
Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Must be a Slow Day - Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Chapter 32

Baylore bent over and took the magic ring off the finger of Captain Horatio Vile. He held it in his hand. He looked at Marik. He looked at the ring. With this ring he could control Marik Feldren. He'd have to kill Duke Obertus Feldren. He looked at Obertus. The only other people in the room were Baylore's allies. He held the ring between his fingers. Guards were coming. If he was going to do anything, he'd have to act fast.

The B-Team:
  • Avastana "Aella" Kádár - Neutral, Half-Elf  Outlander and Storm Sorceress from Ket.
  • Alot Aname - Neutral Good Warforged Fighter, ancient sentinel of a wizard's fortress, spent several decades deactivated underwater.
  • Baylore - Neutral Human Pirate and Pugilist (Monk). 
  • Brenna Myrasdottir - Chaotic Good Human Sailor and Divine Soul Sorceress, long-lost daughter of Whaler.
  • Bordar Graniteshaper - Lawful Good Dwarven Bearer of Grudges (Barbarian), on a quest to rescue the son of the leader of his clan.
Two Weeks in Seaton
Baylore slipped the ring into a pocket. He then took advantage of Marik Feldren's momentary confusion to take the ring's matching companion off the nobleman's finger. The two magic rings formed a set - a master ring and a slave ring. Whoever wore the slave ring was under the complete control of whoever wore the master ring. Baylore discreetly tucked them away for future use.

He checked on the body of Captain Horatio Vile. He was still alive.

Palace guards soon arrived in the throne room.

There was much shock and confusion regarding the seeming resurrection of the Duke Obertus and the overthrow of the usurper, Duke Marik. Everything was eventually made clear by the Obertus' daughter, Lemundo, and verified by the divine insights of priests of Heironeous.

For their help in restoring him to his position, Duke Obertus Feldren rewarded each member of the B-Team with one thousand gold pieces as well as ownership of a recently confiscated ship called the Sea Ghost. There was some discussion among the team regarding who should occupy each of the ship's positions. Baylore assumed the role of captain with the consensus of nearly the entire team - only Alot dissented but he accepted the result. Brenna "The Sea Witch" was chosen as first mate while  Alot took on the role of bosun, though it was agreed that either Alot or Brenna could easily switch between their positions. Aella would be the ship's deck wizard. Bordar, as a dwarf and therefore ill-adapted to a life at sea, would occupy the role of "ballast" in the ship's bilge.

The subsequent two weeks were a blur as those loyal to Marik - both as part of his original plot to usurp Obertus and as part of his abrupt shift towards alliance with Gellan Primewater - were identified and punished. The mercenaries, pirates, and brigands who had made themselves at home in Seaton during the latter abrupt shift quickly abandoned the city, though they managed to do some looting and pillaging on their way out. The rule of law and order is quickly reestablished in Seaton.

Duke Obertus recalled many of the dismissed sailors and soldiers in order to re-man and re-equip the ships of the navy that had sat empty in the Axe River. Marik was imprisoned along with Captain Horatio Vile. Vile was tried and sentenced to execution. His sentence was to be carried out in six weeks.

Bordar Graniteshaper escorted Dorgan Forgetender back to their dwarven home. Bordar's mission was a success though Dorgan, the spoiled son of the clan leader who had abandoned his dwarven heritage an an attempt to become more like his human hosts in Seaton, complained of Bordar's attitude and actions. Though Bordar was secretly praised and thanked by the elderly clan leader,  the leader had no choice but to banish Bordar from the clan as punishment as a political move to appease his son.  With nowhere else to go, Bordar took his meager belongings and headed to Seaton.

Brenna Myrasdottir went to the temple of Heironeous and offered her services as a healer and miracle worker. Her manner and bearing caused the conservative priests of Heironeous to deny her offer but politely suggest she might offer her services to the sailors down by the docks. This she did and she spent several days healing the injured.

