
Friday, February 26, 2021

The Strait of Monmurg - Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Chapter 71

 The Sea Ghost sailed southeast from Saltmarsh across Javan Bay. It was unseasonably warm for the month of Planting and raining buckets. Had they continued their current course and speed they would have sailed into the strait of Monmurg at around midnight. 

The strait was less than ten miles wide and contained treacherous rocks. Although they'd be able to slip past the sentry ships of the Principality, it would require expert piloting to navigate the straight in complete darkness. At the end of the day they struck their sails and deployed a sea anchor - essentially a large fabric parachute attached to a line - and held their position halfway between Angler Island and the Tyrant's Rocks. 

The next dawn saw a clear day and more comfortable temperatures. They were sure to be spotted by the sentry ships, but Captain Alot had a plan. They set sail for the strait of Monmurg. 

The Crew of the Sea Ghost:
  • Alot Aname - Neutral Good Warforged Fighter, ancient sentinel of a wizard's fortress, spent several decades deactivated underwater, Captain of the Sea Ghost.
  • Avastana "Aella" Kádár - Neutral, Half-Elf Outlander and Storm Sorceress from Ket, daughter of the king of the sea elves, deck sorceress and first mate of the Sea Ghost.
  • Patriarch Craig "Blunderbuss" Oxworth - Lawful Good Dwarven Priest of St. Ogden (Cleric), sailor and shipwright, bosun of the Sea Ghost.
  • Cai'luin Manaan - Chaotic Good Sea-Elf Bard, member of the royal family of the tribe of Manaan. Cook of the Sea Ghost.
  • Corvid Ravenson - Neutral Good Fallen Aasimar Paladin of Vengeance and Divine Soul Sorcerer, sent to Oerth to avenge those who wronged his angelic "brother", Auric Ravenson. Second mate of the Sea Ghost.
DM Note-
This week we start the Styes, which we begin with some tedious ship combat as the Sea Ghost sails through the Strait of Monmurg.

Note that my players called the straight "The Sphincter Narrows". I will not be calling it that but they would call me out had I not mentioned it.

Running the Gauntlet
The Sea Ghost entered the strait of Monmurg at mid-morning. The strait was only 8 miles wide with the the island of Jetsam Island to port and the city and harbor of Monmurg to starboard and . Dead ahead in the distance was Helm Rock. 

Two warships flying the flag of the Principality of Monmurg patrolled the strait. The Sea Ghost had the wind at its back and was faster than the warships but all the warships had to do was intercept them, not outrun them.

DM Note-
I described it to the players as runners in football having to get past downfield defensive tackles. 

One of the warships ran up signal flags that conveyed a message to the Sea Ghost to strike its sail and prepare to be boarded. 

Captain Alot assembled his officers for opinions, "Shall we stop, Do we make a run for it, or stand and fight?"

His officers provided several options but ultimately said, "Its your decision, captain."

Alot said, "We're making a run for it. Full sail. Aella, keep directing the wind into our sail. Patriarch Craig, get ready to perform a miracle!"

Aella used her storm sorcery to direct all available wind into the sails of the Sea Ghost.  The Principality Warship raised a signal flag ordering the Sea Ghost to stop what it was doing immediately and moved to intercept. 

As the two vessels grew nearer the warship began launching heavy shot from its mangonels. Most of the shots splashed into the water around the Sea Ghost but a few lucky shots struck the ship's hull and sails.

Alot shouted at Patriarch Craig, "Now!"

Patriarch Craig kneeled in prayer to the Raven King. The Sea Ghost became miraculously caught up in a fast-moving current. The current carried the ship along at tremendous speed. The Sea Ghost cut through the water like a shark.

The two ships were within a hundred feet of each other. Ballistae fired heavy iron bolts at the Sea Ghost, smashing into its hull and sails.

Aella sent a magical bolt of lightning into the sails of the Principality Warship. Cai'luin cast a depth charge into its hull. Corvid cast a spell and the warship's sails burst into a fiery explosion. Craig followed up with a prayer and a massive pillar of flame struck down from heaven onto the deck of the ship.

Craig asked Alot, "Do you want me to sink it?"

Alot thought about it, "No, better not. We're in enough trouble. Lets keep going. How long can we keep this current?"

Craig replied, "Not long, ten minutes at most."

Alot said, "I think that should be enough."

