
Friday, April 5, 2013

The Glaive of Krull, a Heroic Tier artifact for D&D 4E

The Glaive of Krull
Heroic Level

The Dragonborn hero Krull had the Glaive forged deep in the heart of Mount Grem. Five chromatic dragons were sacrificed in its creation and enchantment. Krull used the Glaive to help conquer the neighboring tribes, forming an empire in the Northlands in the name of Tiamat. Krull continued his campaign of conquest until he died, assassinated by his own slaves. The Glaive passed from one would-be conqueror to another until it was taken by the Knights of Bahamut during their crusades against the Northlands.

The Glaive is a +2 magical throwing weapon (Superior Ranged Weapon, Prof +2, Damage 2d4, Range 6/12, Weight 4 lb, Group: heavy blade, properties: heavy thrown) with the following properties and powers. When de-activated, the weapon consists of five 6-inch curved equidistant radial spokes around a central hand-held hub. When activated, 6-inch curved blades extend from the end of each spoke and has the appearance of the symbol of Tiamat. The weapon is thrown in a spinning motion. It magically returns to its wielder after each throw, or can magically fly about on its own under the mental control of its wielder.

The artifact at first appears to be nothing more than an over-sized magical symbol of Tiamat. After its owner takes an extended rest with the Glaive in his possession, the artifact becomes bonded to the owner and its true nature and powers are revealed.

Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls
Critical: +2d6 damage
Property: You gain a +1 item bonus to Athletics and Thievery checks.
Property: You can speak and understand the Draconic language and script.
Power (At-Will): Standard Action. The Glaive does not need to return to the wielder at the end of the turn, it can be maintained and controlled remotely.
Power (At-Will): Free Action. The blades can be retracted to hide the weapon’s true nature.
Power (Encounter): Immediate Interrupt. You gain resist 5 vs. ice, fire, poison, acid, or lightning (choose one) until the end of the encounter.
Power (Encounter): Attack five different targets, each with separate attack and damage rolls.

Goals of the Glaive of Krull

  • Hoard wealth, acquiring much and spending little. Wealth is its own reward.
  • Forgive no slight and leave no wrong unpunished.
  • Take what it wants from others. Thos who lack the strength to defend their possessions do not deserve to own them.

Roleplaying the Glaive of Krull
The Glaive of Krull is selfish, avaricious, deceptive, and manipulative. It does not speak directly to its wielder, but it insinuates itself into the wielder’s own conscience, urging the wielder to choose a course of action that furthers its goals.
Starting Score 5
Owner gains a level +1d10
The owner’s wealth is doubled +2
Acquire something that rightfully belongs to someone else +1
Kill out of vengeance +1
Suffer an insult -1
The owner loses something that belongs to them -1
The owner’s wealth is halved -2
Defeat a Chromatic Dragon -2
Offering money, making donations, or any other charitable gesture -2

Pleased (16-20)

“Greed captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed is liberating. Greed is empowering. Greed is good.”
The Glaive is excited to serve its new master, goading him to greater acts of vengeance and acquisition.

Property: the Glaive’s item bonus to Athletics and Thievery checks increases to +5.
Property: Gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls against any enemy that damages you with a cold, fire, acid, poison or lightning attack until the end of your next turn.
Power (Encounter): Standard action. If the glaive scores a hit on an enemy, the enemy is immobilized. On subsequent turns the wielder may expend a standard action to will the Glaive to remain in place, spinning like a buzz-saw, and continue to do damage each turn (save ends).
Power (Daily): Immediate Interrupt. You gain resist 10 vs. ice, fire, poison, acid, or lightning (choose one) until the end of the encounter. This supersedes the normal resistances granted by the artifact.

Satisfied (12-15)
“Too much is never enough.”
The Glaive is pleased with the wielder’s greed and avarice and encourages him to take more and more.

Property: the Glaive’s item bonus to Athletics and Thievery checks increases to +2.
Power (Daily): Free Action. Gain 1 action point.

Normal (5-11)
“One possesses only what one has the strength and cunning to guard. All else is forfeit.”
The Glaive inspires its wielder to acquire more wealth, brook no insult, and to kill all those that deserve vengeance.

Unsatisfied (1-4)
“To know want is to be unworthy. Those are blessed who have the will to seize what they desire.”
The wielder is not acquiring enough wealth to satisfy the Glaive.

Special: You take a -2 penalty to all defenses against creatures whose level is equal to or lower than yours.

Angered (0 or lower)
“Poverty deprives a man of all spirit and virtue; it is difficult for an empty bag to stand upright”
The wielder is not living up to the Glaive’s expectations. It will not remain in the wielder’s possession for long. The artifact’s enhancement bonus to Attack rolls and damage rolls drops to +1.

Special: You take a -5 penalty to all defenses against creatures whose level is equal to or lower than yours.
Special: Any time you miss with an attack, there is a 25% the Glaive makes an attack against your Reflex defense, rolling 1d20 + your level, when it returns to your hand. If this attack hits, your Concordance is decreased by 1. If it misses, your Concordance in increased by 1.

Moving On
“I will never be satisfied. There will never be enough.”
When the wielder next gains a level, the Glaive of Krull melts into residuum worth 5,000 gp. Its magic and sentience appear elsewhere in the world as a new Glaive.

If you spend an extended rest without the Glaive on your person for any reason other than moving on, the Glaive makes an attack against your Will defense, rolling 1d20 + your level. If this attack hits, it does a number of d6 psychic damage equal to your level. You are no longer bonded to the Glaive.

Attempting to disenchant the Glaive automatically fail and result in an immediate interrupt attack against the disenchanter’s Will defense, rolling 1d20 + your level. If this attack hits, it does a number of d6 psychic damage equal to your level.

Symbol of Tiamat

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