
Thursday, April 5, 2018

"The Blessings of Ubtao" - Tomb of Annihilation, Chapter 8

The expedition packed up and prepared to leave Mbala. They bade farewell to Nova Scotia Blackman who would remain behind. The Nova Scotian would clean and prepare the site for the coming of the knights of the circle. Ser Baric Firstenhartenburger would remain with him to help defend the camp. Meanwhile Ser Gent Slaughter would return with the others to Camp Vengeance.

DM Commentary - You guessed it, I let the players name the unimportant NPC.

It took a little over an hour to descend the side of Mbala. At the bottom Apparently met her beast companion, the  parasaurolophus she named "Chak'sa".

That evening as the sun began to set they came across a strange figure sitting on a stone and painting. He was located near the edge of the jungle overlooking a field of tall grass gently sloping down to the Aldani basin. The setting sun illuminated the puffy clouds to the east setting the sky ablaze with pink, red, and orange. The western mountains cast long shadows across the plain before them with the far side still lit by the late afternoon sun. In the distance, standing alone in the field about two thousand feet from where the painter sat, was a single carved stone, a marker of some kind, rising from the mud and grass and overlooking a ring of objects piled all around it.

The figure was a humanoid tortoise. His composure was peaceful and serene as he finished his painting, cleaned his brushes, and put away his watercolors. He greeted the newcomers, "Hello. I am named Tōhaku. I understand that your culture uses family names. I have a family name which I can provide upon request."

There was an awkward silence. Eventually Xok-Wik rolled his eyes, "Okay, I'll ask. What is it?"

The tortoise-man replied simply, "It is Hasegawa."

When asked about the pile of objects around the statue, Hasegawa Tōhaku said he had not yet inspected it. He was at the time more interested in the beauty of the scene and capturing its essence for posterity.

The party, accompanied by their new friend, hiked across the field towards the statue. The grass proved to be shoulder high and the ground was wet and muddy. As they neared the statue they noticed that half a dozen humanoid figures had risen up from the mud. They were the reanimated remains of long-dead Chultan natives covered in decades of muck and soil! One of the figures was twelve feet tall and wielded a tree trunk and roots as a club! The reanimated remains shambled towards the party in a threatening manner.

Image may contain: shoes and table

Tōhaku and Chak'sa rushed into battle against the smaller zombies. Zeynap broke to a clump of small trees to the left and focused his hex magic and Xok-Wik loosed arrow after arrow into the large zombie. Bramble transformed himself into a bear and provided assistance to Tōhaku and Chak'sa. All of the zombies were soon defeated.

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Upon investigating the statue they saw that the pile of objects were offerings - bones, pieces of pottery, twigs, rocks. The statue was a stylized humanoid figure with an over-sized head. Around the base of the statue was caved a maze.

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Apparently said she had heard that the people of Chult once worshiped the god  Ubtao and that Ubtao loved mazes and bestowed blessings upon those that completed them.

At the bottom was a triangle indicating a starting point. A matching triangle at the top indicated the exit. Xok-Wik traced a path through the maze, easily finding the exit.

DM Commentary- Natural twenty! We joked that the solution to the maze was a straight line from the beginning to the end.

The eyes of the statue glowed and Xok-Wik felt the blessing of the ancient god.

DM Commentary- Xok-Wik won the reward: a one time use of the spell "Find Path".


  • Bramble Wolf - a theran barbarian wise-man (Wildhunt Shifter Druid) searching for the legendary origin of his tribe.
  • Apparently Jones - a blue-skinned demijin caravan guide and animal trainer (Air Genasi Ranger) from Akasa, the land of sky mountains. Having failed to find work in Port Nyanzaru as an animal handler, she has joined the expedition to the interior as a scout.
  • Chak'sa - Apparently's parasaurolophus companion.
  • Xoc-Wik - a b'alam warrior (Tabaxi Fighter) from the jungles of Bres, searching for those responsible for the destruction of his tribe.
  • Zeynap Shiravadakar - a Eusebean smuggler (Human Warlock) bearing the spirit of a celestial unicorn.
  • Hasegawa Tōhaku - a Horaian kamenin monk (Tortle Kensei Monk), a traveler, explorer, and artist. He was a friend of Nova Scotia Blackman in Akwa-Obio, the city of scholars.

The party, under the nominal command of Ser Slaughter, returned to Camp Vengeance. The camp had recently prospered with the party's donation of the magic jug that produced clean drinking water. The camp had been preparing for the possibility of moving for the last five days and was ready to go. With the report that Mbala was cleared for settlement the entire contingent was ready to make the move the following day.

Without beasts of burden the caravan transported only what they could carry. Camp Vengeance would be abandoned. The entire contingent of 61 marched through the jungle led by Apparently and Chak'sa. The skies opened up and rain fell heavily on the contingent as it slogged though the mud and made their way slowly through flash flooded streams and rivers.

