
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Ambush at the Dreadwood River Bridge - Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Chapter 22

Marlin met with his brother Annor, "Brother, I have some important news."

Annor became immediately anxious, "What?"

"Okay. First, I still have the dragon egg."

Annor was unsurprised, "I assumed  you did."

"Right. Well, nobody else knows. Which leads me to the second thing. Captain Xendros knows I have the egg and she wants me to sell it to her."

Annor looked momentarily confused, "Who's Captain Xendros?"

"The woman who runs the Faithful Quartermasters of Iuz? Red skin? Devil horns? Always trying to get us to sell our souls to the devil?"

"Oh! Is THAT her name? Wait, she's a captain?? Captain of what?"

Marlin grabbed his burly brother's shoulder, "Yes. Brother. Focus. Stay on topic."


"Anyway, somehow she knows I have the egg. Maybe she's scrying on me. I don't know. But she said that if I don't sell her the egg, she'll tell the wizard Keledek who really stole the egg. Also, she'll tell Eliander Fireborn."

Annor glared at his brother for a moment. It was obvious he was struggling to contain his annoyance.

Annor said through gritted teeth, "You're going to destroy the egg, right? You're obviously not going to sell it to her."

Marlin paused to find the right words, "Look. She really wants the egg. If I were to destroy it, she'd probably still tell Keledek to punish me. To punish us. I was thinking I could just murder her."

"No!" was Annor's stern reply.

"But it would eliminate the problem!"

"You're not murdering her! First - its murder! Second - where would we buy our magic items if she's dead?"

"Well, if I can't sell her the egg and I can't murder her, I guess I'll just break the egg and we'll deal with the consequences."

"YOU'LL deal with the consequences!"

Marlin nodded, "Understood".

The next morning, Marlin went to the Faithful Quartermasters of Iuz with the black dragon egg.

He left without the black dragon egg.


The A-Team:
  • Annor Whalerson - Lawful Good, Human Marine and Fighter from Saltmarsh. 
  • Alot Aname - Neutral Warforged Fighter.
  • Marlin Whalerson - Chaotic Good,  Human Seeker, treasure hunter, and scoundrel.
Suffering the Brain Jellies this Week:
  • Auric Ravenson - Neutral Good, Aasimar Shipwright and Cleric of the Raven King.
  • Avastana "Aella" Kádár - Neutral, Half-Elf  Outlander and Sorceress from Ket. 
DM Note-
Marlin's player and I did our negotiations via secret note. Marlin asked Captain Xendros to swear on Iuz that the black dragon egg would be taken away from Saltmarsh. She raised her hand, crossed her heart, and assured him the dragon egg would be taken far to the north.  Marlin's player said "I assume she's LAWFUL evil so I trust her word."

Journey to Burle
It was a little past dawn when Marlin joined his brother Annor and the warforged fighter Alot Aname at the north gate. They were prepared for the hike to Burle, ten leagues north of Saltmarsh on the Janustream river.

"Why aren't we taking a river boat?" Marlin inquired.

"Because the bandits are hitting traffic along the road," replied Annor.

"Okay, but why aren't we on horses?"

"We don't need horses. Marching is good for you," said the former soldier. Alot nodded.

"Where are the others?"

"They're taking a river boat. They'll catch up to us in Burle."

Marlin grumbled at that answer.

Annor looked Marlin up and down, "Is that all you're packing?"

"We're just going to Burle!"

Annor shrugged, "Did you take care of the dragon egg?"

Marlin got a head start walking towards the gate, "All taken care of! Nothing to worry about!"

The Robin's Breast Inn
Around noon they arrived at the confluence of the Dreadwood and Janustream rivers. Here the road crossed the Dreadwood over an ancient stone bridge. The location was halfway between Saltmarsh and Burle. A few farmers lived nearby and a small roadside inn, the Robin's Breast, was perfectly situated to serve travelers between the two towns.

They stopped at the Robin's Breast to get some lunch and a pint of ale. The inn was usually bustling with merchants and farmers but today there were only a handful of surly locals. A bored minstrel sat in a corner plucking a stringed instrument.

The innkeeper, William Brightboy, took their order. When asked about the light business he explained that attacks along the road north of Burle had deterred merchants from making the journey to Saltmarsh.

