
Tuesday, January 14, 2020

The Battle of Ringcurrent Island - Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Chapter 20

Ringcurrent Island was located in the center of a massive, slowly swirling eddy where the Janustream River joined another river - halfway between Saltmarsh and Burle. The island was covered in flotsam and driftwood and appeared to be composed of centuries of accumulated bits of wood and sand.

As the A-Team approached in their single-mast pinnace, they could see two distinct encampments of lizardfolk. Each had a primitive carved pole decorated with different totems. Atop the poles were new additions - leathery wings. A third pole could be seen on the far side of the island.

The center of the island was a low mound with primitive mud and thatch huds and crude fortifications creating a palisade. A tall pike stood at the center. A lizard-man head, twice the size of a normal lizard-man and half-dissolved by acid and rot, hung from the pike.

Several dozen poles were driven into the mulchy beach. To each pole was lashed a prisoner. Humans, dwarfs, elves, and halflings prisoners gathered from throughout the Janustream valley could be seen. They looked as if they had been exposed to the elements for several days. A wooden paddock contained captured livestock. Each pole was decorated with wood carved bat wings.

About a dozen lizardfolk roamed each encampment. Some were guarding the prisoners. Others worked on large driftwood rafts at the water's edge. The lizardfolk seemed more interested in keeping an eye on the other camps than watching for other dangers. Lookouts manned wooden platforms built at the water's edge and spotted the A-Team's boat as they approached.

The warforged fighter, Alot, reported that he could feel the cross-current increase as they neared the island. He struck the sails and manned the oars. The boat collided with a large floating log that bobbed with other flotsam and jetsam in the current. The side cracked and water began to leak in.

A lizard-man shaman accompanied by two attendants and a few warriors walked to the water's edge. The shaman called out in their reptilian tongue, "What happened to Marsh Spider and the two warriors?"

Auric was the only member of the A-Team currently possessing all their faculties who spoke the lizard-man tongue. He lied, telling the shaman that they had been killed by a beast who guarded the egg. He assured the shaman that Marsh Spider and the warriors died bravely.

The shaman replied, "Before we allow you to land, show us the egg!"

Auric told Marlin to show the egg. Marlin produced the dragon egg from his magical bag of holding. It was the size of a small watermelon. He held it aloft.

Suddenly a lizard-man of extraordinary size burst from the water. He was the same lizard-man seen by the A-Team skulking through the destroyed camp on a nearby island during their last visit a few days previous. The large lizard-man climbed up onto a sandbar and shouted, "No! Death to Aulicus! Death to Sakatha! I am Bogclaw, son of Scalecrusher," the lizard-man pointed to the skull at the center of the island,"I am the rightful king of the lizard tribes of the Drowned Forest! Join me, warriors! Long live Thousand Teeth!"

The lizard-man then swam to the boat, grabbed the side, and turned it over, throwing everyone into the river. 

The A-Team:
  • Annor Whalerson - Lawful Good, Human Marine and Fighter from Saltmarsh. 
  • Marlin Whalerson - Chaotic Good,  Human Seeker and Rogue.
  • Auric Ravenson - Neutral Good, Aasimar Shipwright and Cleric of the Raven King.
Suffering the Brain Jellies this Week:
  • Avastana "Aella" Kádár - Neutral, Half-Elf  Outlander and Sorceress from Ket. 
  • Alot Aname - Neutral Warforged Fighter.

The Egg-Shell Game
The shaman shouts, "Betrayer! Don't let the exile take the egg!" The shaman then struck his staff into the sand and summoned forth a giant anaconda. The anaconda slithered into the water. The shaman immediately summoned another which followed its predecessor. One anaconda swam towards Annor, the other towards Bogclaw.

Marlin managed to keep his hold on the egg as he fell out of the boat. He bobbed in the strong current. He saw the massive lizard-man swimming towards him. He ducked underwater and tucked the egg under one arm while his free hand cast a spell to create a magical illusion of the egg. He sent the illusory egg to the surface where it floated away from him.

The illusion worked. Bogclaw was fooled and followed the illusory egg away from Marlin. Marlin then secretly used his mage hand to send the egg towards Alot who was clinging to the capsized boat.

Before Bogclaw reached the illusory egg, Marlin changed the illusion so that it appeared as if the egg burst, spreading its embryonic contents into the water. Bogclaw tread water and turned back towards the island, "The Heir of Aulicus is no more! Come! Join me!" He continued swimming away from the main island. He swam towards the nearby smaller island a hundred feet away.

