
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

"The Chamber of Opposition" - Tomb of Annihilation, Chapter 34

The party continued down a side corridor at the end of the hall of reflection. The passage turned right. There was an alcove ahead  on the right in the middle of the corridor. Argent stepped into and found a door which he opened.

Within he found a large stone cauldron filled with what appeared to be piping hot soup. There was another open doorway on the opposite wall that opened into another room of identical size but with no cauldron. The iridescent light cast by Zeynap's magic revealed a dark figure standing in front of a doorway on the far opposite wall of the other room. The dark figure was a silhouette of Argent, black as shadow but with form. It was a dark reflection of Argent, mirroring his every minor movement.


  • Bramble Wolf - a theran barbarian wise-man (Wildhunt Shifter Druid) searching for the legendary origin of his tribe, recently transformed into a woman by a magic fountain. Current bearer of the spirit of the trustworthy god Moa.
  • Apparently Jones - a blue-skinned demijin caravan guide and animal trainer (Air Genasi Ranger) from Akasa, the land of sky mountains. Having failed to find work in Port Nyanzaru as an animal handler, she has joined the expedition to the interior as a scout.
  • Xoc-Wik - a b'alam warrior (Tabaxi Fighter) from the jungles of Bres, searching for those responsible for the destruction of his tribe.
  • Zeynap Shiravadakar - a Eusebean smuggler (Human Warlock) bearing the spirit of a celestial unicorn. Current bearer of the spirit of the proud warrior god Popazotl.
  • Argent Truth-Sayer - a golden azi knight errant of Bhamut (Dragonborn Paladin) in the service of Bhamut, sent on a holy mission to join the expedition to destroy the Soul Monger. Current bearer of the spirit of the selfish god of wealth Nangnang.
  • Orvex Ocrammas - translator and guide for hire; rescued from the Fane of the Night Serpent.
The Chamber of Opposition
Argent recited the phrase from the plaque, "Slake your shadow at the font". The dragon-man took a ladle from the wall and dipped it into the cauldron. The ladle passed through the steaming soup as if it were air.  He looked up and saw that his shadow-duplicate was mirroring his exact movements in the opposite room with a shadow ladle. As he examined the shadow so to did his shadow examine him.

He approached the doorway connecting the two rooms. The shadow approached him. They faced each other bearing empty ladles. He went back and forth, trying in vain to dip the ladle into the illusory soup, even plunging his head into the soup to no avail. Argent eventually gave up and left the room. His shadow likewise walked into the bare alcove in the far room and disappeared.

Zeynap entered the room. A shadow reflection of Zeynap appeared in the far alcove. Zeynap said "Zappow!" and hurled an eldritch blast at his shadow. The shadow evaporated and Zeynap doubled over in pain. After a moment, he got up and hobbled out of the room.

Apparently said, "My turn." She took the ladle off the wall, walked around the cauldron towards the open doorway. She and her shadow both turned sideways and passed each other through the doorway. She walked into the empty room while her shadow approached the cauldron. She mimed dipping her ladle into mid-air. Her shadow, meanwhile, dipped its black ladle into the cauldron.

Bramble rolled her eyes and exclaimed, "Finally! It took you people long enough!"

Apparently mimed drinking from the ladle. Her shadow sipped the illusory soup. Apparently felt invigorated by the action. She continued miming the action of drinking the soup. Eventually all the soup was gone.

Argent inspected the now empty cauldron and saw that an eye made of bright orange crystal remained in the bottom. He picked it up and examined it before storing it in a belt pouch.

DM Commentary- I re-wrote the Chamber of Opposition. In mine, I added the empty room and made it so miming the act of drinking the soup gave you one temporary hit point per liter consumed - so eight temporary hit points total. I also changed the trap part so that if you killed your shadow, you rolled a Wisdom save or dropped to 0 hit points. Zeynap obviously made his save. Were I to do it again, I'd have him lose half his hit points on a failed save. 

The Peephole
The party left the room with the now-empty cauldron and turned a corner to the left. Xoc-Wik noticed a a peep hole in the stone about shoulder high. He looked through it and saw the hieroglyph of a vulture. Argent looked around the corner and saw the painting of man with the head of a jackal on the wall that the peephole should have been looking at. The painting was surrounded by a painted swarm of thousands of locusts emerging from the mouths of painted sphinxes. Set in the chest of the jackal, about shoulder height, was a gold medallion. There was a hole the size of man's finger in the center of the medallion. He looked into it and saw a tiny vulture hieroglyph. He waved his hand in front of the amulet and blocked its line of sight but Xoc-Wik could always see the vulture.

