
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Temple of the Spider Priestess - Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Chapter 15


The Mystics of Trollskull Manor, plus their new associate Randall, slew the last of the quaggoth guards outside the entrance to the ancient dwarven Temple of Dumathoin.

Two dwarf-sized packets of something wrapped in spider silk cocoons flanked doors of the inner entrance. 

Tempus produced a knife and began cutting the silk cocoons. Inside he found...


The Mystics of Trollskull Manor:
  • Winterfrost of House Silverspear - Chaotic Good Moon Elf Noble and Fighter. The daughter of elven diplomats, raised among dwarves.
  • Etlenda, aka "Exile" - Neutral Good Eladrin Outlander and Paladin. Exiled from the Feywild and raised by wolves. While exploring the Feydark he crossed over into the Underdark and emerged into the Mortal World.
  • Tempus Vegvisir - Lawful Good Human Trade Sheriff and Cleric of Helm. Husband and Father.
  • Push-ta "Bearbite" Tok - Neutral Half-Orc Former Smuggler and Rogue, secret member of the Zhentarim.
  • Kem Hearthfire - Chaotic Good Half-Orc Former Gladiator Priestess of Gond. 
  • Randall - Chaotic Good Human Scout and Smuggler. The child of minor nobles slain by Manshoon - or one of his duplicates, he now leads smugglers down the River Sargauth to Skullport.
  • Glom the Wretched - Chaotic Neutral Goblin NPC, former thief and guide to the Arcane Chambers.
DM - Kem's player was absent this week. Not having a dedicated full-time cleric made things more challenging for the group.

Troglodyte Slaves

...a statue of a dwarf. The giant spiders of the drow had cocooned the statue of a dwarf. 

Tempus turned to the others, "Want me to cut open the other cocoon?"

Etlenda gave Tempus a look of annoyance, "No, let's just keep moving."

They opened the bronze doors of the inner entrance and found another room. The walls of this room glittered with exposed veins of gold. Several bipedal rock lizards chipped away at the gold, collecting the flakes and nuggets into buckets. Their stench was overpowering!

The high ceiling was choked with sheets of  ethereal spider webs. Webbing shot down from the darkness, barely missing Winterfrost.

"Ranged fighters, forward!" she called.

At the appearance of the intruders, the troglodyte slaves huddled by the large pair of bronze doors on the far wall, scratching and trying to escape. 

Tempus moved in and sent several magical bolts of fire towards the spider, dangling by a thread near the ceiling. The spider died and fell to the ground, its burning flesh quickly extinguished.

The rest prepared weapons to fight the troglodytes but it was clear they were armed only with pick axes and had no wish to engage these intruders. The party gave them a means to escape behind them - past the carcasses of half-a-dozen dead quaggoth guards. 

The Magic Door

The heavy bronze doors were closed and locked. The doors were decorated with a bas relief of mountains - the symbol of the god Dumathoin. Despite it being locked, Bearbite could find no keyhole, and none of his tools were able to lift the bar keeping the doors closed. He examined the recessed depression, the size of a fist, in the door. He had an epiphany. He took out a valuable bloodstone he had liberated from the chambers of the drow priestess and placed it in the depression.

The door opened, revealing a darkened hall beyond.

Temple of Dumathoin

Etlenda, astride his giant spirit wolf mount, charged into the center of the cathedral-like chamber. Quarrels sent from small crossbows filled the air! Giant spiders skittered across the web-covered ceiling, and dark humanoid forms maneuvered within. 

Winterfrost and Bearbite were covered in spider webbing sprayed upon them by the giant spiders. They were immobilized. Hu-man Patty Johnson helped cut Bearbite free while Winterfrost flexed her muscled to break out.

Etlenda engaged a line of four drow defenders in the dim gloom. He could only barely make out more drow and more giant spiders scurrying towards the rear of the room. One of the drow defenders cast a spell of shadow, blocking the line of sight between those in the rear and the rest of the room. 

Winterfrost and Bearbite passed through the gloom behind Etlenda but were soon beset by giant spiders that had dropped from the ceiling! Tempus, meanwhile, cast a spell onto his bat familiar, Edward, giving it the ability to breathe ice like a white dragon. 

Edward flew towards Etlenda and breathed deadly ice onto the line of defenders, killing three of the four! The zone of shadow disappeared!

A drow mage in the back of the room spoke an incantation and a demon of shadow arose in the gloom near Bearbite. The demon slashed at the half-orc rogue, nearly killing him! Bearbite staggered, then took a breath. He was badly shaken but still alive!

The shadow demon ducked and weaved, slipping through and around Bearbite, Tempus, and Winterfrost like a creature made of shadowy quicksilver. Randall, likewise, moved like a creature made of smoke - appearing and disappearing into the darkness. 

A streak of green light appeared out of the darkness from the back of the room, briefly illuminating the high priestess of the drow. She sent several bolts of poison magic at the party from her position of safety in the rear.

