
Tuesday, July 10, 2018

"The Ring of Winter" - Tomb of Annihilation, Chapter 20

The party traveled ten miles before encountering a cliff on the side of a plateau. The two hundred foot tall cliff stretched to the east and west as far as they could see. They climbed the most accessible section of the cliff and made their way to the top of the plateau. The top was a wide rocky plain with few trees. The edge of the jungle lay a few hundred yards to the south.

The party cautiously crossed the clearing. As they neared its center there appeared a trio of ice giants  about a hundred yards away at the edge of the clearing to the left.

One of the giants spotted the party in the center of the clearing and called the alarm. He bellowed at the party in Atlantean, "Artus Cimber! Surrender yourself and give us what is ours!"

Simultaneously about a hundred yards away to the right another group emerged from the jungle. It was the Ysian merchant Zalma Haik and his entourage of mercenaries and tribal warriors. He was accompanied by a unknown woman with fair skin and a pseudo-dragon perched on her shoulder. They too spotted the party.

Zalma angrily hailed the party, "Artus Cimber! Give us back our property!"

Artus nervously looked at his new friends in an attempt to assess their mood. They did not look happy. He smiled and shrugged.


  • Bramble Wolf - a theran barbarian wise-man (Wildhunt Shifter Druid) searching for the legendary origin of his tribe.
  • Apparently Jones - a blue-skinned demijin caravan guide and animal trainer (Air Genasi Ranger) from Akasa, the land of sky mountains. Having failed to find work in Port Nyanzaru as an animal handler, she has joined the expedition to the interior as a scout.
  • Chak'sa - Apparently's honker (parasaurolophus) companion.
  • Xoc-Wik - a b'alam warrior (Tabaxi Fighter) from the jungles of Bres, searching for those responsible for the destruction of his tribe.
  • Zeynap Shiravadakar - a Eusebean smuggler (Human Warlock) bearing the spirit of a celestial unicorn.
  • Argent Truth-Sayer - a golden azi knight errant of Bahamut (Dragonborn Paladin) in the service of Bahamut, sent on a holy mission to join the expedition to destroy the Soul Monger. 
  • Eku - a mysterious shape-changing wise-woman from Chult, hired as a guide.
  • Vinnie - rough and tumble dinosaur wrangler who wished to learn from Apparently, possibly from 19th century Boston on Earth. 
  • Artus Cimber - an explorer on a quest to reunite with his lost love.
  • Dragonbait - a saurial from another dimension, friend and traveling companion of Artus Cimber.

Xoc-Wik and Bramble stood stiff and looked into the distance. They had been overcome by Brain Fever and would be useless.

Argent shouted across the field, "I demand a parley! Perhaps we can come to an arrangement!"

The giants paused, confused. Likewise Zalma's entourage.

Artus approached the dragon-man and addressed him quietly, "You can't be serious! I told you that Zalma wants Dragonbait as some kind of slave. I won't allow that to happen!"

Argent turned his head towards the human, "Do not worry. I am primarily addressing the giants. You say they want only the ring. What claim do they have on it?"

"None that I know of. I told you, the ring has been in Chult for five thousand years. I don't remember how I got it but I woke up with it on my finger and no memory of how it got there!"

"And why do you need it?"

Artus held his right hand with his left hand and looked at the ring, "I need to stay alive. I need to find a way to free my beloved Alisandre from limbo."

The azi smiled - a act that was little more than a frightening display of sharpened teeth, "And you will. You are motivated by love, and love is the most powerful force in the universe!" Argent turned back towards the giants and once more shouted across the fields, "What claim do you have over this ring?"

The largest giant bellowed, "It belongs to the giants of Polarion! It is our birthright! With it we shall plunge all of Antara into a new age of ice and the giants of Polarion shall reclaim the dominion of the giants of old! Enough talk!" The towering blue humanoid shouted commands to his two subordinates in their native language and screamed a deafening war cry. 

The two smaller giants in turn gave commands to their winter wolves, each the size of a horse, and all four began charging across the field towards the party.

Argent turned to the others, "Negotiations are over!"

On the other side of the field, the female wizard began to move forward. Zalma held his hand, "No, wait. Let's see how this goes."

The wizardess glowered at the bald merchant with seething impatience.

The three giants were three hundred feet away to the left. Two of the giants burst into a run. They were outpaced by their two giant white wolves.

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DM Note- I gave Eku's stats along with a list of creatures into which she could transform to Apparently's player, Artus to Zeynap's player, and Dragonbait to Argent's player.

Apparently drew her longbow and loosed an arrow. The arrow stuck out of the giant's shoulder like a needle in a pincushion. Artus raised his right hand. Snow and ice manifested out of thin air and engulfed the giants and winter wolves in a small blizzard. The white storm died down and the attackers continued their rush unabated. "Well, we know that doesn't work." quipped Artus.

Eku transformed into a spike-tail and prepared to hold the right flank.  Artus and Dragonbait prepared to receive the charging giants.

