
Friday, February 26, 2021

The Strait of Monmurg - Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Chapter 71

 The Sea Ghost sailed southeast from Saltmarsh across Javan Bay. It was unseasonably warm for the month of Planting and raining buckets. Had they continued their current course and speed they would have sailed into the strait of Monmurg at around midnight. 

The strait was less than ten miles wide and contained treacherous rocks. Although they'd be able to slip past the sentry ships of the Principality, it would require expert piloting to navigate the straight in complete darkness. At the end of the day they struck their sails and deployed a sea anchor - essentially a large fabric parachute attached to a line - and held their position halfway between Angler Island and the Tyrant's Rocks. 

The next dawn saw a clear day and more comfortable temperatures. They were sure to be spotted by the sentry ships, but Captain Alot had a plan. They set sail for the strait of Monmurg. 

The Crew of the Sea Ghost:
  • Alot Aname - Neutral Good Warforged Fighter, ancient sentinel of a wizard's fortress, spent several decades deactivated underwater, Captain of the Sea Ghost.
  • Avastana "Aella" Kádár - Neutral, Half-Elf Outlander and Storm Sorceress from Ket, daughter of the king of the sea elves, deck sorceress and first mate of the Sea Ghost.
  • Patriarch Craig "Blunderbuss" Oxworth - Lawful Good Dwarven Priest of St. Ogden (Cleric), sailor and shipwright, bosun of the Sea Ghost.
  • Cai'luin Manaan - Chaotic Good Sea-Elf Bard, member of the royal family of the tribe of Manaan. Cook of the Sea Ghost.
  • Corvid Ravenson - Neutral Good Fallen Aasimar Paladin of Vengeance and Divine Soul Sorcerer, sent to Oerth to avenge those who wronged his angelic "brother", Auric Ravenson. Second mate of the Sea Ghost.
DM Note-
This week we start the Styes, which we begin with some tedious ship combat as the Sea Ghost sails through the Strait of Monmurg.

Note that my players called the straight "The Sphincter Narrows". I will not be calling it that but they would call me out had I not mentioned it.

Running the Gauntlet
The Sea Ghost entered the strait of Monmurg at mid-morning. The strait was only 8 miles wide with the the island of Jetsam Island to port and the city and harbor of Monmurg to starboard and . Dead ahead in the distance was Helm Rock. 

Two warships flying the flag of the Principality of Monmurg patrolled the strait. The Sea Ghost had the wind at its back and was faster than the warships but all the warships had to do was intercept them, not outrun them.

DM Note-
I described it to the players as runners in football having to get past downfield defensive tackles. 

One of the warships ran up signal flags that conveyed a message to the Sea Ghost to strike its sail and prepare to be boarded. 

Captain Alot assembled his officers for opinions, "Shall we stop, Do we make a run for it, or stand and fight?"

His officers provided several options but ultimately said, "Its your decision, captain."

Alot said, "We're making a run for it. Full sail. Aella, keep directing the wind into our sail. Patriarch Craig, get ready to perform a miracle!"

Aella used her storm sorcery to direct all available wind into the sails of the Sea Ghost.  The Principality Warship raised a signal flag ordering the Sea Ghost to stop what it was doing immediately and moved to intercept. 

As the two vessels grew nearer the warship began launching heavy shot from its mangonels. Most of the shots splashed into the water around the Sea Ghost but a few lucky shots struck the ship's hull and sails.

Alot shouted at Patriarch Craig, "Now!"

Patriarch Craig kneeled in prayer to the Raven King. The Sea Ghost became miraculously caught up in a fast-moving current. The current carried the ship along at tremendous speed. The Sea Ghost cut through the water like a shark.

The two ships were within a hundred feet of each other. Ballistae fired heavy iron bolts at the Sea Ghost, smashing into its hull and sails.

Aella sent a magical bolt of lightning into the sails of the Principality Warship. Cai'luin cast a depth charge into its hull. Corvid cast a spell and the warship's sails burst into a fiery explosion. Craig followed up with a prayer and a massive pillar of flame struck down from heaven onto the deck of the ship.

Craig asked Alot, "Do you want me to sink it?"

Alot thought about it, "No, better not. We're in enough trouble. Lets keep going. How long can we keep this current?"

Craig replied, "Not long, ten minutes at most."

Alot said, "I think that should be enough."

The Sea Ghost sailed past the warship at amazing speed. The warship, its own speed reduced by the damage to its sails, ran out oars and sent some final shots of its mangonels and ballistae towards the Sea Ghost. 

The other warship gave chase but was unable to match the miraculous speed of its quarry. 

The Sea Ghost sailed past Helm Rock and turned south towards Flotsam Island. 

DM Note-
I was unprepared to run this battle. As a result it felt tedious to the players and they never really felt invested. Part of the problem is that there's no real way using current D&D rules to maneuver ships on a bigger scale - such as trying to get past another ship through an eight mile wide  strait. I started off doing things on a big map with 30-foot grid one round at a time but that quickly became stupid. The ships were miles apart.

In the future, I'll up the time-scales along with the grid scale. 1 minute turns with 30-foot grids. 10 minute turns with 300-foot grids. Then move the pieces on the grid like chess pieces.   

I'll also make the ship's into NPC sheets in Roll20 so their attacks, AC, and hit points are all right there. Now if I can figure out a way to track multiple hit points and Armor Classes on the same token for hull, sails, and weapons. I'll also add spell caster and archery attacks as ship actions. 

Welcome to the Styes
Later that afternoon the coastal city of Poniard came into view. The city was presaged by a large mustard yellow cloud that billowed north. Poniard was uncharitably called the Styes because it is an eyesore on an otherwise lush beautiful semi-tropical island. The city was once a gleaming port clad in white marble. Today it was a slum - the marble facades having been stripped. Wooden catwalks now connected island-like city blocks separated by canals. The once magnificent stone bridges were destroyed by war or collapsed in disrepair. The buildings looked dilapidated and ramshackle. 

The northwestern quadrant of the city was composed of slums. The northeastern quadrant contained factories, tanneries, and alchemical laboratories belching the mustard yellow smoke and draining foul waste products into the canals. The southeastern quadrant contained walled compounds and villas. In the southwestern quadrant was located the city garrison, municipal government buildings, and other official structures. 

They were to meet the alchemist Master Refrum at his laboratory in the industrial quarter. 

DM Note-
I showed the players the map of the Styes and asked them where they'd like to dock. Based purely on the information above, they chose the black building in the industrial quarter which happened to be Master Refrum's laboratory. 

Patriarch Craig used his command over sea currents to direct the Sea Ghost into the harbor with pin-point accuracy without the aid of oared tugs. The damaged Sea Ghost slipped up to a dock and tied itself fast. 

Master Refrum
The large building next to the dock bore a sign that read "Master Refrum, Alchemist and Inventor". Craig said, "That's the place. This is where I brought the Apparatus of the Crab."

The entrance into the alchemist's laboratory contained a shop filled with bottles and phials of various chemicals, concoctions, poultices, and plasters for sale. Strange mechanical and clockwork inventions likewise hung from the ceiling or sat upon pedestals. 

A young girl no more than ten years old introduced herself as Eleanor, the shop keeper. Captain Alot asked to see Master Refrum. The girl scrambled away to a back room and a moment later an older man emerged accompanied by a younger man, barely twenty, both wearing leather aprons, goggles, and gloves.

The older man, balding and somewhat stooped, introduced himself as Master Refrum, proprietor. He the introduced his assistant Jarme, and Jarme's younger sister Eleanor. 