Etlenda abandoned the lone drow defender and charged the drow mage. Multiple giant spiders closed in around Etlenda to block his movement. The mage, gravely wounded, disappeared in a puff of silvery smoke, reappearing on the other side of the room.

The lone drow sent a crossbow bolt at the flittering bat that had killed his colleagues. The bat disappeared in a puff of magic. Tempus shouted, angrily, "Damn it!"

Tempus cast a magic fireball onto the rear of the room. The explosion killed the drow who had just killed Edward, the drow mage, most of the giant spiders, and badly burned the priestess. With the death of the mage, the shadow demon disappeared.

DM - The players were having a hell of a time with that shadow demon. When the mage died and the demon disappeared, there was much rejoicing and congratulations for Tempus and his fireball!

The priestess summoned forth a swarm of insects to block the path in the center of the room, engulfing Etlenda and Winterfrost in a cloud of biting poisonous magical insects. 

Suddenly, surprisingly, Randall appeared out of the darkness, stabbing the drow priestess with his rapier. She fell to the ground, dead, and the flies vanished.

Some Much Needed Rest

Winterfrost removed the holy symbol of Lolth from the neck of the drow priestess. This was their prize and their mission. The priestess also bore a ring of iron keys. 

They found a living survivor cocooned in silk on the back wall. They cut him loose and were surprised to find a drow. The drow said he had displeased his priestess and thus was his fate. They asked how they could find the River Sargauth. The drow told them to head south and keep heading south. The party let him go, telling him to escape through the doors in which they entered. 

The party then dragged the bodies of the spiders and the drow out into the entrance chamber and re-closed the bronze doors. There they spent several hours resting, identifying magical items, evaluating treasure, and getting some sleep while the elven-folk meditated. 

Dungeon Grimlocks

After resting several hours, the party prepared themselves to explore more of the temple complex. They opened the bronze doors to find gricks feasting on the corpses of the dead. They quickly  moved past to the door on the south wall.

Within they found a prison dungeon. A group of blind grimlocks were harassing the prisoners held within the cells. The grimlocks turned their attention to the new intruders. The Mystics of Trollskull Manor made short work of the subterranean bullies.

Within the cells they found a human lamplighter named Geldax Breer. He had been kidnapped off the streets of Waterdeep late at night and had no idea where he was. The next cell held a hobgoblin named Lurrash. He demanded to be set free so that he could wreak righteous vengeance against his oppressors in the name of Warlord Azrok! 

The final three cells contained fully armed and armored drow. The drow, for reasons unknown, were locked in prison cells. The drow began shooting their hand crossbows at Winterfrost. One quarrel struck the elven warrior and she staggered as the poison in the tip coursed through her veins. 

Geldax and Lurrash were freed and the party quickly moved out of range of the drow. Lurrash wished only to kill the captive drow. This the party prevented and ultimately Lurrash exited to the north. When he saw the bodies of the drow priestess, he cheered and proclaimed the Mystics of Trollskull Manor to be heroes! He begged for them to accompany him back to be introduced to Warlord Azrok as heroes but they respectfully declined. 

The Sun Elf

In a separate cell they found a sun elf chained to the floor, meditating. She showed signs of lashing and torture, but she patiently waited. When the door opened she said, calmly, "Has your mistress finally - Oh? Who are you?"

The party introduced themselves. The elf's name was Marta Moonshadow. When asked about her presence in the dungeon, she explained that she had been captured by pirates and sold as a slave in Skullport. Her story seemed off - Randall knew pirates didn't sell slaves in Skullport anymore. Etlenda, too, had a strange feeling about her, but thus far had no reason to distrust her.

She said, "If you please, I am a wizard and I am bereft of my wand and spellbook. You haven't perchance found one among the drow have you?"

Winterfrost nodded and said, "Oh, yeah, hold on-" before being abruptly silenced by both Etlenda and Bearbite, "NO! No, we have not. I'm sorry." Etlenda stared deeply into Winterfrost's eyes and she understood, "Oh, right, my mistake. No we haven't."

The party, now with Geldax Breer and Marta Moonshadow in tow, ventured further south. 

House of Pain and Pleasure

They reached a complex of rooms that appeared to be a series of torture chambers. They could hear whipping and the cries of pain echoing off the walls. They approached cautiously. 

Suddenly Marta Moonshadow called out, "Beware! Intruders from the surface approach!"

Etlenda said, "I knew it!" and they party charged ahead. They came upon a room with four drow guards. A large magical circle was drawn in the floor with fresh entrails, magical symbols were written in wet blood around the circle. 

The guards had drawn their weapons and prepared themselves. A fierce battle ensued. Bearbite remained behind and slammed his club into the face of Marta Moonshadow, knocking her into unconsciousness.

Soon more drow, female leaders in armor, emerged from the side chambers. Randall moved like a shadow - invisible in the gloom, as he slipped from drow to drow leaving death in his silent wake.

Eventually, all the drow fighters were eliminated. 