The Sea Ghost sailed past the warship at amazing speed. The warship, its own speed reduced by the damage to its sails, ran out oars and sent some final shots of its mangonels and ballistae towards the Sea Ghost. 

The other warship gave chase but was unable to match the miraculous speed of its quarry. 

The Sea Ghost sailed past Helm Rock and turned south towards Flotsam Island. 

DM Note-
I was unprepared to run this battle. As a result it felt tedious to the players and they never really felt invested. Part of the problem is that there's no real way using current D&D rules to maneuver ships on a bigger scale - such as trying to get past another ship through an eight mile wide  strait. I started off doing things on a big map with 30-foot grid one round at a time but that quickly became stupid. The ships were miles apart.

In the future, I'll up the time-scales along with the grid scale. 1 minute turns with 30-foot grids. 10 minute turns with 300-foot grids. Then move the pieces on the grid like chess pieces.   

I'll also make the ship's into NPC sheets in Roll20 so their attacks, AC, and hit points are all right there. Now if I can figure out a way to track multiple hit points and Armor Classes on the same token for hull, sails, and weapons. I'll also add spell caster and archery attacks as ship actions. 

Welcome to the Styes
Later that afternoon the coastal city of Poniard came into view. The city was presaged by a large mustard yellow cloud that billowed north. Poniard was uncharitably called the Styes because it is an eyesore on an otherwise lush beautiful semi-tropical island. The city was once a gleaming port clad in white marble. Today it was a slum - the marble facades having been stripped. Wooden catwalks now connected island-like city blocks separated by canals. The once magnificent stone bridges were destroyed by war or collapsed in disrepair. The buildings looked dilapidated and ramshackle. 

The northwestern quadrant of the city was composed of slums. The northeastern quadrant contained factories, tanneries, and alchemical laboratories belching the mustard yellow smoke and draining foul waste products into the canals. The southeastern quadrant contained walled compounds and villas. In the southwestern quadrant was located the city garrison, municipal government buildings, and other official structures. 

They were to meet the alchemist Master Refrum at his laboratory in the industrial quarter. 

DM Note-
I showed the players the map of the Styes and asked them where they'd like to dock. Based purely on the information above, they chose the black building in the industrial quarter which happened to be Master Refrum's laboratory. 

Patriarch Craig used his command over sea currents to direct the Sea Ghost into the harbor with pin-point accuracy without the aid of oared tugs. The damaged Sea Ghost slipped up to a dock and tied itself fast. 

Master Refrum
The large building next to the dock bore a sign that read "Master Refrum, Alchemist and Inventor". Craig said, "That's the place. This is where I brought the Apparatus of the Crab."

The entrance into the alchemist's laboratory contained a shop filled with bottles and phials of various chemicals, concoctions, poultices, and plasters for sale. Strange mechanical and clockwork inventions likewise hung from the ceiling or sat upon pedestals. 

A young girl no more than ten years old introduced herself as Eleanor, the shop keeper. Captain Alot asked to see Master Refrum. The girl scrambled away to a back room and a moment later an older man emerged accompanied by a younger man, barely twenty, both wearing leather aprons, goggles, and gloves.

The older man, balding and somewhat stooped, introduced himself as Master Refrum, proprietor. He the introduced his assistant Jarme, and Jarme's younger sister Eleanor. 

Alot began to introduce himself but was suddenly interrupted by Refrum's abrupt astonishment. The alchemist and inventor was visibly astounded by the magical automaton. Refrum held his glasses before his eyes and examined Alot closely, asking the others technical questions about its manufacture and capabilities.

Alot made an artificial sound like clearing a throat in order to regain Refrum's attention. "Ahem, my name is Captain Alot Aname. I am the captain of the Sea Ghost. I am an intelligent and sentient automaton called a Sentinel. I was created by a wizard over a hundred and fifty years ago as a means of defense. I spent the decades lying dormant under the water and was discovered only a few years ago. I am now a free and independent being with a mind and a soul and you may address me directly."

Refrum was in awe. He apologized and implored Captain Alot to continue.

Alot told the alchemist that they had heard that he was able to install a device onto the figurehead of their ship that would emit poison gas like a green dragon. Refrum confirmed that information but told Alot that such work would require several weeks and the ship would have to be brought into his dry-dock for modifications. Refrum cautiously added that the work would not be inexpensive.

Alot agreed to the price and the conditions. 

Patriarch Craig then spoke up. 