Alot began to introduce himself but was suddenly interrupted by Refrum's abrupt astonishment. The alchemist and inventor was visibly astounded by the magical automaton. Refrum held his glasses before his eyes and examined Alot closely, asking the others technical questions about its manufacture and capabilities.

Alot made an artificial sound like clearing a throat in order to regain Refrum's attention. "Ahem, my name is Captain Alot Aname. I am the captain of the Sea Ghost. I am an intelligent and sentient automaton called a Sentinel. I was created by a wizard over a hundred and fifty years ago as a means of defense. I spent the decades lying dormant under the water and was discovered only a few years ago. I am now a free and independent being with a mind and a soul and you may address me directly."

Refrum was in awe. He apologized and implored Captain Alot to continue.

Alot told the alchemist that they had heard that he was able to install a device onto the figurehead of their ship that would emit poison gas like a green dragon. Refrum confirmed that information but told Alot that such work would require several weeks and the ship would have to be brought into his dry-dock for modifications. Refrum cautiously added that the work would not be inexpensive.

Alot agreed to the price and the conditions. 

Patriarch Craig then spoke up. 

Master Refrum had not noticed the dwarven high priest at first but now he recognized him and greeted him warmly. He informed Craig that the Apparatus he had brought in several months ago had been repaired and was ready. 

Craig asked Master Refrum if he would be willing to purchase the Apparatus. Master Refrum held his hand to his heart and cried, "Oh! What a marvelous opportunity! Yes, yes if I can afford it!"

Refrum disappeared into his laboratory and returned after a moment. The pair then haggled until a final price was reached, 250 diamonds, each wroth 100 gold pieces. They shook hands to commemorate the arrangement.

DM Note-
The player wanted to haggle. I did not. But I said they did and agreed upon a final price based on what Xendros would buy it for in the book. 

The Ritz
Once their business was concluded with Master Refrum, the crew took a look at the closest inns and hostels available. Those they encountered offered a uniformly disreputable and unpalatable experience so Aella asked around to find the nicest room for rent in Poniard.

Aella was directed to the Ritz in the southeastern quadrant of the city. She informed the others that she and Cai'luin planned to obtain a room there. The other accompanied her to ensure her safety. 

The Ritz was obviously a once fabulous destination though those days were gone. It was definitely better than the frighteningly unsafe inns on the east side of the city but it would still be considered the worst hostel in a city like Niole Dra, capital of Keoland. 

The desk clerk was a surly Iuzian woman who informed Aella and Cai'luin, "Four gold piece a day plus security deposit."

Aella, astonished at the exorbitant rate, asked, "Security deposit?"

"Da." replied the innkeeper, "Man over there in corner is Ivan. Ivan is security. You pay him extra."

Aella sighed and paid.

She turned to Cai'luin, "Okay, lets go back to the ship."

"What?" replied her cousin, "I thought we were staying here?"

"No way!" she exclaimed, "This is just for appearances. I just want the locals to think we're high rollers. I'm not taking my chances in that dump!"

The Asylum
There were still several hours remaining in the day so Alot, Aella, Cai'luin, Craig, and Corvid decided to explore the city of Poniard. 

The entourage crossed a stone bridge to visit the large heavily fortified structure across the canal from the Ritz. The building was once a gaol and dungeon with narrow barred windows and heavily fortified iron doors. A wooden sign outside said "Welcome Home". They entered and found the gaol filled with sick and injured convalescing.  Many appeared to be afflicted by strange chemical burns and other diseases. They also found people suffering from mental illness chained to columns and iron rings in the walls. 

Patriarch Craig managed to get the attention of one of the harried nurses. She told the visitors that they were in Hope'ner Asylum, a hospital set up to treat the many strange illnesses that have plagued the city in recent years. The nurse was in a hurry and apologized before running off to attend to her duties. There were apparently insufficient nurses to tend to the many patients.

The Crematorium
From there they visited a plain brick building from which emerged tall chimneys. The building was completely utilitarian and devoid of ornamentation or affect. It stood alone in a wide cobblestone square as if no one wanted to build another structure so close. 

Patriarch Craig, high priest of the Raven King, judge of the dead, recognized right the purpose of the building - it was a crematorium. He was disgusted by its ugly utilitarian design.

They entered and were met by a slight woman wearing a black dress and veil. She had a large hook nose and oversized front teeth. She carried herself with a noble aristocratic bearing of aloof superiority. She introduced herself as Madame Sliris. 

Madame Sliris asked the visitors if they were there to deliver or to acquire, warning them that business had been slow lately. Alot assured her neither and asked the purpose of the place. Sliris confirmed that they had entered the city mortuary and crematorium. Since the city was built upon pilings and islands in a river, it was impractical to bury the dead. As a result most of the dead in the city were cremated. 

Patriarch Craig asked who performed religious services for the dead. Sliris smiled condescendingly and informed Craig that there was no religion in the Styes. At least, none that she dared speak of. She told Craig that the performance of religious ritual required a license from the city council - and such licenses were both difficult to obtain and expensive. 

Craig was outraged and vowed to bring change to the Styes. Madame Sliris simply smiled. Alot and Corvid ultimately dragged the raging Craig out the door as they left.

Exploring the City
From the crematorium they walked west. They were clearly in a  better part of the city but all things being relative the neighborhood still looked sad and in need of repair. They passed a walled compound that was larger and better kept than the others. They crossed a stone bridge to the west and saw a tall square tower. As they approached the tower they could see magical wards carved into its foundation. They began to feel queasy so decided to give the tower a wide berth. 

Aella noted that one could hire a skiff and a pilot to ferry them from point to point across the inner harbor that separated the northern and southern portions of the city. 

They crossed another stone bridge in what was at one time a location of museums, libraries, merchant houses, and embassies. Today many of the buildings were empty. The largest building bore the official seal of the city of Poniard and was clearly the seat of government. It was mostly abandoned with a sparse guard. Patriarch Craig said, "We're not going in there! Not today! I might just kill somebody! License to practice religion my eye!"

The Undead Pepper from the Olman Isles
By this time they had become hungry so they decided to sample the local restaurants in this better part of the city. They found a restaurant that served spicy Olman cuisine and were challenged to try the sauce made from the dreaded Undead Pepper of the Olman Isles. Patriarch Craig was a dwarf and scoffed. He tried the pepper sauce and howled in pain. He tried to quench the burning pain in his mouth with ale but the weak Poniardian brew was insufficient. He bolted from the restaurant and dunked his head inside a horse trough, much to the guffawing delight of his companions.

GM Note-
I had anyone who tried the pepper make a Constitution Save vs. Poison. Dwarves have Advantage on such saves but he rolled a 5 and a 3. No one else dared try the pepper after that. 

The Damaged Bridge
As the day waned the bright yellow haze in the sky was becoming dark brown. A fog was beginning to form on the street. The group decided to return to the Sea Ghost. 

They made their way back and crossed a wide stone bridge that connected the High Quarter in the southeast to the Alchemist Quarter in the northeast where their ship was docked. The stone bridge was covered with tents and shacks and shanties filled with people living in squalor and covered in red blemishes and chemical burns. 

As they crossed the bridge they noticed behind them a group of burly men that had been following them for several blocks approaching quickly. Alot knew right away they were likely pirates looking to steal their ship while it was in port.

Cai'luin turned and played a mesmerizing tune on his lute. His playing so entranced the advancing pirates that half of them stopped in their tracks, lost in a daze.

Two continued to advance but one was stabbed by Corvid's holy sword Faithkeeper and slapped in the face with the flat of  the blade so hard that the pirate fell unconscious. Alot, meanwhile, handily cut the other down with his new magical sword Defender. 