"Wait," interjected Annor, "The bandits are attacking the road NORTH of Burle?"

"Yes, brother," replied Marlin.

"Then why isn't Burle dealing with this?" the fighter said incredulously.

"They tried," said William Brightboy, "They sent a force of thirty soldiers into the Drowned Forest last week in search of the brigands. Nothing's been heard of them."

"A point you raised only yesterday to the Merchant Guild, my brother, and they told you the same thing," Marlin reminded him, "Remember? It's why you accepted this mission!"

"Hurmmm." said Annor.

Alot did his best to stare impassively into the distance.

The bored minstrel stood up and approached the party, "Greetings! My  name is Pluck! I am at your service! Might I play a tune for you weary travelers?"

"Of course!" replied Marlin.

"I present to you, the Ballad of Sakatha!"

The surly farmers fidgeted. They were displeased by the choice. One objected, "Let evil lie sleeping, you fool!" His companion added, "Why invite more trouble? Stick with your silly songs and leave us in peace."

Pluck ignored the naysayers and sang a pensive ballad.

Sakatha once was the Great Lizard King,
Said to have power stored in a ring.
O'er swamplands and plains lands his dominions they spread;
His very name filled all creatures with dread 
To build his great tomb in the midst of the marsh,
Many men died in slavery most harsh.
His minions took all of our best for his altar;
Not for a day did his bloody thirst falter. 
Then there arose the Adventurers Four,
The greatest of heroes in those days of yore;
They slew Sakatha in the Battle of Waycombe;
The Lizard Men carried their slaughtered chief home. 
And now he awaits in the cold sleep of death
His day of awakening, his first newborn breath.
Though deep in the ground his followers closed him,
He'll come back for vengeance on those who opposed him.

The end of ballad was met with awkward silence.

Annor was intrigued, "What can you tell me about Sakatha?"

The minstrel dismissed the question, "Very little! It is naught but a ballad used to
frighten naughty children at night. There is nothing more to it than that, I suspect."

Having finished their meal and drink, the party gathered their gear and set off towards the old stone bridge.

As the party crossed the bridge, they noticed strange humanoid shapes darting beneath the bridge and hiding behind the trees and foliage. Lizard-folk lurked below and behind! They were already on the bridge. They readied themselves for attack and prepared to turn back.

Suddenly the sky was filled with javelins! One struck Alot.

A lizard-man riding a large reptile darted out from the foliage behind then and charged up the bridge. Another mounted lizard-man similarly charged onto the bridge before them. They were trapped!

Annor charged forward and cut down the lizard-man's mount with a single swing from his massive flamerge. His follow-up attack cut the rider in half. He was soon replaced by three other lizard-men.

The lizard-men were adorned with dried mud painted onto their scaly skin in garish patterns. Many bore pendants of a dragon head with leathery wings - they were servants of Aulicus!

Alot held the rear flank with Marlin darting around him and stabbing enemies from behind. They quickly dispatched the mount and its rider but were soon fighting three reinforcements. Meanwhile, a handful of lizard-men continued to harass them with javelins from the river bank.

Once he had cleared his side of the bridge, Annor ran back and fought side-by-side with Alot. The javelin-throwers from the far bank then ran towards the bridge and charged in a second wave. They moved more cautiously onto the bridge. Annor, Alot, and Marlin destroyed the three lizard-men behind them. Annor then charged back towards the newcomers on the far side of the bridge, cutting them down with wide arcing strokes of his ridiculously long sword.

The final lizard-men abandoned their javelin positions on the near bank and charged Alot and Marlin but they too were soon dispatched.

Tired, injured, and covered in blood, the A-Team decided to retreat to the nearby Robin's Breast Inn to recuperate, despite the delay in their travel plans.

DM Note-
The fighter - fighter - rogue combo had no cleric for support and no magic user for ranged attacks. It was a pretty brutal fight. Both Annor and Alot were bloodied and desperately needed to spend some Hit Die in a short rest.

Welcome to Burle
Burle is little more than a walled keep near the Janustream River. A few farms and walled compounds were located in the surrounding countryside. The A-Team arrived at Burle an hour after sunset. Lanterns illuminated the tops of the wall and the windows of the gatehouse. Very few guards could be seen on the wall.

