
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

"Where Would You Like to Go First?" - Tomb of Annihilation, Chapter 15

The expedition was walking south over the hilly grasslands outside Port Nyanzaru. Their guide, a serene middle-aged Chultan woman named Eku, inquired, "Where would you like to go first?"

"We want to deliver supplies to the Knights of the Circle in M'Bala," replied Zeynap, indicating the heavy load of equipment packed onto the back of the eight-ton macetail.

"Is that all? You have already been there. You need no guide to take you there. Where would you really like me to take you?" She asked.

"We'd like to investigate the Heart of Ubtao." said Zeynap.

“Ah, a sacred place. An island that floats hundreds of feet above the jungle. In ancient times the high priests of Ubtao would ride on the backs of leather-wings to gather there. They would perform their most sacred group rituals. 200 years ago, Ubtao abandoned the people of Chult. The priests no longer heard his messages. The priests stopped going there and it was abandoned. Now there are no more priests of Ubtao. If I may ask, why do you wish to visit the Heart of Ubtao?"

Zeynap looked to Xoc-Wik for a reminder. The B'alam archer shrugged. So did Bramble. Zeynap replied, "We don't know, honestly. We thought we might find the Soulmonger there."

"You believe the Soul Monger to be located within the Heart of Ubtao?"

"We're not so sure anymore. All we know is that it is located in Southern Chult."

"The Heart of Ubtao is not in Southern Chult."

"Yeah, we honestly don't know where the Soul Monger is."

"If it is knowledge you seek, you should consult with the ancient Spirit Naga of Orolunga. It will answer truthfully any question you pose of it."

"Where's Orolunga?" inquired Apparently.

"It is an abandoned city to the west of M'Bala."

"Is that where we saw that ziggurat poking above the jungle?" Apparently pulled out her map of the Chultan coast, updated with her notes and observations, "Right about here on the map?"

"Yes, I believe so."

"Does this spirit naga demand a sacrifice? Do we have to sacrifice any children or anything?" asked Xoc-Wik, nervously.

"Oh no. I should think not!" replied Eku.

"Then forget the Heart of Ubtao. After we drop these supplies off at M'bala, we head to Orolunga," declared Zeynap!


  • Bramble Wolf - a theran barbarian wise-man (Wildhunt Shifter Druid) searching for the legendary origin of his tribe.
  • Apparently Jones - a blue-skinned demijin caravan guide and animal trainer (Air Genasi Ranger) from Akasa, the land of sky mountains. Having failed to find work in Port Nyanzaru as an animal handler, she has joined the expedition to the interior as a scout.
  • Chak'sa - Apparently's honker (parasaurolophus) companion.
  • Xoc-Wik - a b'alam warrior (Tabaxi Fighter) from the jungles of Bres, searching for those responsible for the destruction of his tribe.
  • Zeynap Shiravadakar - a Eusebean smuggler (Human Warlock) bearing the spirit of a celestial unicorn.
  • Argent Truth-Sayer - a golden azi knight errant of Bahamut (Dragonborn Paladin) in the service of Bahamut, sent on a holy mission to join the expedition to destroy the Soul Monger. 

  • Eku - a mysterious shape-changing wise-woman from Chult, hired as a guide.
  • Tony and Vinnie - rough and tumble dinosaur wranglers who wished to learn from Apparently, possibly from 19th century Boston on Earth. 

DM Note - I created a spreadsheet that pre-determined weather conditions and random encounters for the next 40 days of travel. Three possible encounters a day: travel time, down time, rest time. 

For any given period, there was a 10% chance of heavy rain or heavy wind and a 25% of a random encounter. 

During travel period, heavy rain prohibited travel because of flash floods, mud, and general misery. Heavy wind halved the distance traveled. 

During down time, heavy rain or heavy wind prohibited foraging or downtime activity. They had to dip into their rations.

While they are traveling, I require my players to make DC 10 Wisdom (Nature) checks in order to benefit from a Long Rest. Heavy rain or heavy wind during the night time imparts Disadvantage on that check. 

Day 1 - Frost Giant Checkpoint
Eku called everyone to stop. The expedition was crossing the hilly grasslands atop the plateau overlooking Port Nyanzaru. She pointed ahead at some makeshift barricades built of recently fallen tree trunks. The barricades served as a fence and funneled traffic out of the jungle towards a checkpoint manned by three frost giants. One giant stood atop a tower made of logs giving him an excellent vantage. He was looking away from Port Nyanzaru, watching the jungle.  