Aella sent a magical tidal wave through the midst of the entranced pirates, bowling them over under the crushing water. 

After that the remaining pirates stood up and fled. Aella, Alot, Corvid, Craig, and Cai'luin allowed them to flee. 

A Week in the Styes
The crew of the Sea Ghost were forced to vacate their vessel for a week while shipwrights performed repairs to the damaged hull and sails and Master Refrum and his assistants began work on the new alchemical weapon. The Sea Ghost was suspended out of the water through the use of heavy cranes on the docks to allow workers the access they needed. It was strange seeing the ship hanging in mid-air from dozens of heavy ropes, but such a sight was common in Poniard.

Patriarch Craig planned to use his week to surreptitiously introduce the worship of the Raven King to the people of the northwest quarter known as Flotsam. He was accompanied by Corvid - his holy knight and defender.

Aella and Cai'luin intended to spend the week carousing and making contact with potentially wealthy patrons in the southeastern High Quarter.

Captain Alot planned on spending his week overseeing repairs to the ship as well as exploring the city looking for additional work for the crew.

A Murder Mystery!
After a few days in which Master Refrum and his assistant failed to show to work on the alchemical weapon, Alot sought out the alchemist. The laboratory looked like it had been closed for several days. He eventually found Master Refrum scurrying down the street covering his head as a group of children were throwing rotten vegetables, trash, and cobblestones at him. The children were shouting insults and accusing Master Refrum of harboring a killer. Onlookers refused to intervene and watched the proceedings with tacit approval.

Alot stepped in and frightened the children away. Master Refrum was in a desperate panicked state and clutching a holy symbol he had previously concealed under his shirt. Alot asked him what happened. Master Refrum explained that his assistant, Jarme, had been arrested by the city guard and accused of multiple murders! He was concerned about his assistant and was confident such a nice boy was incapable of committing the acts for which he was being accused. He was at his wits end and didn't know how to proceed.

Alot reassured him, "You should have come to us. We're here to help."

To Be Continued...

Friday, February 19, 2021

The Secrets of the Serpent's Tooth - Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Chapter 70

The Sea Ghost set sail to Skyhorn Lighthouse to deliver their prisoner - the Marid known as Emir Farzad,  the Most Opulent and Pearlescent. The Emir regaled the crew with stories of his roguish exploits both within the City of Glass in the Elemental Plane of Water and across the lands of Oerth. But after a few hours of non-stop storytelling the Emir's tales became tiresome. 

They arrived at the lighthouse near sunset. They anchored their ship off shore and took the magical rowboat to the location above the site of the wrecked ship. The crew gathered together the treasure they agreed to return and, along with the emir, jumped overboard and descended three hundred feet to the bottom. There they found the concealed entrance to the grotto that led to the subterranean chamber of the marid. 

Within the grotto they encountered two triton guards. The tritons showed their medallions identifying them as inquisitors. They took custody of the emir and agreed to allow Alot and the rest of the crew to accompany them as far as the magical barrier in the marid's chambers.

The emir was resigned to his fate and seemed especially unhappy. He looked at Alot sullenly. Alot, remembering his agreement with the emir to speak on his behalf, asked the tritons what was to become of the emir. The tritons replied, "I believe the shah is planning to banish him to a domain of torment where he will writhe in agony for 1000 of your Oerth years."

The emir sighed.

Alot said, "Look, that seems harsh. Is there any way we can talk about this? I mean, the security measures that imprisoned the emir were really lax."

The triton shrugged, "As inquisitors, its our job to enforce the peace between Oerth and the Elemental Plane of Water. His sentence is an internal matter. You'd have to take it up with the shah of the City of Glass."

The emir shot Alot an angry look as the tritons pulled him through the slivery magical barrier.

Alot shrugged his armored shoulders, "Hey, I tried. Good luck!"

The Crew of the Sea Ghost:
  • Alot Aname - Neutral Good Warforged Fighter, ancient sentinel of a wizard's fortress, spent several decades deactivated underwater, Captain of the Sea Ghost.
  • Avastana "Aella" Kádár - Neutral, Half-Elf Outlander and Storm Sorceress from Ket, daughter of the king of the sea elves, deck sorceress and first mate of the Sea Ghost.
  • Patriarch Craig "Blunderbuss" Oxworth - Lawful Good Dwarven Priest of St. Ogden (Cleric), sailor and shipwright, bosun of the Sea Ghost.
  • Cai'luin Manaan - Chaotic Good Sea-Elf Bard, member of the royal family of the tribe of Manaan. Cook of the Sea Ghost.
  • Corvid Ravenson - Neutral Good Fallen Aasimar Paladin of Vengeance and Divine Soul Sorcerer, sent to Oerth to avenge those who wronged his angelic "brother", Auric Ravenson. Second mate of the Sea Ghost.
DM Note-
There is a big adventure gap between the end of Tammeraut's Fate (level 9) and the beginning of the Styes (level 11) so I'm filling it with short adventures and side-treks and player's choice. 

This week was mostly checking in on Saltmarsh, character book-keeping, and advancing the meta-plot as I transition into "the Styes." I've got some big plans for a campaign finale post-Styes. 

We also ended a little early this week because I was not adequately prepared for what I wanted to happen on the way to the Styes.

Sea Elf Warning
As the Sea Ghost sailed the coast of the Azure Sea in the direction of Seaton and Saltmarsh, they saw beside them an escort of a pod of dolphins carrying sea-elf knights. The sea elves threw grapples and climbed the lines to board the Sea Ghost. 

Corvid prepared for battle. Alot asked, "What are you doing?"

Corvid replied, "They boarded our ship without asking!" Alot held his hands out to calm the paladin's sword.

The sea elves were led by Anapos, a friend of the crew. Anapos requested permission from Captain Alot to board the vessel.  Alot gave his permission and looked knowingly at Corvid.

Anapos bowed to Aella, daughter of the sea elf King Pelagius, "Your highness." He then bowed to Cai'luin, "My lord."

He stood and addressed Aella, "Your highness, I am here to inform you and your crew that by order of the king's son, Prince Aegon, the area around which surface vessels may traverse in relation to the royal palace of Manaan has been enlarged. No vessel may come within  four leagues of the royal palace. Additionally, fishing by anyone from a surface vessel is hereby prohibited anywhere in the Bay of Javan."

He turned towards Cai'luin, ambassador of the tribe of Manaan to the village of Saltmarsh, "My lord, you are instructed to relay these restrictions to the town council of Saltmash."

Cai'luin did not relish the task. 

Alot said, "We thank you Anapos. We also have information for you. We have learned of a recent incident regarding the escape of many prisoners from a koalinth citadel. Be on the lookout for them. In addition, the events that led to the breakout may lead the koalinth to believe that the sea elves of Manaan were responsible and may seek an armed response. Please relay this to your king."

Anapos eyed Alot with suspicion, "I- I see. Very well. I will relay this information. We thank you for bringing us this warning. We will return right away. Now, if you please, chart a new course  to avoid the royal palace. " Anapos bowed to Aella and Cai'luin, saluted Alot and the others, and leaped overboard.

The Town Council of Saltmarsh
Upon their return to Saltmarsh, Cai'luin requested a meeting of the town council. With Baron Solmor still away at court in Niole Dra, the council met with Eliander Fireborn, Manistrad Copperlocks, Eda Oweland, and Aella. 

Cai'luin presented the new demands from Manaan. 

