
Thursday, July 16, 2020

The Accidental Emancipation of a Psychic Lobster - Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Chapter 45

The team had covered themselves in magic dust that made them invisible in order to covertly explore and map the stronghold of the sahuagin fish-men. 

Captain Baylore had just finished mapping the lowest level and returned to the group waiting for him on the second level. The dust had worn off and they were once again visible. They floated underwater cloaked in darkness. 

Baylore recounted all that he saw and Aella updated the maps given to the team by the lizard-folk based on Baylore's description.

Suddenly there was a clamor from down a nearby corridor. Some sahuagin were hissing and gurgling in alarm. They were swimming as fast as they could into the audience chamber. Whatever it was that upset him was urgent and very important.

Had the team been discovered? They did leave a lot of dead bodies at the entrance on the first level. 

They were about to find out.


The B-Team:
  • Avastana "Aella" Kádár - Neutral, Half-Elf  Outlander and Storm Sorceress from Ket, daughter of the king of the sea elves, Deck Sorceress of the Sea Ghost.
  • Alot Aname - Neutral Good Warforged Fighter, ancient sentinel of a wizard's fortress, spent several decades deactivated underwater, Bosun of the Sea Ghost.
  • Captain Baylore - Neutral Human Pirate and Pugilist (Monk), Captain of the Sea Ghost.
  • Bordar Graniteshaper - Lawful Good Dwarven Bearer of Grudges (Barbarian), exiled from his clan, Ballast of the Sea Ghost.
  • Craig "Blunderbuss" Oxworth - Lawful Good Dwarven Priest of St. Ogden (Cleric), sailor and shipwright.  
The Way Out
It was obvious that a group of sahuagin had rushed to report something important to the four-armed leader in the nearby throne-room around the corner. No one in the party could speak the language of the sahuagin so they didn't know what was being reported.

"Are we discovered?" inquired Alot.

"I don't know," said Captain Baylore, "Its likely that someone discovered our little massacre at the entrance. Whatever, we got what we came fore. Let's get out of here. Aella, how do we get back to the entrance?"

"What about the secret escape tunnel?" said the half-elf sorceress.

"The what?"

"Its here on the lizard-folk map. Its down on the third level where you said the torture chamber was. Its closer to us than the entrance."

Captain Baylore considered the route, "I don't like it. There were a lot of sahuagin down there. We know for sure there weren't many on the first level. Lets go back the way we came."

They could breathe thanks to magic potions of water breathing. Captain Baylore and Aella each wore a magical cloak that resembled a manta ray. The cloaks propelled them through the water as if they were flying. As an automaton Alot had been modified to operate underwater. Bordar wore a magical ring that allowed them to swim quickly despite being a dwarf. Craig, unfortunately, had only the potion. He moved sluggishly through the water. Captain Baylore resorted to carrying the the dwarf to prevent him from slowing everyone else down.

With that the team retraced their path towards the stairs leading up to the first level. 

Battle at the Stairs
The gallery containing the stairs up had three sahuagin guards posted at each of the four entrances. Each unit of guards were also accompanied by an trained attack shark clad in battle armor. 

Baylore shouted, "Go! Go! Move fast! Get up the stairs! I'll stop them from getting reinforcements!" The pirate captain stepped into a shadow and mysteriously reappeared across the gallery next to one of the far pair of guards. 

The automaton warrior Alot joined the dwarf berserker Bordar in fighting the pair of guards at the entrance. 

The trio on the stairs and one each from each of the pairs at the flanking entrances rushed to join their companions in blocking the intruders from entering the room. One each of the remaining guards at each of the flanking entrances fled to get assistance while the last guard and one shark blocked the entrance in order to defend their flight. 

Baylore moved quickly and dispatched the guard blocking his path but it was too late. The fleeing guards had rounded the corner and were out of sight. 

"They're going to bring help. Let's go! Now!"

Craig said a prayer to Saint Ogden the dwarven defender of the dead. Suddenly the entire gallery drained of all water. Baylore could feel the water rushing past him. The gallery was wet but now filled with air. The amphibious sahuagin warriors had to balance themselves on the floor but soon regained their footing. Their attack sharks, however, flopped helplessly on the floor, their mouths gasping and gills flapping. 