Zeynap said, "Hey, we know those guys!"

The expedition approached the frost giants. The frost giants questioned the expedition in an effort to determine if they had seen Artus Cimber or a humanoid saurian named "Dragonbait".

"We have not. What's a 'saurian'?" inquired Zeynap.

The giants looked at each other quizzically, "Um, we're not sure." was the honest reply. 

"Got it." said Zeynap and they continued through the checkpoint into the jungle. 

"I don't think they recognized us," said Xoc-Wik to Zeynap.

"To giants, all us shorties probably look alike." he replied. He turned to Eku, "So, what's a 'saurian'?"

Eku shrugged, "I've never heard of a saurian. Maybe it's from the other world, Earth. Lots of beings cross over from Earth."

"Hunh," concluded Zeynap.   

Day 2
Heavy wind hampered their progress through the jungle. They found setting camp difficult and were unable to forage or hunt. The expedition had to eat from their carried rations.

Day 3 - Su-Monsters
It was raining during the third day of travel. The expedition was following the high ground that separated the drainage valleys of the rivers Soshenstar and Tiryiki, allowing them to avoid crossing gullies and creeks. Apparently was leading the train followed by Argent and Bramble.  Visibility in the dense foliage was reduced to ten feet in any direction.

Apparently saw two strange bald monkeys hanging upside down from a nearby tree only ten feet away. They looked like the evil psychic creatures they encountered soon after leaving the ruins of Fort Righeous. She halted the train and warned the others.

The monkeys watched her curiously. She nocked an arrow in her bow and moved cautiously forward. The monkeys retreated slowly but kept her in sight. It was as if they wanted her to follow them. She called back to Eku, "We hate these things! Is it all right with you if we kill them?"

Eku replied, "Su-Monsters are abhorrent and evil. Eradicate them if you can!"

"Got it!" Apparently replied as she drew back her bowstring and attacked the su-monster nearest her. 

The su-monster opened its mouth in a silent scream. Apparently's mind reeled from the intense pain the silent scream caused within her brain. 

Argent moved forward to defend her. The other su-monster unleashed its silent scream attack against the dragonid holy warrior.

Suddenly two more su-monsters appeared from the brush from behind Zeynap and Xoc-Wik. Bramble transformed into a large bear and engaged the su-monster attacking Xoc-Wik. Xoc-Wik moved quickly out of the way while Zeynap directed his celestial hexes and eldritch blasts at the other.

Eku helped Tony and Vinnie move the macetail to safety while Chak'sa moved forward to protect Apparently.

Xoc-Wik, the master archer, was able to find his targets despite the heavy foliage and cover.

Eventually the su-monsters were sufficiently wounded to cause them to retreat. The expedition regrouped and continued on their journey.

Day 4 - Ochuhuman Ambush
The rain on the fourth day was accompanied by heavy wind which slowed their progress through the jungle. The wind had died down by late afternoon and Xoc-Wik and Bramble split up to go hunting and foraging while the others established camp and tended to the behemoths.

Bramble was just over a hundred feet from  camp when he spotted pale faces peering at him from beneath the undergrowth. Before he could attempt to make friendly contact, five squat albino humanoids sporting pale dreadlocks and pink eyes. They were muscular and stout, unlike the Batiri they had encountered earlier. They seemed primitive and wore naught but animal skins and large leaves. They surrounded Bramble and began beating on him with clubs.

Bramble transformed himself into a bear and escaped the scrum. He ran quickly back to the camp with the five albino dwarfs behind him.

The others, seeing a large bear charging into camp, jumped to attention and grabbed their weapons.

Xoc-Wik, meanwhile, was busy hunting six hundred feet away. He heard the commotion through the jungle and stood from his crouch. He could see nothing but could tell that a large bear, probably Bramble, was being chased by what sounded like a group of four, possibly five, humanoids.

Xoc-Wik drew back his bow and loosed a magically charged arrow in a high arc through the tree canopy. The arrow tore through the leaves and branches and struck one of the albino dwarfs. The dwarf exploded in magical fire and the resulting blast knocked the others off their feet!

DM Note- Xoc-Wik was literally 560 feet away with no line of sight. His player said he was in range and wanted to launch an arrow. I said, "Now wait a minute. How can you possibly justify this shot?"