Eda Oweland exploded into a tirade of vulgar expletives. Her entire livelihood was based on fishing and the preserving of fish. Ending the fishing industry would destroy Saltmarsh! She motioned to ignore the edicts from Manaan and continue fishing.

Fireborn and Copperlocks were less alarmist. Copperlocks represented the interests of the dwarven mine east of town and cared little for the village's fishing heritage. She voted against Oweland's motion.

Fireborn was a retired soldier of the Royal Army and oversaw the town guard. He informed the others of some news he had recently received from Niole Dra - Baron Solmor had successfully lobbied for Saltmarsh to become a garrison and naval port. A fortress would be built and Saltmarsh would become more like Seaton. He was prepared to vote against Oweland's motion and allow fishing to suffer. 

With the baron at court, Oweland appealed to Aella to side with her for a tie vote to create a stalemate until the baron returned. 

Aella considered both sides but ultimately voted with Oweland to defy the edict from Manaan.

The vote was a tie so no resolution was carried.

The Loyal Quartermasters of Iuz
One morning Corvid paid a visit to the Loyal Quartermasters of Iuz to check on the status of a special order he had placed several weeks ago. He found the offices empty. He knocked on the door and opened it a crack. He heard hushed voices coming from the back where Captain Xendros conducted her secret business buying and selling magical items. 

He announced his presence and requested permission to enter.

Xendros requested a moment then invited him to the back room. Keledek the Ketan mage exited as he entered. The tall dark-skinned mage paid little attention to the ashen-grey Corvid. 

Corvid asked about the shop. Xendros explained that she had closed her shop and was moving to Port Torvin farther west. She said that events were soon to transpire that would make life difficult for her in Saltmarsh so she was moving to a town controlled by the Sea Princes.

Corvid asked about his order. Xendros produced a wrapped package containing a pair of winged boots. He paid her the large sum of gold he had borrowed from Aella and bade her farewell, promising to visit her in Port Torvin.

A Month in Saltmarsh
Over the next several weeks the officers of the Sea Ghost advanced their various agendas.

Captain Alot spent his time decoding the encrypted letters correspondence had found in the shack in Crabber's Cove. 

Aella used her savings to begin building a martial academy and training arena. 

Patriarch Craig and Corvid performed the duties of the Cult of the Raven King. More of the citizens of Saltmarsh were beginning to accept the new god as a member of the pantheon and offerings, gifts, and sacrifices to the guardian of the passage to the afterlife were increasing. 

Correspondence Decoded
Captain Alot spent his days in Eliander Fireborn's library poring over the encrypted correspondence. 

DM Note-
I had four bits of escalating exposition. 
Each game week I had Alot's player make an Investigation check vs. a DC of 15. He made no progress on a week with a failed check. On a success I gave him the next bit of exposition.

After six weeks of decoding, Alot learned the following.

  1. Captain Xendros can read the minds of everyone to whom she's sold a magic item and has been selling that information to the Serpent's Tooth, agent of the Scarlet Brotherhood.
  2. The Serpent's Tooth made contact with Orgmond, a member of the Cult of Tiamat, who had escaped the Tomb of the Lizard King. He had in his possession the Draconomicon.
  3. The Serpent's Tooth purchased the black dragon egg from Xendros.
  4. On the eve of the solstice, the Serpent's Tooth will poison the royal court in Niole Dra. Orgmond will use the Draconomicon to resurrect the black dragon Aulicus. Aulicus will attack the garrison at Seaton while Ships from the Hold of the Sea Princes will take Saltmarsh, Angleburg, and Redshore. This is all scheduled and coordinated so that the dragon attack occurs on the night of the solstice moon when tides are high. 
DM Note-
In retrospect, I regret providing the last part of the plan. I should have kept that a secret and made it a big reveal AFTER the Styes. Now the Styes feels like a diversion.

It was now the end of Planting. The solstice occurred during the celebration of Midsummer in two months. 
04PlantingBlossomsFrogLow Summer
05FlocktimeVioletsTurtleLow Summer
06WealsunBerrytimeFoxLow Summer
Richfest (Midsummer)
07ReapingGoldfieldsSnakeHigh Summer
08GoodmonthSunflowersBoarHigh Summer
09HarvesterFruitfallSquirrelHigh Summer

Set Sail for Poniard
The first item on the agenda was to finally make the upgrade to the ship he had been planning for months. Alot had heard of ship-builders in the city of Poniard to the south who could create magical figureheads that dispensed alchemical attacks that mimicked the breath of a dragon. He wanted to install a new figurehead on the Sea Ghost in the shape of a green dragon that attacked with deadly poison breath. He would take the Sea Ghost to Poniard to have this modification designed and installed.

Thus it was that six weeks after arriving in Saltmarsh Captain Alot was raising a new crew to set sail 40 leagues to Poniard. 

The new crew consisted of:
  • Ramsay 'The Cook' Braxton
  • Camille 'Relentless' Snape
  • Doshie 'The Parrot' Panther
  • Merrill 'Plank Walker' Beasant
  • Will Wheaton 'Howler' Kidd
  • Phebe 'Hideous' Bonney
  • Jewell 'Hex' Salvodore
  • Trenton 'Nightmare' Bradly
  • Sterling 'Barnacle' Helton
  • Geraldine 'Landlubber' Alistair - returning crew
  • Maxwelle 'Rambling' Shell - female crab centaur - returning crew

The ship set sail for Poniard on the first day of the third week of Planting.

Right away they ran into trouble. 

Cai'luin had served as the ship's cook for several months. However, one member of the newly raised crew, Ramsay "The Cook" Braxton, knew his way around the ship's galley. Captain Alot decided to hold a cook-off.

DM Note-
I did some quick googling for D&D cook-off rules, and surprisingly there are several options! I decided to go with six tests, one against each of the six stats.

Preparation - Dexterity for chopping, Wisdom for knowing how to prep
Execution - Intelligence for knowing the recipe and instrucitons, Strength for stirring and mashing
Plating - Charisma for presentation, Constitution for not appearing tired

I then had Cai'luin and Ramsay roll off.

The two cooks were tasked to prepare the following meal: Pan-fried large flat buckwheat noodles with cat, tumeric and sharp cheddar on a bed of sauteed earthnut pea, sorrel and wolfberries. Served with moth bean soup, vodka and aged ricotta.

In the end, both cooks produced excellent meals resulting in a tie. Alot assigned Cai'luin as Head Cook and assigned Ramsay as his assistant. 

With Aella directing the wind into their sails and Craig controlling the waters around the ship their journey to Poniard would take 22 hours and would take them through the narrow ten mile straight past Monmurg, capital of the Hold of the Sea Princes under the control of the Scarlet Brotherhood, at around midnight.

The strait was treacherous not only for privateers of the Sea Princes, there were numerous shoals and reefs that, if struck, would damage their recently repaired hull. 

Would they make it through the strait?

To be Continued...

Thursday, February 11, 2021

The Forsaken Sea-Mount - Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Chapter 69


Corvid stood in a corridor somewhere within the Forsaken Sea-Mount, citadel of the aquatic hobgoblins known as Koalinth. He was hundreds of feet underwater, protected by his magical Cloak of the Manta Ray. He brandished his magical sword, Faithkeeper. The water was red with the blood of his fallen enemies. The bodies of slain koalinth and sharks drifted to the floor. 

Captain Alot and Cai'luin the bard had followed a fleeing koalinth into a side passage where they discovered more prisoners - merfolk, sea-elves, and locathah  - chained to a wall and forced to dig. 

Alot called out, "We have more prisoners to save!"

The main corridor ended at a metal door. An injured shark was trying to escape. 

