

Chapter 1
A Friend in Need

The party meets in the famous Yawning Portal. There they are hired by the celebrity explorer Volothamp Geddarm to locate a missing friend.

Along the way they encounter some rough business with a murder of murderous man-crows. 

Chapter 2
Finding Floon

The team explore the euphemistically named "stormwater drainage tunnels" of Waterdeep in search of Floon Blagmaar.

They encounter an underground hideout occupied by opponents way above their pay grade!

Chapter 3
Trollskull Alley

The party explore the neighborhood around their new home and meet a variety of colorful and interesting characters. 

Later, they undertake a mission for the Blackstaff to visit the hermit Hlam atop Mount Waterdeep. Along the way they encounter a Manticore and some hostile city guards.

Chapter 4
Hatred Surfacing

The Mystics of Trollskull Manor hunt a serial killer on the late night streets of Waterdeep.

Can they stop the killer before another victim dies? 

(spoilers = No) 

Chapter 5
A Violent Counter-Offer

The Mystics of Trollskull Manor are assigned to defend a tavern from extortionists. Spoiler Alert - they fail. They get thumped, hard, and the tavern is smashed. 

I made several DM mistakes this week and the results were terrible. Read all about what I did wrong and how it could have been better in this week's cautionary tale. 

Chapter 6

The main plot gets underway as the Mystics of Trollskull Alley investigate a mysterious explosion that killed several people just outside of Trollskull Manor - including a gnome whom witnesses reported was running towards the manor house being chased by nefarious cloaked agents! 

Chapter 7
Betrayal at Gralhund Villa

The Mystics of Trollskull Manor investigate the aftermath of the Zhentarim attack on Gralhund Villa. 

Later they track down the rogue nimblewright into the Field Ward and find a mysterious map.

We finish off this week with some faction quests against a vile halfling necromancer and then a bronze dragon.

Chapter 8
The Windmill in Winter

The Mystics of Trollskull Manor take care of various faction quests before confronting Thrakkus the Butcher in the Field Ward.

Chapter 9
A Story About Flirtatious Grappling

The Mystics of Trollskull Manor track the missing Stone of Golorr to Cuttle's Meat Pies. There they are attacked by some ill-informed bugbears.

Later, Push-ta chases a thief across the rooftops of Waterdeep in the snow, culminating in a show-down in a theater whereby he and his quarry exchange flirtatious banter and quips while grappling and escaping like in a kung fu movie. 

Chapter 10

The Mystics of Trollskull Manor venture into the decrepit slums of Mistshore in search of the bard Agorn Fuoco. 

There they encounter an enthusiastic inventor and her submersible machine, kids playing on the ice, and surly toughs.

Can they find the elusive actor, recover the mysterious Stone of Golorr, and claim the fabulous treasure it is rumored to protect?

Chapter 11
The House of Tyranny

The Mystics of Trollskull Manor storm the ancient tower known as Yellowspire in to stop a dark cult from performing an evil ritual. In so doing they retrieve the Stone of Golorr. 

Stone of Golorr:"Winterfire! Hey Winterfire! I possess an unfathomable hunger for knowledge and information. You are useless to me. Read a book for crying out loud!"

More Stone of Golorr goodness: "I measure the passage of time in the birth and death of stars. I am eternal. Tell me more about this 'Babysitter's Club' series of novels."

Chapter 12
The Mausoleum 

The Mystics of Trollskull Manor gain entry to the subterranean vault of dragons far beneath the city of Waterdeep. They must overcome deadly traps, devious puzzles, and a guardian dragon in order to find the embezzled hoard of Dagult Neverember, the corrupt and disgraced former Open Lord of Waterdeep in exile.

Chapter 13
The Vault of Dragons

This is it! The final chapter of Waterdeep Dragon Heist. 

The Mystics of Trollskull Manor must defeat the evil wizard Manshoon and his lieutenants in a final showdown for the Vault of Dragons!

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