They asked for entry and were challenged by the gate-keeper - an elven ranger named Aquiel. It was unusual to see elves guarding a keep of Keoland. Aquiel allowed them to enter. The interior of the keep was unusually quiet. There were fewer guards, soldiers, and horses than one would expect. Aquiel said that the thirty soldiers sent into the Drowned Forest had not returned and the worst was feared. In the meantime, elves from Silverstand have volunteered to watch the walls while they were gone.

Annor explained that he was a member of the town council of Saltmarsh and that he and his team had been dispatched to deal with the brigands as well as find the missing soldiers.

Aquiel became excited. He told Annor that he should meet with the castellan immediately. She was taking her dinner in the main hall and he would take them to her.

Marlin suddenly became interested, "Did you say, 'she'?"

Dinner with the Castellan
Aquiel brought the trio to the main hall of the keep. The room was built to accommodate over a hundred soldiers but tonight less than a dozen took their meal. The mood was somber and few spoke.

Seated at a place of honor was the castellan - Kiara Shadowbreaker. She was a woman in her forties with short cut hair. She wore a fur-lined cape over her plate armor. She seemed ill at ease and snapped angrily at her attendants.

Aquiel introduced the guests to Shadowbreaker. The castellan seemed unimpressed. She expressed her lack of confidence in any aid sent by Anders Solmor, whose name she said dripping with disdain.

Marlin took offense at her remark and replied, snidely, "Well, maybe if your forces were a little more competent, you wouldn't need our help."

Shadowbreaker became angry, "Excuse me, PEASANT? How dare you speak to a member of the noble class in such a manner?"

Marlin escalated the scene, "Do you know who I am? I am the brother of a member of the town council of Saltmarsh!"

"I don't care who you are! Anyone affiliated with ANDERS SOLMOR has earned my enmity! "

Annor put his hand on his brother's shoulder and whispered, "Marlin? The castellan is perhaps a little sensitive tonight. Perhaps your escalation isn't helping matters." He then turned to the castellan and attempted to diffuse the situation by changing the subject, "I am curious, Madame Shadowbreaker, why do you feel this way about Anders Solmor?"

She took a deep breath before replying, "Have you ever heard of the Scarlet Brotherhood?"

Annor looked at Marlin and whispered, "Help me out, brother."

Marlin continued, considerably more controlled than before, "The Scarlet Brotherhood is a secret society who believe that ancient race of the Suel are superior to the modern races of the Flaeness. They seek to overthrow the kingdoms of the Flaeness and replace it with the surviving Suel people as the nobility of a new empire."

"Right!" said Annor, "Those guys!"

The castellan said, "I have reason to believe that your Anders Solmor is an agent of the Scarlet Brotherhood and an enemy of the kingdom of Keoland!"

"We know," said Marlin.

"Wait, what?" was Shadowbreaker's incredulous reply.

Marlin explained that Anders was an innocent pawn that was being manipulated by his family butler, Skerrin. He recounted all the missions they had undertaken on behalf of Anders as well as the consequences their missions may have had on regional politics. He told her about their mission to recover the missing promissory notes and Anders' desire to become a count of Keoland. He also told her that the guild of smugglers and pirates known as the Organization opposed this and plotted against Anders. He told her that Gellan Primewater, agent of the Organization in Saltmarsh, with the help of the Ketan wizard Keledek, had managed to place a ring onto the hand of the Duke of Seaton in order to manipulate and control his thoughts. As a result, the Duke had withdrawn all the naval forces to Seaton and opposed Anders' request.

Shadowbreaker sat in stunned silence at the new information. Eventually she stood up and said, "Come with me. I have something to show you."

She led them to her private office. She withdrew a curtain on one wall to reveal a large map of the Flaeness. Each of the towns and cities of the land were marked with a pin and all were connected by a cat's cradle of red thread. Various notes were jotted onto bits of parchment and pinned to each town and city. Each note detailed a plot, event, or personage.

She said, "I've been tracking the Scarlet Brotherhood for years. They've working hard to infiltrate our nobility and destroy us from within. You have brought me invaluable information, and for that I thank you. Let us talk and compare notes."

