
Thursday, November 18, 2021

The Vault of Dragons - Waterdeep Dragon Heist, Chapter 13

Winterfire said, "Okay, how's this? Lets fill up any bags we can. Tempus and I will go back to the surface and get help to move the gold."

Thus laden with bags of gold - representing barely a handful of the huge pile of gold coins before them - the pair returned to the broken bridge. They lowered the bags with rope down sixty feet to the floor below. They leaped across the gap and rejoined Renear. They told their friend what had transpired below.

The trio returned down the stairs and picked up the bags. Etlenda, Kem, and Push-ta watched from the top of the bridge as the other three made their way towards the entrance to the chamber of doors.

Suddenly six figures emerged from the entrance. They were led by a cloaked figure with a clawed mechanical hand - Manshoon! With him was the failed actor, Agorn Fuoco, and the former pirate, Vevette Blackwater. Behind them were three burly goons.

Vevette saw Push-ta standing on the bridge, smiled, and gave a little wave.

The cloaked figure withdrew his hood, revealing a sullen young man with black hair and ash-gray skin. Agorn said, "See Manshoon? I told you! They'd lead us right to the treasure!"


The Mystics of Trollskull Manor:
  • Winterfire of House Silverspear - Chaotic Good Moon Elf Noble and Fighter. The daughter of elven diplomats, raised among dwarves.
  • Etlenda, aka "Exile" - Neutral Good Eladrin Outlander and Paladin. Exiled from the Feywild and raised by wolves. While exploring the Feydark he crossed over into the Underdark and emerged into the Mortal World.
  • Tempus Vegvisir - Lawful Good Human Trade Sheriff and Cleric of Helm. Husband and Father.
  • Push-ta Tok - Neutral Half-Orc Former Smuggler and Rogue, secret member of the Zhentarim.
  • Kem Hearthfire - Chaotic Good Half-Orc Former Gladiator Priestess of Gond.

This is it! The final chapter of Waterdeep Dragon Heist. 

The Mystics of Trollskull Manor must defeat the evil wizard Manshoon and his lieutenants in a final showdown for the Vault of Dragons!

The Answer is Always Fireball

Push-ta immediately grabbed the beaded necklace from around Etlenda's neck. He plucked off one of the beads and hurled it at the entrance. The bead exploded into a ball of flame, engulfing all who stood in the entrance.

DM - which led to a quick rule check of whether Counterspell could work against the fireball spell within a necklace of fireball. There were good points to be made on both sides of the debate. I decided to quickly end the debate and move on with a d20 roll. If the roll was high, I ruled in favor of the players that the Counterspell would not work. Puish-ta rolled high. I took the damage.

Tempus followed this up with a spell that wreathed Agorn and one of the goons with magical faerie fire. Agorn looked up at the glow above his head and dramatically declared, "At last! The spotlight is ON ME!"

Manshoon and his allies, burned and seared by the blast, split up into three teams. Vevette went left to engage Tempus, Winterfire, and Renaer. Agorn and one of the goons went right to get good visibility of Push-ta, Kem, and Etlenda atop the crumbling stone bridge. Manshoon went forward with the remaining two goons. He took cover behind a large nearby pillar beneath the closest bridge. 

Up on the bridge, Push-ta held the rope while Etlenda quickly rappelled down.

DM - The bridge was sixty feet up. An ordinary rope climb is half speed, no check required. You'd get 30 feet with a "dash". I allowed them to make an Athletics check vs. 15. Success allowed you to rappel down at normal movement, but a failure would get you (1d6)d10 falling damage.

Curtain Call

Agorn, light as if in a spotlight on stage, posed dramatically. With one hand on his heart and one hand outstretched upward towards the bridge, he proclaimed, "Hark! What light through yon window BREAKS!"

There was a loud cracking noise as Push-ta and Kem were caught in the effect of a shattering spell. The grit their teeth and clutched their heads as the bridge crumbled from beneath their feet. They began to fall!

DM - I had them make Dexterity Saves vs. 10 to see if they caught themselves. They both failed and were each looking at 6d10 falling damage. They spent their Inspiration points and re-rolled, this time succeeding.

They clutched precariously to the side of the bridge as the rubble fell onto Etlenda's head below. So too did the rope Push-ta held. Etlenda gathered up the rope off the ground.

Push-ta scrambled back up onto the bridge and, while still on his belly, took aim at Agorn with his crossbow. He sent a quarrel into the failed actor's neck. Agorn's eyes widened as his mouth gurgled blood. He fell to the ground, dead.

Push-ta said, "There will be no Act 2!"

Lightning Strike

Manshoon re-appeared from his hiding place only to reveal that he was surrounded by three magical duplicates! He was joined by two of his three guards.

Vevette had become surrounded by her opponents so the pirate queen spun, cartwheeled, and danced nimbly away and behind Manshoon.

Manshoon reached out with his good hand and a bolt of lightning streaked through the air, striking Winterfire, Renaer, and Tempus. Tempus reacted quickly, casting a spell of his own to catch the lightning bolt in his hands.

Meanwhile, Etlenda threw the rope up to Push-ta. Push-ta caught the rope and held it while Kem rappelled down. 

Manshoon spun around to face Etlenda. Manshoon conjured a massive glowing ethereal magical hand into existence. The giant hand became a fist and punched Etlenda. Winterfire and Renaer rushed in to engage the goons while Kem and Push-ta sent crossbow bolts at Manshoon.

The goons soon overwhelmed Winterfire. Luckily, Kem was able to say a prayer of healing and restore her.