Alot and Bordar finally pushed their way into the air-filled gallery. They soon had the sahuagin routed but they could see more of them approaching down the corridors. The fleeing guards grabbed their attack sharks and carried them to the wall of water so that they might survive.

DM Note-
The players liked that touch. They appreciated that the sahuagin cared about their shark pets or at least appreciated the time and effort that went into training them.

Captain Baylore instructed the others to wait for a moment. He wanted to check the room above before they ascended the stairs. He stealthily took a quick look. The room still contained nearly a dozen slaves chained together and digging at a rock wall. The room was guarded by half a dozen sahuagin, a commander, and a priestess. The sound of the digging tools ringing off stone was loud enough to mask the recent battle at the foot of the stairs. 

He returned and gathered everyone together. He told them his plan.

The Unfinished Room
Captain Baylore stealthily advanced up the stairs. He closed his eyes in concentration and the area around the top of the stairs was plunged into a cloud of inky blackness which blinded the sahuagin.

At that moment, the rest of the team crept up the stairs behind him. Craig released the pocket of air and allowed the water to rush back into the gallery below. He then said another prayer and the entire gallery became engulfed in a great whirlpool. Any creature that entered the gallery had to fight the chaotic current of the maelstrom. 

The team held hands and gathered together. Bordar poured a packet of Dust of Disappearance over the assembled team and they became invisible. Together they climbed the stairs as a group. the level above was above the water line. They were all dripping wet but were no longer underwater.

Baylore dispelled the darkness surrounding them. The sahuagin had surrounded the darkness with spears at the ready but were surprised to find no intruders! Unfortunately, the exit was still blocked. 

Baylore broke away from the huddled group. He stepped into a shadow and mysteriously re-emerged near a sahuagin who appeared to be a priestess of some kind. Baylore was now visible and his sudden appearance caused great alarm among the Sahuagin. His plan was to draw the guards away from the door so that the others could exit. 

Baylore pointed towards the stairs and the illusion of Bordar the dwarf came bursting into the room. The illusory dwarf charged the sahuagin near Baylore. 

Several sahuagin rushed Baylore and the illusory Bordar. The illusion vanished. The priestess was forced to disengage from Baylore while the other guards attacked.

Then Alot and the real Bordar attacked the guards at the exit and the plan fell apart. 

Instead of being patient waiting in stealth for an opening, everyone abandoned their invisibility by attacking or casting spells. Baylore cursed.

Aealla called forth a magical tidal wave that crashed into the sahuagin guarding the door. This caused her to become visible. The half-elf was surrounded and was quickly overwhelmed. She was blocked on all sides and she was having difficulty avoiding the sahuagin spears. 

One of the guards at the exit slipped away to go get help, opening a path through to the corridor.

Alot shouted back to Aella, "Do you need me to help?"

The disembodied voide of Craig the dwarf, the only member of the team still invisible, ran past Alot into the corridor beyond, "No, she's got it. Watch this."

Aella cowered with her arms over her head. Suddenly lightning began to crackle around her. The sahuagin paused in their attack and backed up. The storm sorceress slowly stood up, wreathed in lightning, he eyes glowing with energy. She was angry.

Aella disappeared in a peal of thunder and a cloud of steam. Great arcs of lightning struck down all the enemies surrounding her. They fell to the ground dead. Aella simultaneously appeared in another peal of thunder behind Craig. 

Alot stared in disbelief. 

Craig said, "I knew it." He said a prayer of healing and became visible. "How are you feeling?"

Aella gave the dwarf a high five, "Much better! Let's go!"

Bordar and Alot, having defeated the guards at the door, hesitated. Alot asked the captain if he needed any help with the others.

Baylore's voice revealed his frustration, "Do whatever you want! I'm done giving orders! If you're not going to follow the plan and go you might as well just kill these guys. I don't care!"

Alot got the hint and joined the others in the corridor.

Bordar said, "Do you have any packets? We need to become invisible again."