Suddenly the door burst open. A dwarf wearing a skull mask and a wide-brimmed helmet adorned with dolphins smashed his war-pick into the shark's forehead, killing it. 

It was Patriarch Craig, High Priest of the Cult of Tristan.

"What are you doing?" growled the dwarf, "The exit is this way!"

The Crew of the Sea Ghost:
  • Alot Aname - Neutral Good Warforged Fighter, ancient sentinel of a wizard's fortress, spent several decades deactivated underwater, Captain of the Sea Ghost.
  • Avastana "Aella" Kádár - Neutral, Half-Elf Outlander and Storm Sorceress from Ket, daughter of the king of the sea elves, deck sorceress and first mate of the Sea Ghost.
  • Patriarch Craig "Blunderbuss" Oxworth - Lawful Good Dwarven Priest of St. Ogden (Cleric), sailor and shipwright, bosun of the Sea Ghost.
  • Cai'luin Manaan - Chaotic Good Sea-Elf Bard, member of the royal family of the tribe of Manaan. Cook of the Sea Ghost.
  • Corvid Ravenson - Neutral Good Fallen Aasimar Paladin of Vengeance and Divine Soul Sorcerer, sent to Oerth to avenge those who wronged his angelic "brother", Auric Ravenson. Second mate of the Sea Ghost.
DM Note-
There is a big adventure gap between the end of Tammeraut's Fate (level 9) and the beginning of the Styes (level 11) so I'm filling it with short adventures and side-treks and player's choice. 

This week, I'm adapting a low-level adventure called the Secret of Forsaken Peak, Part 1: the Goblin Mine. I moved the entire mine to a sea-mount underwater. I replaced all the goblins with koalinth and all the worgs with hunter sharks. All the regular wolves became reef sharks. All the ogres became merrows. The bullette became chuul. The fire elemental became an earth elemental. References to dragons and Tiamat became kraken and Olhydra. Etc. I also increased all the traps from 1-4th level to 10th level, increasing their damage and DCs. 

Patriarch Craig's player had missed the previous week so he was never imprisoned. I wanted to introduce him into the story as quickly as  possible. Luckily, the other characters were right there at the exit - though they didn't know it. So I just had Patriarch Craig open the exit door and say "Hey! The exit is this way!" 

An Escape Delayed
Corvid said to Patriarch Craig, "Not yet! I've got to help Alot free some more prisoners."

A pair of ogre-sized merrow who had been standing guard outside the exit noticed Craig and threw their harpoons at him. One harpoon struck the dwarf. He grunted against the pain as the merrow tried to pull the chain to drag the dwarf towards him. Craig pulled the harpoon out and grit his teeth. The dwarven priest created a mystical hammer and sent it to fight the merrow.

"Well, hurry up!" he growled! 

Corvid swam into the mine where Alot was freeing the closest prisoner with a key taken from the prison guard during their own escape. Cai'luin was also in the mine, "Here come the guards!"

Corvid said, "I'll take care of them. Go help Craig, he's guarding the exit!"

Cai'luin gave a quick salute and swam into the corridor to assist Craig.

The underwater cavern was unlit but Corvid's magical darkvision made out several humanoid shapes and two large forms swimming towards him from the opposite side.

Cai'luin joined Craig at the exit, "I'm here to help. What's happening."

Craig pointed down the sloping passage, "Two merrow. Take care of them. I've got to do something."

Cai'luin played a tune on his lute and his eyes began to glow with bardic magic. Outside the exit the two merrow, plus two previously unseen koalinth guards, clutched their heads and writhed in pain. The two koalinth passed out from the ordeal.

Father Craig put his hands together in prayer, "I wish that Corvid was the Holy Avenger of Tristan."

Inside the cavern, Corvid was wreathed in light. His body stiffened and he floated off the ground. The currents swirled around him and his sword arm raised upward. The magic sword Faithkeeper disappeared in a glowing aura that illuminated the cavern and momentarily blinded the koalinth and the two massive crustacean chuul that were approaching. 

When the glow faded, Corvid held in his hands the Holy Avenging Sword of Tristan - he had become the living servant of his god's vengeance!

DM Note-
I totally described in the game as a anime-style magical girl transformation with billowing hair, swirling lights, and hovering rotating Corvid. 

After the light show dimmed, the koalinth and chuul continued their approach. 

Alot had just freed a mermaid prisoner, "You there. I'm need to fight off these attackers. If I give you the key will you free the others?"

The mermaid nodded enthusiastically. Alot gave her the key, "Good, get to it!" He turned and engaged the koalinth guards and chuuls that had swimmed up out of the gloom.

The mermaid avoided the incoming attacks and began freeing the other prisoners. Though the koalinth tried to stop her, Alot would interpose himself to stop them. 

Reinforcements come from the Rear
With one hand Aells held onto the manacles that bound her prisoner, the marid known as Emir Farzad. The emir struggled against her at every step and she was getting tired of it. She was followed by a throng of twelve fellow escapees - locathah, merfolk, and sea-elves. It was a slog trying to get down the corridor towards the exit. 

She heard the approach of more koalinth from behind them - reinforcements. She ordered the fellow escapees to get past her into the corridor. They began to swim around her. 

The reinforcements came into view. Aella's eyes glowed with crackling lightning as she summoned a storm that filled the entire passage leading to their corridor. All of the reinforcements were caught within it. The chaotic currents slammed them into each other and bolts of lightning struck the largest among them.

Craig ordered Cai'luin to help Aella. The bard swam past the prisoners to join the Sea Witch. He played a mystical note and the corridor, already engulfed by a powerful storm, exploded with the force of his Depth Charge spell. The reinforcements were decimated!

Craig swam to help Allea move the emir, saying, "Go assist the others. I'll help Aella with this jerk!" 

Meanwhile, Back in the Mine
The koalinth guards split into two groups - one group and one chuul against Alot and one group and one chuul against Corvid. Corvid held his new sword before him and called forth a vortex of mystical ravens that tore into the guards attacking him. 

The guards abandoned Corvid to escape the aura of ravens and moved towards Alot. Corvid saw Cai'luin enter the cavern, "Help him. I'll go defend the rear in case more reinforcements come."

As soon as Corvid left the cavern of the mine, a chuul swam up and grabbed Cai'luin in its piercer. It shoved the bard into its tentacled mouth parts. Cai'luin's body shuddered as the poison coursed through him.

Alot finished off the guards and chuul menacing the prisoners. One guard threw down his harpoon and surrendered.  Alot ordered the guard to start freeing prisoners. The guard removed the shackles from a locathah. The emancipated locathah picked up the guard's harpoon and impaled his former oppressor. The guard writhed but survived. The locathah joined the other freed prisoners in escaping. The guard threw down the key and swam away.

With all the guards fleeing or dead, Alot helped the mermaid free the remaining prisoners. They soon made their escape out of the Forsaken Sea-mount. As they left, each prisoner went their separate ways, swimming off in random directions. 

The helpful mermaid stayed behind. Alot said, "You are free to go, if you wish!"

The mermaid replied, "You have freed me. I owe you a great debt! I will stay with you until you, too, are safe!"

"That's great!" said Alot, "What's your name?"

DM Note- quick stop at the random mermaid name generator.

"My name is Kala-Ek," she said.

The Ascent
The crew of the Sea Ghost gathered together outside the exit. They were at the bottom of the sea with a large sea-mount at their back. It was dark. There was a faint dim glow of daylight far above them. 

Alot looked around, "Where are we?"

Cai'luin, who possessed an innate sense of depth and pressure, said, "We're about six hundred feed down. Judging by the light I'd say it was mid-morning."