Artus next raised a magical wall of ice ten feet tall and a hundred feet wide to slow the approach of the giants. The wall was halfway between the party and the giants, a distance of only one hundred feet. One winter wolf bounded over the wall with ease. The other skidded to stop in confusion, sniffing the wall. One of the giants stopped two hundred feet away. He picked up a nearby boulder and hurled it through the air. It landed next to Argent with a thud. The other giant continued running and bounded over the ice wall.

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Argent and Dragonbait rushed forward to meet the oncoming winter wolf in battle. The giant soon caught up but was intercepted by Eku's swinging spiked tail. Chak'sa the honker ran forward to support Argent and Dragonbait, fighting alongside the spike-tail.

The other winter wolf finally bounded over the wall and continued its charge. The second giant continued hurling large rocks at range.
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The giant was trying to rush past to get to Artus. Artus dispelled the wall and created a giant magical hand of ice. The hand reached out and prevented the giant's approach. Argent and Dragonbait dispatched the winter wolf while the giant was held at bay by Eku and the magical hand. The giant swung his axe at Eku and bit deep into her saurian flesh!

DM Note - Natural Twenty! 6d12+6 damage! Yipes! 

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Once the winter wolf was finished they turned their attention to the giant. Zeynap had moved to the right and was zapping the giant with small bolts of magical lightning. The far giant threw a giant boulder which crushed Zeynap with a sickening sound of squelching mud. The far giant then started running to join his kinsman in glorious battle.

DM Note- Natural Twenty! 8d10+6 damage! Youch!

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Argent temporarily withdrew from battle in order to save Zeynap. Even still, it took several moments for Argent to reach his fellow. Luckily he found the human still alive. He rolled the rock off of him and restored him to consciousness.

DM Note- Ever since they were out hunting pirates I've been secretly raising the death save but I haven't told the players yet what it is. I stood behind Zeynap's player and told him if he passed or failed. His first roll was 4, obvious fail. His second roll was 13. I told him it failed. He looked shocked, "What? Seriously? Oh shit!"

Zeynap coughed up blood, "Love may be the most powerful force in the universe... second only to a rock thrown by a giant!

DM Note- Zeynap's player really said that. It was hilarious!

The giant swung his axe once more at Eku. The blow struck so hard that the great spiketail screamed and fell to the ground. 

DM Note- I got out the special mini I had bought just for this occasion. 

The spiketail glowed and re-formed into the shape of a large iridescent snake. The snake rose like an undulating rope and unfurled its chromatic wings. Eku revealed her true form - a celestial being known as a couatl!

The couatl bit the giant. Chak'sa followed up with his swinging tail and brought the first giant to the ground. Dragonbait soon continued the streak by slaying the second winter wolf.

A Quick Getaway

The female wizard standing with Zalma could take it lno longer. She cast a spell of flight upon herself and took to the sky. She darted across the field at an altitude of 60 feet. 

The third giant, watching the proceedings from afar, realized the tide of battle was turning against his kinsmen. He began running forward, stopping only to lob a few boulders into the midst of the battlefield.

The woman in green robes hovered over the battlefield near Artus. She appeared to be of mixed human and sylvan parentage. Her fair skin was covered in fine reptilian opalescent scales. A small pseudo-dragon was perched on her shoulder. Artus was busy controlling the magical hand. She called down to him, "Give me the ring, Artus! Let it go!"

Artus yelled back, "You'll never get this ring, Xandala!" 

The second giant was running towards Artus. The gargantuan magical hand grabbed the giant by the arm. The giant wrestled against the hand while Dragonbait ran over to engage the giant. The giant broke free and bore down on the human. 

Xandala cast a magical spell towards Artus. The spell exploded, engulfing Artus, the giant, and Apparently in a ball of fire.

Artus moved quickly from the left flank to the center of the party. He called for Dragonbait to join him. Dragonbait rushed over to his friend. He called out to the rest of the party, "I thank you for your help, but Dragonbait and I will take our leave now. Good luck!"

Artus took out a dagger he wore on his hip. The dagger glowed with magical radiance. He sliced the air, opening a magical rift in space. "Come on, Dragonbait! We're out of here!" Artus and Dragonbait stepped through the magical rift. The rift closed behind them and disappeared.

The frost giant, nursing severe burns from Xandala's fireball, was angry and confused. He looked around for Artus but found nothing. He bore his teeth and prepared to attack the remaining party. Xandala cursed. The pseudo-dragon spoke, "Let it go, Xandala! He's gone!" Xandala spat back, "No! He couldn't have gotten far! He's probably just inside the jungle!" She flew off towards the tree line in search of Artus.

The leader of the giants ran towards his remaining kinsman and shouted orders in their native language. The meaning was clear, cease fighting. Their objective was gone. 

Argent, Zeynap, Apparently, and Eku warily faced the giants, awaiting their next move. The party was injured, tired, and running out of spells.

The leader of the giants addressed Argent, "Where did the ring go?"

"We honestly have no idea," was his reply. 

The giant considered the carnage of the battlefield, "Uthgar and the wolves are dead. Gimur is injured. You, too, have suffered casualties. We could try to capture you and use you as hostages against Artus Cimber. But the cost would be great. You have fought honorably and given a good accounting of yourselves. We call a truce. We shall recover our dead and withdraw. We shall find Artus Cimber and reclaim the Ring of Winter on a different day."

