
Ghosts of Saltmarsh - Dungeons and Dragons

Chapter 1
The Sinister Secret 

The adventure begins! The first chapter of my new D&D campaign - Ghosts of Saltmarsh! Four intrepid adventurers meet in the coastal town of Saltmarsh and are hired to explore a haunted house. Check back each week for new chapters as we hunt pirates and fight monsters in the Azure Sea!

Chapter 2
The Curse of the Mad Alchemist

The party explores the mysterious cellars of the haunted house where they encounter pirates, skeletons, evil humanoids, and, yes, the crazed ghost of a long-dead alchemist! Not everyone will survive this thrilling chapter of Ghosts of Saltmarsh!

Chapter 3
The Snake in the Grass 

The party discovers an unexpected guest in the haunted house. Later, they testify before the Town Council. After some down time, they head off to take on the smugglers in some thrilling boarding action!

Chapter 4
The Sea Ghost

The battle for the Sea Ghost continues. Later, the party makes a new friend from beneath the seas and discover a possible plot to invade Saltmarsh!

Chapter 5
Danger at Dunwater
The party investigates the recent arrival of a tribe of lizard-folk near Saltmarsh.

Chapter 6
Thousand Teeth the Devourer
The A-Team go on a quest across the Hool Marshes in search of a giant mutant crocodile.

Chapter 7
Three Heads in a Duffel Bag
Princess Orthokent delivers her decision. The party then travels home to Saltmarsh to deal with the consequences of their mission. Intrigue, Schemes, and a Sahuagin ambush abound in this week’s chapter!

Chapter 8
The Mysterious Tower
The A-Team explores a mysterious ruined tower in the middle of the Hool Marshes.

Chapter 9
The Mysterious Fields of Force
The A-Team continues their exploration of the Mysterious Tower in the Hool Marsh. Otyughs, Owlbears, Acid Traps, and more!

Chapter 10
The Mysterious Laboratory
The A-Team brave arcane traps in order to reach the heart of the Mysterious Tower! Special audio recording of the reading of the wizard's journal by Marlin's player!

Chapter 11
The Secret of Nymph
The A-Team must defeat a copse of animated trees corrupted by chaos magic in order to help the nature nymph Farrah. Later, the party is ambushed by ochre jellies in the swamp and meet a group of ruffians. Plus Marlin learns a secret!

All this plus the team pays its taxes, buys a house, builds a church, and starts a business! HIGH ADVENTURE!!

Chapter 12
The Fabled Flamberge Of Ser Eckhert Lionheart

We advance the story a month using the downtime rules and Annor gets a new toy! Then the team takes a mission to explore a ghost ship. On the way they are ambushed by evil fish people!

Chapter 13
Salvage Operation 

The A-Team explores a derelict ship. What could possibly go wrong?

Chapter 14
The Emperor of the Waves

The A-Team must escape a sinking ship being crushed by a giant octopus.

Chapter 15
Drums in the Marsh

The A-Team investigate some mysterious disappearances and discover lizard-men are kidnapping townsfolk!

Chapter 16
The Prisoner Raft 

The team must defeat a raiding party of lizard-folk to free Aella and rescue the hostages.

Episode 17
The Tower of Zenopus

The team make a deal with a lizard-man tribe to recover a stolen dragon egg from the wizard Keledek's secret chambers beneath the Tower of Zenopus!

Chapter 18
The Crab Necromancer 

The party explores more of the dungeon beneath the Tower of Zenopus and encounter a necromantic crab and a four-armed albino gorilla!

Chapter 19
The Duke of Seaton

The A-Team rescues the Duke of Seaton from the pirate Captain Horatio Vile.

But all is not as it seems! The Lovely Lemundo reveals an insidious plot out of Seaton!

Meanwhile, more intrigue with Gellan Primewater, the wizard Keledek, Anders Solmor, and MIND CONTROL!

Chapter 20
The Battle of Ringcurrent Island 

The A-Team fight three clans of lizard-folk and an exiled Lizard-King in their effort to save the captured hostages.

Chapter 21
Goats of Saltmarsh
The A-Team gets some much needed downtime during which there is much more goat herding than one would expect in a game of fantasy and magic with sea elves and reptile men.

Later, a new threat emerges from the Drowned Forest and Anders Solmor must survive an assassination attempt!

Chapter 22
Ambush at the Dreadwood River Bridge
Marlin takes care of his dragon egg problem.

