
Thursday, April 2, 2020

Showdown in Seaton - Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Chapter 31

Alot opened the door.

Within was a vaulted room with a tiled recessed area that was once filled with water. The bathing pool had been drained and the room had been converted into a barracks for hobgoblins. The room was lit by braziers and lanterns. A cage in the center of the room contained a human prisoner - a middle-aged nobleman. A handful of hobgoblin mercenaries were sitting on their cots sharpening their weapons. They looked up at Alot's unexpected intrusion.

The B-Team:
  • Alot Aname - Neutral Good Warforged Fighter, ancient sentinel of a wizard's fortress, spent several decades deactivated underwater.
  • Baylore - Neutral Human Pirate and Pugilist (Monk). 
  • Brenna Myrasdottir - Chaotic Good Human Sailor and Divine Soul Sorceress, long-lost daughter of Whaler.
  • Bordar Graniteshaper - Lawful Good Dwarven Bearer of Grudges (Barbarian), on a quest to rescue the son of the leader of his clan.
Brain Jellies:
  • Avastana "Aella" Kádár - Neutral, Half-Elf  Outlander and Storm Sorceress from Ket.
  • Duke Obertus Feldren - rightful duke of Seaton after having been imprisoned by his duplicitous twin brother Marik. 
  • Lemundo Feldren - daughter of Oberus. She hired the B-Team to rescue her father and to help her restore him to his title.
The Battle of the Bathing Chamber
Two hobgoblins sprang up from their cots, grabbed their nearby weapons, and charged the door. A third moved towards the side of the bath pool, a fourth moved next to a large cauldron of boiling water. 

Baylore's fists became a blur as he quickly dispatched one of the hobgoblins. He moved forward to allow Alot space to move behind him and into the room. 

Alot quickly ran straight across the room, down the steps into the pool, past the prisoner cage, and up the steps on the far side, in order to prevent any hobgoblins from escaping. To his surprise, instead of escaping, the hobgoblin by the cauldron tipped it over and poured its steaming contents into the pool. The pool began filling with scalding hot water. The barefoot man in the cage began screaming as his feet were immersed in boiling water. 

Brenna sent a icy blue magical hands racing across the room but was the hobgoblins were able to deflect her arcane attacks.

Baylore left the remaining hobgoblin to Bordar and ran over to the hobgoblin covering the cage. Lemundo dispatched that goblin with a timely arrow from her bow which allowed Baylore to leap onto the top of the cage.

Bordar dispatched the hobgoblin mercenary in front of him before moving into the room to engage a second. After killing the second hobgoblin with his whirling axes, Bordar used his magical boots to leap over the boiling pool and slay the remaining hobgoblin.

Baylore clutched the side of the cage and tried to smash the lock with his fists. It took him two tries to demolish it. He quickly pulled the suffering prisoner out and leaped from the cage to the tiled floor surrounding it. 

Admiral Kovensky
The prisoner thanked Baylore for saving him. Duke Obertus Feldren rushed forth to greet the prisoner, addressing him as "Admiral".

The prisoner was confused, "Duke Feldren, why do you dress as a monk of Procan?"

"For I am not my twin brother, Marik. Admiral Kovensky, I am Obertus Feldren."

The prisoner was silent for a moment as he processed this information, "Duke Feldren? You are alive? We were told you had died! I attended your funeral! Tell me what happened!"

Baylore observed Admiral Kovensky carefully. He silently noticed that the admiral's display of surprise was feined. He was sure the admiral had known that the duke was alive.

Duke Feldren began to explain the story of his twin bother's treachery. How his brother had poisoned him and faked his death before imprisoning him within a magic mirror held by a cadre of corrupt monks on Leper Island.

Baylore cleared his throat and interrupted, "Your dukeness. If I may speak with you privately." The duke acquiesced and moved to a corner of the room with Baylore. Baylore continued, "Your brother had many allies. Perhaps some discretion is in order. Who is this man?"

Duke Feldren said that the prisoner was Admiral Kovensky of the King's Navy of Keoland. Duke Feldren had known Admiral Kovensky in the king's court. Admiral Kovensky had lobbied the king to strengthen the naval presence in the Azure Sea in order to put more pressure on the Holds of the Sea Princes to the southwest. Duke Feldren resisted, worried that such provocative actions would provoke a war with the Sea Princes.

