
Monday, September 24, 2018

"The Tomb of the Nine Gods" - Tomb of Annihilation, Chapter 30

The party was stuck on an island surrounded by a lake of lava. Large crystal gargoyles orbited the skies overhead, preventing Bramble from transforming into a flying leather-winged reptile to carry the others to safety. Thus the party found themselves clambering down the north side of the island. Large fragments of what was once a land-bridge connecting the island to the rest of the lost city of Omu lay tumbled in the molten lava. The party was able to jump from one fragment to another. However, they soon reached a sixty foot gap, too far to jump.

"Are you sure this is the only way?" asked Apparently. Her apprehension was clear.

Bramble assured her, "Don't worry, you've got this." The bestial theran tied his rope around her waist. "Okay, can you levitate?"

Apparently closed her eyes and began floating in the air. In her home country of Akasa, her demijin heritage made her an outcast. Right now, her in-born ability was an asset.

Bramble stepped away and addressed Argent. "Okay, give her a push."

The humanoid dragon stepped forward and gave Apparently a good shove. She floated out over the lava. The other end of the rope was tied around his own waist. He quickly picked up the slack so that it didn't fall into the lava.

Apparently opened her eyes, she was slowly drifting a few feet over deadly lava. She quickly closed her eyes again and held her breath.


  • Bramble Wolf - a theran barbarian wise-man (Wildhunt Shifter Druid) searching for the legendary origin of his tribe.
  • Apparently Jones - a blue-skinned demijin caravan guide and animal trainer (Air Genasi Ranger) from Akasa, the land of sky mountains. Having failed to find work in Port Nyanzaru as an animal handler, she has joined the expedition to the interior as a scout.
  • Chak'sa - Apparently's honker (parasaurolophus) companion.
  • Xoc-Wik - a b'alam warrior (Tabaxi Fighter) from the jungles of Bres, searching for those responsible for the destruction of his tribe.
  • Zeynap Shiravadakar - a Eusebean smuggler (Human Warlock) bearing the spirit of a celestial unicorn.
  • Argent Truth-Sayer - a golden azi knight errant of Bhamut (Dragonborn Paladin) in the service of Bhamut, sent on a holy mission to join the expedition to destroy the Soul Monger. 
  • Orvex Ocrammas - translator and guide for hire; rescued from the Fane of the Night Serpent.
  • Five Mercenaries - two archers and three spearmen, formerly employed by agents of Unglaub the Lich Queen, who switched sides when the agents were defeated.

Crossing the Lake of Lava

Apparently could barely hear her companions through the heat and noise of the lava, "Okay! You're good!"

She opened her eyes again and touched down on a massive boulder. She turned around and braced herself. Argent and the mercenaries pulled the rope tight on their end. 

Bramble said, "Here goes!" and climbed hand-over-hand across the rope. Apparently strained against the weight but kept the rope tight. 

Once he was across, Bramble helped Apparently hold the rope on her end. Each member of the party then climbed across the rope one at a time in turn. Orvex, then the mercenaries, and Xoc-Wik. Finally only Zeynap and Argent remained. 

"Okay, my turn!" said the celestial warlock. 

Zeynap grabbed Argent in an awkward hug. There was a peal of thunder as a bolt of lightning struck them both, creating an explosion of rock and debris. Instantaneously, another bolt of lightning struck the far side. Instead of an explosion, there was only a puff of smoke. The smoke cleared to reveal Argent, still in Zeynap's awkard embrace. They had magically teleported across the span. 

Once on the other side, the party scaled the sheer bank and were back in the city.

DM Note- Here's how this whole sequence went.

Step 1- Everyone had to make a DC 10 Athletics Check to climb down. 1d6 damage on a failed climb. 

Step 2- Push hovering Apparently across the span, no roll. 

Step 3- Both ends of the rope had to make a Athletics Check vs. DC equal to the Constitution of the person climbing across. A failure meant lava damage! Apparently made one roll. Argent had help from the mercenaries so he had Advantage.

Step 4- Repeat for each NPC. Bramble was able to help Apparently so she got Advantage. 

Step 5- Eventually only Zeynap and Argent remained, but Zeynap's player had a plan. Zeynap grabbed Argent and cast Thunder Step. 

Question- How did Chak'sa get across? Umm, he found a secret tunnel somewhere. Whatever! Shut up! 

Locating the Tomb
"Okay, now what?" asked Zeynap. 

Apparently said, "I think I know how we can find the Tomb."

"What have you got?" inquired Bramble.

