
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Secret of Nymph - Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Chapter 11

The nymph known as Farrah promised to return at dawn the next day with a gift so the A-Team decided to wait for her within the abandoned tower.

They took turns sleeping on the magic bed. They read through the dead wizard's library.  They partook of meals prepared by Mister Popo the genie. All the while, the magical attraction engine continued to radiate weird magical energy.

Marlin had a short conversation with Mona, the quasit trapped within a magical cage of force. Mona asked if Marlin had stolen anything from the genie's hoard. Marlin said no. Mona replied, "Why not? It's not like he can chase you! I tell you what. If you let me out, I'll tell you a secret about the genie!"

Marlin considered the offer and consulted with Auric the priest. Auric told Marlin that it sounded like Mona already let the secret slip. "It's not like the genie can chase you? I'm guessing Mister Popo can't leave the vault." Marlin decided to leave both Mona and Mister Popo alone.

After resting, the warforged guardian Alot Aname awoke covered in accumulated magical dust. He brushed it off of his ceramic plated body and was shocked to discover that the magic dust had changed him! His hands and feet now possessed webbed membranes and a dorsal ridge now ran down his neck and back!

This was intolerable. Alot wanted to destroy the magical attraction engine! The others reminded him that Mister Popo would prevent him. Alot replied, "Well, can we at least turn it off?"

The others were caught short. Could it be that simple? They went back to the vault and asked Mister Popo if they could deactivate the magical attraction engine. Mister Popo shrugged and showed them the lever that turned it off. Shutting down the engine caused the magical energy to disappear. Everything felt normal again!

Suddenly there was a call from downstairs. Farrah had returned.

The A-Team ran downstairs to greet the nymph. She looked disappointed. She told them that she could not retrieve their gift. It was located within a grove of trees she once inhabited nearby before she was captured by the wizard. However, some magical force had corrupted the trees.

She needed their help!

The A-Team:
  • Avastana "Aella" Kádár - Neutral, Half-Elf  Outlander and Sorceress from Ket. 
  • Annor Whalerson - Neutral Good, Human Marine and Fighter from Saltmarsh. 
  • Marlin Whalerson - Neutral Good,  Human Seeker and Rogue.
  • Auric Ravenson - Neutral Good, Aasimar Shipwright and Cleric of the Raven King.
With special guest stars...
  • "Amnesia" - Water Genasi Amnesiac Rogue.
  • Alot Aname - Warforged Fighter.

Attack of the Trees
Farrah created a magical portal. The A-Team stepped through and found themselves standing in the courtyard of the keep just outside the tower. It was nearing sunset. The party had completely lost track of time after spending several days exploring the windowless tower. The tower stood nearby, completely visible. It was made of smooth white marble and appeared to be brand new.

Ahead of them was a large willow tree surrounded by several twisted smaller trees. The entire copse of trees were discolored, slowly moving through purple, pink, green, black, and purple again. The tips of the branches were gently swaying to a non-existent breeze.

Farrah pointed to the trees, "In there!"

"Right!" said Aella as she began hurling small bolts of frost magic at the cypress.

The bolts had no effect on the tree other than to cause it to come to life!

The big tree began moving through the ground, not walking exactly, but plowing through the earth. The other smaller trees likewise sprang into motion, charging Aella whom they perceived as a dangerous threat.

A line of smaller trees rushed the party, launching a hail of thorny projectiles at Aella as they charged. Annor and Aname moved forward to intercept them while Aella and Auric remained in the rear.

Marlin, for reasons that remain known only to Marlin, ran away and hid in the collapsed shell of the old stables. As he crept into the stables, he was beset by dozens of bats that swarmed his head. He did his best to shield his face and head from the many bites and scratches as they circled his head and flew away into the darkening sky. Seeing no benefit to be gained from his hiding place, Marlin ran back to rejoin the melee.

Annor and Aname chopped down the first line of skirmishers as a second group of trees, slightly heavier and covered in vines, lumbered towards them in front of the cypress.

Marlin could see the glint of a pulsating crystalline shard of distilled magic embedded in the bark of the tree, encrusted in decades of growth. He attempted to pull it out using a magical cantrip but it was too ensconced in the bark and refused to budge.

The tree got close enough to reach out and slam Marlin, knocking him into the soft ground. Marlin laid there unconscious for but a moment as Auric recited a prayer of healing. Marlin opened his eyes to see a celestial raven standing on his chest. The raven flew away and disappeared into nothingness before his eyes. Marlin grabbed his rapier and rejoined the fray.

Aella cast a Witch Bolt spell on the tree and lightning arced from her hands, exploding the tree in a shower of bark and splinters. Annor followed up with some mighty strikes from his incredibly long sword and the tree fractured and fell to inanimate pieces. The remaining smaller trees were soon destroyed.