Baylore nodded and replied, "Well, lets find out what he knows before we tell him more about us." As an afterthought, he added, "Sir."

Duke Feldren nodded and apologized. He returned to Admiral Kovensky, "Admiral, I will tell you all  about my adventures soon but our first task is to infiltrate the palace and confront my brother. What has happened since my disappearance?"

Admiral Kovensky told the duke that after his "death" over a year ago, Duke- that is- his brother Marik had requested the admiral come to Seaton to oversee the construction of a fleet of ships and the strengthening of the king's navy in the Azure Sea. Admiral Kovensky did exactly that. He served as admiral of the new fleet and was the architect of a new more aggressive strategy in the Azure Sea. He became a close friend and confidante of his brother Marik. Marik had strengthened the walls around the palace. He conscripted hundreds more soldiers and sailors. He razed the unauthorized structures outside Seaton's walls that would have provided cover and supplies to any siege. He raised taxes to pay for the new navy and for the defensive engineering projects.

Baylore noticed how the Admiral's eyes began to gleam with pride with every detail of his story. He cleared his throat again.

The duke noticed and interrupted Kovensky, "Yes. But why are there hobgoblin mercenaries in my bath chambers?"

Admiral Kovensky was shaken out of his reverie, "Oh, my apologies. Of course. About two months ago Marik had been sailing on a secret mission  when his ship was attacked by pirates. He was captured but subsequently rescued by some band of ruffians from Saltmarsh called the 'A-Team'. He returned to Seaton with one of his would-be kidnappers in chains - someone named Captain Horatio Vile."

The duke gritted his teeth but allowed Kovensky to continue.

"The incident had changed Marik somehow. His first act was to pardon Captain Vile of all crimes! Then he dismissed me from his court. Furthermore, he began dismantling the navy he had spent the past year constructing. He decommissioned each ship as they returned to port and dismissed their officers and crews."

Baylore rubbed his chin.

"On top of all that, he installed some former merchant from Saltmarsh as his new chancellor. I did not catch his name. What I do know is that he immediately replaced the palace guards with hobgoblin mercenaries. I objected and tried to talk some sense into my friend Marik. Marik became angry and had me arrested. That was a week ago. I've been held down here ever since!

The Secret Stairs
Having finished their rest in the bathing chamber. Admiral Kovensky was equipped with armor and weapons scavenged from dead hobgoblin mercenaries.

Baylore confided his thoughts to his team-mates, "Admiral Kovensky was probably in on the deal to have the duke poisoned and imprisoned. He was all about the militarization. However, he seemed genuinely surprised by the recent changes."

They exited the bathing chamber through the far doors. Duke Obertus Feldren led them a short distance down a long subterranean corridor. He pulled aside a heavy tapestry on one wall to reveal a hidden alcove. The alcove contained a narrow spiral staircase leading upwards.

"These stairs lead directly to a hallway near the palace throne room and my apartments. It was my shortcut to the bathing pool."

The team ascended the narrow stairs in single file.  Duke Feldren was separated from Admiral Kovensky.

Admiral Kovensky whispered to Lemundo the Lovely who walked in front of him, "Your ladyship. You disappeared from the palace about two months ago. Where have you been in this time?"

Lemundo, clad in armor and bearing both a short sword and longbow, demurred, "Oh, you know us palace girls. We like to sneak out."

Kovensky pressed, "Have you any insight on his recent changes? They were so sudden and mysterious! Is it some magical enchantment?"

Lemundo awkwardly tried to think of a believable answer.

Alot, walking in front of Lemundo, interrupted, "Lemundo, your father wishes to speak with you. Please step ahead of me."

DM Note-
At first, Alot was going to give Lemundo a story to tell the admiral. I replied, in character as Lemundo, "I will not. I refuse. Not because it's a bad story, but because I'm an NPC and NPCs interacting with other NPCs is the WORST kind of role-playing game and I will have no part of it! How about YOU talk to him!"

Lemundo coughed her relief and moved past and Alot now walked in front of the admiral.