Day 27
It was the second day after leaving Camp Vengeance and the contingent had barely made it ten miles. Apparently was at the front of the train. She came upon and startled a large reptilian beast. The creature had three horns and a wide armored crest behind its head. The beast backed away defensively but maintained a threatening body posture. Apparently called for the train to halt and attempted to calm the beast. She successfully earned its trust. She told the others that it was a mother defending its nest. Zeynap suggested she lure the beast away so they could sneak past and find the nest so that they could steal an egg or two. Bramble the druid reluctantly approved of the plan so long as they left one or two eggs in the nest.

Apparently tried to lure the three-horned beast away but it would not move. Zeynap shrugged. Apparently kept the beast calm while the train made its way carefully past as it continued on its way.

Day 33
The rains continued for several days but eventually let up. The air was warm and thick with humidity. As it became dark the contingent was forced to make camp only five miles from Mbala. The camp consisted of five separate campfires spread over a large area.

That night Zeynap was on guard while everyone slept. He failed to notice the massive fifty food long constrictor snake stealthily move through the underbrush and coil around the sleeping form of Apparently. The demijin woke as the constrictor wrapped around her and twist across the ground. She called out for help, waking the others around the campfire. Her companions leaped to her aid as she fought off the snake with her short sword. The snake eventually let go and fled into the dense foliage. Zeynap blindly cast several magical bolts after the creature.

Day 34
The train arrived in Mbala and slowly made its way up the side of the tepui. They met Ser Baric Firstenhartenburger at the top. Out of respect of the Knights of the Circle and their potential reaction to his new status the Nova Scotian chose to hide in the nearby Pteran caves which he had converted to his new home. Tōhaku went to find his former friend from Akwa-Obio to catch up. The knights and soldiers of the Circle set about establishing their new camp which they named Camp Retribution.

Day 35
The party bade farewell to the Knights of the Circle and began their return journey to Port Nyanzaru with their payment vouchers. They made good time and set camp roughly halfway between Mbala and the old camp.

It was the dead of night and Tōhaku was on watch. The kamenin monk smelled a sweet aroma drift from the west. He gently roused the b'alam Xok-Wik to make use of the cat-man's excellent sense of smell. Xok-Wik sniffed the air and his eyes grew wide. Without saying a word Xok-Wik began running towards the source of the aroma.

Tōhaku ran after the b'alam but could not keep up. He called for the others to wake up and help. Apparently and Chak'sa rushed after Xok-Wik while Bramble went to wake up Zeynap.

Xok-Wik ran into the night but stopped at the edge of an ancient ruin overgrown with fines and plants. He shook his head and cleared his mind of the urge to continue. He hard a crashing through the jungle behind. He quickly moved aside as Chak'sa lumbered past at a gallop. Chak'sa did not stop until the beast was entangled in a mass of writhing vines and plant growth.

The others caught up to Xok-Wik and saw the giant mouth-like parts of the animated plants futilely try to wrap around Chak'sa. Tōhaku and Apparently waded into battle against the plants, chopping at their thick vines and stems. Xok-Wik turned and darted back to the camp to grab his bow and arrows. He passed Bramble and Zeynap. He grabbed his weapons and caught back up to Bramble and Zeynap in a flash.

Bramble transformed himself into a bear and attacked a nearby plant. The plant's "head" wrapped itself around the bear and tied itself closed with vines. Bramble was wrapped up and held tight. The plant began to secrete digestive acids. Zeynap and Xok-Wik focused attacks on that plant and were able to cut it from its trunk. The plant fell and disgorged Bramble from its mouth-like leaves.

The battle continued in this way as the party fought the remaining four animated man-eating plants. Bramble or Apparently would be engulfed and the others would focus attacks to kill the plants quickly.

The man-eating plants were eventually destroyed and the injured party retreated to their camp.

The party arrived in the now empty Camp Vengeance. When they left there were five boats and canoes on the shore. Now there were only two. Apparently bade farewell to Chak'sa for the great beast would not fit in the boats. She hoped the parasaurolophus would travel downriver on its own and meet up with her in Port Nyanzaru. The party set off in the two canoes with Tōhaku, weighing in at over four hundred pounds, occupying his own canoe.

On the fifth day of their journey downriver they heard a hoarse voice calling for help. They where near the location where they heard a similar call for help from shore when they first traveled upriver. The voice called to Zeynap specifically and the party decided to go to shore.

They met Lord Feldercarb the mage, the sole survivor of Zeynap's original expedition into the jungle. They had been separated when zombies attacked their camp in the ruins of Camp Righteous and had become lost. The fact that Zeynap did not recognize his former traveling companion caused Lord Feldercarb great sadness and offense.

Later that night Lord Feldercarb confided to Zeynap that he felt nothing but disdain for Zeynap's new companions. They had ignored his calls for help on their journey upriver. He told Zeynap that he planned to kill them in their sleep.

Zeynap tried to dissuade Lord Feldercarb of this action but Zeynap only became frustrated when 

Feldercarb mistook his meaning and instead decided to hire assassins when they arrived at Port Nyanzaru.