Argent saw that the amulet was set into the stone. He took out Wongo's hammer and began smashing it in an attempt to gain access to the mechanism behind it. The amulet  was destroyed and so too was the image in Xoc-Wik's peep hole.

Xoc-Wik shouted, "Hey! What are you doing?"

Once Argent removed the remains of the amulet, he found mechanical gears and a disk with twelve hieroglyphs.

Xoc-Wik came around the bend and saw the mechanism. He also immediately noticed that one of the locusts concealed a hidden button. He pressed it and the entire wall sank slowly into the floor, revealing the tomb of I'Jin beyond, its floor covered in hieroglyphs and the force column surrounding the funerary barge still intact.

"Way to go, Argent! The vulture is the first step, see?" The jaguar-man pointed at the first tile in the room, "I bet once you stepped on that the dial spun and showed you the next step through that peephole!"

Argent sheepishly scratched the back of his head.

"What does this peephole do?" boomed the voice of Bramble through the  mouths of the sphinxes in the tomb. Bramble looked around the corner in surprise.

Xoc-Wik threw up his hands in frustration, "-AND I could have told you what to do from the peephole! Great! Just Great! Hey, everybody, give me those crystal eyeballs for a second."

"What for?" said Bramble as Xoc-Wik gathered the two crystal eyeballs.

"I think somebody is using these to scry on us," he held them up to his face and looked into the eyes, "Hello! Could you maybe send some of your little creepy caretakers down here to fix this room? Something happened to it and it got broken! We have no idea how it happened, it was this way when we got here!"

Xoc-Wik threw the crystal eyeballs back to Argent in disgust as he walked away.

The Rotating Corridor
Zeynap looked down at an access duct to the right of the entrance to I'Jin's tomb, "Where does this go?"

Argent shrugged.

Zeynap, emboldened by the strident spirit of Popozotl, began delivering orders, "Argent, I'm going to need you to explore that access duct and report."

Argent shrugged again, got down on all fours, and began crawling into the passage.

Zeynap looked at Apparently, "You go with him."

She reacted with horror at the idea of crawling into small tight passage. Being underground was bad enough, "Hell no! You go! You're so keen to be the leader now, how about you lead from the front? Besides, isn't Argent your wing-man? Aren't you a little vulnerable now that he's gone?"

Zeynap considered this and said, "You're right. Good thinking. Argent! Wait up!"

Zeynap caught up with Argent as the passage took its second right turn. It proceeded fifteen feet and stopped at a dead end.

"Go forward and investigate!" said the Eusebean.

The pair continued crawling until they reached the dead end. Suddenly the fifteen foot section of passage began rotating like a giant screw, cutting them off from the rest of the access duct.

"Well, that can't be good!" said Zeynap.

Escape from the Rotating Corridor
Ten minutes passed with no sound or signal from Argent or Zeynap. Bramble and Xoc-Wik decided to follow and investigate, leaving Apparently with Orvex.

They entered the access duct, took a right, and took another right. The passage ahead continued for forty feet and turned right again. There was no sign of Argent or Zeynap. Bramble's keen senses noticed a thin line in the floor, wall, and ceiling of the passage ahead. He stopped Xoc-Wik and the pair discussed their options.

Unwilling to continue past the line, Bramble transformed herself into a small flying reptile-bird and flew down the corridor, emerging into the long hall separated by the watery membrane. She flew up to Apparently and Orvex from behind and resumed her theran form. After filling them in on what happened, she returned to the Xoc-Wik's position in the access duct.

After several minutes of brainstorming, Bramble proclaimed, "Ah! Of course!" She summoned two wolves into being from the spirit world. The wolves advanced into the tunnel ahead. After a few feet, the entire tunnel rotated, trapping the wolves but revealing a fifteen foot dead end.

"Huh, well, what now?" inquired Xoc-Wik.

"I don't know. now I'm stumped." she said.

A moment later, Apparently called down the access duct, "Found them! They just crawled out of the tunnel behind us!"

Bramble figured it out, "Ah! I got it! Our tunnel went all the way through, but there were two dead-end tunnels at right angles, get it?" She crossed her arms and tried to demonstrate to Xoc-Wik.