Argent agreed. The giants dragged their fallen kinsman and the two winter wolves across the field and into the forest.

Argent turned and walked briskly and with purpose towards Zalma's entourage. Apparently and Zeynap followed closely behind.

A Warning
Zalma's entourage consisted of a handful of foreign mercenaries and a handful of Chultan warriors. They knew they would be no match for any group who just held their own against two frost giants and two winter wolves. The entourage anxiously gripped their weapons and shifted their weight from foot to foot as the party angrily approached.

When Argent approached within sixty feet of the merchant's entourage, Zalma defiantly called out, "Stop right there! That's quite close enough! What did you do with my property, the saurial?" His defiant bravado was a charade, full of nervous apprehension.

Argent held his draconic head high, "His name is Dragonbait and he does not belong to you! You will release any claim you have over him! You will cease your search for him and you will leave this place alive. If you choose to continue to capture him, your lives will be forfeit! Am I understood?"

Zalma silently considered his options before eventually offering his cold bitter reply, "Very well. We will leave this place and cease our search." The bald merchant nodded towards Xandala flying over the trees a few hundred yards away, "However, the sorceress Xandala has employed our services to help her find her father, Artus Cimber. We will continue to complete that task."

Zeynap was confused and annoyed, "His daughter? What the hell? Really?"

"Yes, or so she says. What did the frost giants want with Cimber, anyway? Something about a ring?"

"That is none of your concern. Leave and do not come back." demanded Argent.

"By your command," replied Zalma, bowing sarcastically. He turned to his entourage, "Back to the airship!" They departed the way they came.

No Rest for the Weary
The party was spent from the battle with the frost giants. They camped there in the field overlooking the cliff. Through the forest they could hear the funeral chants of the frost giants over their fallen kinsman and loyal winter wolves. Argent considered visiting the frost giant camp to pay his respects but ultimately decided against it.

Eku, once more in the guise of a middle-aged Chultan woman, asked the party for their discretion when they returned to Port Nyanzaru. She did not wish for it to be common knowledge that she was a couatl posing as a human. The party agreed but acknowledged that Zalma, who had also witnessed the transformation. may not be so accommodating.

Day 48
Despite their tents and comfortable sleeping arrangements, Zeynap could find no rest that night. He was exhausted the next day as rains and high winds lashed the camp, preventing any travel.

Day 49 - Arrival in Omu
Zeynap spent a second restless night in his tent.

DM Note- Camping is wet and miserable. I'm having my players make DC10 Survival checks when they camp in the woods. A failure means they did not benefit from the long rest. Each night of no sleep after the first failure will add a level of exhaustion until you fall unconscious from fatigue. A nice tent, sleeping blankets, etc. will give you advantage on the roll. Zeynap had advantage on the roll and FAILED TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW! 

The day was sunny and warm. There were no rain clouds to be seen. The party decided to continue their search for Omu despite Zeynap's fatigue.

The party marched a few miles south and encountered a break in the trees. Before them was a massive canyon, at least half a mile across from north to south and two miles wide from east to west and several hundred feet deep. At the bottom of the canyon were the ruins of a once great city - the lost city of Omu!

The cliffs overlooking the city were dotted with strange crystalline formations that grew from the rocky walls.

A waterfall poured into the basin, creating a swollen river that flooded much of the city before it drained into a deep rift filled with molten lava. A ruined palace lied a few hundred feet from the edge of the steaming pit.

Apparently paused and scanned the city. After a few minutes she declared she had sensed the presence of the spirits of Skion within the city. In addition, the cliffs were dotted with elemental beings. Eku pointed out that she must be sensing the crystals. She identified them as crystal gargoyles, horrid creatures from Geos who can take the form of crystal formations to hide in plain sight.

Zeynap addressed Eku, "We hired you to help us find Omu. We have arrived. What are your plans now?"

Eku smiled, "You hired me as a guide, not a pathfinder. I am here to answer questions, interpret, and provide you with context and knowledge. These are all things you will need in Omu, now more than ever. If you will have me, I choose to accompany you."

The party agreed.

The ravine descended into a series of cut steps that ended on a wide flat ledge that overlooked the city. A guardhouse was located in the middle of the ledge. Arrow slits were cut into its limestone walls. A lopsided iron portcullus hung over the gateway to the courtyard inside the guardhouse.

Apparently scanned the area and determined that many dozens of people had passed down the stairs and into the courtyard. The party entered through the gatgeway into the courtyard. The interior had collapsed into rubble. Creepers grew into the walls. Tall grasses sprouted between the flagstones. The remains of long-dead campfires littered the courtyard. One wall was covered in graffiti, each written by different hands.

"Fear the fangs of Ras Nsi"
"Erik, I've gone in search of the nine shrines. V."
"The puzzle cubes are the key"
"Beware the froghemoth!"
"Who is Unkh?"
"All hail the King of Feathers!"
"The snakes are not what they seem"
"Kubazan = bravery. Shagambi = wisdom. Moa = ?"

Zeynap looked around, "Well, as good a place as any, I guess." The party unloaded the macetail and established camp.

To Be Continued...

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