
Thursday, August 8, 2019

Danger at Dunwater - Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Chapter 5

Annor woke when he heard his brother's door close. It was late. He heard footsteps and whispering. That was odd. He heaved his muscular form out of bed and grabbed his ridiculously long sword. He opened his door an inch and looked out into the hall.

In the gloom, he saw his brother Marlin standing with two other men. His brother had a hood over his head. The two men were wearing hoods with eye holes. His brother was being led away but seemed to be going willingly.

Annor burst through the door and into the hall. He leveled his sword at the two men and challenged them to release his brother.

The trio froze. Annor, clad in nothing but his nightshirt, assumed a menacing posture while he brandished his mighty blade.

Marlin blindly held out his hands and appealed for his brother to remain calm. "Hey! Hey! I've got this under control. Go back to bed!"

"Are you sure?"

Marlin, sightless in his blindfold, awkwardly reached out in the wrong direction and gave a thumbs up, "Don't worry!"


  • Avastana "Aella" Kádár - Neutral, Half-Elf  Outlander and Sorceress from Ket.
  • Annor Whalerson - Neutral Good, Human Marine and Fighter from Saltmarsh.
  • Marlin Whalerson - Neutral Good,  Human Seeker and Rogue.
  • Auric Ravenson - Neutral Good, Human (?) Shipwright and Cleric.
  • Oceanus - (NPC) Neutral Good, Sea Elf
Special Guest Stars
This week we were joined by a special guest star!
  • Alot Aname - Warforged Soldier and Fighter

Annor went back into his room and waited for them to leave the house. He then crept out after them, following them down the cobblestone street and towards the warehouses of old town a few hundred feet away. 

Annor saw the men take Marlin into an old dilapidated storehouse. Annor crept around the outside of the building and found a section where the ancient wood planks had rotted away. He could see a group of six or seven men on the other side of the large room, dozens of feet away. They were wearing dark robes with pointed hoods and carried candles.  Marlin was brought before them robed men. The robed men said some words but they were too far away, Annor couldn't quite make out what they were saying. 

Marlin made some kind of affirmative reply.

The leader of the group asked a question of the other men. One of the men removed his hood - it was Gellan Primewater! Gellan gave another short affirmative reply. Gellan and Marlin exchanged a silent acknowledgement. The leader said some more somber words. 

A man approached Marlin with a bowl and a knife. The leader gave some more solemn instructions. Marlin nodded. 

Marlin took the knife and cut the palm of his left hand, collecting the blood in the bowl. The attendant then took the knife and gave Marlin a small card to hold. Marlin touched the card to a candle and set it alight. 

The leader then began reciting an oath, pausing after each sentence to allow Marlin to repeat. Marlin repeated the oath as the card burned in the fingers. When the oath was completed he put the burning card in the blood collected in the cup. The attendant gave Marlin a strip of cloth with which to wrap his hand. 

The attendant took the smoking cup to a nearby table. Several other vials of dark liquid were added to the cup. Marlin was directed to sit on a nearby bench. Another hooded man took the bowl and sat on a stool next to him. The man produced a small set of tools, dipped one of them into the liquid, and began tapping the tool into Marlin's skin. They were giving Marlin a tattoo! 

When they were done, Marlin once more stood before the leader and was given additional warnings and instructions. Marlin acknowledged his understanding and assent. In the end, the hooded men extinguished their candles, plunging the room into total darkness. The hood was once again placed on Marlin's head.

Sensing an end to the proceedings, Annor raced back up the street to return home before Marlin and his escorts. Annor dove back into his bed and pretended to be asleep.

He heard the door close and Marlin walk, alone, back to his room. There was a pause as Marlin checked on Annor's door, then he heard Marlin's bedroom door close. 

DM Note-
I role-played Marlin's entire initiation into the "Organization" in private with Marlin's player, basing it heavily on the initiation rituals of the Cosa Nostra mafia. I had Marlin's player draw a card from the Tarokka deck - meaning I rolled randomly. We didn't like the result so I allowed Marlin's player to choose the card with the most symbolic meaning for his character. The burned card and blood was then mixed with ink and made into a tattoo.

Getting Ready to Go
The next morning, the party prepared their gear for their excursion to the lair of the lizardfolk. Marlin noticed that Annor's demeanor had become cool and distant. When asked about his problem, Annor accused Marlin of betrayal, corruption, and possible devil worship. Marlin made a blanket denial and told his brother everything was under control. 

Annor then noticed Marlin's new boots. They were fancy green felt boots with curled toes and silver trim. 

"Where did you get those?!" Annor demanded.

"These? I bought them from Captain Xendrik." replied Marlin.

"WHAT? I thought she didn't carry magic items!"cried Annor.