Tempus began cast an elemental spell and exhaled magical ice breath upon Manshoon and the goons.

The Retreat

Manshoon, Vevette, and the goons retreated to cover behind the pillar, all the while attacking Etlenda with the massive magical fist. 

Push-ta created a magical cloud of fog around Manshoon, hoping to disrupt any range magical attacks. Both sides used the respite to catch their breath and recover.

Tempus, Winterfire, and Renaer prepared themselves and charged into the fog. They took the right flank around the pillar. Meanwhile, Kem and Etlenda took the left flank around the other side.

Vevette and the remaining goon tried to hold them off but fell to Tempus' icy dragon's breath. Manshoon discharged magical electricity from his hands against Tempus and made his escape towards the entrance to the dwarven vault. The giant magical hand continued to harry Etlenda. Kem did what she could to heal the eladrin holy warrior.

Winterfire conjured three magical arrows which flew directly at Manshoon. Manshoon held up his hand in an arcane ward and the magical arrows struck an invisible shield.

Manshoon made it to the hallway, all the while constantly fighting off attacks from Renaer, Tempus, and Etlenda. Many of the attacks were deflected by Manshoon's magical shield. One of Renaer's attacks pierced the magical shield. Renaer pierced Manshoon with his rapier, distracting him. The magical fist disappeared!

Manshoon broke away towards the stairway that led to his escape. He cast another spell and everyone found themselves entrapped within a magical invisible barrier that snaked back and forth, locking them into tiny cells.

Winterfire conjured three more magical arrows. They were undeterred by the invisible wall of force. They struck Manshoon with arcane accuracy. Manshoon was once again distracted and the invisible barrier fell!

Etlenda rushed forward and held aloft his longsword. Etlenda struck down Manshoon with the righteous fury of the nature god Silvanus. His eladrin face briefly took on the countenance of a mystical wolf as Etlenda dispatched the arcane crime lord.

Manshoon's body fell, cloven. There was no blood. It immediately began to decompose into snow and sand - the magical ingredients used to create a simulacrum! 


The enemies defeated, the Mystics of Trollskull Manor checked the bodies of their foes. When Push-ta turned over the body of Vevette, she opened her eyes and held her finger to her lips. She was gravely wounded by still alive. She smiled and beckoned him close with her finger. She whispered into his ear, "Hey there, handsome. (cough) Okay, here's the deal. I'm not in great shape right now but if you lent me a hand I could pull through. Maybe you could, you know, give me a healing potion or something and look the other way? (cough cough) I'll just stay out of your way. If you do this, I can totally make it worth your while. (cough) How about it? How about we team up? You and me?"

Push-ta looked annoyed, "Why should I trust you? You worked for Manshoon."

She smiled at that, "Yeah. But Manshoon is dead isn't he. His plan has failed and he isn't my boss any more. The Zhentarim is going to revert to the status quo. I'm going to need someone on my side. I'd rather it be you. (cough)."

Push-ta scowled at her. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. He called out to the others, "Hey everyone, guess who is still alive!"

"What are you going to do with her?" asked Etlenda.

"I'm going to take her to the city watch, obviously." he replied.

Vevette exclaimed, "Oh, come on!"

"I'll go ahead and take her in and come back with some more city watch to clean up all this mess. Sound good?"

Tempus chimed in, "Go ahead. Meanwhile, I'll notify the Blackstaff and the rest of Force Grey."

Push-ta hauled Vevette up the stairs and out of the mausoleum. It was after midnight and still snowing.

Vevette pleaded with the half-orc, "The city watch won't do anything, you know. Unless we got into a fight in the street or attacked a noble, they won't interfere."

"I know that." said Push-ta. He put her down, reached into coat, and gave her a small vial, "Drink this. You'll feel better."

Vevette could barely stand. She took the vial and considered Push-ta's motives. She removed the stopper and drank the honey-colored contents. She coughed for a moment and her wounds magically healed.

"Hey! Thanks!" 

"Yeah. Whatever. If you ever need to find me, I live in Trollskull Manor. Stay out of trouble."

She grabbed Push-ta by the head and back and gave him a long deep kiss.

She finally let go, saying, "See you around, handsome!" She gave Push-ta a little salute then turned and ran, disappearing into the snowy darkness. 

Second Epilogue

A week later, Winterfire joined the others for breakfast. She was very confused.

"Hey, its the weirdest thing! Why is my hair red? Why is there a huge chest full of gold in my room? Also why is there a strange stone next to my bed? It's got three little eyes on it."

Etlenda said, "That's the Stone of Golorr. You had it all last week. You said you were taking it to a play then disappeared for a week. 

"Huh. I don't remember any of that."

"What is the last thing you remember?" asked Etlenda, concerned.

"We were staying in the House of Inspired Hands. I kind of remember bits and pieces after that. Something about a vault?"

Tempus asked, "Do you remember Push-ta admitting to everyone that he was in the Zhentarim? How about the gold dragon?"

Winterfire's eyes grew wide, "Push-ta's in the Zhentarim?? NO! DID YOU SAY GOLD DRAGON??"

Etlenda helped Winterfire sit down, "The Stone of Golorr feeds on information. It must have erased all the information you gave to it from your mind. Sit down. We've got a lot to tell you."

- The End of Waterdeep Dragon Heist -

The Mystics of Trollskull Manor will Return in
Waterdeep - The Dungeon of the Mad Mage

But first - I'll be returning to Overlords of Dimension-25 for a few weeks to playtest my new module: Hypergates of the Lost Empire!

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