"I am trained to locate and destroy creatures animated by necrotic energy. I can sense their presence. If there's a lot of necrotic energy in one place, I can sense it." explained Apparently.

"Do it!" replied Bramble.

Apparently closed her eyes and concentrated. She reached out with her senses. She could smell death, lingering death, a corpse animated by necrotic force. It was nearby, very close. It was a group of corpses animated by the spores of a plant. 

She reached further. She could sense small pockets of animated corpses and ghouls wandering the city. 

There. A great stench of death and decay. A powerful force emanated from the northern part of the city. It had to be there.

She told the others, informing them also of the nearby threat. 

"That has to be the place." said Bramble. 

"It's not in the royal palace?" asked Zeynap, "I really believed it was going to be in the royal palace!"

"Me too," said Bramble. They looked at Xoc-Wik. The jaguar-man had the blank vacant stare of brain fever. He would remember nothing of this day or this conversation. Bramble sighed, "Its exactly where Xoc-Wik thought it would be." He looked back at Zeynap, "Whatever you do, don't tell him he was right. We'll never hear the end of it."

A Vision of the Past
The party followed the western cliff face around the outside of the city, avoiding encounters wherever possible. At the base of the waterfall they found a strange obelisk made of black glass. When the party neared the obelisk they each received a strange vision.

They could see the city of Omu in ancient times, a bustling metropolis of trade, art, and craft, where man peacefully coexisted with humanoid oxen. At that time the city was not sunken but was was a part of the surrounding environment. Suddenly, a black globe appeared in the sky over the south-west quadrant of the city. The globe expanded in a flash, engulfing the southern quarter. A shockwave burst out, destroying the city. The entire area collapsed and the city descended two hundred feet. Buildings toppled. Thousands died. The vision came to an end.

Showdown with Sekelok
The party made their way back to the amphitheater. It was mid-afternoon and they were in no shape to take on any tombs. They went about fortifying the amphitheater into a new base camp. They hoped the lingering fear of the King of Feathers would keep most opponents away. 

Bramble set off alone to forage for food and water while Apparently explored the passages and chambers beneath the amphitheater seats in search of the scythe-claw eggs. 

Argent prayed for forgiveness while Zeynap oversaw the work of the mercenaries. It was lightly raining.

Argent's reverie was interrupted by a booming shout that echoed throughout the city, "I HAVE COME FOR YOU, COWARD!"

It was the serpentine warrior, Sekelok. He stood in the center of the muddy boneyard that faced the amphitheater. He carried a thrusting spear and shield made from a large tortoise shell. It was, in fact, the shell of Hasegawa Tōhaku, former member of the expedition.

Sekelok was accompanied by two humanoid nagini. Two other nagini warriors wielding long bows stood a few dozen feet behind at the edge of the tall grass. They were spaced far apart. 

Argent stepped forward. "What do you want?"

"I've come for you, coward. You have to finish what you started!" His voice boomed like that of a titan.

"Your priest changed the terms of our duel, invalidating it. I have no wish to become one of you."

"Then let me offer you new terms. We are in need of slaves to continue digging for the black opal crown. You stole ours! We lost several good warriors to your couatl companion when we tried to retake them. She is a formidable opponent! So I challenge you! If I win, I take your slaves." He indicated the mercenaries. The mercenaries shuffled their feet at the offer. "If you win, we will leave this city."

Zeynap shouted, "What do you need slaves for? Why don't you dig for the black opal crown yourselves?"

The two humanoid nagini looked at each other in shock, offended a the mere suggestion they perform manual labor. One of them shouted back, "We didn't undergo the ritual to become one of the ancient noble ones so we could dig in the earth like a worm!" A stern glance of rebuke from Sekelok silenced his entourage. 

Argent looked back at the mercenaries. They were ready to fight. He turned towards Sekelok, "I'm not going to do that," was his reply.

"Then we'll just have to kill you all and enslave the survivors!"

"I'd like to see you try!"

Sekelok hissed and charged, slithering through the mud and rain towards Argent. His two humanoid companions split left and right, creating wide flanks. The archers in the rear released their arrows at Argent and Zeynap.

Chak'sa blew out three long loud blats. They could be heard across the city. Apparently heard it under the amphitheater. Bramble heard it hundreds of feet away.

Argent ordered the mercenaries to form a line behind him. Zeynap was at his side. 

Zeynap directed his witch-bolts at the archer to the left while Chak'sa charged the archer to the right. Sekelok closed with Argent. The dragon-man planted his feet and held his shield high as he received the onslaught of spear thrusts from the towering Sekelok. 

