
Sunday, May 6, 2018

"Enter Inara" - Stories from the B-Team, Part 3

by Trevor Hanson

Warmth. Harmony. Peace. Tranquility. Justice. Life. All emanating from radiant light. This is all that is known to a sunbeam in the service of Tzann the Sun Lord. An existence of hope and inspiration, keeping the tenets of the Sun Lords decrees to pass along to the faithful in times of need.

Can a sunbeam evolve?

Something had changed. Did Tzann, whose wisdom was infinite, just form an interrogative? To whom was it addressed? Was this a test? In all of creation, sunbeams had only been tested by devas.

The sunbeam, little more than a mote of light floating in a celestial void, formulated a response to its master's query. If it were Tzann's will for a sunbeam to evolve into a more useful servant then the answer would, of course, be yes.

“Yes”, was the sunbeam's cautious response.

Tzann’s intentions and directives came forth to the little sunbeam.

Darkness has begun devouring light and life within one of the realms upon which my light falls. The realm was claimed by the Ana known as Ubtao but Ubtao has gone missing. Does this sunbeam recall visiting the mortals? 

“This sunbeam delivered Tzann's blessings to them.”

This sunbeam did. For this task, this sunbeam will need to do more than provide hope to them. This sunbeam will have to guide them - possibly lead them to solve this enigma. This sunbeam  will need to fully enter their realm, not as a ray of light but as my messenger. This sunbeam  will need to evolve.

“How?” queried the sunbeam.

Go to the limbo realm of Devachan. Choose one of the souls currently awaiting reincarnation, one of the mortal heroes. You will  take a corporeal form with the appearance of that mortal before they died. 

The thoughts of the sunbeam were puzzled, “What is, ‘you’?”

Feelings of paternal amusement came from Tzann.

You now have self identity; an individuality all your own. Choose.

The glowing incorporeal mote of the tiny sunbeam spead across the infinity of the higher dimensions beyond space and time at the speed of light and chose a soul from the recently dead. That soul had once been a mortal being with corporeal form. The soul had memory of that form. The sunbeam absorbed that memory. The sunbeam had acquired an image and could now imagine a form.

You are no longer just an extension of my will, you are a whole and separate being; a Light Bringer! What will you call yourself?

The sunbeam's glowing mote of light spread and took the form from the memory it had acquired. The light solidified into torso, arms, legs, hands. feet,  head, eyes, lips. The form had musculature, organs, a mind, a heart. It inhaled for the first time. Words formed on newly made lips.  “Inara”, she said, and opened her eyes.

She floated weightless and naked in the celestial void but she was not alone. Before her hovered the grand figure of Tzann, towering muscular leonine figure, wearing gleaming golden armor. This was the first light to pass into the newly made body's eyes, through the lenses, across the retina, and into the mind.  The sunbeam had gained  the facilities to actually perceive the God that it served in a physical manner. The image filled Inara with purpose and power. Light beamed from Inara’s eyes, making Tzann’s armor sparkle brighter.

“How does this physical form enter the Realm of Mortals, my Lord? I need to bring your light to the darkness there!”  Inara was filled with purpose and wanted to expedite her Lord's desire to help the mortals and banish the darkness that brought cold, despair, and the unlife of Skion into the lands warmed by the light of the sun.

You descend from the light, my child. 

White feathery wings sprouted from her back.

These are your wings, Inara. They will deliver you safely to the ground, as you always have my blessings. When you complete you quest, they will also bring you back up into my light. If you are successful, you will become a deva, an Avatar of Light! 

An Avatar of Light, Inara thought to herself! She then marveled at no less a miracle than the fact that she had formed a thought! Desire filled her and she knew what she must complete to become an Avatar in the service of her god. “I am ready!” She stated enthusiastically.

Tzann beamed in mirth.

Not quite yet my child. You will need the items of mortals to survive in their world. You spirit is immortal, but your body is not. Pay heed to what it tells you. 