"Oh, that's just what she says. It turns out, if you pay her, you're joining her 'secret society'" Marlin made finger-quotes, "and she shows you what she has. I bought these fancy boots! They were made by elves and they're very quiet!"

Annor was very jealous and refused to talk with his brother while they finished packing.

DM Note- 
I had do some flashbacks to the previous week (last session) to shoe-horn in some plot details and retroactively take care of some housekeeping. 

Travel to Dunwater
The party, along with the newcomers Alot Aname the warforged and Oceanus the sea elf, set out west towards the Dunwater river. They took a barge across the Janustream river and hiked up and over the hill overlooking the Tower of Zenopus. Their route would take them into the eastern edge of the Hool marshes towards the Dunwater River.

Marlin looked down upon the ruined tower and thought about its storied history and downfall. He found it fascinating and wanted to some day explore it. Only the many admonitions of his wizard mentor Keledek kept him from seeking its mysteries.

As they hiked over the hill covered in boulders, small trees, and tall grasses, the party once more went over the plan.

They were taking two mules carrying the weapons that the lizard folk had purchased from the smugglers. They were to approach the lizard folk lair in peace and ask to speak to their leader. Their mission was to find out what the lizard folk planned to do with the weapons. If their intentions were hostile towards a human settlement, they'd fight their way out. If they meant no hostility towards humans, they were to learn what they could about the threat they faced, give the lizard folk their weapons, and return home.

Comfortable that the team planned no hostile action towards the Lizard folk, Aella told them about an encounter she had with Eda Oweland after last week's council meeting.

She said that Eda approached her after the council meeting and made her a secret offer. Eda said she'd pay a bounty of ten gold coins for every lizard-folk head they came back with. Eda explained that she considered the lizardfolk occupation of the old sea-cave an incursion and a prelude to invasion. Eda said that a few weeks ago she had secretly hired a group of mercenaries from Seaton to attack the lizardfolk and drive them out, but they never came back! Eda feared that they were all killed!

Aella said that she waited to tell the others until she felt confident they weren't planning on massacring them all. 

Bullywug Ambush!
The party trudged through muck of the lowland swamps approaching the Dunwater river. They were surrounded on all sides by tall grasses as high as a man's shoulder and the occasional small copse of trees. The sky was grey and breezy. They were a few miles inland so there was no sign or sound of the ocean. The air was filled with buzzing flies. The party followed a muddy game trail through the high grass.

Suddenly, out of the grasses leaped six large humanoid frogs carrying spears! They had been ambushed by the dreaded bullywugs of the Hool marshes! Two bullywugs attacked Annor, one attacked Alot, and three harried Aella. As each amphibious attacker struck with its spear, it would inflate its massive throat and croak a horrible bellow in the face of its victim, wrapping its mouth around the victim in a grisly bite.

As soon as the melee began, Marlin dove off the path into the tall grass.

A second later, the sound of half a dozen armored troops could be heard approaching from behind. Alot looked over his shoulder but saw nothing but the sound gave the bullywugs pause but they continued to attack.

Aella waved her hand and a magical gust of wind blew against her attackers, pushing one bullywug away. Marlin appeared out of the grass and killed one of the bullywugs.

Oceanus launched several quarrels from his new crossbow while Annor and Alot hewed a bloody swath through the bullywugs that beset them.

The bullywugs were soon  defeated. One survived and hopped away down the path, loudly croaking. Alot gave chase!

Alot chased the fleeing Bullywug down the path about sixty feet and emerged onto a clearing. The tall grass had been cleared revealing a muddy open circle approximately thirty feet in diameter. There were three bullywugs standing in the center of the clearing as if waiting for Alot to appear. The center bullywug had red skin and four arms!

The Bullywug Champion
Alot paused and the fleeing bullywug ran towards and joined the trio in the center. Alot looked around and saw about a dozen other bullywugs standing at the edge of the clearing like guards. A large and powerful bullywug wearing an impressive headdress - evidently some kind of leader - sat atop a massive frog the size of a horse on the far side of the clearing.

The four armed bullywug glared menacingly at Alot before turning to face his leader. He made some kind of boastful declaration while slapping his chest and inflating his throat sac and bellowing. He turned and pointed his spear at Alot as if offering  a challenge.

Alot understood and stepped forward to accept the challenge. He could hear his companions running up the muddy path behind him as well as the sound of a mysterious force of armored warriors somewhere in the grass. Annor, Aella, and Oceanus stood stood behind him.

Alot charged the bullywug champion. To his surprise, the bullywugs flanking the champion attacked! This was not the one-on-one challenge Alot expected! The bullywug champion danced around Alot, flanking him. The champion inflated his throat sac again and bellowed a war cry that sounded like fingers on a board of slate. The grating sound caused Alot and Annor to cry out in mental agony.

