which itself was built upon the ancient elven kingdom of Illefarn. This capitol was named Aelinthaldaar."

"Dammit! I knew that!" cursed Winterfrost.

"An inauspicious beginning for our contestants. Can you  recover? Next question. Push-ta, you should know this one. How much blood is in a dwarf's body?"

Push-ta looked appalled, "Why would I know that one?"

DM- I singled out Push-ta's player because he works for the Red Cross and I thought he might know how much blood is in a human body, but he didn't know.

Instead, they went with the Medicine skill. They rolled 20/15.

Kem answered.

"CORRECT! Six liters of blood! Next question - Which mortal race makes for the gamiest meat?" The Manticore licked its lips, exposing three rows of shark-like teeth.

Etlenda noticed that the Manticore stared hungrily at Kem and Push-ta. He answered, "Half-orcs?"

The Manticore spat in frustration, "CORRECT! They are so wild and free - the meat just tastes - DIFFERENT! Okay, next question!  This one's a riddle for you: 'Always hungry am I; always I must be fed; the finger I lick will soon turn red. What am I?"

There was some deliberation. 

DM- Including the suggestion of "pizza". Really, Push-ta? "PIZZA"?

Kem Hearthfire blurted, "I know this one! It's fire!"

DM- Kem's player legit figured this one out and everyone else were super impressed.

The Manticore was becoming noticeably angry, "CORRECT!" it spat, "Next question - What fungus comes alive and shrieks when it senses other creatures nearby?"

"Easy," said Etlenda, "Shriekers."

The Manticore paced in a circle, "CORRECT! That's one incorrect and four correct. Next question - The dwarves chipped away at their precious mithral until the drow came with sword and fire. Down went their temples and up went the new. Which deity do these elves worship?"

Push-ta blurted, "The Council of Spiders!"

The others jumped on Push-ta, "No! It's Lolth you idiot!"

"The Council of Spiders is INCORRECT! That's two wrong and four right." 

Winterfrost objected, "No fair! That wasn't our final answer!"

"I didn't ask if it was. You should be more careful with your responses. Next question - Who amongst you has the juiciest thigh?"

Everyone unanimously and simultaneously answered, "Etlenda!"

The Manticore jumped in frustration, "CORRECT! He's just so pretty! Two wrong and five right." The creature grit its teeth and hissed, "It all comes down to this one question - win or lose - Which of you would scream quickest for mercy as your entrails were knitted into a scarf?"

Again, the answer was swift and simultaneous, "Oh, Tempus, for sure, obviously."

Tempus was offended, "Hey!"

The manticore smiled, "INCORRECT! And you know what that means! I GET TO EAT YOU!"

"What do you mean incorrect? We won!"

"It doesn't matter!" shouted the manticore, "This is Halaster's Challenge. Even if you win, YOU LOSE!" and lunged at them!


The Manticore attacked Winterfrost, raking and biting.

Two more Manticores appeared from the darkness. One tried tried to grab Winterfrost and fly her into the air but Winterfrost shoved it away. The other launched quills from its tail towards Push-ta. They missed and stuck harmlessly into the floor.

Etlenda charged the manticore on his spiritual war-wolf. Winterfrost joined the fray. Kem made a holy prayer gesture with her hands and filled with air around them with a whirlwind of glowing spiritual hammers that continuously pummeled the manticore.

Push-ta, meanwhile, attacked the flying manticore on the left flank with his crossbow while Tempus sent bolts of magical fire at the manticore on the right flank.

The first manticore fell quickly to the onslaught. The manticore on the right flank launched its tail quills at Kem but missed. The one on the left flew down to harass Push-ta.

Push-ta threw down his crossbow and hefted his custom-made great club. He smashed the manticore's head with deadly precision and lethal force. 

The remaining manticore fled to the upper reaches of the room, taking cover behind one of the stone pillars that supported the vaulted ceiling. 

Push-ta retrieved his crossbow and took careful aim. He felled the manticore with a crossbow bolt. The the leonine creature fell to the floor in a heap.

Carrion Crawlers

After spending and hour resting and scouring the room, including the rafters 60 feet above, the Mystics of Trollskull Manor recovered a small bit of treasure - mostly the personal effects of other contestants. 

The east wall contained three sets of massive double-doors, each door ten feet wide and forty feet tall. Another massive set of double-doors were set in the south wall. 

The team formed up by the northernmost door on the east wall. They pulled the heavy door open only to discover three gigantic insect-like creatures - like giant caterpillars with long wriggly tentacles emerging from their mouths. Each creature was at least ten feet long and supported by dozens of centipede-like legs. The three creatures were piled on top of each other and were pressed up against the door so that when it swung open, they fell into the room and onto the Mystics.

Tentacles whipped out and lashed Etlenda. The eladrin paladin became paralyzed, unable to move! His war-wolf, sensing the danger, retreated from the giant insects. 