Afterwards, the A-Team is ambushed as they cross a bridge on their way to Burle.

Later, they make a new ally.

Chapter 23
Into the Drowned Forest

The A-Team enlist the aid of a crazed old hermit to lead them into the dark and forbidding terrain of the Drowned Forest in search of the Tomb of the Lizard King!

And introducing... Moss Goblins! (?)

Chapter 24
The Wrath of Aulicus

The A-Team faces its most deadly challenge ever - Aulicus the Black Dragon!

Chapter 25
Secret Mission to Leper Island

Lemundo the Lovely hires a group of adventurers to travel to the forbidden Leper Island to rescue her father, the true Duke of Seaton, who has been imprisoned there by her uncle, the pretender!

Chapter 26
The Isle of the Abbey

The B-Team team up with Bordar - a dwarf with a grudge - to infiltrate the cellar of the Abbey of the Corrupt Monks!

Chapter 27
The Winding Way

The party delves into the secret labryinthine vault in the cellar of the ruined abbey of the corrupted clerics.

There they meet undead guardians, jade vampire statues, and iron automatons!

Chapter 28
The Broken Mirror

The B-Team confronts the freed prisoners released from a broken magical mirror.

Chapter 29
The Chaos Phage

RIPPED FROM TODAY'S HEADLINES! Bordar is infected with the Chaos Phage and will likely die! Later, there's a good old fashioned barroom brawl!

Chapter 30
The Road to Seaton

The B-Team escort Duke Obertus Feldren and his daughter Lemundo the Lovely to Seaton in an attempt to thwart the duplicitous usurper - the duke's brother - Marik Feldren.

Chapter 31
Showdown in Seaton 

The B-Team confront Marik Feldren, the treacherous False Duke of Seaton, in his own throne room. But will the B-Team give in to temptation?

Chapter 32
Must be a Slow Day 

The B-Team undertakes a mission to kill the Lizard King Sakatha.

Chapter 33
Bloodshed in Burle 

The B-Team reaches Burle and spends a night in an abandoned inn. An ambush in the dead of night will claim the life of one of their own!

Chapter 34
The Vengeance of the Drowned Forest

The B-Team is attacked by animated trees while they sleep.

Later they must deal with an effigy made of excrement and swarms of biting flies.

Death, Danger, and Flooded Dungeons abound in the dreaded Drowned Forest!

Chapter 35
Bruma the Tracker

A new member joins the B-Team as the party explored the flooded catacombs.

Danger awaits as they must face an evil hag and her pet catoblepas!

Surprises, Novel Strategies, and Fabulous Treasure await in this thrilling chapter of Ghosts of Saltmarsh!

Chapter 36

The B-Team must solve a devious puzzle to enter the Tomb of the Lizard King. 

Once they enter, the team finds itself outnumbered by dozens of brigands and a deadly wizard named Gomundel! 

Can they survive?

The B-Team must defeat guard captains, vulture demons, trolls, cultists, and the indominatable Patriarch Ul-Lon as they continue to explore the Tomb of the Lizard King!

Chapter 38

Baylore uses a magic ring to convert the leader of the dragon cult to their side and help the B-Team find and defeat the Lizard King Sakatha 

Chapter 39
The Mausoleum 
The party enters the strange and deadly mausoleum of the lizard king. Can they overcome the diabolical traps and defeat the magical mosaics that emerge the very walls on their quest to destroy the evil Sakatha?

Chapter 40
The B-Team faces off against Mordrin - High Priest of the Dragon Cult - and his blasphemous zealots before confronting the mighty Sakatha - the Eternal Lizard King - in a final epic battle!

Spoiler Alert - One of the B-Team will die!

Also, a glitch in Roll20 causes me to rage-quit like a cranky baby!

Chapter 41
The B-Team discovers vast treasures within a secret vault and help a group of prisoners escape from the bowels of the Tomb of the Lizard King

The B-Team is invited to compete against lizard-folk, merfolk, bullwugs, sea elves, locathah, and koalinth in a series of athletic events - culminating in a capture-the-flag style race through the undersea ruins of Warthalkeel in search for a magic ring!

Intrigue, romance, and comedy await!

Every anime has a beach episode. This is the beach episode.

Chapter 43

Princess Orthokent lays out a plan to re-take her home and rid the region of the evil sahuagin adversaries.

The B-Team must undertake a perilous scouting mission into the very heart of the sahuagin stronghold. 

