
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

The Cult of Tharizdun - Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Chapter 75

The next morning, the crew prepared themselves to return to the rotting hulk beneath Frother's Lamp. They took a gondola to the ramshackle city built of layer upon layer of shacks and shanties atop pilings and piers. 

It was soon after dawn. The wooden walkways were covered in trash and sleeping drunks. Many inhabitants were starting their daily chores - tossing out trash and night soil, preparing merchant carts, and scurrying around trying to catch dogs and rats for food. 

As the crew made their way through the twisting labyrinthine canyons of the Low Quarter, a thrown bottle crashed near them. Then a crossbow bolt struck a building's wall, narrowly missing them. Suddenly they were under assault from attackers in every nook, cranny, window, and door. 

Cai'luin shielded his face, "Why are these people attacking us?"

Patriarch Craig replied glumly, "Who do you think is in the cult?"

Ahead of them they saw a rope bridge connecting the upper levels of a shanty on one side of the "canyon" to the upper levels of a shanty on the opposite side. The rope bridge was over a hundred foot long and was forty feet above the boardwalk and seventy feet above the water far below. 

Standing on the rope bridge were a group of robed men carrying scimitars. At their center was Constable Jute. Jute was bound and had a noose tied around her neck. The other end of the rope had been tied to the rope bridge. 

One of the robed figures shouted out, "Turn back, outsiders! Turn back or the constable will pay the price for your interference!"

The Crew of the Sea Ghost:
  • Alot Aname - Neutral Good Warforged Fighter, ancient sentinel of a wizard's fortress, spent several decades deactivated underwater, Captain of the Sea Ghost.
  • Avastana "Aella" Kádár - Neutral, Half-Elf Outlander and Storm Sorceress from Ket, daughter of the king of the sea elves, deck sorceress and first mate of the Sea Ghost.
  • Patriarch Craig "Blunderbuss" Oxworth - Lawful Good Dwarven Priest of St. Ogden (Cleric), sailor and shipwright, bosun of the Sea Ghost.
  • Cai'luin Manaan - Chaotic Good Sea-Elf Bard, member of the royal family of the tribe of Manaan. Cook of the Sea Ghost.
  • Corvid Ravenson - Neutral Good Fallen Aasimar Paladin of Vengeance and Divine Soul Sorcerer, sent to Oerth to avenge those who wronged his angelic "brother", Auric Ravenson. Second mate of the Sea Ghost.
DM Note-
Instead of resolving every attack from every thrown bottle and loosed crossbow bolt, I decided to have the players make a DC 15 Dexterity Saving Throw at the beginning of every round. They took 1d8 damage on a failed save, half damage on a successful save. Alot had an ability that allowed him to use a reaction and take no damage on a successful save. This represented that with dozens of attacks, one or two might actually hit. This worked really well.

Rescue Jute
Cai'luin sprang into action, playing a tune on his magic lute that hypnotized everyone on the rope bridge - including Jute. 

Aella pointed her magical trident at the rope bridge. Patriarch Craig shouted, "What are you doing?" 

Aella replied that she was going to take out the bad guys on the bridge with a tidal wave. Craig said, "Your tidal wave will bring that bridge crashing down! We're trying to save Jute, remember?"

Aella quickly scanned the surrounding area looking for attackers. Craig asked, "What are you doing?"

She replied, "I'm trying to avoid civilian casualties." She found two attackers mixed in with some commoners. With a wave of her magic trident she caused a tidal wave to magically appear, crushing the attacker and commoners alike. 

Corvid said, "I thought you were trying to avoid civilian casualties?"

Aella shrugged, replying, "Okay, I'm trying to MINIMIZE civilian casualties then."

Corvid pointed to a spot on the boardwalk above their destination - the prow of an old galley at the bottom of the artificial canyon below, "Everyone try to get over there. I can cast a feather-fall spell and we can jump off!"

Craig and Aella moved in that direction but were quickly cut off by some robed figures armed with scimitars. Around their necks were amulets bearing the spiral symbol of Tharizdun. 

Alot activated his flying boots and took to the sky to rescue Jute. He was quickly cut off by Corvid who flew in front of him and grabbed the constable. Corvid carried Jute down into the canyon and disappeared from view.

Alot turned around and flew back to help Craig, Aella, and Cai'luin fight off the cultists that had converged upon them. Alot sheathed his sword and let go of the hand grip on his shield in order to wrap his arms around Aella and Craig. He checked on Cai'luin, "Are you going to be okay?"