Master Refrum had not noticed the dwarven high priest at first but now he recognized him and greeted him warmly. He informed Craig that the Apparatus he had brought in several months ago had been repaired and was ready. 

Craig asked Master Refrum if he would be willing to purchase the Apparatus. Master Refrum held his hand to his heart and cried, "Oh! What a marvelous opportunity! Yes, yes if I can afford it!"

Refrum disappeared into his laboratory and returned after a moment. The pair then haggled until a final price was reached, 250 diamonds, each wroth 100 gold pieces. They shook hands to commemorate the arrangement.

DM Note-
The player wanted to haggle. I did not. But I said they did and agreed upon a final price based on what Xendros would buy it for in the book. 

The Ritz
Once their business was concluded with Master Refrum, the crew took a look at the closest inns and hostels available. Those they encountered offered a uniformly disreputable and unpalatable experience so Aella asked around to find the nicest room for rent in Poniard.

Aella was directed to the Ritz in the southeastern quadrant of the city. She informed the others that she and Cai'luin planned to obtain a room there. The other accompanied her to ensure her safety. 

The Ritz was obviously a once fabulous destination though those days were gone. It was definitely better than the frighteningly unsafe inns on the east side of the city but it would still be considered the worst hostel in a city like Niole Dra, capital of Keoland. 

The desk clerk was a surly Iuzian woman who informed Aella and Cai'luin, "Four gold piece a day plus security deposit."

Aella, astonished at the exorbitant rate, asked, "Security deposit?"

"Da." replied the innkeeper, "Man over there in corner is Ivan. Ivan is security. You pay him extra."

Aella sighed and paid.

She turned to Cai'luin, "Okay, lets go back to the ship."

"What?" replied her cousin, "I thought we were staying here?"

"No way!" she exclaimed, "This is just for appearances. I just want the locals to think we're high rollers. I'm not taking my chances in that dump!"

The Asylum
There were still several hours remaining in the day so Alot, Aella, Cai'luin, Craig, and Corvid decided to explore the city of Poniard. 

The entourage crossed a stone bridge to visit the large heavily fortified structure across the canal from the Ritz. The building was once a gaol and dungeon with narrow barred windows and heavily fortified iron doors. A wooden sign outside said "Welcome Home". They entered and found the gaol filled with sick and injured convalescing.  Many appeared to be afflicted by strange chemical burns and other diseases. They also found people suffering from mental illness chained to columns and iron rings in the walls. 

Patriarch Craig managed to get the attention of one of the harried nurses. She told the visitors that they were in Hope'ner Asylum, a hospital set up to treat the many strange illnesses that have plagued the city in recent years. The nurse was in a hurry and apologized before running off to attend to her duties. There were apparently insufficient nurses to tend to the many patients.

The Crematorium
From there they visited a plain brick building from which emerged tall chimneys. The building was completely utilitarian and devoid of ornamentation or affect. It stood alone in a wide cobblestone square as if no one wanted to build another structure so close. 

Patriarch Craig, high priest of the Raven King, judge of the dead, recognized right the purpose of the building - it was a crematorium. He was disgusted by its ugly utilitarian design.

They entered and were met by a slight woman wearing a black dress and veil. She had a large hook nose and oversized front teeth. She carried herself with a noble aristocratic bearing of aloof superiority. She introduced herself as Madame Sliris. 

Madame Sliris asked the visitors if they were there to deliver or to acquire, warning them that business had been slow lately. Alot assured her neither and asked the purpose of the place. Sliris confirmed that they had entered the city mortuary and crematorium. Since the city was built upon pilings and islands in a river, it was impractical to bury the dead. As a result most of the dead in the city were cremated. 

Patriarch Craig asked who performed religious services for the dead. Sliris smiled condescendingly and informed Craig that there was no religion in the Styes. At least, none that she dared speak of. She told Craig that the performance of religious ritual required a license from the city council - and such licenses were both difficult to obtain and expensive. 

Craig was outraged and vowed to bring change to the Styes. Madame Sliris simply smiled. Alot and Corvid ultimately dragged the raging Craig out the door as they left.

Exploring the City
From the crematorium they walked west. They were clearly in a  better part of the city but all things being relative the neighborhood still looked sad and in need of repair. They passed a walled compound that was larger and better kept than the others. They crossed a stone bridge to the west and saw a tall square tower. As they approached the tower they could see magical wards carved into its foundation. They began to feel queasy so decided to give the tower a wide berth. 