Brenna also explored many of the abandoned and recently looted buildings and homes of Seaton. She chose a nice empty villa on the east side of town and made herself comfortable.

Brenna spent her nights seeking the insight and wisdom of the only source of knowledge she respects - old sailors. She wanted to know why this accursed swallow was constantly flying around her head. The sailors had never heard of such a thing but suggested that the priests of Heironeous could pray to remove any curse that might be afflicting her.

Brenna repressed her pride and went back to the temple. They told her that the prayers would be said in exchange for a donation to the temple of 80 gold coins and a sacrifice of 25 goats. She provided the donation and the priests performed the rituals and sacrifices. When they were done, the annoying swallow was still there. She screamed in frustration and stormed out.

She spent the next week drowning her sorrows in the seediest dive in Seaton. There she became friends with a boorish rogue named Hobbes "the Cruel" Indigo who, despite his name, always wore gold.

DM Note-
We use the down-time rules in Xanathar's Guide. Brenna spent a week doing research. Since she wanted to do it in bars with old sailors, I allowed her to make a Charisma roll instead of Intelligence. She spent the second week carousing - she earned one new allied contact. 

I used the following websites to randomly generate the NPCs on the fly.


Aella spent a week seeking sources of knowledge in Seaton. She wished to know more about her father, the king of the Sea Elves. Unfortunately, none of the sages were willing to speak with her. Lemundo found Aella feeling depressed at her lack of progress. Lemundo cheered Aella up by reminding her that, technically, she was a princess and was to be treated as such by the court of the duke. Lemundo dressed Aella in attire appropriate for a princess and invited her to several parties as the high-born and wealthy merchants of Seaton returned from their brief exile.

Aella made three new friends. She met Lord Westland, who was charming yet careless, though he expressed some extremist political views. She enjoyed the company of Lady Moontha, who needed a staff to walk. She was learned and articulate and enjoyed a good debate. And finally she met and tolerated Lord Woodchild who was greedy and hard-hearted with a taste for exotic food.

DM Note-
Aella spent her first week doing research to no avail. She spent her second week carousing and made three allied contacts.

Alot Aname, legendary Sentinel from olden days, offered his service to Duke Obertus Feldren. Alot aided in the reestablishment of law and order in Seaton since many of the town guard had been dismissed. Alot helped to root out pirates and mercenaries who had come to Seaton in the two months prior to Marik's downfall. In the second week he was called upon to remove a "Sea Witch" who had illegally taken up residence in a villa in the eastern part of town.

DM Note-
The players got excited when I said, "A 'Sea Witch' was occupying a villa." They loved it and were ready for that adventure. I then said, "You find Brenna." and they were disappointed. Although, they started called Brenna "the Sea Witch".  

Baylore, for the most part, was little seen in Seaton. When he was seen in town he was aloof and mysterious, telling no one where he had been or what he was doing.

DM Note-
Baylore's player sent me a whisper with his idea. I said sure but with a condition. He said "Sold!" I won't reveal what he was doing here in order to save the surprise for the other players. 

A funny moment came when I told the others that Baylore had been out of Seaton for much of the two weeks. Bordar's player laughed and said, "I can only imagine all the whispers [Baylore's player] was sending to you."

Baylore's player and I both laughed. Baylore's player said, "You're not wrong!"

An Audience with the Duke
After two weeks, the members of the B-Team were summoned to an audience with Duke Obertus Feldren about a job.

The night before their audience, Bordar returned to Seaton and found Brenna tending to the sick on the docks. Bordar explained the situation that led to his banishment. Brenna told Bordar that they were to be summoned to an audience with the duke about a job and suggested that Bordar join them.

The next day the B-Team were meeting with Duke Obertus Feldren. He said that he had heard rumors of the return of the lizard king Sakatha to the Drowned Forest. Lemundo had told him that Aella and Alot had once gone into the Drowned Forest and defeated the black dragon Aulicus and that they had barely survived the encounter while the rest of their companions had died.