Annor and Aella joined the battle while Oceanus stayed near the edge, picking off bullywugs with his crossbow. As soon as the sound of the marching squad of troops could be heard, the leader of the bullywugs sent most of the others standing guard around the clearing to go investigate.

The Bullywug champion once again bellowed, this time invigorating the bullywugs around him. The bullywugs became enshrouded in a glowing nimbus resembling a giant tentacled frog creature - the froghemoth!

Despite the magical assistance, the champion was quickly defeated. Seeing the defeat of their champion sent a shock through the remaining warriors. Suddenly a hail of arrows streaked through the sky and landing into the mud around the clearing, causing Alot and Annor to flinch. The remaining bullywug warriors surrendered.

Upon seeing the defeat of his champion, the hail of arrows, the surrender of his fighters, and the sound of marching troops, the bullywug leader decided to flee, croaking out an order to his guard to do the same. The remaining bullywugs scattered into various directions. The two warriors dragged the unconscious body of their four-armed champion with them.

After the battle, Marlin emerged from the tall grass. The sound of the marching troops disappeared, as did the arrows in the mud. "Did you like that?"

Annor looked around, confused, "Was that you? How'd you do that?"

"I've been studying to cast magical spells. I've learned a few illusion spells from Keledek."

Annor winced, "Quit saying his name! You know he can hear you whenever you do that."

Marlin scoffed and rolled his eyes, "Pfft. Whatever."

A quick search of the area revealed that the bullywug leader had abandoned an old human helmet filled with dozens of platinum pieces!

The clearing was high enough to be dry and the hour was growing late. Although they were very near their destination, the party decided to camp here for the night.

DM Note- 
The players LOVED bullywug champion. Annor's player said, "I want him to join our group! Please tell me his name starts with an 'A'". I looked, "Yes, his name is 'Arrp'." He was ecstatic. Annor's player instructed the others to let Arrp live. 

I ruled that Marlin's illusions gave him an Intimidation check with Advantage. He rolled a 16 which was enough to overcome King Gulpa'Gor's morale, as noted on page 66 in GoS.

The Lair of the Lizard Folk
The night passed uneventfully. Alot, who, as a mechanical construct, had no need to sleep, stood guard all night.

DM Note- 
I use a house rule for camping and sleeping rough. At the end of the long rest, each PC makes a DC 10 Survival check. Success means they get the benefit of the long rest. A failure means they did not get a long rest but could take up to eight short rests instead. There's actually a rule similar to this on page 25 for resting in the Hool Marshes. Except the DC is 15 and applies to short and long rests. 

Dawn revealed a cloudy morning. A strong breeze blew in from the south. Before them the Dunwater river flowed into the Azure sea. The water here was wide and shallow with many sand bar islands, making it easy to ford. Beyond the river rose a rocky prominence covered in large boulders, clumps of beach grass, and small trees. A muddy path led up the prominence and split into two.

The party crossed the Dunwater river and climbed the path. Where the path split they found a dozen severed heads impaled on long poles. The heads were from humans, half-orcs, and half-ogres - no doubt they were the mercenaries from Seaton.

The path leading right led into a wide cave. The cave was flooded and dark. The water rippled as something large slipped beneath the surface. The party decided to turn back and take the other path.

The path to the left circled around the east face of the prominence and led to a large stout iron-bound door set into the side of the hill. The door was at least ten feet wide and large enough to admit entry of an animal-drawn cart and heavy enough to withstand all but a heavy battering ram.

"Odd," thought Marlin, "Lizard folk are not known for their architecture."

Annor knocked on the door.

A few minutes later, the door opened to reveal a reptilian guard with a humanoid posture. The guard carried a primitive spear and wooden club. He spoke in a strange hissing language. His demeanor was threatening.

Aella said, "He speaks a dialect of draconic. I speak draconic, let me talk to him."

Aella told the others that the lizard man told them to go away, wondering aloud why we approached in spite of the warning placed on the path below.

DM Note-
The lizard folk referred to everyone in the party as "Man-People", making no distinction between male or female, human or elf or warforged. To him, all non-lizard-folk were male and they all looked alike. 

Aella told the guard that they were delivering a shipment of weapons that the lizard folk had purchased. She indicated the two mules bearing their bundles. She told him that they would deliver the weapons under the condition that they speak with their leader.

The guard hissed with annoyance and closed the door.

The party waited outside the door for fifteen minutes before it once again reopened. This time the lizard man guard was accompanied by an entire squad of half-a-dozen warriors.

A lizard man who appeared to be the squad leader now addressed Aella. He told to leave the weapons and go.

Aella refused, reiterating her demand to speak with their leader. The squad leader made an intimidating lunge to test Aella's resolve. She did not flinch. He bared his many pointed teeth and hissed. He finally acquiesced, instructing her and the party to follow him and to not deviate. He would lead them to Princess Othokent. Aella relayed the message.