Farrah appeared and produced a cloak from the remains of the tree. The cloak appeared to be made of bark. She gave it Marlin, telling him that the cloak protected the wearer and gave them good luck. Marlin in turn supplied the cloak to Aname.

DM Note-
Cloak of Protection, +1 AC, +1 Saving Throws.

Marlin wrapped his hand in a strip of cloth and carefully picked up the glowing shard of crystalline mana at the heart of the tree. He placed it in his backpack in order to return it to his wizard mentor Keledek later.

Night had fallen by the time the battle was over but no one was tired. Their sense of time had been completely disrupted by several days trapped within the tower. Auric created a holy light to appear above Aella's staff and, in spite of the darkness, the party decided to continue upriver towards the rendezvous with the smugglers.

Before they left, they reentered the tower and retraced their steps, avoiding the traps and monsters along the way, in order to pull the lever and reactivate the force barrier protecting the tower. Once that was completed, they returned to the surface and began their journey upriver.

A River Runs Through It
The A-Team trudged through the mud and tall grass of the Dunwater river's left bank all night. The journey was difficult and the party had to cross small tributaries and slippery muddy shoals in the darkness. Amnesia had been their guide and tracker but she was now debilitated by the brain jellies. Aella, as someone with a background of overland travel, volunteered to take point and lead the way.

By the pre-dawn, patience was beginning to become in short supply.  Several people demanding Marlin tell them how much further they had to go. Marlin admitted he didn't know.  His instructions were to travel upriver until they encountered the old chain in the river. This answer did not help. Auric angrily pointed out that no one could see more than sixty feet in the darkness and they could have easily passed a chain in the night. Marlin became defensive and the two began to argue.

Suddenly the party was attacked from below as the very mud below them came to life!

The slimy mud became animated. It formed thick pseudopods which slammed against the members of the party.  Alot sliced at one of the heaving masses of mud with his sword only to have it split into two separate muddy forms.

"Don't slice them!" he shouted to the others.

Marlin disappeared into the grass while his brother Annor changed weapons. He sheathed his flamberge and drew his long-handled warhammer.

Annor swung his hammer at the gelatinous creatures while Alot stabbed at them with his sword. Marlin emerged from hiding and used cooperative tactics with Annor to position the slime creatures for a swift lunge! Meanwhile Auric prayed for celestial ravens to beset the creatures and Aella threw small rays if icy magic at them.

Despite putting up a brutal defense, eventually all the mud creatures were defeated. 

DM Note-
At one point, Aella was getting tired of nickel-and-diming her ochre jelly and was about to hit it with Witch Bolt.  But I recalled how she felt like her Witch Bolt was wasted in the last fight so I said, "Are you sure? Weren't you just complaining about overkill?"  She said, "You're right. Ray of frost!"

I immediately kicked myself! Witch Bold does lightning damage. Each round would have split the ochre jelly into two new ochre jellies. The look on her face would have been EPIC! Oh well. 

The sky was now light enough to see the river clearly. Ahead of them a large iron chain, each link as big as a ten year old boy, stretched across the river, connected to a pylon in its center. To the left were some ancient ruins. Visible just within the tumbled walls of the ruins was a makeshift palisade made of young trees. The smoke of breakfast campfires could be seen rising into the air. There were several boats pulled up onto the muddy bank of the river nearby.

The party approached the camp. The rough-sounding voice of a guard called out, "Oy! Who goes there?"

Rendezvous with Smugglers
The A-Team announced themselves and Marlin acted as their spokesman. Marlin gave the appropriate sign and the party was taken to the leader - a ruffian named Chaswick Headglove.

DM's Note-
You guessed it, I asked the players to name the NPC.

Marlin made small talk with the leader of the smugglers. The party was a day later than expected. Marlin explained that they lost their boat when it was destroyed by the sahuagin.

The leader gave Marlin the package, a crate roughly two feet wide and three feet long.

"Ey, 'Ow you plannin' to git that past the guards at the gate, annywee?"

Marlin smirked, "Like this." He produced a bag that looked large enough to hold a pumpkin at most. He opened the mouth of the bag and placed the crate within. Magically and mysteriously the entire crate disappeared into the much smaller bag.

"Blimey!" replied the leader.

"Oh, and we're going to need one of your boats. One big enough for all of us." demanded Marlin.

"What's this?" responded the leader, incredulously.

Marlin's demeanor became menacing. He leaned forward, "We're not walking back. We're late enough. We're going to take one of your boats, a NICE one."

The leader became flustered and backed down, "Of- of course, sir." He shouted orders for his men to prepare one of the longboats for sail.

DM Note-
Marlin rolled a natural 20 on his intimidation check. 