He wanted to hire them to go back. He was too busy rebuilding the forces of Seaton to send any kind of military force to deal with the situation. He hoped that a small strike force could eliminate Sakatha which would, in turn, dissolve the growing army of followers he was amassing. He offered them each 2500 gold upon the successful completion of their mission: kill Sakatha and any other leaders of his bandit army and otherwise disrupt his forces.

The team took the mission.

"Also," added the duke, "I hear something about some inter-tribal games the lizardfolk are organizing near Saltmarsh. Given my friendship with King Kosj, I'd love to know more. Find out what you can."

An Afternoon in Saltmarsh
The next morning the B-Team assembled before the notice board in the center of Seaton and, having not yet assembled a full crew for the Sea Ghost, began their overland walk to Saltmarsh. The day was humid but otherwise sunny and warm and the trek was uneventful.

It was a seven hour walk from Seaton to Saltmarsh and they arrived in the mid-afternoon. The first place they visited upon their return was the Faithful Quartermasters of Iuz. They paid the "membership fee" and Captain Xendros escorted the group into her secret back room. Alot inquired about the magical shield he had ordered two weeks prior. Captain Xendros apologized and said her sources were still looking for one but admonished the automaton to be patient. The others inspected her current inventory but found nothing to their liking.

Aella walked over to the Fishmonger Plant to ask Eda Oweland about the Lizardfolk games. She found Eda sitting on a chair smoking a long-necked pipe, an open jug of rum lay in her lap. Eda was unusually idle. None of her workers could be seen in the plant.

Aella attempted to get Eda's attention. Eda responded, "Oh, it's you lot!"

Aella asked if she knew anything about the lizardfolk games. Eda squinted one eye and spit, "Those fucking scalies! I'll tell you about their fucking games! Their fucking games are keeping me from putting my boats in a prime fishing spot! If it weren't for those fucking gods-be-damned games I'd be bringing in a bumper catch, and from right in me own back yard! But oh no! That little cold-blooded princess decides to play some kind of game! So for that, Eliander fucking Fireborn orders me to dock me fucking boats and stay out of her fucking way! SO LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT YOU AND YOUR FUCKING SCALIE FRIENDS, MISSY! You and your cold-blooded mates can GO FUCK YOURSELVES WITH AN ANCHOR!"

Aella held out her hands and backed away slowly.

When she rejoined the others they asked if she had learned anything. She said, "No. I suddenly remembered, 'Oh right. She's a racist!'".

The team went up the hill to Eliander Fireborn's house. The inquired about the games. Eliander said that Princess Orthokent had arranged the games as a way to recruit more lizardfolk tribes to attack the Sahuagin and regain their home. She sent five invitations to me here. According to the invitations, it looks like the games will be held just off the coast of the cliffs beneath the tower of Zenopus at something called a 'Warthalkeel'.  The invitations also came with five bottles of what I'm told is potions of water breathing. I'm too old for this and have only one leg. No one else in town was willing to attend. If you want these invitations, you're welcome to take them. But know that you'll be representing Saltmarsh, so be on your best behavior!"

They took the invitations, "When are the games?"

"In three weeks."

Baylore looked Aella, "Plenty of time."

DM Note-
Prior to the session I asked my players what they wanted to do and gave them several options. The group decided to finish Tomb of the Lizard King, though there was some interest in the lizardfolk games. So I prepared for the Tomb and didn't do much prep for the games. While in Saltmarsh they suddenly became interested in that plotline. I scrambled to shift gears, read up on that mini-adventure, and prepare something for Roll20. Alot's player eventually said, "Hey, don't worry about it. Lets just say its in a few weeks and we can do it on the way back. That will give you more time to prepare." I thanked him profusely and we carried on. 

Must be a Slow Day
The team spent the night in Saltmarsh. The next morning they gathered together near the north gate and began their trek up the road towards Burle.

