
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

"The Cradle of the Death God" - Tomb of Annihilation, Chapter 42

After defeating the Night Hags known as the Sewn Sisters, the party got some much needed rest. Sufficiently recharged, they prepared to open the Iron Skeleton Gate.

They inserted all five keys and opened the gate. A gust of hot air poured out. Before them was a corridor that descended a long set of stairs.

They emerged into a large triangular room filled with lava. The near wall ran along a ten foot ledge. Two balconies were located half-way along the two opposite walls, upon which were piles of pots, boxes, and jars. A balcony containing a glowing portal formed the apex on the far end of the triangle.

A fifteen foot wide platform was suspended over the lava in the center of the room by three heavy adamantine chains connected to the ledge and both balconies. Atop the platform was a large glass cylinder. The interior of the cylinder was filled with swirling glowing mists and thousands of tiny glowing motes. Three gaseous tendrils emanated from the top of the cylinder and writhed in the air as if alive. The cylinder resembled a life-sized version of the model of the Soulmonger they were shows in the Heart of Ubtao.

Hovering above and behind the Soulmonger was a vision out of nightmare. A grotesquely misshapen humanoid form, bloated and malformed, resembling a human fetus the size of an elephant but covered in sores, pustules, small cuts, an twisted growths engorged with purple blood. Its bulbous eyes were barely open as if half asleep. A long tapering tongue snaked out of its stupidly gaping mouth like a gruesome worm or tentacle.

It was the Atropal.


  • Bramble Wolf - a theran barbarian wise-man (Wildhunt Shifter Druid) searching for the legendary origin of his tribe, recently transformed into a woman by a magic fountain, slowly becoming a goat due to a curse from a bronze staff. Current bearer of the spirit of the trustworthy god Moa.
  • Apparently Jones - a blue-skinned demijin caravan guide and animal trainer (Air Genasi Ranger) from Akasa, the land of sky mountains. Having failed to find work in Port Nyanzaru as an animal handler, she has joined the expedition to the interior as a scout. Current bearer of the spirit of the foolhardy god of froghemoths named Kubazan.
  • Xoc-Wik - a b'alam warrior (Tabaxi Fighter) from the jungles of Bres, searching for those responsible for the destruction of his tribe.
  • Zeynap Shiravadakar - a Eusebean smuggler (Human Warlock) bearing the spirit of a celestial unicorn. Current bearer of the spirit of the nimble god I'Jin.
  • Argent Truth-Sayer - a golden azi knight errant of Bhamut (Dragonborn Paladin) in the service of Bhamut, sent on a holy mission to join the expedition to destroy the Soul Monger. Current bearer of the spirit of the selfish god of wealth Nangnang.
  • Zorai - vyth (grey-skinned alien) explorer sent to Omu to investigate the massive seismic event that coincided with its destruction; trapped within a magic mirror soon after the destruction of Omu more than 150 years ago.
  • Orvex Ocrammas - archaeologist and historian; rescued from the Fane of the Night Serpent.

The Soulmonger
The party paused on the descending stairs to make a plan. After much deliberation, they entered the  chamber. Xoc-Wik had succumbed to Brain Fever so Orvex stayed behind to watch after the b'alam archer.

Inside, they saw alcoves along the wall behind him. Each alcove was filled with bones, the skeletal remains of Omuans who had been shackled there to die many decades ago.

Zeynap channeled the celestial magic of his patron through arcane blasts towards the glass cylinder. Apparently followed up with arrows charged with magical electricity loosed from her longbow. Argent charged the cylinder, balancing on the massive chain that was stretched taut. Their attacks began to damage the heavy glass cylinder. Cracks began to form on its surface and its metal components were beginning to break apart.

The massive Atropal took notice and slowly opened its small torpid eyes within sunken eye sockets. The eyes glowed brilliantly with the purple necrotic energy of Skion. It glared at Apparently and Zeynap. The mere presence of the Atropal drained the heroes of their energy, leaving them physically exhausted. Its gaze caused crippling pain and seizures.

Vythi-Zorai fell down dead.

Zeynap redirected his magical energy, creating a zone of celestial radiance around the Atropal. The Atropal writhed in pain at the exposure to holy power and slowly floated forward.

Bramble transformed into a giant ape and leaped into the lava pit. The massive simian caught the chain and swung hand-over-hand to the balcony to the left. There it was large enough and close enough to engage the Atropal in hand-to-hand combat - freeing her companions to concentrate their fire on the Soulmonger.

