
Monday, April 16, 2018

"Journal of Malcolm Magnum, 1943" - Stories from the B-Team, Part 1

by Trevor Hanson

12 January, 1943
My mentor and benefactor has shared some secrets and insights about possible research areas that may change the way we view the universe. He believes that Einstein is only partially correct, and vast parallel universes awaits discovery. He asked that I go pursue those endeavors. Alas, he is sick, and I intend to see him through his final days. I have not the heart to tell him that I am working for the US/England alliance in RADAR research. He distrusts governments so.

28 February, 1943
It has been 3 weeks to the day that I left New York after my benefactor’s demise. As a participant in US Army Air Force’s radar and scientific research I was flown to England as VIP, rather than taking 6 weeks by ship. I am to be attached to the RAF bombing command. Because I am an Officer but lack pilot training, I will am to take the position of radar operator and navigator. This is a perfect position to observe and help my countrymen at the same time. I am anxious to get started.

7 March, 1943
First mission is tonight. I have been briefed on the operation of H2S radar. The scouting boys are also using Oboe and Gee radio navigation, so creating a triangular radio wave vortex may be possible. Imagine the lives saved if we can transport you planes right over Germany and back without having to fly for hours!

17 March, 1943
No success in 3 missions. I did detect feedback from German ground radar that registered on my oscilloscope. Nikola calculated that the feedback loop would require much power, and I think using the German ground radar is key to proving the theory.

23 March, 1943
Success! At least it appeared from my instruments that a stable field existed for almost a minute. During the night mission, I couldn’t see anything.  I shall endeavor to join the Yank’s on one of their daylight raids.

1 April, 1943
I have been allowed to join the USAAF’s Eighth Air Force for a daylight raid. I have been assigned the radio operators station in this B-17E. There’s superb view topside. I can also traverse a small door to the rear of the aircraft and look to either side through the waist gunner’s positions. If I am so inclined, I can also travel through the Bombay via catwalk to the cockpit. If I can generate another sustained field, I sure to get a description of it! I have brought along all of my equipment, including a small Tesla Coil to boost out power on board.

Now all I have to do is survive the Jerry’s and Herring’s Luftwaffe.

1 April, 1943
3 Hours after takeoff and we have passed into France. Our plane was hit twice from attacking fighters. Our tail gunner is dead. I have a Browning 50 cal mounted in the roof window and I need to help watch for attack from above rear. I hope that I can eliminate the need for our boys to fly through Germany’s ace pilots. I have the frequency for the Gee markers that the RAF used last night. I will begin searching when we cross over into Germany.

3? April, 1943
I am unsure of the date. Both because so much has happened, and also because the vortex has worked!!

Let me start where I left off. Our run into Germany was contested by flak batteries and several more intercept attempts by the Jerry fighters. Our aircraft made it through without further damage, but we lost 9 planes in out formation. As we approached the target, I managed to set up a feedback loop with the German radar. I believe that helped reduce the accuracy of their anti-aircraft guns. But, more importantly, we were passing over the RAF beacon from the previous night’s raid. As soon as our bombs dropped, I discharged the coil into our radar, boosting the power. Our Bombardier, Lieutenant Hal Graves, came over the intercom exclaiming that there was a huge electrical disturbance in front and below our aircraft!

At that point we must have been hit. I was tossed about the small radio compartment and when I regained my senses, I heard the captain giving the order to bail out. I tried to open the hatch to the fuselage, but it was jammed shut by shrapnel. So I opened the hatch into the Bombay.

I remember seeing Hamburg burning below. The bomb doors had not been closed after the drop. Then the intense smell of ozone assaulted my nose and I saw the vortex pass beneath us! But the scenery had changed from city to forest! We didn’t fly over the vortex; our stricken plane had fallen through it! I had no way of knowing where the vortex was connected too, but rather than try to salvage my instruments from a burning plane, I jumped.

I awoke hanging in a jungle? It took a few minutes to gather my sense’s and remember what had happened. Africa!?! The vortex had taken us to Africa! Or possibly India, maybe even Brazil! Imagine if the Yank’s could bomb Germany from the Americas!

After I Struggled to free myself from the parachute and climb to the ground, I realized that most of my pockets had been picked my monkeys living in the jungle canopy. These monkeys had wings! I don’t ever recall reading about flying monkeys. Maybe I am in India. I know very little about that place.