Baylore disengaged from the sahuagin and rejoined his team.

Alot, still uncertain about the path ahead, continued to ask questions, "Which way should we go? That way towards the second guard post or back the way we came? What are we doing? Should we wait for the captain?"

Baylore glared at the automaton, "Whatever! Just sprinkle the damn dust!"

Alot sprinkled the team with another packet of dust and they became invisible. Immediately afterwards the pursuing sahuagin came around the corner. They had to decide go left or right? They chose the path to the left, abandoning the corridor with the invisible intruders. 

DM Note-
I rolled randomly which route the guards would take. They chose the wrong one.

The Exit
The party, once again invisible and holding on to each other's hands to stay together, followed Aella's lead down the corridor and towards the guard room where they entered the stronghold. 

As they neared the room they could see two sahuagin standing guard at the entrance. They could hear others around the corner within the room. 

The team paused to work out their strategy.

Bordar said, "Right! I'm charging in!" and began stomping off the wrong way.

Baylore quickly grabbed the invisible dwarf and hissed, "Bordar! The other way!"

There was a pause followed by, "Ah, got it. Let's go!"

There was the stomping of boots as Bordar and Alot charged the two guards blocking the entrance, losing their invisibility as they attacked. 

The room was filled with nearly ten sahuagin who quickly converged on the entrance to block their escape. 

Bordar threw his javelin of lightning across the room at the commander. He spoke the command word and a bolt of lightning danced from the commander, his two lieutenants, and two guards, to his outstretched hand. 

Alot and Bordar fought a hard slog through the defenders trying to block their escape. The rest of the team was hampered by being trapped behind them in the corridor beyond

They eventually opened a hole through the choke point and moved into the room where they could engage with the sahuagin commander. 

The portcullis leading to the exit was closed. It would have to be opened for any chance of escape.

The bodies of fallen sahuagin were piling onto the floor but the commander and his remaining two lieutenants put up a hard fight but were eventually defeated.

The Great Escape
The sound of wet feet slapping on the stone floors could be heard from two of the corridors leading to the room. Reinforcements were coming. 

Captain Baylore reiterated the need to escape through the closed portcullis. Alot and Craig both tried to lift the portcullis but failed. Bordar began turning the large crank that raised the portcullis but the going was slow. 

The reinforcements arrived - a dozen fresh sahuagin guards accompanied by two priestesses. 

Bordar had raised the portcullis just enough to crawl before he was paralyzed by a dark prayer uttered by a sahuagin priestess.

Alot, Craig, and Aella crawled beneath the portcullis and made their way to the partially submerged causeway. 

Baylore grabbed the immobilized Bordar and dragged him under the portcullis. 

They were pursued by two guards. Baylore held the guards at bay while Bordar regained control of his body and joined the others just outside the exit.

Bordar shouted, "Quickly! Who's got a packet of dust?"

Craig replied, "I do, but the Captain's not with us!"

Captain Baylore shouted, "Don't worry about me! Use the dust and go!"

Craig sprinkled dust on the gathered group. They became invisible. Thanks to the potions they drank earlier they could still breathe water so they dove into the sea. 

Baylore disengaged from the guards and dove into the water. Thanks to his magical mata ray cloak the sahuagin pursuers had no chance of catching him. 

As they fled a priestess shouted at them in Common, "Thieves! Intruders! Flee! Flee! But know you this! You have stolen the Empress' prize fighting Lobster! For this crime you will find no rest, no peace, no succor until it is returned unharmed! The Empress will have her vengeance!" 

To be Continued...

Next week- The Assault on the Stronghold!


  1. Too bad that lobster is sentient. It would have made a delicious Lobster Bisque. Perfect for the SPITE PIRATES!

  2. Lobster, in whatever form, is a meal I've always felt is highly over-rated. Mind you, I'm allergic to shell fish.

    As always Christian, excellent write up and thanks for posting. The Sahuagin working to save their pets was a nice touch. I'd ask what day and time you play on Roll20 and whether you're looking for another player, but I think once this virus stuff is past, I wouldn't be able to continue to play in your excellent game.