Can they avoid detection and capture, get the needed information, and get out alive? 

Chapter 44

The team continue their covert infiltration of the fortress base of the sahuagin fish-men.

In other words, Captain Baylore pretty much solos the entire dungeon while the other players watch.  

Chapter 45

The B-Team must fight their way out of the stronghold of the Sahuagin. 

In this chapter, Aella shows her true power!

Chapter 46

The B-Team leads an advance strike force into the stronghold of the sahuagin as part of a coordinated allied assault in the first part of the conclusion of the Final Enemy!

Chapter 47

The Crew of the Sea Ghost continue their assault against the stronghold of the sahuagin and must face off against the dreaded four-armed Baron Kepmak! 

Chapter 48

The crew of the Sea Ghost recruit two new companions as they set sail in search of a mysterious immortal pirate ship!

Thus begins week 1 of my adaptation of the Voyage of the Kraken's Wake by Y. Michael Zhang.

Chapter 49

The crew of the Sea Ghost continue their hunt for the Vengeful Tempest. On the way they encounter magical sharknados, baleful omens, a green dragon, a ghostly visitor, a hungry kraken, and special effects from the Final Countdown! 

Chapter 50

The crew of the Sea Ghost fight ship-to-ship with the Vengeful Tempest and its crew of the damned! 

We finally put the ship-to-ship combat rules in Ghosts of Saltmarsh to the test! Ballistae, Mangonels, Greek Fire, Storm Magic, and Ramming Speed! 

Chapter 51

The Sea Ghost travels 225 miles upriver to Niole Dra, capital of Keoland, to deliver Baron Solmor's gift to King Skotti on his birthday.

While there they encounter an outbreak of strange deadly melodies that terrorize the town. Can they solve the mystery and stop the musical mayhem before it's too late? 

Chapter 52

The crew of the Sea Ghost enters an ancient underground shrine to close a magical gate - the source of the deadly music elementals. 

The conclusion of Sing a Song of Sonant Spells. 

Chapter 53

The crew of the Sea Ghost visits an old friend before they set sail following a treasure map to the wreck of the Marshall - there they encounter deadly Mer-Ogres and massive Sharks!

Chapter 54

The crew of the Sea Ghost battle surly mer-ogres on the sea floor!

Cai'luin the bard meets a friendly and intelligent giant crab that talks like Phoebe Waller-Bridge. Later he's attacked by an Iron Cobra hiding in a magical mirror!

The crew recovers some valuable salvage and returns to Saltmarsh where intrigue awaits!

Chapter 55

The crew of the Sea Ghost accept a strange mission from a mysterious masked figure in red robes. 

Then they sail to Skyhorn Lighthouse to investigate the strange weather that has been centered there. 

Chapter 56

Captain Alot and the crew of the Sea Ghost must fight a deranged sea captain and his crew of mindless thralls and giant crustaceans at the bottom of the sea!

Then they discover a mysterious marble palace deep underground where they encounter strange otherworldly inhabitants and are almost defeated by a kitchen.

You heard that right, a party of eighth level PCs take more damage from a kitchen than from any encounter they've faced so far in their adventuring career!

Chapter 57

The crew of the Sea Ghost must defeat a horrible tentacle monster from beyond space and time in order to exonerate the lighthouse keeper of a crime he didn't commit.

Later, they explore a lost underwater labyrinth in search of a secret entrance into the sea elf castle of Manaan. 

Chapter 58

The crew of the Sea Ghost must navigate a dangerous undersea labyrinth filled with oozes and slimes, then overcome a chamber filled with giant coral snakes and eels, before they reach the mystical Sacred Coral Grove of the Sea Elf Tribe of Manaan.

Chapter 59

Princess Aella and the crew of the Sea Ghost must stand before her father King Pelagius of the Royal Family of the Sea-Elves in order to prove her worthiness to wield the magical Trident of Manaan.

Diplomacy, Betrayal, Assassination, and Attempted Fratricide in this exciting resolution to Aella's backstory!

Chapter 60

The Sea Ghost travels to the far land of Nyrond to deliver a cargo to a hermitage.
On the way they must defeat a flock of man-eating harpies and their enchanting matriarch!

Chapter 61

The crew of the Sea Ghost overcome a monstrous peryton using unconventional tactics.

Later they explore a seemingly abandoned hermitage in search of survivors. Who attacked this place and why?