Alot nodded, "Which way do we go?"

Corvid said, "According to our original plan, the Sea Ghost should be sailing directly overhead right about now."

DM Note-
Before their imprisonment, I told each player that instead of spending their Inspiration point on Advantage, they could instead spend it for a story ret-con in the form of a "Flashback" in the style of Blades in the Dark. In the previous session Cai'luin's player used a flashback to say he had hidden the bag of holding strapped to his back under his shirt. In this session, Corvid's player used his to say that they had arranged for the ship to sail over this spot at this pre-arranged time - because escaping now was always a part of the plan!

The team began swimming straight up. Aella was slowed by Emir Fazad who struggled the entire way in an attempt to escape. The rest of the team slowed their ascent to stay close to Aella. Only Kala-Ek swam ahead of the others. 

At a depth of about 330 feet, the escapees could see the dark shapes of large sharks approaching from below. The sharks carried koalinth riders armed with harpoons and were accompanied by smaller sharks.

DM Note-
My original Roll20 battlemap quickly proved insufficient so I called for a break and quickly created a new battlemap representing all six hundred feet from bottom to surface with lines drawn every 30 feet. I put the escapees at a depth of 330 feet. I put the pursuers sixty feet or more beneath them at the edge of their Darkvision. Here's the screenshot of the whole thing zoomed way out. It kind of looked like a football field and this was the weekend before the Superbowl, so when I put the players back, I sang the little NFL theme and described the scene like a football commentator.

Patriarch Craig fell behind and told the others he'd catch up. Craig made a hand gesture and said a prayer to Tristan. A great whirlpool miraculously appeared in the midst of the pursuers. The whirlpool pummeled those caught within it and drew all those within twenty-five feet closer to it. 

DM Note-
I had so many bad guys on the board, this was a nightmare for me to have to roll saving throws and athletics skill checks for each one of them! 

A handful of sharks and koalinth swam around the whirlpool and got close to Patriarch Craig. Cai'luin fell back to help the dwarven priest, uttering arcane whispers of dissonance to cause some to flee. Aella cast chaos bolt spells at the pursuers as she continued to carry Emir Farzad.

Cai'luin swam down to Craig's side and summoned forth a swirling vortex of magical musical notes that slashed anyone that got near them. Corvid joined them, creating his own vortex of spiritual ravens.

Father Craig dismissed the whirlpool and drew forth the waters into a mighty current to propel himself and his fellow escapees up towards the surface, outdistancing the pursuers. Craig continued this until they were at the surface. Kala-Ek was propelled so quickly that she breached the surface and flew into the air thirty feet. 

The Sea Ghost was nearby and threw lines to the escapees as it sailed past. Father Craig reversed the current beneath them, pushing the advancing pursuers away towards the bottom of the sea.

This act created a magical depression in the sea. When it was released, it snapped back and the Sea Ghost rocked and bobbed. Everyone was by this time on board and sailing away. 

Alot asked Kala-Ek if she wished to accompany them. The mermaid smiled and waved, "I will swim next to until you reach your home port, but then I will bid my farewell!"

Alot waved back in thanks and admiration.

Craig stood next to him looking over the gunwhale, and signed, "I'm going to marry that girl someday!"

Alot did a double take at the dwarf in momentary confusion, then shook his head.

Emir Farzad asked Captain Alot what was to become of the marid. Alot explained that they were taking him back to Skyhorn Lighthouse where he would be turned over to the tritons.

Emir Farzad once again pleaded for his freedom, offering a wish in exchange for removing the manacles. 

Alot held firm, "No."

DM Note-
Though it did prompt a lively discussion among the players about what they might wish for.

Meanwhile, Back in the Forsaken Sea-Mount
In the chambers of Archmage Zrunkuc, the pursuers reported that they had lost the escapees and that, in fact, all the slaves and captives used in the mines had been freed. 

Warlord Tuuk became enraged. He picked up a harpoon and impaled the messenger for the bad news. The other koalinth soldiers retreated half a step. 

Tuuk turned to the archmage, "As I feared, this was a ruse orchestrated by the sea-elves of Manaan. The daughter of the King of Manaan, Princess Aella, was among them, as was the nephew of the king. First they killed Warlord Zradrog at the Lizard-man games. And now this. We cannot let this stand!"

Archmarge Zrunkuc sat in his ornate chair and templed his fingers. He was struggling to contain his calm. 

"The sea-elves of Manaan have stolen my marid and have robbed me of a wish. This is an act of war. Contact our allies. Prepare the armies. It is time to destroy the sea-elves once and for all. This. Is. WAR!" 

To Be Continued...

DM Note-
I did that little cut-scene at the end of the night and it was great. Alot's player was like, "Yeah, I figured this was coming" and indeed others mentioned it during the escape, "But," he continued, "That's a problem for future us!"

Thursday, February 4, 2021

The Marid's Ransom - Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Chapter 68

Alot and his companions rowed the magical boat for several hours through the late night waters. 

Cai'luin, blindfolded, asked, "Are we close?"

Alot looked around at the endless expanse of sea, "Honestly, I'm not sure."

A few more hours later, there was a loud thump as something large bumped against the hull of their boat. There was another bump. Several goblinoids covered in sea-weed and barnacles popped their heads out of the water.

"Hyoo-mans! You are not welcome in this waters! You will leave or you will die!""

Alot said, "We wish to speak with Zrunkuc The Red, Archmage of the Koalinth to negotiate the release of a prisoner."

"No! You will leave or you will be destroyed!"

The Crew of the Sea Ghost:
  • Alot Aname - Neutral Good Warforged Fighter, ancient sentinel of a wizard's fortress, spent several decades deactivated underwater, Captain of the Sea Ghost.
  • Avastana "Aella" Kádár - Neutral, Half-Elf Outlander and Storm Sorceress from Ket, daughter of the king of the sea elves, deck sorceress and first mate of the Sea Ghost.
  • Patriarch Craig "Blunderbuss" Oxworth - Lawful Good Dwarven Priest of St. Ogden (Cleric), sailor and shipwright, bosun of the Sea Ghost.
  • Cai'luin Manaan - Chaotic Good Sea-Elf Bard, member of the royal family of the tribe of Manaan. Cook of the Sea Ghost.
  • Corvid Ravenson - Neutral Good Fallen Aasimar Paladin of Vengeance and Divine Soul Sorcerer, sent to Oerth to avenge those who wronged his angelic "brother", Auric Ravenson. Second mate of the Sea Ghost.
DM Note-
There is a big adventure gap between the end of Tammeraut's Fate (level 9) and the beginning of the Styes (level 11) so I'm filling it with short adventures and side-treks and player's choice. 

This week, I'm adapting a low-level adventure called the Secret of Forsaken Peak, Part 1: the Goblin Mine. I moved the entire mine to a sea-mount underwater. I replaced all the goblins with koalinth and all the worgs with hunter sharks. All the regular wolves became reef sharks. All the ogres became merrows. The bullette became chuul. The fire elemental became an earth elemental. References to dragons and Tiamat became kraken and Olhydra. Etc. I also increased all the traps from 1-4th level to 10th level, increasing their damage and DCs.  

Aella's Brush with Death
Two days ago, the crew of the Sea Ghost were sitting at a table at the Wicker Goat, staring at a deck of cards. A gleaming sword sat in its scabbard on the table next to Alot. 

Aella walked in and saw the others looking at the cards, "What's going on?"

DM Note-
Aella's player had missed the last three weeks so she was not present last week during the drawing of the Deck of Many Things. The group decided to give her an opportunity to draw as a flashback. 