Zeynap warned the others the next day. Bramble suggested they preemptively kill Feldercarb and eliminate the potential threat. Zeynap argued in his former friend's defense suggesting that he was simply overcome with emotion. Xok-Wik and Apparently supported Zeynap and they decided to keep a close eye on Feldercarb for the rest of the trip.
On the eighth day of their journey downriver they set camp at the mouth of the River Soshenstar. On the ninth day they took their boat and canoe into the ocean for the remaining twenty miles to Port Nyanzaru. Ahead of them in the distance they could see three other boats. In one of the boats was the merchant explorer Zalma Haik. They arrived at the port city late that afternoon and procured a room at Kaya's House of Repose. Xok-Wik curled up next to the fire in the common room while Tōhaku withdrew into his shell.

The next morning they came down the stairs to find a short brown-skinned foreigner standing near the door flanked by two large Chultans. He introduced himself as Aazon Talieri, representative of Master Jobal, one of the merchant princes of Port Nyanzaru. He was pleasant and polite and allowed the group to have some breakfast. As they did so he informed them that they were invited to meet with Master Jobal some time today before noon, at their convenience. He instructed Strombo, one of the large attendants, to stay behind and escort them to Master Jobal when they were ready.

They finished their breakfast and planned their day then went with Strombo to Master Jobal. They were led to a walled hilltop district containing the palatial villas of the merchant princes. There were three hilltops connected by marble bridges.

Strombo took them to Jobal's villa and were instructed to wait in the sitting room. Joining them in the sitting room was an unknown prospector and Zalma Haik. After making small talk catching up with Zalma Haik they were led to the meeting place in Jobal's garden. Several muscular men who could have been Strombo's brothers stood watch discreetly in the corners.

After polite introductions Jobal began his inquiry, "I understand you have just returned from an expedition into the interior, please tell me about your journey."

Apparently related the story of their expedition, occasionally answering questions from Jobal as they arose.

"Ah, so you were hired by a patron. For what services were you hired?"
"To act as guide and scout," she replied.

"I see. And how much were you paid for this service?"

"We were each paid 2 Avallonian gold coins a day totaling 48 gold for Bramble and myself and 24 for Zeynap who joined us later. Tōhaku here was not a part of the arrangement."

"Indeed. Ms. Jones, do you know what I do here in Port Nyanzaru?"

"I'm not sure."

"I arrange work for the local guides and scouts. Employers such as the merchant and prospector you met in the sitting room come to me to hire experienced guides to help them navigate through the jungle. I ensure they meet my personal requirements for quality, knowledge, and customer service. In exchange I am exact a percentage of the transaction. In order to ensure that my clients receive the highest level of customer service and quality, I require the engagement of all guides and scouts in Port Nyanzaru to be personally arranged by myself. In that way I maintain a certain- equilibrium here.

"I have been informed that not only did you originally seek to employ the services of two scouts..."

"We did?" interrupted Zeynap.

"We did," said Bramble, "the two b'alam."

"River Mist and Flask of Wine," said Apparently.

"Yes!" said Jobal coldly, "River Mist and Flask of Wine. They are outlaws who do not work within the system. I have issued orders for their arrest. Not only did you seek their services over more qualified offerings, you chose instead to provide your own services as guide and scout! Through your actions you have unintentionally threatened the delicate equilibrium!"

He paused to let the implications sink in. Apparently looked around at the guards in the corners and didn't like where this was going.

"Ordinarily I would have no choice but to punish you for disrupting the equilibrium. I would be forced to confiscate all your wealth and property and sentence you to Executioner's Run. However, I understand that you were new to Port Nyanzaru and hadn't taken the time to learn our customs. I am willing to offer a compromise."

Apparently narrowed her eyes, "Which is?"

"I happen to have another job opportunity that you and your friends would be uniquely qualified to undertake. Undertake this mission and I will overlook this initial oversight of our ways."

"What is this job?"

"I cannot tell you the particulars, but I will give you a reference to the employer. Her name is Syndra Silvane and she is currently a guest with Master Wakanga Otamu. I will give you twenty-four hours to meet with Silvane and hear her mission. If you agree to her undertaking and agree to operate within the rules and customs of Port Nyanzaru for all future transactions, I will forgive your transgressions. If in twenty-four hours you decline this offer, I will inform my men to arrest you and send you to the Run. Are we clear?"

"Very." said Apparently and they were dismissed.

"Well? Do we take the job?" asked Apparently.

"We should at least hear her out," said Bramble.

So they took the letter of reference to Wakanga Otamu's residence. They were led to a darkened room. The curtains were drawn. Despite the heat a fire burned in the fireplace. Incense burned in the corners filling the room with a thick spicy aroma.

A woman sat in a comfortable chair. She wore long loose white silk garments. She wore a silver mask over her face. Her head and neck was concealed by a habit. She spoke in a Eusabean accent.

"I am Syndra Silvane. Thank you for coming. Please, sit. Would you like some wine? Fruit?"

They accepted her hospitality and became comfortable.

"I would like to hire you to find and destroy the Soulmonger."


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