The admiral cleared his throat, "Sir, if you don't mind me asking, but what are you?"

The laconic automaton Alot explained that he didn't really know. He had no memory of his creation or his original purpose. He became aware of himself underwater. He came ashore about ten years ago. He was a curiosity at first but was eventually put to work as a sailor on one of the king's ships.

The admiral asked him if he had heard of the Sentinels. He explained that the Sentinels were legendary warrior automatons constructed by powerful magicians over a hundred years ago. At one time there were over a hundred. Now they are lost. Admiral Kovensky said that he believed Alot to be one of these sentinels and that he had never before seen another.

With that they arrived at the top of the stairs.

Baylor stopped and instructed the others, "Okay, gear up. Lets get ready for anything."

Throwdown in the Throne Room
Baylore and Bordar threw open the large double doors leading into the throne room. Beyond was a long hall with a tall vaulted ceiling supported by twelve pillars. Windows located in alcoves lining the hall were concealed by heavy tapestries. At the other side of the hall was an raised area like a stage elevated above the main hall about three feet. A long stair connected the main hall to the elevated area. At the far end was a raised dais upon which sat the large throne of the duke of Seaton. Eight burning braziers provided illumination to the room. A long blue rug ran up the center of the hall to the duke's throne.

Marik Feldren stood by his throne. He was speaking with two confidantes- Captain Horatio Vile and Gellan Primewater! Gellan Primewater's face was hideously scarred from burn wounds!

DM Note-
This shocking surprise would have had more impact to the original characters of the A-Team. As it happened, only Alot would even know who Captain Vile and Gellan Primewater were. Aella's player was absent this night. Unfortunately, Alot had little interaction with the two NPCs and they would have no direct animosity towards him unlike the rest of the A-Team. On top of that, Alot's player had himself missed a lot of those sessions so the player really didn't know much about the NPCs other than by reading this blog. Ah, c'est la vie.

One additional note - It was Brenna's player who asked me "Is Gellan Primewater's face all burned like he barely escaped the fireball that destroyed his house?" It was such a good idea I replied, "Absolutely! I love it!"

Four heavily armored hobgoblin mercenaries stood at the ready atop the elevated area.

Marik Feldren and his companions were taken aback at the intrusion.

Duke Obertus Feldren stepped forward, "Marik! Your reign of treachery has come to an end! Surrender yourself and I may show you mercy!"

DM Note- 
At the time I think I actually said, "Marik! I'm saying something cool and menacing to start this battle! But I can't actually think of anything, so just imagine I'm saying it!"

Marik shouted, "So you've managed to escape! Guards, kill the intruders! Capture my brother alive!"

The two hobgoblin guards by the king shouted a loud order in their dark language. The two closer hobgoblin guards drew their weapons and advanced slowly, cautiously.

Likewise did the intruders enter with caution. The two sides steadily advanced upon each other, eyeing either others tactics, carefully planning their next moves.  Careful of any ambush from behind the hanging tapestries. Alot and Baylore took the left side of the corridor with Brenna following about ten feet behind. Bordar, Duke Feldren, and Lemundo moved to the right.

Captain Vile moved to make a covert escape through the side corridor.

Admiral Kovensky made a mad dash right up the center of the room, "My duke! These fiends have you under some kind of mind control! I'm here to save you!"

Alot made the comment, "Huh, okay. I didn't expect that."

Brenna pointed her magical harpoon point Hearth Spoon towards the rear of the hall and uttered an arcane word. A small flame shot out of Hearth Spoon and sped to the rear of the hall where it exploded into a massive ball of fire, consuming all those standing around the throne. The fireball instantly killed Gellan Primewater!

Marik Feldren, scorched by the fireball, appeared light headed. He swooned but remained standing by gripping tightly onto his throne, "What's happening? Where? What?"

Captain Vile stopped and shouted an order to a nearby hobgoblin captain, "Get the ring off Primewater's finger! Hurry!"

Admiral Kovensky made it to the throne. He heard Vile's command and saw that Gellan Primewater was wearing an ornate ring identical to the one on the same finger of the same hand as Marik Feldren. He realized what was happening. Admiral Kovensky bent over took the ring. He put it on his finger.

Marik Feldren immediately rushed to the admiral's side.