Cai'luin explained, "It's a deck of magical cards. Draw as many cards as you want. Half the cards yeild fabulous treasures. The other half inflict terrible curses. We've each drawn one or two cards. Want to draw?"

Aella considered her options, "Okay, sure."

Corvid held up his pale hand, "Wait! Before you draw, could you maybe loan me three thousand gold pieces? I seem to have misplaced my coin and I have a horrible feeling that my footlocker will be similarly empty."

"Um. Sure?" replied Aella.

"In fact," added Cai'luin, "Its probably not a bad idea for you to sign over your land deed and all your possessions to one of us for  a while. Just in case."

Aella scrunched her face in suspicion, "I don't know..."

Corvid sighed, "Don't laugh. That's what happened to me. I have a feeling that whatever magic that powers the cards wouldn't fall for your legal trickery, Cai'luin."

"Just give me the cards." said Aella.

Aella drew two cards. She flipped over the first card. It was The Key. 

A magic dagger appeared on the table in front of her. 

She flipped over the second card. it was the Skull. 

A mysterious robed figure appeared in a flash of shadow and purple smoke behind her. The hood of its robe concealed a skull with glowing green eyes. It carried with it a scythe. It pointed a bony hand at Aella, "Avastana Kádár, daughter of King Pelagius of Manaan and Ma'om, You have summoned me for a contest for your soul. You must battle me. No others may aid you lest you forfeit." It prepared its scythe for a swing, "Now, prepare yourself for judgement!" The specter of death swung its scythe through Aella. It sliced through her chest, leaving a painful gash and a glowing purple wound. 

She counterattacked with a magical lightning bolt. The bolt struck the Avatar of Death in the chest. The robed figure arched its back in pain and disappeared in a purple burst. 

Aella had won. 

Lankus Kurrid, proprietor of the Wicker Goat tavern, shouted his annoyance, "Hey! No magic duels in the tavern!"

Aella apologized and summoned a tidal wave to douse the small fires that burned where her lightning bolt had struck the wooden frame of the tavern. The tidal wave flooded the tavern up to everyone's knees before subsiding, leaving everyone with wet feet and shins. 


She examined her dagger. It had a saw-toothed edge and a black pearl nested in its pommel. She took the dagger and shoved it in her waist sash with her other dagger. 

Koalinth Patrol
Cai'luin offered some advice to Alot.

The Koalinth soldier shouted, "The ol'daac scum will be silent or we will kill it!"

Alot whispered to Cai'luin, "Better keep it quiet for a bit. Let me do the talking. You too, Aella."

Alot turned to the solder and reiterated his demand to speak only with Zrunkuc The Red, Archmage of the Koalinth. He informed the soldier that he was expected and suggested that the archmage would be displeased with the soldier if it were discovered that the meeting was delayed because they were turned away. He showed the soldier that they came unarmed and unarmored. 

The soldier replied that the archmage would never come to the surface to meet with air-breathers. 

Alot informed the soldier that all present were, in fact, capable of meeting with the archmage on his own terms at the deepest depths. 

The soldier considered this and ordered the party to follow him to a neutral location in "the Old City".

Alot agreed. Everyone jumped overboard and Alot said the magic word that transformed the small boat back into a small wooden box which he promptly placed in a pouch. 

They followed the patrol down into the inky depths of the ocean. 

Warlord Tuuk
The patrol led the party to the ruins of an ancient underwater city - not a human city that had sunk beneath the waves - a city built underwater by koalinth long ago that now lay in ruins. They were brought into an old temple.

The soldier that led them said to Alot, "This was once a great city of our people - before it was destroyed by the ochs!" He glared at Cai'luin, "Before the Haar Shol'dec! The Great Culling! You will wait here while we send for the archmage. If he refuses to see you, we will kill you." 

About an hour later, a figure appeared through a rift in the back wall of the temple. It was an armored koalinth bearing a harpoon. He spoke in Common.

"I am Warlord Tuuk. What business do you have with the archmage?"

Alot replied, "We came here to speak with the archmage."

"I will determine if you will speak with the archmage."

"We have come to negotiate for the release of one of your prisoners - a Marid named Emir Farzad, the Most Opulent and Pearlescent."

"I have never heard of him. We have no such prisoner. But if we did, such a prisoner would be very valuable and such a request would come at a great price. What would you offer as ransom?"

"What would you desire?" asked Cai'luin.

"THE FILTHY OCH WILL NOT SPEAK! That we tolerate the presence of the filth in our most sacred of temples is a courtesy - but DO NOT ALLOW THE FILTH TO INSULT US WITH ITS POISONOUS SPEECH!"

Alot looked at Cai'luin and cleared his throat. Cai'luin became silent.

Alot apologized and restated the question.

Warlord Tuuk replied, "You could start by killing every filthy sea-elf in the Azure Sea and destroying the palace at Manaan."

"That is not on the table." replied Alot.

"Then perhaps we would be satisfied with the death of King Pelagius, his children Aegon and Nix, and allow us to execute Princess Aella here and her companion, Master Cai'luin, nephew to the king."

Aella and Cai'luin exchanged worried glances.

"Oh, I know exactly who you are, your highness! You see, we know everything that happens within the royal palace of Manaan, for we have spies living among you."

Alot interrupted the warlord, "Perhaps you can name a ransom that does not involve the sea-elves."

"That is our price!" demanded Tuuk.

"Look," said Alot, changing tactics, "Since you don't know about the marid prisoner, it is obvious you don't know what's really going on. We came here to speak with the arch-mage.  He is expecting us. We are willing to wait as long as is necessary. If you want, as a sign of our good faith and our intentions, we would surrender ourselves to your custody. Keep us in a prison cell until the arch-mage is ready. As you see, we cane unarmed and unarmored."

Warlord Tuuk countered, "You are armored!"

Alot said, "I am a sentinel. I cannot remove my armor. I cannot help that."

Warlord Tuuk considered this, "Very well. My soldiers will escort you to a prison cell. I will decide what to do with you later."

Two Hours in a Koalinth Prison
Captain Alot and the others were bound and their heads were covered by hoods. They were taken inside an underwater structure. When the hoods were removed they found themselves placed into prison cells. Each cell was ten feet square. They were separated from each other but each shared a cell with another individual. Althrough their hoods were removed they remained manacled. Alot was placed with a locathah. Cai'luin was housed with an sea-elf named Bubo.  Aella found herself with a mer-man named Salas. Corvid was placed with another sea-elf.  The cells lined the wall of a large room with a large pillar in the center that blocked visibility to the far side of the room. The guards could be seen outside the bars at the entrance in one corner of the room.  They came with no weapons and armor though Cai'luin's lute and magical bag of holding had been confiscated.

The team spent two hours waiting in their cells. Cai'luin and Aella got to know their cell-mates. Corvid ignored his cell-mate and spent most of the time unsuccessfully trying to break his manacles. Alot tried to interact with his locathah cell-mate but the fish-creature said only "Murr". As a result, Alot started calling him "Murr".

After two hours a guard entered the cell-block with a box. He went from cell to cell opening the box. The box was full of chum, entrails, blood, and small scurrying fish. The prisoners lapped up the billowing mess and caught the small fish. 

When the guard came to Alot's cell, Alot reached one arm out of the cell and grabbed the guard, pulling him close and putting him in a choke hold.

DM Note-
There are no rules in D&D for a choke hold. So I had Alot make a Grapple, which he succeeded, and follow up on subsequent rounds with unarmed attacks. Only, instead of punches, we described it as a hold with hit point loss from being choked. 