Cai'luin winked and said, "It's all right. I can fly too."

Alot, carrying Craig and Aella, flew down into the canyon to join Corvid, followed by Cai'luin.

The Galley Pier
Cai'luin hovered above the exposed bow of the half-buried galley. The deck of the bow was covered in deep piles of trash and debris. Cai'luin cast a Depth Charge spell onto the deck. The area exploded with force and sound, blowing away the trash and revealing two humanoids with blubbery jellyfish-like skin. The creatures were armed with tridents and they moved towards the ladder to intercept Alot carrying Craig and Aella. Two more creatures clambered over the side of the rotting hulk onto the mid-deck. 

Corvid deposited Constable Jute in a side passage, safe from the bottles, crossbow bolts, and other debris hailing from above, and rejoined his companions on the mid-deck of the galley. 

A fierce battle ensued. Aella created a tidal wave that washed over the jelly-men on the fore-deck, knocking them over. Alot and Craig engaged with the two that climbed over the side. They were soon joined by Corvid. The four jelly-men were quickly defeated by the five heroes working together.

The Chuul-Haunted Hallway
The bow of the old galley jutted out of ramshackle buildings that had been constructed over it long ago. A wide door was marked with the spiral pattern of Tharizdun. The door refused to budge. Cai'luin simply smiled and played a bardic spell on his magic lute. With a loud sound of cracking wood, the spell keeping the door locked was broken and the door magically popped open. 

The crew carefully made their way into the dark corridor beyond. The floor looked rotten with gaps between the boards wide enough to slip fingers through. They formed up at the door at the end of the hallway. Alot pushed the door open.

Suddenly there was a loud splashing and the sound of bursting wood and massive crustacean claws burst through the floor, causing the entire corridor to collapse. Alot and Aella managed to grab hold of something to prevent their fall but everyone else plunged into the dark waters of a large tank hidden below. Cai'luin had not yet entered the corridor - he remained safe on the galley's deck. 

Four large crustacean shapes swam beneath them. 

Corvid wasted no time. He quickly grabbed Patriarch Craig and flew out of the water, depositing the dwarf in the room beyond. Alot, too, swooped down and grabbed Jute, dropping her off safely in the room at the end of the corridor before retrieving Cai'luin.

The Dark God's Chapel
The crew entered a large room supported by columns constructed from stout wooden beams. At the far wall of the room opposite the entrance was a side-chamber, a kind of apse, with a set of stairs that led down. The stairs were flooded up to the floor boards around it. Hanging above the flooded stairs was the body of a humongous dead shark suspended by old nets. Severed human heads were affixed to the shark like offerings. The heads showed various states of putrefaction ranging from two weeks to several months. 

Alot and Corvid cautiously made their way towards the apse to more closely inspect the shark and the flooded stairs. The floor boards creaked under their weight.

Cai'luin began playing an inspiring tune, invigorating his companions, while Patriarch Craig said a prayer to enhance their fighting spirit.

DM Note-
Cai'luin cast Bravery as a fifth-level spell, granting everyone 6 temporary hit points. In addition, Patriarch Craig cast Aid, increasing the maximum hit points of all his companions by +5 HP. They were JUICED UP!

Suddenly the shark shuddered and broke free from its netting. It thrashed about and turned towards Alot and Corvid. Alot threw up his magic shield but no avail - the shark bit him on the shoulder, sinking its massive teeth into Alot's mechanical body! 

The animated shark continued to tear into Alot. Alot counterattacked with his magic sword with Corvid stabbing at the beast from its flank. Cai'luin protected Jute who screamed in horror and retreated to a corner. Aella took cover behind a wall and sent a powerful lightning bolt into the beast.

The crew continued attacking the beast, striking it easily. In exchange, the shark continued to tear into the normally invulnerable Alot. Corvid slashed at the beast, cutting it to ribbons. To his horror, it simply reformed into a whole shark and continued to attack.

Corvid paused when he saw this. Something didn't look right. He stayed his attack and called out to the others, "I- I don't think the shark is real!"

The others paused to examine the shark. It seemed very real and continued to bite into Alot, thrashing as it did so.  Cai'luin was unconvinced, "It looks real enough!" the sea elf bard said as he played another magical bardic attack song on his magical lute. 

Patriarch Craig walked slowly towards the shark, "No, he's right! Stop!" He reached out to touch the shark. His hand passed through it. The shark vanished.