"No, but it doesn't matter now. Let's go." They rejoined the party and returned to the atrium.

The Tomb Guardians
They circumnavigated the atrium and returned to the wide corridor at the bottom of the stairs. The corridor was ten feet wide and over fifty feet long. Two large figures wearing heavy spiked armor stood motionless in alcoves near the entrance. A heavy spiked chain draped across the corridor between them as if to say access to this corridor was off-limits.

Argent strode up and smote the chain with his axe. It sparked but his blow failed to sever the chain.

The two guardians came alive and attacked Argent in turn. Argent bore the onslaught under his sturdy shield while Xoc-Wik, Apparently, and Zeynap attacked the guardians at range. The two guardians were soon destroyed, revealing their true nature - animated puppets made of dead flesh clad in heavy armor!

A quick search of the corridor revealed a side passage on the right, double doors at the end, and a hidden door on the left.

Kubazan's Tomb
Zeynap commanded Argent to enter the hidden door to the left. Argent replied by turning around and entering the corridor to the right.

Within they found a kind of temple. The entire wall to the right was carved to resemble a massive tentacled frog-like god, the froghemoth  known as Kubazan. Within the carving were four smaller carvings depicting rituals performed to Kubazan. The first showed a devotee casting coins over an altar. The second showed a devotee consuming an insect over an altar. The third displayed a devotee holding the severed head of a reptile-bird sacrifice. The fourth displayed the ritual burning of a candle.

Beneath the carvings was a small altar. Scattered around the altar were several coins, some dead insects, a bowl containing the long-dead remains of a rat, and a half-burned candle.

On the far wall was a large sarcophagus resting on a wide plinth. On the left wall was a collection of bones and old weapons. Four masks resembling frogs with tentacles wriggling from the sides hung on the wall.

Argent said, "I think we must reenact the scenes in the carvings.

They each took and donned a mask from the far wall.

Apparently took the coins and scattered them over the altar.

Bramble gathered up the dead insects and ate one before the altar.

Zeynap picked up the bowl with the dead rat and scattered the bones over the altar.

Argent exhaled a tiny bit of flame onto the candle to light it.

They waited for some kind of response. Suddenly, all four celebrants were magically transformed into frogs!

Xoc-Wik, standing in the doorway with Orvex, had only a moment to register the event as the bones on the wall behind them gathered together into coherent bipedal shapes with glowing ethereal ectoplasmic bodies. The screaming creatures lunged for Xoc-Wik in the doorway.

The frog that transformed into Bramble shot its tongue at one of the ghost-creatures with no effect. The frog that was Argent moved to block their advance towards Xoc-Wik.

Xoc-Wik loosed a magical exploding arrow into the midst of the frogs. The arrow exploded, vaporizing the frogs and causing his companions to return with four audible BLOPs.

Xoc-Wik maintained his position in the doorway while his reformed companions came to his aid. The ghostly guardians were soon dispatched.

"What happened?" asked Xoc-Wik.

Bramble glowered at Zeynap, "SOMEBODY didn't perform the correct ritual!"

"What?" replied Zeynap, "What was I supposed to do?"

"The picture clearly shows someone offering a blood sacrifice!" said Bramble.

"Where am I supposed to get that?" said the warlock.

"Use your own blood!" growled Argent.

"Look, I didn't know! It's not like there were any instructions!"

"What- What do you mean there weren't any instructions?" Sputtered Bramble. She pointed stiffly at the bas relief carvings on the wall, "They! Drew! You! A! Picture!"

Zeynap threw up his hands in defeat, "Alright alright! Let's do it again!"

They repeated the ritual. This time, Zeynap drew his own blood which he captured in the bowl. Upon completion, the lid to the large sarcophagus in the back of the room slowly raised.

"Your turn," said Bramble to Apparently.

Apparently slowly approached the open sarcophagus. Inside she found a collection of flakes and ashes, an ancient and decaying quiver of arrows, and two bracers decorated with froghemoths.

The light from Zeynap's spell dimmed as the massive shadow of a tentacled froghemoth rose against the wall and ceiling, enveloping Apparently. Apparently welcomed the spirit of Kubazan without reservation. She felt a wave of strength and confidence wash over her. She felt like she could take on the world!