Xoc-Wik's player said that he could hear the commotion. He targeted the center of the noise and loosed and explosive arrow. I liked the imagery and I tend to allow anything once if its cool enough, so I said, "Roll with Disadvantage."

Xoc-Wik's player rolled two dice. Both were twenties

"Well, shit! The rest of you hear a kind of whistling from the sky and suddenly this guy here just explodes like he just got hit by a mortar! KABOOM!"

The b'alam archer launched several more arrows in a high arc which missed their marks, landing in the ground like a rain of missiles from the sky. Apparently and Zeynap, meanwhile, dispatched two others. The sole survivor skidded to a stop and turned and fled as fast as he could, quickly disappearing into the jungle undergrowth.

Eku raised a hand to prevent further action.

"What was THAT?" demanded Zeynap!

Eku explained that they were known as Ochuhumas. They once lived in the south west coastal mountains but were forced to flee their subterranean homes when a nearby volcano erupted. Now they live a primitive existence as scavengers. They meant no harm and were trying to subdue Bramble to steal his equipment or possibly ransom for the expedition's supplies.

Apparently and Argent pointed out that they had met such a dwarf, a blacksmith in Port Nyanzaru.

Day 5
Heavy rains, no travel.  Nothing to report.

Day 6
Heavy rains, no travel.

The heavy rains continued, prohibiting any travel. That night, Bramble was on watch when he thought he saw one or more humanoid figures observing him from the forests. The figures appeared to be wearing heavy robes covered in camouflaging vegetation. He woke several others. When they investigated they found boot prints in the mud but no sign of the observers. Rather than attempt to track the boot prints in the dark they decided to wait until dawn. The watch was doubled but there were no further sightings of their covert observers.

By dawn the imprints in the mud had been washed away leaving little trace to follow.

Day 7 - Runners
The seventh day saw a light rain with no wind. The expedition packed up and continued their journey.

During the afternoon they heard a swift running sound approaching low from the underbrush behind them. Suddenly a flock of ten bird-like creatures, each the size of a turkey or dog, burst through the brush. Each creature possessed a single long sickle-like talon on each foot and their long mouths were filled with razor-sharp teeth.

The bird-things swarmed Xoc-Wik and one of the macetail's handlers DM Note- Vinnie or Tony, it's not important.

Xoc-Wik quickly disengaged from the oncoming bird-things, moving in between the macetail and Chak'sa. Bramble called upon the spirits of nature to create a magical wall of wind that blew through the raptor-things. The entire flank of five raptor-things were blown away into the forest.

Argent moved forward to engage remaining raptor-things. The dragonid took a deep breath and exhaled fire in a wide swath. Between Argents axe, Zeynap's celestial spells, and arrows from Xoc-Wik and Apparently, the raptor-things found themselves soon dispatched.

Day 8
Light rain, the expedition traveled 20 miles, nothing to report

Day 9
Light rain, the expedition traveled 20 miles, nothing to report

Day 10
Light rain, the expedition traveled 20 miles, nothing to report

Day 11 - Macetail Zombie

The party reached the River Soshenstar on the eleventh day. Here the river descended a few low falls as it drained from the Aldani basin. A few boulders stuck out of the water. The river was about two hundred feet wide and was, at most, five feet deep. It poured swiftly over the step-like falls. Each step was no more than ten feet high.  Crossing it would be challenging but not too difficult.

Bramble transformed himself into an octopus and carried one end of a rope to the other side. When he was a third of the way across he moved over the remains of a deceased macetail. The body was partially decomposed and pressed against some rocks underwater, held fast by the flow of the river.

In response to being disturbed, the decaying semi-skeletal body suddenly heaved out of its niche and reared up out of the water.

Bramble quickly shot out a jet of ink and darted across the river to the other side.

The zombie macetail lumbered towards the shore to menace the rest of the expedition. It was quickly destroyed and the party was able to cross the river without further interruption.

Girallons in the Night
It was the night of their eleventh day of travel. They had arrived at the ruins where they had earlier encountered deadline man-eating plants! The ruins were a defensible location and they ensured no man-eating plants were nearby and set up camp.

It was near midnight and Apparently was on watch. It was raining and everyone was gathered under canvas tarpaulins. Apparently scanned the dark forest for danger.

Her attention was drawn to the roof of one of the nearby ruins. A large white-furred simian with four arms leaped onto the roof, its pale face illuminated by the dimly glowing embers of the fire. Then she saw another. She called the alarm.


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