Etlenda quickly regained his senses and ordered the others to retreat, "They're carrion crawlers! All they want is the carcasses! Retreat and let them pass. Maybe they'll go for the manticores!"

The rest of the team withdrew. The carrion crawlers skittered past and began gorging themselves on the dead manticores.

"Quickly, get through the door and close it!" They moved past and closed the door behind them. 

"Hopefully they can't open doors."

As Push-ta closed the door, he thought he saw a giant disembodied eye - the size of a man's head, hovering in the room - watching. He paused to look more closely. It disappeared. One of the carrion crawlers turned towards him. He quickly finished closing the door.

The Troll Butcher

They were standing at the north end of a long hall that disappeared into darkness to the south. Two other vestibules on the west wall of the hall indicated the two other set of double doors. 

The stench of rotting meat was oppressive - even more so than that of the manticore den! They could hear the sound of someone half-grunting, half-humming from a corridor to the east, followed by the occasional sound of something chopping meat on wood. 

Push-ta told the others, "I'm going to sneak ahead. Stay back here so you don't blow my stealth."

He advanced down the corridor and peaked around the corner to the north. He could see a room and a troll wearing an apron. He turned to sneak back and report - only to run into the rest of the party standing right behind him.

"I said wait back there!" he hissed angrily. 

DM - Push-ta's player told everyone to wait, he moved his token forward, and everyone just moved their tokens with him. I laughed and the mental image.

"It's a troll," whispered Push-ta, "What do we do?"

"Is it hurting anyone?" inquired Winterfrost. Push-ta shrugged.

"It's a troll! I say we just kill it!" said Etlenda aggressively. 

DM - This was starting to lead into a whole discussion about alignments and whether all trolls were evil or some were good - and whether killing something that was universally evil was justified or not. Its a fine discussion to have, and I have opinions, but the middle of a game before an encounter was not the time. So I said, "Most trolls are evil, but not all trolls. You don't know if this one is evil or not, and you won't know until you talk to it." 

Winterfrost cautiously advanced into the room, calling out, "Hello?"

The troll was butchering humanoid meat on a big wooden table. Some chunks were piled on large metal plates, some parts were hung on hooks dangling from the ceiling. The room was covered in dried blood and entrails. The troll stopped and looked at Winterfrost. It picked up the meat cleaver, grinned and said, "Ah, FRESH meat for the masters!" It charged Winterfrost!

Winterfrost dodged the attack. Kem sent a crossbow bolt into the beast.  Etlenda, astride his war-wolf mount, charged in to attack, driving his magical longsword deep into the creature's chest with righteous wrath. Tempus sent a fiery bolt at the beast, singing its chest. Push-ta took a big swing with his great-club, smashing the troll's head into its chest like a burst pumpkin. 

The troll tried to regenerate from its wound but the burn continued to bubble and spurt and boil. The troll fell against the back wall, sliding into a sitting position, and fell over, dead.

DM - Crossbow for 7 damage, "Warhorse" charge for 12 slashing, paladin's longsword plus holy smite for 23 damage, 13 points fire damage, and a Push-ta's natural 20 for 37 points of damage. That troll was toast in less than one round! Winterfrost didn't even get to go!

Servant's Feast Hall

The party continued their exploration down the main corridor. The corridor turned east with a branch to the south. They continued east and found an old feast hall with a long table. The table was covered in discarded entrails. The stench was oppressive. A quick examination showed streaks and drag marks indicating meat had been taken off the table and dragged back to the troll's butchery behind them. 

The Green Door

Down one corridor they found a large door made of green wood.  Mounted on the front of the door is a cast-iron carving of a smiling, bearded face. They opened the door and found a long corridor that disappeared into the darkness. Muddy footprints on the floor, a small breeze, and the scent of outdoors revealed this to be a secret entrance into Undermountain. The team made a note and moved on.

Guard's Feast Hall

Further exploration of the corridor to the south found another turn towards the east. They found another old abandoned feast hall. Push-ta found a discarded silver tankard under the table. 

Noble's Feast Hall

Across the corridor from the feast hall was an old door. The door opened inward but had to be forced as a weight was pressed up against it.

The weight was the dead body a female dwarf - a fellow explorer of Undermountain. she wore the remains of tattered leather armor and a matching leather skullcap. In one skeletal hand, she clutched a dagger; in the other, an empty tin flagon. Assorted thieving equipment lay strewn from a pack on a nearby table. 

Winterfrost took care to search the body for identification - clan insignia and the like - so that the proper songs could be sung and the clan notified. 

Back to the Carrion Crawlers

Having explored every dead end, the Mystics of Trollskull Manor returned to the large room where they defeated the manticores and left the carrion crawlers. The heavy doors were still closed. 