After a day of scouting and foraging, I located the wreck of the Flying Fortress, surprisingly intact, stuck high in some trees. The right wing has been ripped away near the inboard engine mount. The tail section severely damaged. Although the tail section damage may have been the result of the Messerschmidt attack. That is one rugged American Plane!

I have finally climbed into the wreck through the hole left by the missing belly turret. The wreck is a good 12 meters up, hanging in the branches. I hope the belly gunner got out before the jungle canopy ripped the glass bubble from the plane. It may take quite awhile to get back to civilization. I need to find any usable survival items to help me facilitate my trip.

4(?) April, 1943
I stayed the night in the radio room. Throughout the night I heard scraping and rattling about the plane. I presume the monkeys have lost their fear of the shiny sliver bird in the trees.  I have been gathering bits and pieces from the aircraft that will be useful, and breaking down the smaller pieces of radio equipment that I have. I may have a very long trek, so I am improvising as best as I can.

It seems that the vortex has had some effect on my Knapp sack! It seems to have a dimensional vortex inside and I can insert large items, larger than the sack itself! I plan to gather any med kits and other items that may be useful.
The rattling in the tail section continues. I am going to investigate.

Branson is alive!! Or was? I approached the tail section and realized that sergeant Branson was trying to get out of the wrecked tail gunner’s position. I helped pull some wreckage from his path, and when he got free he lunged at me! His eyes were milky white and he smelled of rot and gangrene. I yelled at him to stop, trying to block his attacks. I didn’t want to hurt him further, so I scrambled back through the plane. He seems to sense where I was even through it didn’t appear that he could see. I thought he might have a jungle disease that took his sanity from him, but he fell through the ball turrets hole in the floor before I could administer any aid. When I looked out, his form had splattered all over the ground! It appeared that h was rotten throughout. How could the body move if it was long dead?

After wrenching my rations up, I searched the aircraft thoroughly for other crew members. No others were present. Either they climbed from the wreck, or they bailed out. I have no way of knowing if they are in Germany or in the jungle with me.

5(?) April, 1943
A very large jungle animal visited last night. At first I thought it was an elephant by it size and the tremors of its foot falls. In the moon light it appeared to be a very large reptile walking on hind legs! I decided discretion was the better part of valor and stayed hidden.

In the morning I found the courage to investigate the ground. The footprints were impressive. Could that be a dinosaur? My mentor had not mentioned the possibility of time travel. There my no civilization to find.

Staying here will not reveal any solutions, so I will bring my equipment and head back on the trajectory that the B-17 came down from. Maybe somewhere in this place has a power source that allowed the vortex to open here. The vortex in my knapsack is stable so far. This is a weird place.

(6)? April, 1943 
Correction, Day 4 PV (post vortex) year unknown
Since the flying monkeys have made off with my sidearm, I am taking a Browning 50 cal from the waist gunner’s position and stripping it down. It may be awkward, but I think I am in for a fight for survival.

The beast of a gun weighs about 30 kilo’s. After removing part of the housing and rebuilding the trigger assembly, I decided that having an automatic gun this heavy was useless. I could never control it, so I removed the gas blow back gear and the air cooled housing. It is not going to overheat firing single shots. I have to load it by manually actioning the cocking lever, but it also acts as a fore grip. Now it weighs a mere 10 or 12 kilo’s and still accepts the belt feed for efficient reload. I am scavenging extra ammo from my radio room gun and adding it to my knapsack.

I have managed to scavenge:

  • Cold weather gear
  • Survival Hatchet
  • Oxygen tank
  • Bayonet
  • Several first aid kits
  • Tool kit from the plane
  • Electronic tools and parts
  • Several radio transponders (so far the batteries have remained strong)
  • 3 flares
  • Modified M2 Browning machine gun
  • Flak Jacket
  • Parachute from Branson
  • 8 ration packs
  • 2 canteens
  • A bottomless Knapsack

I am leaving the aircraft that has been my home for 4 days and heading south.

PV 7
After 3 days of hiking on the jungle, I am beginning to believe that my benefactor was correct in saying that worlds could be connected with a vortex. I have seen several huge reptiles. Far larger than any I have read about. I also have discovered a rock floating in the sky. There are no apparent means of suspension, and water falls from it. Where does the water come from?  Could this have the power source that formed the vortex on this side? There seems no way to ascend to it.

PV 9
I have discovered an encampment. The sign says, "Camp Vengeance". I believe that the uniforms are from the old British Empire! I must be in India, thank The Almighty!

Hopefully they can help me get back to Europe. I am going to greet them…

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