Aella noted that one could hire a skiff and a pilot to ferry them from point to point across the inner harbor that separated the northern and southern portions of the city. 

They crossed another stone bridge in what was at one time a location of museums, libraries, merchant houses, and embassies. Today many of the buildings were empty. The largest building bore the official seal of the city of Poniard and was clearly the seat of government. It was mostly abandoned with a sparse guard. Patriarch Craig said, "We're not going in there! Not today! I might just kill somebody! License to practice religion my eye!"

The Undead Pepper from the Olman Isles
By this time they had become hungry so they decided to sample the local restaurants in this better part of the city. They found a restaurant that served spicy Olman cuisine and were challenged to try the sauce made from the dreaded Undead Pepper of the Olman Isles. Patriarch Craig was a dwarf and scoffed. He tried the pepper sauce and howled in pain. He tried to quench the burning pain in his mouth with ale but the weak Poniardian brew was insufficient. He bolted from the restaurant and dunked his head inside a horse trough, much to the guffawing delight of his companions.

GM Note-
I had anyone who tried the pepper make a Constitution Save vs. Poison. Dwarves have Advantage on such saves but he rolled a 5 and a 3. No one else dared try the pepper after that. 

The Damaged Bridge
As the day waned the bright yellow haze in the sky was becoming dark brown. A fog was beginning to form on the street. The group decided to return to the Sea Ghost. 

They made their way back and crossed a wide stone bridge that connected the High Quarter in the southeast to the Alchemist Quarter in the northeast where their ship was docked. The stone bridge was covered with tents and shacks and shanties filled with people living in squalor and covered in red blemishes and chemical burns. 

As they crossed the bridge they noticed behind them a group of burly men that had been following them for several blocks approaching quickly. Alot knew right away they were likely pirates looking to steal their ship while it was in port.

Cai'luin turned and played a mesmerizing tune on his lute. His playing so entranced the advancing pirates that half of them stopped in their tracks, lost in a daze.

Two continued to advance but one was stabbed by Corvid's holy sword Faithkeeper and slapped in the face with the flat of  the blade so hard that the pirate fell unconscious. Alot, meanwhile, handily cut the other down with his new magical sword Defender. 

Aella sent a magical tidal wave through the midst of the entranced pirates, bowling them over under the crushing water. 

After that the remaining pirates stood up and fled. Aella, Alot, Corvid, Craig, and Cai'luin allowed them to flee. 

A Week in the Styes
The crew of the Sea Ghost were forced to vacate their vessel for a week while shipwrights performed repairs to the damaged hull and sails and Master Refrum and his assistants began work on the new alchemical weapon. The Sea Ghost was suspended out of the water through the use of heavy cranes on the docks to allow workers the access they needed. It was strange seeing the ship hanging in mid-air from dozens of heavy ropes, but such a sight was common in Poniard.

Patriarch Craig planned to use his week to surreptitiously introduce the worship of the Raven King to the people of the northwest quarter known as Flotsam. He was accompanied by Corvid - his holy knight and defender.

Aella and Cai'luin intended to spend the week carousing and making contact with potentially wealthy patrons in the southeastern High Quarter.

Captain Alot planned on spending his week overseeing repairs to the ship as well as exploring the city looking for additional work for the crew.

A Murder Mystery!
After a few days in which Master Refrum and his assistant failed to show to work on the alchemical weapon, Alot sought out the alchemist. The laboratory looked like it had been closed for several days. He eventually found Master Refrum scurrying down the street covering his head as a group of children were throwing rotten vegetables, trash, and cobblestones at him. The children were shouting insults and accusing Master Refrum of harboring a killer. Onlookers refused to intervene and watched the proceedings with tacit approval.

Alot stepped in and frightened the children away. Master Refrum was in a desperate panicked state and clutching a holy symbol he had previously concealed under his shirt. Alot asked him what happened. Master Refrum explained that his assistant, Jarme, had been arrested by the city guard and accused of multiple murders! He was concerned about his assistant and was confident such a nice boy was incapable of committing the acts for which he was being accused. He was at his wits end and didn't know how to proceed.

Alot reassured him, "You should have come to us. We're here to help."

To Be Continued...

1 comment:

  1. Yessss here comes my favorite part of Ghosts of Saltmarsh! I love the Styes!
    Father Craig getting so offended at the religion license was great. I can't wait for the next entry!