The admiral said, "Quickly, my duke. We must escape this place!"

Marik nodded and said, "Of course. Absolutely. I'll go wherever you go!"

A moment later, the doors leading to side corridors by the throne were thrown open as six hobgoblins came rushing in. Nearly simultaneously four additional hobgoblins appeared by the entrance to the hall behind the B-Team.

Additionally, a human appeared. It was the deck wizard of the Sea Ghost - Punketah!

DM Note-
I had originally planned for all the hobgoblins to be hiding behind the curtains. I even placed their tokens there hidden on the GM layer in Roll20. But no one was surprised. Everyone expected there to be hobgoblins hiding behind the curtains. Baylore's player even pointed out, "I'd hate to be the hobgoblins who pulled that duty - having to stand back there all day long IN CASE something happened."

He was right of course, so I quickly scrambled and moved my tokens to a more sensible position out in the halls and down the side corridors. 

Two hobgoblin archers loosed arrows from the raised dais while two other archers attacked from behind. The four hobgoblin swordsmen in the front  split up. Two attacked Alot and Baylore while two attacked Duke Feldren and Lemundo. Two moved in from the entrance and attacked Brenna and Bordar.

The two sergeants moved behind the swordsmen to support the attack on Baylore.

Brenna sent another fireball towards the throne, sending everyone diving for cover as it exploded.

Marik Feldren shielded his face from the blast but was surprised to find himself unaffected. Brenna had spared him in the hopes of capturing the false duke alive.

Admiral Kovensky was dead. Marik Feldren was once again surprised to find himself in his throne room in the middle of a battle.

Captain Vile abruptly changed plans. He ran back towards the fallen body of Admiral Kovensky. He reached down and took the ring off the admiral's hand. He put the ring on and told Marik to come with him.

Marik no longer appeared confused. He nodded and dutifuly followed Vile towards the exit.

Punketah the deck wizard threw up a wall of fog to obscure visibility and protect the surviving hobgoblins as they all tried to escape. Brenna's eyes narrowed and she threw one more fireball into the fog. It exploded. The fog fell. The blast had killed Punketah, the hobgoblin archers, and had badly burned the hobgoblin captains leading from the rear.

Captain Vile was badly burned but alive.

Bordar the dwarf was a whirlwind of death. His axes cleaved the enemies before him and he moved to aid Duke Obertus and Lemundo. After destroying the two hobgoblins plaguing them Bordar rand to the entrance and cut down the hobgoblin archers in the doorway.

Once he was done there, he activated his magic boots and sped towards the throne.

Baylore and Alot eliminated the hobgoblins and their sergeants before making their way to the throne.

The surviving hobgoblin mercenaries, both commanders, were badly burned and sensed their imminent defeat. They fled towards the exit. Alot ran towards them while Brenna sent icy magical hands flying through the air. Alot cut down the hobgoblins with his short sword before they could escape.

Meanwhile Duke Obertus Feldren and his daughter made their way to the throne. Duke Feldren threw away his disguise and stood ready to defend the position.

Baylore confronted Captain Vile. Before Captain Vile could even turn and lift his sword, Baylore punched him. Captain Vile fell to the ground.

Marik Feldren was once again confused, "What is this? What's happening?" He looked at the throne, "Obertus? How did you escape?"

From the throne, Obertus Feldren declared, "You're finished, Marik. Don't be a fool! You've lost! Give yourself up!"

Marik looked bewildered at the pirate Baylore.

Baylore bent over and took the magic ring off the finger of Captain Vile. He held it in his hand. He looked at Marik. He looked at the ring. With this ring he could control Marik Feldren. He'd have to kill Duke Obertus Feldren. He looked at Obertus. The only other people in the room were Baylore's allies. He held the ring between his fingers. Guards were coming. If he was going to do anything, he'd have to act fast.

To be Continued...

DM Note-
Literally, at that moment, Baylore's player said, "I bend over and pick up the ring."

I said, "Holy shit! Are you going to put it on and control Marik?"

There was a long pause. Baylore's player finally said, "I don't know yet."

And I said, "Okay then. TO BE CONTINUED." And we stopped playing for the night. It was EPIC!!!

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