The party decided to rest for two hours. They had gathered a number of artifacts that needed to be examined to determine if they were magical and, if so, what sorts of properties they might possess.

Xoc-Wik took possession of the bracers. He found that the accuracy of his archery attacks improved. He also felt moist and uncomfortable.

Bramble took the staff of the ram's head recovered from the body of the goat-man in the ring-shaped tunnel.

Argent gifted Apparently with the flaming sword of Ras Nsi. Argent, meanwhile, studied the colorful glass eyeballs they had so far recovered.

While they were resting, Bramble spotted one of the hunch-backed tomb custodians in the hallway. The custodian saw that it was spotted and quickly turned and fled. Bramble told the others but gave no chase. Xoc-Wik called out, "Don't forget to reset the peep-hole!"

Curse of the Golden Skull
Apparently, invigorated by her newfound confidence, went to enter the hidden door. Argent stopped her and reminded her that it was his job to go first. She reluctantly obliged.

Argent opened the door and found a short set of steps leading to a very small closet-like room. At the bottom of the stairs was a pillar, atop which sat a small gold skull with gemstone eyes.

He walked down the stairs and picked up the skull.

Everyone jumped as a loud voice shouted, "Finally! It took you idiots long enough! What took you so long to find me? Are you incompetent or just stupid?"

They soon learned that the skull belonged to Yaka, the most famous and acerbic jester from Omu. After the destruction of Omu, Acererak kept Yaka alive for a while to serve as entertainment before eventually killing him and binding his spirit to his gold-plated skull. He explained that he was cursed to accompany the first group of mortals that found him.

"So, now since it was you stinking morons have found me, I'm stuck with you! Forever! This is a complete nightmare! Why couldn't I have been found by a group of COMPETENT adventurers? Such is my misfortune!"

Argent rolled his eyes, placed the skull on the ground, and smashed it with Wongo's hammer. The skull re-materialized a few moments later and continued its denigrating commentary.

DM Commentary- 
I played Yaka kind of like "Bad Janet" from the Good Place. In retrospect, I should have made him either more of a goof-ball that told nothing but bad jokes ala Fozzy Bear. 

The Veils of Fear
Apparently, still emboldened by the spirit of Kubazan, threw wide the double doors at the end of the hall. The doors were carved with leering and laughing skulls. Argent was forced to catch up. Within she found a tapestry hanging from wall to wall. The tapestry was decorated with a scene of revelry and merriment as nobles feasted upon a roasted boar with an apple in its mouth.

Argent stayed Apparently's hand and pulled the tapestry open himself. Beyond was another tapestry depicting a descent into madness. The nobles were attacking and raping each other. A third tapestry behind that portrayed a nightmare scene of cannibalism, immolation, and bestiality. The boar was now alive and laughing at their depravity.

Apparently pulled aside the final tapestry and found a table set with the rotting remains of the party. The boar was nothing more than dried rotting flesh covered in maggots. Its mouth wide open as if screaming. Its eyes covered in milky cataracts.

She looked at Argent with a mad gleam in her eye. He was puzzled and concerned. Before he could act she ran forward and shoved her entire head into the gaping mouth of the rotting boar's head.

Argent shouted, "Apparently, stop!"

The boar's head came alive and chomped down on her skull. She screamed in pain. She recovered her senses and stumbled backwards from the attack.

Argent caught her, "What the hell?"

"I- I don't know what just happened!" she stammered, "Hey! Look! There's stuff in the mouth!"

"Wha-?" said Argent, confused, but it was too late. She reached into the mouth to snatch the objects within. The boar's head snapped down, badly lacerating her arm.

"Got it!" she said proudly as she held up the various trinkets belonging to previous victims.

"Let's get out of here," said Argent as he led her out of the room to rejoin the others.

The Iron Barrier
Having explored all the known passages, the party decided to return to the tomb of I'Jin. On the way Argent decided to explore a access duct he noticed earlier. He told the others he'd be right back, got down on his hands and knees, and disappeared down the enclosed passage. Apparently called after him and followed him in.

Argent had barely made it fifteen feet before he encountered a closed partition blocking the access duct ahead. The partition was made of iron and was painted to look like a bull's head. The eyes of the bull's head were cut out and he could see the corridor beyond. The partition would not easily open but  with great effort he was able to push it open. The partition resisted as if pushed by a powerful spring. He got it open and it clicked into place.