The Soulmonger began to crack further. Green gaseous tendrils swirled around and struck at Apparently and Argent. The Atropal abandoned Bramble and closed with the ledge, focusing its attacks on Zeynap.

Despite the Atropal's intervention, Argent, Apparently, and Zeynap's attacks were able to destroy the cylinder. It exploded into shards of broken glass and metal debris. The souls trapped within escaped with the sound of thousands of sighing souls, swirling in a brilliant cyclone before dissipating into nothingness.

The massive fetal THING screamed in frustration at the loss of its food source. It struck out in anger at Apparently and Zeynap. Argent moved back to the ledge to help defend his companions. Zeynap channeled a celestial witch bolt of electrical energy at the massive creature. It soon exploded, drenching the room with rotting meat and black and purple ichor!

Enter Acererak
There was barely a moment to catch their breaths when a large skeletal figure magically appeared on the alcove at the apex of the triangle. It was tall and wore long purple robes that seemed to flow and writhe on its own. Its face was a glowing yellow-green skull wreathed in gaseous energy. It held in its claw-like right hand a long staff tipped with a skull decorated with ram horns. Around its neck it wore an amulet shaped like the green horned devil face seen throughout the tomb. A black sphere with a diameter as long as a man's arm hovered just behind the skeletal entity.

It was Acererak.

It looked around at the devastation, confused. It spoke an a thin reedy voice like a screeching clarinet.

"Wha- What happened here? Where's my Soulmonger? Wait- Where's my Atropal? WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO WITH MY ATROPAL??!!"

DM Comment-
I plopped down a Skeletor toy for Acererak. I did my best to mimic Skeletor's voice and insults. Lots of "You gibbering boob!" and "You floundering idiot!" and just general put downs of their intelligence and capabilities. He was a hoot! 

Bramble, Zeynap, and Apparently felt suddenly invigorated. The totem-spirits within them wanted revenge against the arch-lich. They felt empowered, energized, and ready to fight!

Argent replied, "We destroyed the Soulmonger. We killed the Atropal."

Acererak was taken aback, "You- you WHAT? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? It was almost finished! It was THIS close to consuming enough souls to ascend to godhead! I was about to control a god with power over death! I mean, WHAT THE FUCK?"

Argent bragged of their achievement, "We have put a stop to your plan. Now we will put an end to you!"

Apparently attacked Acererak with arrows while Zeynap sent an electrical witch-bolt. Acererak sent the black sphere towards Bramble, who had transformed back into goat form after defeating the Atropal, and directed dark life-draining energy towards Zeynap. The black sphere brushed against Bramble's shoulder, completely obliterating all matter it touched. Bramble bleated in pain and jerked away.

After summoning a healing spirit wolf to assist Argent and Zeynap, Bramble once again transformed into a giant ape. She climbed along the wall  towards the apex, closing to fight hand-to-hand with Acererak.

"That's too close, you simian simpleton! Be gone!" Acererak pointed at her and sent the giant ape into a labyrinthine dimension whose only exit lay at the end of a complicated maze.

Acererak then directed the floating orb of darkness across the room to harass Zeynap.

Zeynap moved away from the sphere and Argent made his way across the chains towards the balcony on the right. Acererak momentarily lost control of the sphere which moved ten feet towards him over the lava. He soon rectified the lapse and redirected it back towards Zeynap.

DM Comment-
Given his Arcana skill of +11, which is doubled to +22 by the Amulet of Annihilation, Acererak pretty much automatically controls the Sphere of Annihilation (DC 25). However, I rolled a 2 that round.

Apparently was loosing magical lightning arrows into Acererak. The arch-lich tilted his head, "You Bumbling Boob! You have caused me harm!  You should feel flattered that I even consider it necessary to bring out the big guns to deal with you. DIE!"

Apparently Jones fell down dead.

Zeynap stopped to check on Apparently, hoping to stabilize her. He was shocked to find that she was completely dead.

DM Comment-
Zeynap's Player: "No saving throw?"
Me: "Nope. Power Word Kill. Welcome to the big leagues!"
Zeynap's Player: "Whaaaaa???"

Bramble reappeared from the extra-dimensional maze.

DM Comment-
Bramble's player rolled a 20.

Acererak replied, "I see you managed to find an exit despite your obvious mental deficiencies . Well, we'll take care of that!" Acererak once again banished Bramble to the arcane labyrinth.

Argent took a running jump from the balcony to the alcove, soaring over fifteen feet of lava. He landed next to Acererak. Zeynap moved out onto the balcony from which Argent just leaped. Acererak responded by releasing a wave of necrotic energy that disrupted the very living essences of both Argent and Zeynap. Argent withered and fell down unconscious.