The True Enemy
The shark was still hanging from the nets over the flooded stairwell. It had never actually come to life. 

A voice whispered into the mind of everyone in the room, a thick syrupy voice, "You have seen through my little game. You have passed the first test of Sgothgah. Let us see if you survive the second."

Long ropy tentacles emerged from the flooded stairwell. The water welled up, spilling over onto the floor as it was pushed up and out of the stairs. The water poured out and was replaced by an upwelling of slime and mucus. A large fish-like body rose out of the mucus. Three baleful red eyes formed a straight row across the top of its wide head. The tentacles revealed themselves to be long coiling prehensile barbs like those of a cat-fish. 

Cai'luin quickly played a dissonant tune on his lute and the fish-beast recoiled in annoyance. It retreated into its watery pit leaving a sloshing watery mess as mucus poured out onto the floor. 

After a quiet moment of anticipation, Sgothgah returned. It was angry. Cai'luin could feel the cold alien touch of its mind as psychic tentacles wrapped around his brain. Cai'luin shut his eyes and shouted, "No!" 

DM Note-
Cai'luin rolled a 3 on his Wisdom Saving Throw, then spent his Inspiration point to re-roll. He rolled a natural-20 on his second attempt. 

Patriarch Craig said a loud prayer and all his companions felt a rush of hope wash over them. 

DM Note-
Beacon of Hope, Advantage to all Wisdom Saving Throws. 

Alot, emboldened, plunged his sword, Defender, deep into the aquatic aberration! He withdrew and stabbed it again before pinning it awkwardly against the wall. 

DM Note-
Natural 20, critical hit, 23 points damage. Second attacks hits for 22 points of damage. Followed by a shield shove. Extra action, another hit for 18 damage, then another hit for 14 damage. 

Aella cast a chaos bolt into the creature. 

Sgothgah once again telepathically sent a message, "Excellent! You will do nicely! You may be able to defeat my brothers and end their apocalyptic scheme!"

Corvid paused to consider the creature. Was it lying? It seemed to be telling the truth.

Corvid twisted his magical sword Faithkeeper in his grip and slapped the flat of the blade down hard onto the creature. It sent a blast of buzzing static indicating its pain. Corvid slapped it again as hard as he could.

Sgothgah telepathically called out, "You have proven your worthiness! I yield! Have mercy!"

Corvid held out his hand to the others. They ceased their attacks. 

DM Note-
Stupid thing didn't last one whole round! But, of course, I forgot about its chuul back-up. They should have crawled out and joined their master. Totally spaced them. 

The Bargain
The telepathic whisper said, "I have a proposal for you. I wish to rid myself of two of my kind who want to return me to their world. I have no desire to return with them. I am called Sgothgah. I hail from the Endless Nadir, the deepest darkest trench in the ocean that reaches into the center of this world. There we worship no gods for there we ARE gods. One day I received a vision - a vision of spiral perfection - a vision of Tharizdun - a being more powerful than I. I learned then what it meant to have fear of and devotion to a divine power. I fled my world and sought shelter. I found myself here, in this place, and hid."

"To my surprise, the people of this place likewise felt as I did about Tharizdun. They, too, felt his power and influence. Like me, they knew what it was to worship in secret. In time they joined me in offering sacrifices to my master."

"Unfortunately, my kindred sent two of my brothers to find me and return me to the Endless Nadir. I have no wish to join them. But if I fear that they will destroy this city in their search for me. I am in need of champions to defeat them - to drive them back to the Endless Nadir! Will you do this for me?"

Alot and Corvid looked at each other and shrugged, nodding. "Yeah, sure, I don't see-"

Patriarch Craig became incensed, "YOU ARE AN ABOMINATION AND YOU WORSHIP A DEVIL FROM HELL! Your very existence is a threat to these people. They only worship your dark god because of your psychic influence! If we defeat these pursuers, will you promise to leave this city and never approach this or any other city ever again?"

Sgothgah considered this, "Yes, this is agreeable."

Sgothgah told his new allies that his kindred are currently residing in an abandoned temple a few miles off-shore. The temple was known as Landgrave's Folly. It had sunk beneath the waves after an Oerthquake caused the entire island to sink several decades ago. 

After giving Jute a magical short sword and a potion of invisibility so that she could return safely to her home they set off down the long underwater tunnel at the bottom of the submerged stairs as Sgothgah directed. 

To Be Continued...

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