Sensing Inara’s lack of  knowledge in this matter, Tzann continued. You will need to clothe yourself, consume food and water, and you will need to sleep. Follow the actions of others that you meet in your quest.

“Others?”, Inara pondered. “Are other devas coming as well, my Lord?”

No, Inara. On this task, I send you alone.

She liked having a personal name that was spoken by her God to address her. It made her feel important.

Tzann continued.

You will meet others mortals that also are trying to rid their realm of this darkness. Find those that seek the same goals as you; these allies are the key to your success and u. 

Tzann’s next words  communicated to her a new concept.

You will also feel new emotions like the ones you just experienced: passion and pride. These are good to fuel your resolve to take the path of light. But be wary of temptations of the mortal realm. If the emotions you feel are self-serving, then you can become lost, and descend into darkness. 

"What is 'darkness'?" she asked.

Darkness is the absence of light, the place where even my power cannot reach.

The mere concept of the absence of light spurred her racing mind.

Good. This is the focus you should remember. Seek My light. Do this each day when the my Chariot rises in the sky and I will grant you power to sustain yourself and help you on this endeavor. 

Inara nodded dutifully. “Is there anything else that will be different, my Lord?”

You are my champion, and will possess some of my powers. How you develop them is a matter of your needs and your preferences.   Also, you will need the proper attire. 

Having no concept of clothing Inara was not sure what was expected. Golden light drifted from Tzann’s Golden Armor and formed sparkling motes that adhered to her n aked body. The lights coalesced into a golden shirt of mail that sparked with golden flecks. Belts with pouches and a small sack fastened on her back between her wings carried supplies, and something she came to understand was called “food”. A sturdy shield appeared in one hand and a sword materialized at her opposite hip to complete the ensemble.

Now proceed, my child. 

Tzann spoke the words and Inara passed from the light of the void into the cold air above the clouds high over the surface of Antara. She began drifting down on angelic wings.

A wet, bright morning greeted the squatters inhabiting the abandoned site of Camp Vengeance. The rain clouds from the previous night had broken and warm light of the sun penetrated to the jungle floor.

Malcolm stepped out of the tent that had provided shelter from the rain for a few hours of sleep after the camps inhabitants battled off another zombie incursion the night before. The sleep was sparse. Food was stale and wet. Zombies had crossed the river somehow and had stormed the palisade.

He started gathering empty brass casings from last night’s battle so he could renew his ammunition supply for the Magnum-50. A shirtless man approached looking to Malcolm’s endeavors.

“I have read the cards. We must go.” stated T’Ballid. “If we are to reach the Heart and find the cause of these attacks, sooner may be better.”

"What makes you think the Heart of Ubtao is the key to these zombies?" inquired Malcolm.

T'Ballid shrugged, "It is always possible I have incorrectly interpreted the meaning of the cards. We shall see."

Malcolm looked out from the camp's walls. Clouds of diseased miasma drifted across the fetid swamps. Dismembered body parts continued to writhe and grasp in the mud, independent of their owners. “You are right. I don’t see how we can make it across that disguisting swamp, though.” He looked up at the Monk, unsure if the two of them journeying to the Heart of Utabo unassisted would result in any success. “It would take a miracle for the two of to make it alone.”

A golden, glittering light above drew the attention of the camp's current residents. A radiant figure, skin bronzed by the sun, descended on snowy white wings and landed in the middle of the camp. She stood six feet tall and radiated hope, “I am here to vanquish the darkness that plagues you!” proclaimed Inara.

T’Ballid glanced at his new companion, “The gods favor you! You should pray to your heathen gods more often!” Slapping Malcolm on the back, the Monk encouraged Malcolm forward. “Let’s go introduce ourselves to your miracle!”

Trevor's Commentary-
This character was a combination of interesting character classes and a mini that I built and never used. Essentially, the mini is a Viking warrior or Valkyrie wearing chain mail, wooden shield and a long sword.  I added white wings that were left over from another mini; and Poof! Instant Celestial!

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