Find out, in this week's thrilling chapter!

Chapter 62

The crew of the Sea Ghost continues their exploration of the abandoned hermitage on Firewatch Island. There make a grisly discovery in the bell tower, fight some unusually large coral snakes hiding in the scriptorium (because of course there are giant snakes in the scriptorium, where ELSE would they be?), and encounter some deadly chuuls lurking in the grotto beneath the hermitage. 

Chapter 63

The Crew of the Sea Ghost must defend the hermitage from waves of deadly sea-zombies.

Afterwards, they seek the source of the sea-zombies and confront the undying Captain Tammeraut in an epic battle beneath the sea!

Chapter 64

The crew of the Sea Ghost embarks on a journey inland across the Kingdom of Nyrond in search of a bandit lair.

What they find is more than they expect! Bugbears, Giant Spiders, and Spider-Men abound!

Chapter 65

The crew of the Sea Ghost delve deeper into a cave filled with bugbears, giant spiders, and mysterious spider-human hybrids in search of stolen treasure!

Chapter 66

What strange and ancient evil lurks beneath an abandoned shack down in Crabber's Cove.

Chapter 67

The crew of the Sea Ghost encounter a strange prisoner beneath the abandoned house in Crabber's Cove.

Later, they are called out for their past transgressions and must set sail to find the marid prisoner they accidentally set free.

Chapter 68
In order to rescue a captive marid, the crew of the Sea Ghost become prisoners of the aquatic hobgoblins known as koalinth. Now they must escape their prison and fight their way to freedom against the Koalinth of the Forsaken Sea-Mount!

Chapter 69

The crew lead a mass break-out of the Forsaken Sea-Mount of the Koalinth. In this thrilling all-action chapter, a wish is granted, Corvid undergoes an anime magical-girl transformation, and a war is declared!

Chapter 70

The crew returns to Saltmarsh. Cai'luin must deliver bad news to Aella and the town council. Corvid learns that Captain Xendros is packing up and leaving town. Alot decodes the secret correspondence of the Serpent's Tooth, agent of the Crimson Brotherhood in Saltmarsh, and learns of a dangerous threat to the kingdom of Keoland!

All this plus a cook-off to see who's the best chef on board the Sea Ghost!

Chapter 71

The Sea Ghost engages in a brief naval battle as it punches through the heavily guarded Strait of Monmurg on its way to the city of Poniard, also known as the Styes. 

Chapter 72

The crew of the Sea Ghost investigate a series of gruesome murders in the run-down city of Poniard, also known as the Styes. They discover a conspiracy and a cover-up that leads them to a shocking revelation!

Chapter 73

Their investigation into the Ghost Lantern Murders takes the crew to a dark asylum and then into a rusting decrepit ship dangling from an old crane over a foul pit of toxic mud.

Chapter 74

The crew of the Sea Ghost fight a disgusting opponent in order to expose a dark conspiracy of murder and apocalyptic destruction in the Styes. 

Chapter 75

The crew of the Sea Ghost must save Constable Jute from a dangerous cult of mad-men before they face the dark secret that lies at the heart of the dark underbelly of the Styes.

Chapter 76

Its an Array of Aquatic Aberrations as the crew of the Sea Ghost face their most deadly battles yet as they must defeat two psychic aboleths, then must overcome a third aboleth, a swarm of poisonous chuuls, and a juvenile kraken! 

Chapter 77

The crew of the Sea Ghost hold a reception to celebrate their recent victory over the horrific forces that had kept the city of Poniard under its psychic boot for decades.

Later, they encounter an old friend trying to steal the Apparatus of the Crab!

Chapter 78

The Sea Ghost battles hungry rocs and haughty elemental myrmidons as they return home to Saltmarsh. There they begin they face political trouble in the town council and the daunting challenge of preparing for an imminent attack orchestrated by the Scarlet Brotherhood.

Lots of emotional role-playing and FEELINGS in this exciting chapter of Ghosts of Saltmarsh!

Chapter 79
The crew of the Sea Ghost visits Seaton and helps them prepare for an imminent attack.

Patriarch Craig spies on the enemy with scrying and witnesses the re-birth of a dragon slain by Aella.

Preparations are made in this penultimate chapter of Ghosts of Saltmarsh!

Chapter 80

The thrilling finale of our Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign!

The story ends with the crew of the Sea Ghost battling the black dragon Aulicus atop the battlements of the citadel of Seaton.

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