The mercenary archers directed their attacks at the archers to the rear while the mercenary spearmen protected them from the humanoid nagini charging from the flanks.

Bramble transformed himself into the form of a saber-toothed cat and ran quickly through the city. Apparently made her way out of the passages as quickly as she could.

Chak'sa engaged the archer to the right. The two humanoid nagini fought with the mercenaries to either flank.

A nagina warrior appeared as if from nowhere. Zeynap shouted in surprise, "Where'd HE come from?"

Argent, grunting against the attacks made upon his shield, replied, "He was probably a snake. You didn't even notice him."

Apparently suddenly appeared from the underground passages beneath the amphitheater and engaged with the nagina warrior.

Zeynap called upon the magical power of his patron, Bright Mane the celestial unicorn, and summoned forth a rainbow hued stream of lightning directed at Sekelok.

Almost simultaneously, Bramble appeared at the edge of the muddy battlefield. He transformed back into human form and held his staff aloft. A small stormcloud coalesced out of the light rain and a bolt of lightning struck Sekelok.

Sekelok became enraged and turned his attention from Argent to Zeynap. Sekelok's focused attack almost sent the celestial warlock to the ground but, with some magical healing from Apparently, Zeynap stood fast and maintained his arcing multicolored lightning bolt. Sekelok could take no more. His body began to convulse from the massive electricity coursing through him and he fell to the ground, shuddering, dead.

Chak'sa fought bravely but was no match for the poisoned weapons of the nagina. The saurian honker soon fell dead. The nagina fiend was soon dispatched, however, by Zeynap's colorful eldritch blasts.

The remaining nagini fanatics fought on despite the death of their master. They pressed the attack against Zeynap. Zeynap, still weakened by Sekelok's attack, fell to the ground. Argent shifted his position to aid his companion while Apparently called forth her healing spirit - an ethereal feathered reptile-bird. The reptile-bird moved restored Zeynap's vitality and the warlock was soon back in the battle - only to quickly fall again to nagini arrows!

The nagini then turned their attacks at Apparently, forcing her to direct her attention to her defense and causing her healing spirit to vanish! Argent stepped in to aid Zeynap with his own holy healing prayers.

The remaining nagini were finally defeated after a grueling protracted battle. The party was finally able to rest and pray and recover. Apparently walked up to Chak'sa's lifeless body and began the ritual to bring it back to life.

DM Note - That fight was UH-MAZING! 

Bramble was six rounds out so he changed form to make it five rounds. Apparently was only three rounds out. 

Zeynap and Argent showed a spectacular level of tactics. The players were challenged and had a great time. The outcome of the fight was by no means foregone. Zeynap had 3 hit points left when Sekelok went down. Had I not missed as much as I did - in one round I rolled 1, 1, and 20 - and had Bramble not showed up on the round he did, it would have gone very badly for the group! 

I did forget that thugs had two attacks per round. I informed the players after the fight and apologized. Had I known that, I would have added more bad guys!

So, milestone reached, Level up! 8th level!

The Tomb of the Nine Gods

It was the morning after the fifty-seventh night since leaving Port Nyanzaru. The party had rested in the chambers beneath the old amphitheater and eaten small game foraged Bramble along with some hard tack. Argent continued to pray. The others patiently waited by the paladin sought forgiveness for his transgressions. Not until noon were they ready to search for the entrance to the tomb.

As they walked past some abandoned buildings, Bramble noticed that they were being watched. Small humanoid dragons, barely waist high to a grown man, were observing their movements through the city. Bramble covertly spread the word so that the others could be ready but the humanoid dragons did nothing but watch from afar.

The party explored the base of the north cliff face and eventually found a fifteen foot tall obelisk of black stone covered in weeds and vines. The stone was engraved with the following words.
Fear the night when the forsaken one seizes death’s mantle and the seas dry up and the dead rise and I, Acererak the Eternal, reap the world of the living. Those who dare enter take heed: 
The enemies oppose.
One stands between them.
In darkness, it hides.
Don the mask or be seen.
Speak no truth to the doomed child.
The keys turn on the inside only.
Ahead of them was a dark passage cut into the cliff's base. A smaller passage was cut into the base to the right. Zeynap held a glowing stick to illuminate the darkness and saw that the larger passage ended in a stone slab with eight square niches, each large enough to hold a puzzle cube.

"There's only eight. Something's not right."