Annor was wearing plate armor and sank quickly to the bottom of the river. He held his breath and pushed hard against the strong current. He trudged up-hill towards the island. He was suddenly beset by one of the summoned anacondas which wrapped itself around him and began to squeeze.

Annor broke free from the choking grasp of the giant snake and stabbed it through the head. He continued his journey out of the water.

The shaman shouted, "Slay the exile! Kill all the warmbloods!" At his command, thirty lizard-men ran down from the main island and joined the anaconda in swimming after Bogclaw. 

Meanwhile, Auric swam over towards Annor who was just rising from the water on the shore of the island. The lizard-men on the watch platforms threw javelins at Annor but missed. A handful of lizard-men warriors charged down the beach and surrounded Annor.

The shaman once again struck his staff into the ground and the grasses and weeds around Annor's feet grew to impossible length, wrapping around Annor, Auric, and all the lizard-men warriors, entangling them and immobilizing them.

Annor pulled mightily and burst out of the weeds. He continued to trudge towards the shaman and his attendants. The entangled lizard-men attacked Annor as he moved away. Auric remained trapped in the weeds with the lizard-men.

The shaman once against struck his staff into the sand and Annor's armor began to instantly radiate intense heat. Annor was also quickly surrounded by seven or eight lizard-man warriors.

Auric managed to break free from the weeds and join his companion on the beach. He stood behind him and prayed to Tristan for a divine miracle. His prayer was answered in the form of a cyclone of ravens manifesting around him. The ravens pecked, bit, and clawed at all of the lizard-men caught within the maelstrom. Many of the lizard-men warriors fell outright which freed Annor and allowed him to move.

Annor, still suffering from the intense burning heat of his armor, charged the shaman, killing him with a single stroke of his Fabulous Flamberge. The burning effect, the entangling weeds, and the remaining anaconda disappeared immediately upon the death of the shaman.

DM Note-
Auric's player waiting until the shaman was dead before pointing out, "Hey Christian, FYI- all those were concentration spells. He should have only been able to do one at a time."

I blanched, "Shit! You're right! I'm so sorry!"

Both Auric and Annor's players said, "Don't worry about it. He was awesome! Let's say he was a special NPC with a magic staff that granted him bonus concentration spells. Too bad the staff crumbled to dust when he died."

The Maelstrom of Ravens
A second group of warriors arrived from one of the other tribes on the island and surrounded Annor and Auric. These warriors, having seen the effect of the swarm of ravens on their predecessors, kept their distance outside of the maelstrom of birds, leaving only a few within the maelstrom to attempt to attack and distract Auric from his prayers.

Auric deftly avoided their attacks and simply moved fifteen feet to the right. The maelstrom of ravens followed him and quickly enveloped those lizard-men warriors standing outside the circle to the right. After having dealt with them, he simply moved to the left and repeated the carnage.

The Wrath of Thousand Teeth
Meanwhile, Bogclaw made his stand on the nearby island. Thirty lizard-man warriors swam out to the island. Nine of them rejected the others and joined Bogclaw in his rebellion. They formed up around Bogclaw and they were surrounded by the other twenty. Bogclaw strode into the fray with his trident, skewering several enemies at a time.

Bogclaw and his allies were soon victorious. All twenty of their enemies lay slain while eight of Bogclaw's new allies still survived.

Around that time, a massive crocodile heaved itself up onto the beach. It was Thousand Teeth - living god of Bogclaw's clan!

Thousand Teeth bellowed and Bogclaw and his allies cheered. Bogclaw declared, "See! Thousand Teeth joins us to bless our cause! Death to Aulicus! Death to Sakatha!"

In reality, Thousand Teeth was a magical illusion cast by Marlin. Marlin had hoped to provide a boost to Bogclaw's cause, whom he was beginning to view as a possible ally. His plan worked and the lizard-man warriors on Ringcurrent Island became hesitant and afraid.

Bogclaw the Lizard-King!
Bogclaw and his allies left the remote island and swam back towards the Ringcurrent island. Having achieved his goal, Marlin caused his illusion to retreat back into the waters of the Janustream river.