As they entered, the squad leader instructed a subordinate to run and alert the shamans of the development. He turned and dashed off with the message.

Audience with Princess Othokek
The party was led into some wide tunnels dug under the hill. The tunnels were crudely excavated from stone and supported by primitive wooden beams.

They were eventually led to a set of ornately carved wooden doors - finer craftsmanship than one normally associates with lizard folk. The squad leader opened the door to reveal a large chamber, sixty feet by fifty feet, with a high ceiling supported by six wooden pillars carved with what appeared to be totems.

On the far side of chamber, a mattress had been propped up against the wall along with a practice target dummy shaped like a fish-person.

Within the room was a tall humanoid lizard wearing armor and sporting a magnificent headdress. This lizardfolk was consulting with a burly lizard. Scattered throughout the room were eight other lizardfolk practicing hand-to-hand combat and throwing javelins at the target dummy.

The party's escort announced their presence and introductions were made to the tall lizard - Princess Othokent.

Aella spoke in draconic and addressed the Princess with deference and respect. She explained their purpose in coming to the lair and presented their delivery of the weapons. To everyone's surprise, Princess Othokent thanked her in the common tongue, using eloquent and erudite language uncommon among the lizardfolk. Othokent introduced her lieutenant Irhtos before asking him to continue training the soldiers while she met with their guests.

Before they could continue their conversation, a group of robed lizardfolk wearing tall headdresses burst into the room.

Princess Othokent apologized for the intrusion. She explained to the party that these were the tribe's shamans.

A few moments later another lizard man ran into the room. He wore a necklace laden with various medallions and sported a different style of headdress from the shamans. He wore human style glasses and seemed rushed. He could be heard crying out in common, "Princess! Princess! I must inform you that... Oh. Drat. They got here first." He looked at the shamans with disdain and annoyance. They, likewise, considered this new arrival a pest.

The princess looked slightly embarrassed, "This is my minister of state, Sauriv."

The spokespersson of the shamans spoke up. He expressed the displeasure the shamans felt at the intrusion of these "man-people" into the depths of the lizardfolk lair and demanded they be captured, put to death, and prepared as food for the hatchlings.

Sauriv interrupted them, claiming that the humans presented a valuable opportunity and could be useful in the upcoming war.

Princess Othokent stopped them both in order to explain the situation to the party. She told them that her tribe had been recently evicted from their home by a race of evil aquatic humanoids known as Sauhuagin and that they were forced to relocate here. The sauhuagin were expanding their territory and posed a threat to the entire coast - both underwater and along the shore. She had purchased the weapons from Sanbalet to use in retaking their home and defeating the sauhuagin. To that end, she ordered her attendants to pay the party the remaining balance of what they agreed to pay Sanbalet - two ingots of electrum.

Marlin immediately offered the assistance of the party and suggested forming an alliance with the land-dwellers of Saltmarsh. Orthokent thanked him but explained that she has already formed an alliance with the other races of the sea.

Marlin asked Oceanus if that was true. Oceanus confirmed that the sauhuagin were indeed a dangerous threat but said that the sea-elf tribe of Manaan had received no such offer of alliance.

Othokent looked ashamed. She said that she purposefully did not seek the aid of the sea elves. Instead, she requested audience with representatives of the merfolk, the locathah, and - she trailed off and paused before looking Oceanus in the face - the koalinth.

Oceanus' face became a sneer. He shouted in aquan before declaring that Othokent was dangerous for only an enemy would ally with the koalinth!

Marlin and Annor restrained Oceanus and attempted to calm him down, but the sea elf was livid beyond consolation. Othokent apologized and explained that the sea elves and the koalinth were bitter enemies and would never put aside their differences to fight together in an alliance. So she chose the stronger of the two sides for her alliance. That was why she did not reach out to the sea elves.

The shamans pointed to Oceanus' outburst as further evidence that such an alliance was a bad idea and that any contact with outsiders was dangerous. Orthokent acknowledged the concerns of the shamans but considered Marlin's offer of aid.

She told Marlin she acknowledged that the aid of the land-dwellers would be helpful but, pointing to the shamans, she illustrated the resistance she faced among her own tribe. She said that any potential alliance would have to overcome th innate hatred and distrust the shamans felt towards land-dwelling outsiders. She seemed pensive and said that she had much to ponder. She told the party that she would consider the party's offer of alliance.

She invited them to stay as guests of the lizardfolk, to meet those skeptics among her people and, by their actions and behavior, convince them that the land-dwellers would be worthy allies. She invited them to return at noon the next day, at which time, after having taken into consideration the consultation of her various advisers, she would render her decision.

To be Continued...

Next week: the Goodwill Tour!

1 comment:

  1. Best session yet Chris! Lots of character building and interaction, plus some combat and role-playing interactions with NPC's. I love playing Marlin and look forward to next session!