The guard called out in alarm and ineffectually punched back at Alot but was soon choked to unconsciousness. Alot was dismayed to learn that the guard carried no keys. 

From across the cell block Cai'luin waved his hands and said a magic word and Alot's cell door magically opened. Alot put the guard in the cell and asked Murr to join him. The blank-faced glassy-eyed fish-man simply muttered, "Murr" and stayed in his spot. Alot shrugged and turned to face the next problem.

The guards at the entrance heard the commotion. One guard banged on a loud gong while the other grabbed his weapons and swam in to engage Alot. Cai'luin waved his hand and said another magic word and the koalinth guard stopped banging the gong. He looked off into the distance with a vacant stare and a slight smile. 

Cai'luin magically opened Corvid's cell. Corvid exited and made a gesture with his hands. He formed a sword of shadow out of thin air and killed the guard. 

A hulking brute of a mer-man - an aquatic ogre known as a merrow - emerged from a nearby corridor in response to the banging gong. He quickly entered the cell block to engage with the escapees. Cai'luin sang a song of dissonant whispers and the merrow became frightened. The merrow retreated to the far corner of the cell block. Alot and Corvid converted on the merrow and attacked with fists and shadow-blade. Aella created a magical tidal wave resulting in a massive hammer of water that slammed into the ogre-like merman. Corvid finished him off with his deadly blade of insubstantial shadow. 

Corvid retrieved keys from the fallen guards and opened Cai'luin's cell. Cai'luin removed the bag of holding he had hidden on his back under his shirt, within which he had been carrying the following items:
  1. Alot's magical dragon warhammer
  2. Corvid's magical sword "Faithkeeper"
  3. Corvid's plate armor
  4. Cai'luin's magical rapier "Robots are Tone Deaf"
  5. 1 packet of dust of disappearance
  6. 1 potion of lesser restoration
  7. 2 potions of greater healing
  8. Aella's gauntlets of ogre power
  9. Aella's wand of magic missiles
The weapons had been carefully wrapped in blankets to prevent the rupture of the bag of holding.

DM Note-
 I allowed the players the use of Flashbacks - a rule I ported over from Blades in the Dark. They could spend their inspiration point for a flashback in which they reveal that something that had happened earlier was, in fact, part of a clever ruse that they had planned for.

In this case, I had earlier told Cai'luin that they had confiscated his bag of holding containing everyone's gear. At this moment, Cai'luin's player said, "I use my flashback!" With the help of the others, he told me that the bag they had confiscated was in fact a fake! It was filled with some rocks and gold coins to keep them occupied and fooled. He had actually tied the real bag of holding with everyone's equipment to his torso and it laid flat against his back under his shirt, Die Hard style! 

GENIUS! It was EXACTLY how I was hoping they'd use their flashback!

Cai'luin distributed the smuggled equipment and Corvid returned to the bard his lute. 

The gong-guard was still under Cai'luin's spell. Cai'luin asked him to confine himself within a cell. The guard happily complied. Afterwards they went cell-to-cell searching for their target- the Emir.

Alot went cell-to-cell with the keys. He found no marid. The cells did match the vision he received in the magic mirror so he was confident he was in the right place, though he could not be sure in which cell the emir had been kept. 

He picked the cell he thought was the most likely candidate. Alot asked the mermaid within if she was the emir in disguise. She refused to speak. Alot told the mermaid that they had been sent to free the emir and that it was safe to reveal his true identity.

The mermaid disappeared in a cloud of air bubbles and coalesced into the aquatic djinn known as a marid - it was the Emir Farzad! 

"Alot! My good friend! It is so wonderful to see you again! Please, if you could my old friend, remove these pesky golden manacles so that I might be on my way."

"No can do," said Alot, "First you have to put on THESE golden manacles."

Farzad looked aghast, "Oh, HE sent you to collect me, did he? No! I will not join you!"

Alot said, "You'd rather stay here as a prisoner of the arch-mage? Your prison back at the lighthouse didn't seem too bad."

Farzad narrowed his eyed, "You do not understand. I escaped the will of the SHAH! For that I will TRULY be punished! I do not anticipate a friendly reunion!"

"Look!" said Aella, joining the conversation, "We're escaping now. If you want to come with us, you'll have to put on these manacles."

Farzad sighed, "Fine!" He held out his wrists. Alot clapped the Shah's manacles on top of the manacles of the arch-mage. Farzad rolled his eyes.

With all the prisoners, save that idiot Murr, freed from their cells and the surviving guards locked within, the crew of the Sea Ghost, with their marid captive, and twelve escaped prisoners, made their way out of the cell block.

Koalinth Patrol
The large group moved out of the cell block and up the inclined corridor to a Y-shaped intersection. There was a door to the right and one to the left. They chose left. Behind it was a small guard post with two koalinth. The two guards were quickly dispatched and the large group was told to stealthily but hastily move ahead. 

The found a corridor at the read of the guard post turned right and presented a door ahead and a corridor to the left that sloped up.  They took the corridor and and opened a door. They were in a four-way intersection where a long wide hall met the beginning of a rough-hewn mine that sloped down. Ahead of them was another long corridor. The corridor ahead and to the right contained several koalinth guards holding onto riding harnesses attached to large man-eating sharks. The harnesses allowed the koalinth to hold on with one hand and be carried along with the sharks as well as direct the shark's movement and actions.

The guards rushed the escaping prisoners at the door and brutal melee ensued.

The door became a choke point as the crowd of escaping prisoners prevented escape to the rear and the press of sharks and guards prevented advancement in the front. To make matters worse, Aella and Cailuin were busy preventing the emir Farzad from escaping. Their position at the bottom of the inclined corridor prevented them from gaining line of sight on the fight at the intersection. 

More sharks and guards joined the fray from the mines to the left. Soon the intersection was filled with billowing clouds of red blood in the water, dead koalinth, and dead sharks as Alot and Corvid carved a deadly path through the defenders. 

Cai'luin spoke a magical charm and one of the sharks became friendly. Cai'luin spoke to the shark, an ability many sea-elves possess, and convinced it to turn on the other guards to protect its new friends. 

With the advanced of an additional wave of reinforcements, Corvid said a prayer and was soon surrounded by a swirling vortex of spiritual ravens. The ravens tore into the sharks and guards, clearing the way. To Cai'luin's dismay, the ravens killed his new shark friend. 

The entire time, Emir Farzad made repeated attempts to pull against Aella's grasp and escape. He managed to escape a few times but each time Cai'luin and Aella were able to quickly grab him.

DM Note-
Farzad would succeed at his escape attempt, no small feat against Aella's gauntlets of ogre power, but each time he'd try to move away Aella and/or Cai'luin would make a grapple as an opportunity attack and re-establish the grappled condition. But he kept trying in the hopes that one time they'd fail.

Aella was finally able to make her way up to the top of the corridor where she was able to cast a magical lightning bolt down the corridor before them, killing several koalinth guards and sharks.

The one surviving guard and shark made an escape down a side passage to the left. The only remaining shark fled to a door at the end of the corridor but was unable to escape.

Into the Mines
Corvid followed the escaping guard down the corridor and into the mines. There he saw a large dark cavern. In the distance he could hear the sound of dozens of prisoners digging and two lumbering shapes used as underwater pack animals.

The paladin of death was soon joined by Alot and Cai'luin. The trio killed the escaping guard. Alot looked around at the additional prisoners, each chained to the wall so that they could not escape their labor.  

Alot sighed in frustration, "I guess we have more prisoners to free."

To be Continued...