Not wanting to confront the carrion crawlers if they didn't have to, they devised a plan. Push-ta was to sneak in and open the door on the southern wall. The others would run as fast as they could to avoid the crawlers and close the door behind them.

Push-ta entered cautiously and stealthily. The three crawlers were finishing their grisly meal of manticore leaving little remaining. Push-ta crept into the room without a sound but his body odor could not avoid the acute sense of smell possessed by the crawlers. One crawler noticed him and approached to investigate. 

Push-ta's companions entered the room in an attempt to distract the crawler. The other two crawlers took notice and skittered rapidly towards them.

Etlenda's war-wolf carried him to the door on the south wall. Etlenda sprang from his mount and pulled open the door. 

The others fought off the crawlers in a defensive retreat as they made their way to the door. Once they escaped, Etlenda and Tempus threw the doors closed. Once again, they hoped the heavy doors were enough to keep the crawlers at bay. 

DM - This was a really fun encounter. it played very much like the movie Aliens with the crew making a fighting withdrawal to the escape door. It felt desperate and nerve wracking. 

Stone Temple Pileup

Beyond they found a foyer of an ancient Dwarven temple. A few feet away was the desiccated corpse of a dead basilisk lying on its back, its shriveled tongue hanging out and all six feet sticking up in the air. Clutched in one of its clawed feet is a transparent orb.

Winterfrost was fascinated by the orb but was unwilling to touch the basilisk in order to retrieve it. 

Winterfrost said to the others, "The crystal orb is probably magic, but I don’t want to touch it. I’m afraid it will turn me to stone."

Kem, who could pray to remove a curse, asked, "Well, is that a curse?"

Pushta-Tok thought for a moment and replied, earnestly, "No. I’m pretty sure it’s a basilisk."

DM- Yeah, Push-ta's player is famous for not keeping up with the conversation. That response had us all laughing so hard. I could not stop laughing and got the point I started coughing. 

The Desecrated Temple

Two openings on either side of the foyer connected to a larger temple on the other side of a wall. The temple had a 60-foot high ceiling and niches along the east and west wall once contained six statues of the gods of the dwarven pantheon. Five of the statues now lie in ruins, smashed. One statue was black and indistinct, with smooth rounded features - very uncharacteristic for dwarven statuary. 

Along the south wall of the temple were eleven humanoid statues - the petrified victims of the basilisk. 

Winterfrost, with her knowledge of dwarven cultures and history, and Tempus, with his general knowledge of history and religion, examined the black statue more closely. Tempus ran his hand along the the surface.

There was a strange "pop" sound and Tempus recoiled his hand as acid began to eat through his gauntlet. A tarry black substance covering the statue became animated and poured itself onto Winterfrost. She screamed in pain as acid burned her skin and ate through her armor.

Etlenda took out his longbow and sent arrows into the amorphous black mass. It was another black pudding, similar to the one they encountered in the dwarven chambers beneath the mausoleum.

Winterfrost withdrew from the pudding and cast a spell. A bolt of lightning struck the pudding, wrapping it like a lasso and drawing it away from Tempus. This tactic was successful but to the elf''s surprise, the electricity of the lightning bolt caused the pudding to quiver and split into two! 

Now both puddings were close to her and they soon began to overwhelm her.

"Dammit, Winterfrost! You did the exact same thing LAST time!" shouted Etlenda, "What have we learned?"

"Nothing!" cried Winterfrost as she fell before the pudding. The others peppered the pudding with arrows, crossbow bolts, and magical bolts of flame while Kem's spiritual hammer pummeled it.

Kem did her best to say prayers of healing but she was having trouble keeping up. The black pudding moved towards her and soon she, too, fell before its acidic pseudopods.

Things were looking grim. Both Kem and Winterfrost lay on the floor, dying.

Etlenda called to Tempus, "Can't you say prayers of healing also?"

Tempus paused in sudden realization, "Of course!" and he began to pray to the gods for Winterfrost's salvation.

DM - Tempus knew that Healing Word was a bonus action, but he was working off the rule that you can cast only one spell per turn. He failed to remember the rest of the sentence: You can’t cast another spell during the same turn, except for a cantrip with a Casting Time of 1 action.

The player exclaimed, "Holy shit! I'm so sorry! I didn't know that! I'm on it!"

Kem was revived and she scrambled away. Winterfrost, too, was saved and escaped the pudding. 

Both puddings were soon destroyed and the room was safe.

DM - The fight with the black pudding(s) was especially intense. Two player character's down making death saves - and their highest damage attacks were not available to them. That Winterfrost made the exact same mistake as last time was hilarious for me but frustrating to the other players.

Camp for the night

The team was pretty beat up. They had descended into the Undermountain nearly four hours ago and it was by now past midnight. The desecrated temple had no other exits and seemed fairly defensible. They decided to lay down and rest for the night.

To be Continued...