The Return to Saltmarsh
The journey back to Saltmarsh was uneventful and, thanks to their new single-mast sailboat, was relatively quick. They departed the smuggler camp just an hour after dawn, arrived at the mouth of the Dunwater river by noon, and sailed into port in Saltmarsh by mid afternoon.

During their journey, Marlin and Annor debated the ethics of smuggling. Marlin saw no problem with the practice while Annor felt it was unpatriotic and a violation of both the law and one's fealty to the king of Keoland. Auric, meanwhile, believed the practice to be dishonest and therefore sinful.  Marlin rolled his eyes and agreed to pay the proper taxes upon their return.

True to his word, as soon as they arrived in Saltmarsh with sacks full of gold and silver from the wizard's tower, Marlin reported to the reeve to declare their windfall. He dutifully turned ten percent of their treasure over to the crown. The rest was divided evenly among the members of the A-Team.

Marlin made no mention of the item in his magic bag.

Marlin took his leave of the others and delivered the item he had smuggled in his bag to Gellan Primewater's house. Gellan thanked him and told him to Marlin to meet him on the dock at sunset. Gellan said he needed to show Marlin something important and confidential.

Marlin went to the dock by Gellan's house at sunset. Gellan was waiting for him with the package. They got into a small rowboat and Gellan ordered Marlin to row towards the estuary of the Janustream river. The sun had gone down and it was a dark moonless night. The only light came from Gellan's hooded lantern which shone a beam before them. Gellan directed Marlin to row between the large rocks at the base of the rugged shore beneath the Tower of Zenopus. Marlin was surprised to discover a hidden cave!

Marlin and Gellan maneuvered the rowboat into a winding cave and five hundred feet down a flooded tunnel. They reached a grotto with a sandy beach. There was another rowboat on the beach and two rough-looking men sitting at a table playing cards under a lantern. They stood to attention when Gellan came into view and helped pull Gellan's rowboat to shore and unload its cargo.

Gellan explained to Marlin that he has an agreement with the wizard Keledek. Keledek has secret chambers beneath the ruins of the tower above. Since the Organization recently lost its former smuggling rendezvous in the old haunted house, Keledek has allowed the Organization to use these caves. But Gellan had to pay a price.

Gellan put the cargo on the table. He picked up a nearby crowbar and opened the crate.

Marlin's jaw dropped, "Is.. Is that for Keledek?"

Gellan stepped back, "Yes."

To Be Continued...

DM's Notes-
Well, that's what I said. But the players weren't quite done.
This was actually the point where Marlin added up the value of all the loot and everyone paid taxes.

It's totally funny to me that the players decided to pay taxes entirely on their own. I did not mention it, I didn't force it, I even had to be reminded about it. 

It all started a few weeks ago when Annor confronted Marlin about joining the Organization. Both players really got into the debate about the ethics of smuggling. Annor, the former marine and soldier of the Royal Navy of Keoland, is completely against smuggling and believes it to be illegal and unpatriotic. Marlin, the less scrupulous murderer and treasure hunter, is more flexible on the ethics. Auric also took a negative view of smuggling but for different reasons having to do with deception and sin. Aella and Alot are both neutral while Amnesia sided with Marlin, pointing out that all the taxes go to the king and the corrupt aristocracy and isn't spent anywhere near Saltmarsh.

Amnesia's player then asked Annor's player when was the last time any of his D&D characters have ever paid any taxes. Annor's player conceded the hypocrisy. It's easy to judge when you're not making any sacrifices. 

So the players decided to pay their taxes! Fair and square! Marlin agreed to pay his taxes for no other reason than to serve as cover to deflect suspicion from his other smuggling activities.

After paying their taxes, the players decided to spend some of their money. They each had over 5000 gp worth of treasure!

They went to Captain Xendros and paid their memberships to "Fantasy Costco" and perused her stock of magic items (I roll each week to see what she has in stock). Annor put in a special order for a magical flamberge.

Then they all kind of surprised me. 

Aella bought a house in Saltmarsh and went shopping through the Player's Handbook, furnishing her new home with household goods.

Auric began building a small temple to Tristan near the graveyard.

Annor, meanwhile, purchased some goats and hired an expert cheese-maker and two shepherds. He's expanding the family goat-cheese making operation from one goat to a full herd and turning it into a proper business! 

Aella's player burst out laughing at one point. "You can tell we're all middle aged adults playing D&D when our night of high adventure includes paying our taxes, buying a house, and starting a goat cheese business!"

I then bellowed, "HIGH ADVENTURE!!"

On a final note - when I started this campaign, my plan was to run a loose series of standalone adventures. Players were encouraged to experiment with their characters, swap characters each time, etc. We would then play other non-D&D games between each module. 

Despite my intentions its turning into a full campaign and my players have never been more invested in a location, their characters, or a story. 

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