Shadowbreaker beckoned Marlin to sit next to her. They began to share stories and theories.

Annor and Alot stood awkwardly nearby. Annor cleared his throat and interrupted, "Um, that is to say, about the brigands."

Shadowbreaker was broken from her fixation on Marlin and talk of the Scarlet Brotherhood, "Yes. Right. I have received word that the brigands most recent target was the small farming community of Waycombe on the edge of the Drowned Forest, four leagues to the west. This was their first attack against a village, as far as I know. There is a small path that leads you there. I will have Aquiel show you the path but I can't spare him to accompany you. You are welcome to stay in the finest guest room in the keep tonight as my guest! Tomorrow I shall outfit you with whatever you need."

"Thankyou, milady."

Annor and Alot took their leave.

Marlin said, "Madame Shadowbreaker, if I may continue."

She inched closer to Marlin, "Please, call me Kiara."

DM Note-
At this point I literally said, "...aaand - scene!"

Journey to Waycombe
The next morning, the A-Team assembled in the bailey of Burle. They'd have someone ferry them across the Janustream River. After that it was a half-day hike around the hill to Waycombe.

"Wait," said Marlin, "Isn't the rest of the team coming up river? Should we wait for them?"

"Nah," replied Annor, "They'll catch up."

They set off through the humid morning mist towards the Drowned Forest. 

The Great Split Oak
They had traveled roughly three leagues and expected to be arriving in Waycombe shortly. The trip thus far had been uneventful. They had journeyed south from Burle, hiking over a low hill covered in tall grass, shrubs, and the occasional copse of trees. Now they were descending the far side of the hill. The Drowned Forest could be seen in the valley ahead of them in the distance maybe twelve miles away. The Hool Marsh stretched out to the left towards the horizon.

The path continued downhill. A few hundred yards off the path to the right was an old oak tree that had split in two halves by a lightning strike.

DM Note-
I described the tree as a young treant from Silverstand who had been struck by lightning and died years ago. 

"How can you tell it was a treant?" one player asked.

"Because it has a face and its branches look like arms with fingers," said another player. 

This little bit of description had nothing to do with anything but the players appreciated the additional detail.

Sitting at the base of the tree was what appeared to be a human man. The man appeared to be resting on the ground against the tree.

Annor cautiously approached the man. He stood up and picked up his shield and sword. Emblazoned on his shield was the lion rampant of the kingdom of Keoland. He was a soldier from Burle!

Annor called out to the stranger and assured him of their peaceful intentions. The man allowed them to approach but stood at the ready. Upon closer inspection it appeared that the man had barely survived a battle. He was covered in blood, dirt, and loose twigs and leaves. He appeared injured.

The man introduced himself as Barto Trume. He was a soldier from the Burle garrison. Trume seemed relieved to learn that the A-Team had just come from Burle and were searching for the missing expedition. Trume said that he and the expedition had traveled into the Drowned Forest on skiffs. He said that they came across a little old man standing on an island. He didn't know what happened next - it was a blur. They were attacked - decimated - by human brigands and lizard-man savages working together! He was knocked unconscious and taken somewhere deeper in the forest. He managed to escape and wandered lost in the Drowned Forest for days.

Just last night he managed to find his way to Waycombe. There he saw a force of about forty enemy brigands and some kind of priest camped in a large field behind Waycombe. He fled Waycome and had to rest. He said he had to get back to Burle!

Annor offered to accompany him back to Burle. Barto objected. He said he was well enough to travel and that if the party was headed to Waycombe, they were only an hour away. If they went back to Burle, the brigands might be gone by the time they returned.

Annor rubbed his chin and agreed. He gave Trume some supplies and asked him to relay the same story to two others who might be coming up the trail behind them.

With that, they parted ways with the survivor and continued to Waycombe.

To Be Continued...

DM Note-
If you notice there's a lot more dialog and role-playing in this write-up, it's because Auric's player was out this week, leaving no restriction on Marlin's and Annor's players and allowing them to do all the role-playing and interaction they want. Auric's player likes to be more organized and to stay on focus which can have the effect of stifling the pair's interaction sometimes. Plus, Auric's player literally physically sits between them. So his absence removed that figurative and literal impediment to their style of fun wordy interactive role-play.

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