Bramble once again escaped from the arcane labyrinth. Bramble leaped onto the walls and climbed over towards Acererak's alcove. She grabbed Acererak in her giant simian fist and jumped away from the alcove, falling backwards into the lava thirty feet below!

Bramble and Acererak hit the surface of the molten stone and immediately caught fire. Bramble bellowed but maintained her grip on Acererak. Acererak burned. The arch-lich writhed and screamed as he was engulfed in flame. Acererak was reduced to ash and bone.

DM Comment-
Bramble was getting 50 temporary hit points per turn on top of her Giant Ape hit points. Acererak was down to 93 hit points. He was going to teleport away as soon as it was hit turn, and he was next in the initiative order! They both took 54 damage when they hit the lava. At the beginning of Acererak's turn, he took another 68 points of damage and died! In retrospect, he should have taken the damage at the END of his turn which would have given him the opportunity to escape. Whatever, him dying was way cooler than him escaping. Plus, he's not REALLY dead. 

Bramble quickly transformed into a bird of prey and flew out of the lava. She landed next to Argent and transformed back into the form of a humanoid goat. She knelt next to the dragon man but he was gone.

DM Comment-
Bramble was hoping he had time to save Argent. Unfortunately Argent rolled a 1 on his first death save which counted as two failures! He died on the next turn. 

The Mist Gate
After the remains of their fallen friends were reverently given to the lava, the two survivors Bramble and Zeynap rested and recuperated. The spirits of I'Jin and Unkh  were still with them but the fervor of battling Acererak had passed.

They explored the two balconies. They found clay canopic jars, urns, glass jars filled with glittery ash, and other containers sealed with wax and inscribed with mystic runes. Bramble concluded that they were the phylacteries of liches allied with or beholden to Acererak. Bramble and Zeynap ditched all the jars and urns they could find into the lava.

They found that the iron skeleton gate was unlocked and they rejoined Orvex. The trio evaluated their options for escaping the Tomb of Nine Gods - climb out through the waterfall or take a different route? Bramble told the others that Peggy Deadbells had given him a black marble and said that the way out led through something called "the Ebon Pool" and that the charred bones pointed the way, though he admitted that he didn't know what that meant.

Not wanting to risk an encounter with Ringu or G'lyh'rul by swimming through the underground lake, or encountering the caretaker of the tomb, Mister Withers, they decided to explore what lay past the glowing portal at the apex of the triangular room.

DM Comment-
I asked Apparently's player to play Orvex for what remained of the module.

They made their way across the lava to the balcony at the apex and crossed through the glowing portal.

Chapel of Hate
They found themselves in an eerie chapel lined with columns. Strange long-limbed creatures were shackled to the walls of the chapel by their wrists. Their heads were covered. The creatures became agitated when the trio entered the room. At the far end of the chapel was a large tapestry. Before the tapestry was a stone table. A large burlap sack lay on the table, slowly squirming.

The trio ignored the chained creatures and cautiously opened the burlap sack.

DM Comment-
I asked the players who they wanted to be in the sack. I told them to choose their favorite surviving NPC, someone they liked. They discussed it and asked if they could choose a PC.

Within the sack was Nova Scotia Blackman. He was naked save for a primitive shift and was no longer a reanimated zombie!

Zeynap and Bramble exchanged warm greetings with their former companion. Nova explained that he had joined a group of other explorers to find a cure for his condition. Somewhere along the way he was captured by the Sewn Sisters. They said something about him being used as a final sacrifice to trigger the ascendance of the Atropal to godhead. They had said that since his soul was from another world, it carried special power. They restored his soul, which had been trapped in the Soulmonger, and prepared him for the sacrifice.

DM Comment-
Argent's player was also NSB's player, so he got to resume NSB. It was a nice bookend. I had thought about making the clone be NSB but went with Argent after his untimely passing two weeks previous.

Hall of Finality
The quartet discovered a hidden passage behind the tapestry. The floor of the passage was decorated with three paths made from colored tiles - a red path, a purple path, and a gold path.  Each of the three paths led to one of four door jambs. Each door jamb displayed nothing but blank wall. The fourth door jamb had no path but a decrepit skeleton lying on the floor pointed towards it. A plaque on the wall read "Behold the fate of those who defy me!"

I'Jin urged Zeynap to take the purple trail for no other reason than it was the god's favorite color. Zeynap rolled his eyes and refused.