Bogclaw's force included seven lizard-men and one shaman. When they came ashore Bogclaw commanded the remaining lizard-men watching from within the barricades to slay the prisoners. The heir of Aulicus was destroyed and the prisoners were now useless as hostages! He said he would eliminate the other warmbloods interlopers, meaning the A-Team, himself!

Auric heard the command and was offended! He was starting to like this Bogclaw and hoped to form an alliance. Auric spoke up in lizard-man draconic, explaining that he and Marlin were honorary lizard-men of the clan of Orthokent.

Bogclaw was not impressed. He declared Orthokent an impostor and her clan was an enemy to REAL lizard-men!

Annor hefted his ridiculous flamberge over his head and charged into the midst of Bogclaw's group. Auric followed suit, surrounding the group with his swirling maelstrom of ravens.

Bogclaw skewered Auric with his trident and nearly killed him. Auric, near death, spent the rest of the battle doing his best to avoid blows.

Meanwhile, the shaman withdrew from the maelstrom of ravens and caused Annor's armor to become unbearably hot. Annor became nervous at this for Auric was too busy saving himself to provide divine prayers of healing. Annor would not last long as his plate armor began to glow white.

Suddenly Marlin appeared and cast a spell. The shaman began to laugh - first a giggle, then the lizard-man doubled over hissing and grunting. His concentration was broken and Marlin's armor returned to normal.

Marlin then shot the shaman with his crossbow. In response, the shaman transformed himself into a crocodile. Marlin drew his magic sword and disengaged. He and the crocodile traded passing blows in a running fight across the beach.

Annor thrust his massive sword and impaled Bogclaw on his steel. After dispatching Bogclaw, Annor eliminated each of the remaining lizard-men.

DM Note-
Auric really wanted a way to not kill Bogclaw. He was hoping to form an alliance with his rebel clan. But he couldn't spare the actions to stabilize the dying lizard king. He was too busy performing Dodges to not lose his last two hit points as well as casting Healing Word on Annor to keep HIM from dying. 

Eventually, Marlin killed the shaman and there were no more lizard-men on the beach to fight.

Marlin, Annor, and Auric looked around. The lizard-men behind the barricades had fled into the river on the far side of the island. The prisoners were unharmed.

Return to Saltmarsh

The A-Team managed to rescue the following:

  • 18 humans and halflings from the area around Saltmarsh along with their livestock of 25 sheep and goats
  • 12 humans and wood elves taken from the area around Burle and the Dreadwood along with their livestock of 32 cows and goats
  • 10 halflings and dwarves from the Little Hills along with 14 mules and oxen

A search of the abandoned lizard-man huts revealed:

  • Various coins worth 69 gold pieces taken from the prisoners - these were returned to them
  • A necklace worth 20 gold pieces which was returned to its owner

A cache of treasure was found in the shaman's huts that included:

  • 6 platinum coins
  • 196 gold coins
  • an agate worth 100 gold coins
  • and a sealed jar of some kind of ointment later identified as Keoghtom’s ointment.

Their boat was damaged but Auric was confident in his abilities to repair it. The team loaded the freed prisoners and their livestock onto the lizard-man rafts and set off down-river towards Saltmarsh. They reached the ferry landing and led the train of forty individuals and over seventy various animals on the trail towards Saltmarsh.

Eliander Fireborn, the captain of the guard of Saltmarsh, came out to meet the incoming procession. He asked Annor what happened but it was Marlin that provided an account of the adventure. Marlin told Eliander about Bogclaw, the black dragon Aulicus, and the reported return of Sakatha the Lizard King. Marlin mentioned the dragon egg and its supposed destruction but cautiously kept the watermelon-sized lump in his bag of holding over his shoulder and out of sight.

Eliander informed them that Sakatha was the name of the Lizard-King that, over one hundred and fifty years ago,  tried to conquer the entire region with the help of his black dragon, Aulicus. Sakatha was defeated at the battle of Burle by the ancestor of the Duke of Seaton, along with a knight who, after the battle, founded the town of Saltmarsh.

Eliander congratulated the party on the success of their mission and gave them the posted reward of 150 gold coins.

The party spent the rest of the day finding accommodation for the newcomers and their animals along with arranging their transportation back to their respective homes. As a further reward, the elves of the Dreadwood gave the party a scroll containing a fireball spell.

Coming Soon: At least five weeks of downtime! 
After that - the Tomb of the Lizard King!

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