
Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What Does Not Kill Me...

Near-Death Experience Rules for DCC

Whenever a character is reduced to zero hit points and does not receive immediate healing, the character has a chance to survive. At any time during or immediately after the end the combat (up to one hour), another player character can check on the body. The player of the deceased may attempt a Luck check (1d20 + current Luck modifier) vs. a difficulty of 10 (difficulty could be variable and set by the Judge depending on the circumstances of death, challenge level of the campaign, and bloodthirstiness of the Judge). Luck points can (and probably should) be spent on this roll. A success indicates survival. A failure indicates permanent death, curable by nothing short of a resurrection spell, wish, etc.

 The surviving character has 1 hit point and will suffer -4 to all actions for one hour following the encounter. The player of a surviving character must also roll on the following table to determine what other temporary or permanent effects may result.

% roll      Result
01-14         Coma (unconscious until Hit Points restored to full)
15-19      Multiple injuries (+1d3 additional injuries)
20-22         Chest Wound (-1d6 Stamina until Hit Points restored to full)
23-25         Leg Wound (roll 1d6 for severity and 1d6 for location)
1              severed or crushed (half movement rate, permanent)
2-5          broken (half movement rate until Hit Points restored to full)
6              injured (-5’ movement rate until Hit Points restored to full)
1-2          Thigh
3              Knee
4              Shin
5              Ankle
6              Foot
26-28         Arm Wound (roll 1d6 for severity and 1d6 for location)
1              severed or crushed (-1d6 Strength permanent)
2-5          broken (-1d6 Strength until Hit Points restored to full)
6              injured (-1 Strength until Hit Points restored to full)
1-2          Shoulder
3              Upper Arm
4              Elbow
5              Forearm
6              Wrist
29-31         Hand Injury (-1d6 Strength until Hit Points restored to full)
32-33         Fingers injured (roll 1d6 for severity)
1              1d4 fingers severed or crushed (-1 Agility per finger permanent)
2-5          1d4 fingers broken (-1 Agility per finger until Hit Points restored to full)
6              sprained or injured (-1 Agility until Hit Points restored to full)
34-36         Brain Injury (-1d6 Personality until Hit Points restored to full)
37-39         Concussion (-1d6 Intelligence until Hit Points restored to full)
40-42         Blinded in one eye (roll 1d6 for severity)
1              burst or gouged (-1d6 Agility permanent)
2-5          severe injury (-1d6 Agility until Hit Points restored to full
6              minor injury (-1 Agility until Hit Points restored to full)
43-44         Nervous Condition (-1d6 initiative until Hit Points restored to full)
45-47         Paralyzed (conscious but can take no physical actions until Hit Points restored to full)
48-50         Painful wound (may only take 1 action/round until Hit Points restored to full)
51-75         Superficial Scar (roll 1d4 for length in inches, roll 1d6 for scar location)
76-78         Loss of Confidence (-1 to attack opponent that wounded you, permanent)
79-81         Vow of Vengeance (+1 to attack opponent that wounded you, permanent)
82-84         Lesson Learned (+1 Experience Point)
85-87         A Close Call (+1 Luck)
88-90         Battle Hardened (+1 permanent Stamina)
91-93         Horrible Scar (-1d6 Personality until Hit Points restored to full, -1 permanent Personality, roll 1d6 for length in inches and 1d6 for scar location)
94-96         Impressive Scar (+1d6 Personality until Hit Points restored to full, +1 permanent Personality ,roll 1d10 for length in inches and 1d6 for scar location)
97-00         Miraculous Survival (+1 Experience Point, +1 Luck)
Scar Location
1              Head or face
2              Arm or hands
3 -5         Torso
6              Legs or feet

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