Bramble said, "Look for the ninth. It's probably down that passage to the right."

The narrow passage to the right contained eight ceremonial statues standing in concave niches carved into the walls. Each statue represented one of the trickster gods.

  • Moa the jaculi stood opposite Wongo the su-monster.
  • I’jin the almiraj stood opposite Obo’laka the zorbo.
  • Papazotl the eblis stood opposite Kubazan the froghemoth.
  • Nangnang the grung stood opposite Shagambi the kamadan.
  • There was an empty  niche at the end of the the hall.

"Who's missing?" asked Argent.

"Unkh the flail shnail," answered Orvex.

Bramble examined the empty niche at the read and noticed that it rotated on a pivot. The entire niche spun around to reveal a hidden statue of a flail snail. Around the statue's neck was a necklace and pendant in the shape of a human eye.

Bramble gave the necklace to Argent to examine. Argent put it on and studied it closely. He walked around and noticed that the pendant did not hang plumb. It seemed to be attracted to an area of dense undergrowth to the left of the obelisk. He cleared the undergrowth to find another large passage. The second passage appeared to have been home to animals seeking shelter. Additionally, humanoid footprints indicated others had passed through this entrance no sooner than several weeks ago.

The party joined Argent. Zeynap, carrying the puzzle cubes, saw a stone slab with nine cut niches.

"Hold on," said the warlock, "I have an idea."

Zeynap inserted the puzzle cubes in the niches with opposing trickster gods on opposite sides and Unkh the flail snail in the center.

The stone slab rose, revealing another short length of hallway ending in an iron wall. The wall was decorated with a bas relief skull with an open gaping mouth staring down menacingly at a mechanical lever. While they were watching, a small mechanical arm extended from the open mouth of the iron skull. The mechanical arm held a small hourglass. The arm rotated and sand began to fall.

DM Note- I started counting down from 10, asking "What do you do?" after each number.

Apparently rushed forth and examined the mechanical arm. She pulled the lever.

The floor split open and fell away, revealing a pit filled with acid and sharp spikes.

Apparently held on with the lever and dangled above the pit! She took a deep breath to calm down. She drew upon her demijin heritage and began  to hover in mid-air.

She pushed the lever back up. The floor closed. She pulled the lever. It opened. She pursed her lips and reset the trap again.

She waited while the sand poured out. When all the sand was in the lower bulb of the hourglass, the heavy iron door sank into the floor with the sound of turning gears and chains.

The Devil Face
Ahead of them was a hallway filled with moss and vines. Daylight and rainwater filtered down through long narrow artificial fissures in the ceiling. Tracks revealed others had passed this way several weeks previous. The end of the hallway terminated in two passages, left and right. At the center of the "T" was the carved image of a smiling horned devil face. The interior of the smiling mouth was an impenetrable dark blackness.

The iron door began to slowly rise.

"Quickly! Get everyone inside! Don't get separated!" shouted Argent.

Argent, Zeynap, Bramble, and Apparently  moved into the mossy hall to allow room for Chak'sa and the mercenaries to enter.

As they did so they absent-mindedly stepped on pressure plates that filled the corridor with a deadly hail of poison darts launched from small concealed holes in the walls. It was a massacre!

All five mercenaries and Chak'sa fell dead. Argent, Zeynap, Bramble, and Apparently were badly injured but managed to avoid the poison.

Orvex, crossing over the slowly rising door, called out, "Whoah! Whoah! Whoah! Shtop moving! Nobody move! There'sh no need to rush! Look! Shee? This door will take like an hour to closhe!"

Argent slapped his head with his scaled palm.

Orvex continued, "Okay, there'sh shomething you should know. I'm not jusht a transhlator. I do have certain.. shkills." He bent down and examined the floor, "Shee? Pressure plates. Let me jusht..."Orvex took out some small tools and hammered a small wedge under the floor. "There. Thish one'sh dishabled."

He crawled upon the floor on his hands and knees. He found and disabled three more pressure plates.

"There, that should take care of that. Now what's she doing?"

He pointed at Apparently, who was bent over examining the dark void inside the devil face's mouth.

She was muttering, "In darkness, it hides." She stuck her head into the mouth to look around.

She was suddenly pulled into the mouth, her legs kicking! She disappeared!

To Be Continued...(!)

DM Note- Seriously, that's exactly where I said "To be continued." I told them, no more questions, no more description, until next week. They were dying! 

Unfiortunately, both Apparently and Zeynap will be absent next week so we may have to cancel that session. 

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