
Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Emperor of the Waves - Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Chapter 14

An Unexpected Foe!
The Emperor of the Waves was being crushed by the massive tentacles of a giant octopus and was sinking. Annor carried the magical strongbox in a bag of holding flung over his shoulder. He was the first to emerged from the captain's cabin to the mid-deck. Auric and Aella were behind him in the cabin.

The mid-deck was tilted at sixty degrees. The deck below was already flooded. Water was beginning to pour out of the hatch into the captain's cabin. Annor staggered onto the main deck and was startled to find it covered in swarms of spiders forced from the lower decks by the rising water. Among them were three spiders of massive size! One of the giant spiders had a strange translucent quality.

The water around the ship was a boiling mass of writhing tentacles. Many flailed into the sky like massive rubbery tree trunks before crashing into the ship and splintering the wooden deck!

The small boat the team had used to row over from the other ship had been smashed to tiny pieces by the crushing tentacles. They'd have to swim to the Spirit of Winter!

Two of the giant spiders made their way to the sterncastle to escape the rising water. The third charged Annor and attacked!

A figure emerged from the smashed door to the navigator's cabin. It was a half-orc wearing tattered robes made of sheets of spider web. He carried a staff topped with a carved spider. He was accompanied by two demonic creatures. The torso of each of the creatures was split down the middle to form a massive fanged mouth!

The half-orc shouted at order at the translucent spider, "Goil! Destroy the infidels!"

The A-Team:
  • Avastana "Aella" Kádár - Neutral, Half-Elf  Outlander and Sorceress from Ket. 
  • Annor Whalerson - Lawful Good, Human Marine and Fighter from Saltmarsh. 
  • Marlin Whalerson - Chaotic Good,  Human Seeker and Rogue.
  • Auric Ravenson - Neutral Good, Aasimar Shipwright and Cleric of the Raven King.
Fight on Deck
A massive spider crossed the deck and attacked Annor. Annor dropped the bag of holding containing the vault onto the deck and took a massive swing with the fabled flamberge of Ser Eckhert Lionheart. The magical blade cut the spider in twain. The spider exploded, its arachnoid insides raining onto the listing deck. Swarms of normal-sized spiders began to crawl up Annor's legs and over his body.

Aella moved out onto the deck and picked up the bag of holding. 

The half-orc, clad in tattered robes of spider web, clapped his hands together and summoned forth a magical sphere of flame, which he placed just inside the doorway. The fiery sphere prevented anyone inside from escaping and was too hot to stand near.

Aella then cast a witch-bolt spell at the half-orc enemy. The half-orc staggered but maintained his magical concentration.

With another deft stroke Annor defeated a second giant spider. The translucent spider Goil disappeared and magically reappeared to attack the warrior. Annor plunged his massive flamberge into the translucent spider, killing it with a single strike!

The continuous electrical arc of the witch-bolt eventually caused the half-orc Krell to falter. He stumbled backwards and a massive flailing octopus tentacle knocked him overboard into the sea!

DM Note-
My players love villains who survive and become recurring opponents!

Marlin had finally made his way up the stairs and into the captain's quarters. There was no sign of the warforged guardian Alot Aname. Auric shouted to Marlin, "Where's beep-boop-beep?"

Marlin loosed a crossbow bolt through the door at a demon, "He fell through a hole in the deck. I assume he'll either swim back to the ship or sink to the bottom and walk home!"

With the defeat of Krell the fiery ball blocking their exit disappeared. Marlin and Auric were able to join the fight on the mid-deck.

The two demonic creatures - essentially mouths with arms and legs - were soon dispatched by the reunited A-Team. Auric said a prayer and the remaining spiders clinging to Annor fell dead. Tiny spectral flies spun away before dissipating into the aether.

The ship slowly sank as the A-Team waited for help from the dwarven boat five hundred feet away. Captain Windrune himself led a small crew of dwarven volunteers who rowed the remaining ship's boat over to the sinking Emperor of the Waves.

Marlin tried to throw a grapple and line towards the approaching rowboat but was not strong enough to cover the distance. Aella threw the line and made it without difficulty.

The A-Team boarded the rowboat and quickly rowed to safety as the Emperor of the Waves began to roll over and capsize before disappearing beneath the waves - crushed and dragged down by the massive tentacles of the titanic octopus.

The Return to Saltmarsh
The return to Saltmarsh took longer than the outgoing trip due to the loss of much of the dwarven crew, though the journey was uneventful. The A-Team took a liking to the dwarven crew and spent many hours with them drinking ale and listening to stories of their fallen comrades.

It was mid-afternoon when they arrived in Saltmarsh. The sky was overcast with a cool north wind. It felt later than it was.

Upon their arrival at Saltmarsh, Auric and Annor each provided the captain with a gift of 100 gold coins while Marlin gave him a book on currents and winds of the Azure Sea as well as a book of maritime legal codes. Aella, meanwhile, hid her cursed luckstone in the captain's cabin.

Confrontation on the Dock
The A-Team disembarked from the Spirit of Winter but were almost immediately confronted by a gang of surly longshoremen. The leader of the group told Marlin, in as polite a way as he could while still implying a sense of threat, that Marlin and his friends needed to meet Mister Primewater at the Primewater estate immediately, before they meet Mister Solmor and before they deliver their package.

Marlin told the ruffian that he was going to take a bath and would meet Mister Primewater afterwards. The others made it clear they had no intention of meeting Mister Primewater. The longshoreman said "Very well. Your funeral." and ordered his men to disperse.