They arrived at the bridge over the small Dreadwood River at around noon. They decided to stop in at the Robin's Breast Inn to get some lunch.

They walked in and found the establishment empty.

"Huh," said Aella as she walked in to secure a table, "It must be a slow day."

Baylore became suspicious. He moved behind the bar to look more closely. There were half-full mugs and tankards on the table. There was cooked pork in a big pot by the bar. The fire was still going. Yet there was no innkeeper. There were no patrons.

There was no sign of a fight. Not a chair was out of place. It was like everyone was hiding.

Brenna looked out the back door. She saw the houses of the farmers nearby. There were no farmers. No children. Yet animals were still safe in their pens. Wood fire smoke rose from chimneys.

Suddenly two groups of men armed with maces and crossbows emerged from hiding places behind the inn. One group charged Alot and Bordar at the front entrance with two attackers hanging back and readying crossbows. The second group charged Brenna at the back where two attackers likewise hid behind tree trunks with crossbows.

Several of the thugs swarmed Brenna at the back door, smashing her over the head with their maces. In response, Brenna cast a spell and the small sparrow flying around her head magically split into thousands, then tens of thousands, of glowing blue birds. The mass of blue birds swarmed around her like a tempest, pecking and tearing at everything around her. The birds ripped into her opponents but spared Baylore who came running to her aid.

Baylore punched his way through the door, knocking out one of his opponents unconscious while the other was ripped to shreds by Brenna's celestial sparrows. Brenna moved outside, engulfing one of the crossbowmen within her swarm then the other while Baylore finished them off.

Meanwhile, Alot and Bordar engaged four thugs in the front entrance. Aella moved behind them and did her best to send chaos bolts between her allies towards her enemies outside. Likewise the crossbowmen took careful aim to avoid targeting their allies.

Brenna moved over to a nearby window. A firebolt spell smashed through the glass as she sent the attack spell outside towards one of the crossbowmen.

Alot and Border eventually defeated their enemies. One of the crossbowmen turned and fled. Alot gave chase and cut him down with his short sword.

In the distance, Alot saw a lizard man covered in dried mud indicating allegiance to the lizard king Sakatha standing on the bridge over the river. The lizard man had been observing the proceedings. Now that the battle was over, the lizardman dove into the water and swam away.

The Implication
Baylore tied up their prisoner and propped him up on a chair. Upon regaining consciousness the prisoner proved of little help. He stared glassy eyed into the distance. The prisoner behaved as if he had brain jellies. Unusually ,these thugs seemed to be able to fight despite their brain jellies. 

Brenna whispered something to Baylore.

Baylore replied, "No, I don't want to waste it on something trivial."

She urged him again and he acquiesced. Baylore produced the two magic rings. He put the master ring on his finger and the slave ring on the prisoner.

The prisoner still had brain jellies but was now under Baylore's complete control.

"Well, that didn't work."

Bordar interrupted, "Wait, maybe he can be useful. How much weight can he carry?"

Baylore reprimanded the dwarf, "No!" and took the ring off the prisoner.

The tavern keeper and his wife Robin soon returned to check on their tavern. They told the team that the thugs had arrived less than an hour before they arrived and had ordered them and the rest of the town to remain hidden. He reported that these thugs and brigands seemed vacant and distant yet no less threatening.

This meant that the thugs knew the B-Team was coming and was able to predict their arrival to within the hour. They were being monitored remotely. Perhaps a scrying spell or some other sort of divination.

"Or perhaps," said Brenna, eyeing Aella and Alot suspiciously, "perhaps its one of us."

"What do you mean?" asked Alot.

"Well, you said it when we first met you," explained Brenna, "Do you remember how you escaped the Lizard King?"

"No," admitted Aella.

"Do either of you remember the entire month afterward?" pressed Brenna.

There was a moment of strained silence.

Alot said, "Oh. Oh shit."

To be Continued...

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