Orvex closely examined the wall within the door jamb with no trail and found arcane wards. The party decided to ignore that one for now.

Zeynap walked the red trail towards its door jamb. The arch presented a blank wall. He touched it and found that his fingers passed into solid stone as if it were mud. He could only push forward. No amount of effort could cause him to pull back. He decided to go all the way in. Orvex shrugged and followed him.

Nova and Bramble, however, chose the gold path. They followed it and touched the blank wall within the arch. There was a peal of deafening thunder loud enough to buckle their knees and for  the stone of the doorway to crack and crumble. Beyond was an old dark hallway filled with cobwebs. A dimly lit room illuminated by a red candle lay beyond.

The Red Library
They cautiously entered the room and found a library filled with hundreds of ancient books. An old human lay asleep at a writing desk while a music box shaped like a five-sided lantern played a gently twinkling tune.

They woke him gently. He was surprised to have visitors, "Oh, why did you disturb me? I was resting nicely."

He introduced himself as Mister Fox and said he was the librarian here, bound to serve Master Acererak for eternity. He answered any question he could about the library but was unaware of anything outside this room, which he hadn't left in over a hundred years.

Nova looked around at some of the books with curiosity. He asked if he could take any of the books but Mister Fox steadfastly refused.

Mister Fox put on a pair of spectacles and examined Bramble closely, "Say, have I met you before? Perhaps in another life or another time?"

Bramble deduced that Mister Fox was the same being the party had met in the Wardrobe of the Infinite Labyrinth, but he said merely, "No, I don't think so."

A moment later, Zeynap and Orvex emerged from the wall in an alcove at the rear of the room, very confused.

Bramble addressed them matter-of-factly, as if their appearance was expected, "Come on, there's nothing for us here. Let's go."

The Ebon Pool
They returned to the hall. Zeynap channeled the celestial magic of his patron Brightmane to dispel the magic ward on the blank archway indicated by the skeleton. Bramble touched the wall and passed through. It soon became evident that Zeynap had not seen a second ward on the door for a wall of flame appeared at the entry to the passage. The wall of flame slowly started moving towards the party. They all moved quickly through the door.

They found themselves in a small confined room. In the middle of the room was a shallow basin made of brick. The basin was filled with smooth black liquid. The party stood around staring at it.

Zeynap took the bold path of stepping into it. He was standing up to his ankle in black liquid. When he stepped out, he saw that his boots and pants legs, anything touching the black liquid, was gone, though his feet were unharmed.

"Huh" he said.

Bramble tossed the marble into the pool. A black obelisk rose from the pool to a height of ten feet.

After a quick glance around to see what each other thought, each member of the party simultaneously reached out and touched the obelisk.

They found themselves standing around the black obelisk at the entrance to the Tomb of Nine Gods. They were outside. It was daytime. It was hot. It was muggy. It was pouring rain.

Welcome to Chult.

Dungeon Master - Christian C.
Nova Scotia Blackman - Jeff L.
Hasegawa Tōhaku - Jeff L.
Argent Truthsayer - Jeff L.
Bramble Wolf - Scott D.
Apparently Jones - Erica J.
Xoc-Wik - Jeff D.
Qhallebbewk Zriri - Jeff M.
Zeynap Shiravadakar - Jeff M.

The team reunited with Princess Mwaxanaré outside of Omu. They returned to her the Skull Chalice of Ch’gakare as well as the Scepter of Queen Napaka. They offered their assistance in removing the Nagini from Omu and re-establishing the city and her monarchy.

The princess thanked them but pointed out that all that would come in due time. First, she had to return to Port Nyanzaru. She had to establish her credentials. She would need their help to overthrow the corrupt merchant princes. After that she would hire an army to return and rebuild Omu.

Bramble seemed especially eager to help overthrow the merchant princes.

Nova Scotia Blackman vowed to return to the Tomb of the Nine Gods to find the Armillary Sphere which he hoped to use to return home.

Bramble wrinkled her goat eyes, "I can't help but think we forgot something important."

Zeynap replied, "Well, there's still a lot in there that we didn't take care of."

Bramble looked worried, "No, it's something else."

Meanwhile, back in the former lair of the Sewn Sisters, Xoc-Wik was just waking from his brain fever. He was alone.

"Hello! Hello? Where is everyone? Hello?"

The End


  1. Great work. Acererak burning is awesome. Is there a place where we can see the stats of the PCs?

    1. Thanks. I have everyone's character sheets but it's all at the end of the campaign. I didn't take any pictures or anything at the beginning.