Ambush in the Alley
After checking in with the king's reeve to assess any taxes or duties owed from their voyage, the remainder of the A-Team, minus Marlin, proceeded down an alley towards the Solmor estate.

They were soon met by five ruffians blocking the way before them and three blocking the way behind them. Each of the ruffians wore makeshift hoods made from burlap sacks cut with eyeholes.  The ruffians, obviously the longshoremen from the dock because they were otherwise wearing the same clothes, were wielding belaying pins and cudgels as weapons.

"Just hand over the strongbox you are delivering to Mister Solmor and walk away. We don't want any trouble."

Aella asked Annor and Auric, "What's the plan. How are we handling this?"

Auric said, "They're just thugs with belaying pins. Let's keep this non-lethal."

Annor added, "Yeah, I probably even know these guys."

The thugs charged the A-Team and a brawl ensued in the alley. Annor wielded his flamberge pommel out like a club and punched thugs with his other hand. Auric prayed for the suffering of their souls.

Aella was carrying the bag of holding containing the Solmor family strongbox. One of the thugs was able to grab it away from her. She responded by quickly producing the book of scrolls and casting a magic spell to create a sphere of magical flame. The thief screamed and quickly passed the bag on to a companion. The companion passed it to another. The third was about to make his getaway down the alley when he was knocked out by Annor.

The trio quickly put out the flames that were quickly consuming nearby crates and lumber and retrieved the bag of holding. It was singed but otherwise intact. They continued to the Solmor manor.

Solmor Manor
The butler Skerrin opened the door and sniffed derisively. Aella, Annor, and Auric had been at sea for over ten days and reeked from their voyage. Skerrin led the team to the study of Anders Solmor but Annor suggested instead they present their delivery in a more utilitarian location. Skerrin took them to the kitchen .

Anders soon joined them and thanked them profusely for their work. He asked if they encountered any trouble.

Aella said they had been waylaid by ruffians on the way to the manor but that it was taken care of.

Skerrin suddenly and uncharacteristically expressed concern bordering on panic. "Did they take the strongox? The strongbox is large and heavy! None of you are carrying the strongbox!"

Annor smiled and held up a finger to indicate "just a moment". He produced the magical bag of holding and asked for Skerrin's assistance. Skerrin helped hold the mouth of the bag while Annor lifted the bottom. Gallons of fetid bilge water poured from bag as the heavy strongbox slid out and fell onto the floor with a thud. Skerrin was doused from the waist down and covered in small crabs and wriggling hagfish.

Annor, Auric, and Aella smiled at their petty revenge for Skerrin sabotaging the cheese tasting. Skerrin replied wryly, "Yes. Hilarious."

Anders Solmor clapped his hands together and grinned. "Okay, excellent! Now I have to ask you all a favor. I need you to put your fingers in your ears and say 'la la la' out loud over and over for the next five seconds. Got it? Good."

DM Note-
I waited for all the players to actually do it out loud.

"Auric, you too."

Once Auric joined Aella and Annor, Anders Solmor knelt down and whispered a secret word onto the magical seal that protected the strongbox. The box opened revealing a watertight dry interior filled with papers in leather folios.

"Excellent! Okay, you can all stop now! This is fantastic! Better than I hoped! Your team really came through! These promissory notes from the king of Keoland are going to be my ticket to the royal court! Expect big changes to this town! You all have really deserved your payment. There's only one problem. I can't pay you yet."

Annor looked worried, "Why's that?"

"I hired five of you! There are only three of you! I can't split ten thousand gold coins three ways!"

Annor rolled his eyes and sighed, "We'll split it five ways and share it with the other two who aren't here!"

The Scarlet Brotherhood
Marlin went home, washed himself, and put on clean clothes. There was a small knock at his door. It was one of the local urchins who act as messengers. The urchin told Marlin that his presence was required immediately at the home of Mister Gellan Primewater. Marlin was to accompany the urchin without delay. Marlin went with the boy.

At Gellan Primewater's home near the docks, Marlin was led into the merchant's study. There he saw Gellan Primewater and the wizard Keledek. Both were drinking goblets of wine. Marlin refused when offered.

Gellan told Marlin that he was in a lot of trouble for failing to appear when summoned earlier. He told Marlin that it was imperative that Anders not acquire those promissory notes. Gellan explained to Marlin that Anders would use those notes to gain the favor of the king. Anders could cancel the king's debt in exchange for a patent of nobility granting the Solmor family with a noble title and fiefdom over the lands including and surrounding Saltmarsh.

This would have two side effects. The first being the increased attention paid by the crown to the region. This would put a damper on the work of "the Organization".

Secondly, the Organization suspects that the Solmor family is in league with the Scarlet Brotherhood.

The Scarlet Brotherhood is a secret society that believes that only descendants of the ancient Suel empire should rule the Flanaess. Their ultimate goal is to topple the ruling houses of the Flanaess by sowing dissent and causing war and one day return power to the Emperor of Suel. They are evil and ruthless and must be stopped.

It is likely that Anders Solmor may not even know he is being manipulated by the Scarlet Brotherhood. Whatever the situation, the Brotherhood must not be allowed to gain a voice of influence at the royal court of Keoland.

Marlin explained that his team-mates have already delivered the strongbox to Anders and have probably been paid.

"Then we have only one course of action," said Keledek, "You must infiltrate the Solmor estate and steal the promissory notes before they are delivered to the king."

To be Continued...

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