Argent and Apparently passed through and emerged into a high-ceilinged corridor. The walls of the corridor tapered towards the ceiling. The corridor to the left was a dead end save for another access duct. The corridor to the right was likewise a dead end but light poured out of a large hole in the floor.

They investigated the hole in the floor. Looking down they saw that the hole opened into a room shaped like a truncated cone turned on its side.

"Want to go in?" asked Argent.

"Hell no!" replied Apparently indignantly.

They instead decided to explore the access duct at the other end. The access duct opened near one corner of a long hall, one hundred twenty feet from side to side and a hundred feet from ceiling to floor. The duct was located about seventy feet above the floor and ten feet from the nearest end of the hall. There were two balconies on either end of the hall. The near balcony had a large lever built into the wall as well as a set of stairs leading to an exit. The far balcony held the statue of a large winged demonic shang grasping something small in each of its tightly closed hands. Five disks hovered in mid-air at an altitude of sixty feet.

They retraced their steps and returned to the others to tell them what they found.

Winds of Pandemonium
Zeynap and Bramble followed Argent and Apparently through the many access ducts to the long hall. Orvex stayed behind with Xoc-Wik as the b'alam had succumbed to brain fever.

Argent emerged from the duct and, invoking the power granted him by Nangnang, simply walked along the wall towards the near balcony with the lever. Apparently crouched on the edge of the duct and threw herself through the air towards a floating disk, on which she landed adroitly. Zeynap made and effort to climb out of the duct and along the wall towards the balcony but was unable to find adequate footing. Instead, he blocked Bramble from exiting the duct.

"Ready?" called Argent.

"Ready!" replied Apparently with confidence.

"No, wait!" cried Bramble but it was too late. Argent pulled the lever.

The room was buffeted by howling magical winds with a sound like a million screaming souls! Zeynap was stunned and had to be pulled farther back into the duct by Bramble. Argent was momentarily overcome with madness and was unable to move or think.

Suprisingly, despite standing on a hovering disk, Apparently was unaffected by the winds. She saw that the hands of the statue opened, revealing two small gems in its hands. She leaped from disk to disk and made it to Argent's balcony where they turned off the lever.

She snapped Argent out of his state and told him what happened. Zeynap, however, was still stunned.

Argent said that he had a better idea. He told her to man the lever but not to pull it until he said so. He then, in defiance of gravity, casually walked along the wall towards the balcony with the statue. Once on the far balcony he could see another access duct behind the statue.

He told Apparently to flip the switch. She did so and both were assaulted by the winds of madness. With great effort they were able to resist the effects of the winds. The hands of the statue were open. Argent saw that the demonic shang held two crystal eyeballs, each a different color. He took the eyes and told Apparently to return the lever to normal.

Once the winds stopped Argent said he'd return in a moment. He crawled into the access duct, leaving the others behind. The duct made a hard left and opened into a small twenty foot by twenty foot room. The only other exit was another access duct. The floor of the room was covered in soft dirt and looked unfinished. Indeed, no one had been in this room for a very long time. He returned to the others to report his finding.

Room of Respite
The party decided to hole up in the small room. They soon found that the other duct opened into the hall of reflection. They used that entrance to find Orvex and Xoc-Wik and bring them to their secluded space.

This small room felt safe and secure. This was the first time in many days that they didn't feel as if their every move was being observed. They felt at peace. There they slept. No nightmares interrupted their slumber. For the first time in days they could really fully rest.

DM Commentary-
The players are doing a fantastic job of roleplaying the flaws inherited by the trickster gods. They are entertaining each other and myself and I'm happy to see them having a lot of fun with them. They're even roleplaying little one-sided conversations they have with their gods. 

There was a moment when Zeynap and Argent were trapped in the rotating corridor where the two characters started talking to each other in character, just passing the time while they waited to be rescued. It wish I could do a better job of capturing little moments like that in this blog, but I am constrained by the medium. As much as this reads like a coherent story, it is not a 100 percent word-for-word transcript of the session. 

I played up the idea of the tomb dwarves as IT staff going around fixing things and resetting traps. I'm going to use the chained tomb guardians as caution ropes from now on - as if to convey "Dungeon closed for repairs".  I wished I had thought of that in time to have a room in that section be in mid-reset. Maybe I'll add a bonus room in that hall to reflect that it was hidden by an illusion. 

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