They found a male drow still bound to a water torture device in one of the rooms. He asked to be freed - so that he could kill the intruders and avenge his comrades! When interrogated, he boldly claimed that this force was but an advanced vanguard of a larger invasion of Waterdeep to come! That his mistress T’rissa Auvryndar was perfecting a means of creating new larger giant spiders out of the bodies of victims kidnapped from the streets! Soon more drow will arrive and the outrage perpetrted here today  would become meaningless!

When he was told that he would not be set free, he changed tactic. He begged to receive the test of Lolth! Allow him to enter the circle of the test. If he is worthy, he will live and his victory against his enemies in battle would be assured. If he failed, he would return as an abomination and seek exile.

Randall said, "I kind of want to see what happens."

Etlenda laughed, "Yeah, uh no." They disabled the water torture device but left him strapped to the table. They bound Marta with other restraints easily found hanging on walls.

They prepared to enter the rough hewn tunnel leading south - from which could be felt a cool wet breeze.

To Be Continued...

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Drow Town - Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Chapter 14

As the party exited the structure, they saw four large hairy beasts, like a cross between a man, a bear, and a gorilla covered in white fur, charging towards them, clinging to the walls of the dwarven structures. The beasts snarled and seemed intent on violence!

They were being directed from the rear by a drow handler. More drow could be heard mustering around the corner.

They were under attack!


The Mystics of Trollskull Manor:
  • Winterfrost of House Silverspear - Chaotic Good Moon Elf Noble and Fighter. The daughter of elven diplomats, raised among dwarves.
  • Etlenda, aka "Exile" - Neutral Good Eladrin Outlander and Paladin. Exiled from the Feywild and raised by wolves. While exploring the Feydark he crossed over into the Underdark and emerged into the Mortal World.
  • Tempus Vegvisir - Lawful Good Human Trade Sheriff and Cleric of Helm. Husband and Father.
  • Push-ta "Bearbite" Tok - Neutral Half-Orc Former Smuggler and Rogue, secret member of the Zhentarim.
  • Kem Hearthfire - Chaotic Good Half-Orc Former Gladiator Priestess of Gond. 
  • Glom the Wretched - Chaotic Neutral Goblin NPC, former thief and guide to the Arcane Chambers.
  • Randall - Chaotic Good Human Scout and Smuggler. The child of minor nobles slain by Manshoon - or one of his duplicates, he now leads smugglers down the River Sargauth to Skullport.
DM - We were joined this week by a player we haven't seen for a while. He moved to a different town several years ago and we miss him. He wanted to get some D&D in so of course we welcomed him back!


The quaggoths ran along the upper walls of the ancient dwarven ruins. Winterfrost ran forward and cast a spell, sending a lasso of lightning around one of the quaggoths. The quaggoth held firm and the lightning bolt dissipated.

The drow in the rear pointed at the group. Tiny faerie lights hovered around the air. Some stuck to Etlenda's spirit wolf, illuminating it in a purplish aura.

Etlenda drove his spirit wolf into battle, leaping into the air and claw one of the quaggoths off its perch on the wall, driving it into the ground. The quaggoth  counter-attacked the spirit wolf, killing it! The mount disappeared, leaving its suit of barding and Etlenda. Etlenda found himself fighting two of the quaggoths! A third quaggoth dropped from the ceiling at the back of the party to attack Bearbite. 

The quaggoth in the rear stood erect and its eyes glowed with psionic power - a thonont! Suddenly Etlenda's armor became uncomfortably hot! Etlenda writhed in burning agony but continued fighting! Etlenda shouted direction to the others, "That one in the back! Try to kill it first!"

Kem said a prayer and a spiritual hammer of Gond appeared to attack the quaggoth in the back. Suddenly the entire area descended into impenetrable darkness. The drow in the rear has shrouded the area in his dark magic, shielding the thonont from view. There was nothing to attack! Etlenda grimaced at the increasing heat of his armor, "That's not good!"

Tempus said, "I've got this!" He produced a glass orb that hovered in mid-air. The orb flashed into brilliance - emitting the light of day and illuminating the ancient dwarven city! The magical darkness was burned away by the shining light, revealing three identical thononts standing on the roof!

Etlenda sheathed his sword and climbed the wall onto the roof of the ancient dwarven dwelling. He re-drew his sword and slew the quaggoth clutching the wall before turning his attention to the thonont. 

Meanwhile, behind the front line of battle, Bearbite stabbed the quaggoth menacing him. The quaggoth became enraged, clawing at Bearbite with terrible ferocity. Bearbite retaliated with his heavy club - Tally's Whacker, crushing the quaggoth into mash. He then advanced to help Winterfrost fight the quaggoth on the front line. 

Tempus imbued his magical bat familiar, Edward, with a spell and sent the bat onto the roof of the dwaven dwelling. The bat exhaled a cone of icy frost onto all three identical thononts. The two extra thononts disappeared, leaving only one. 

Etlenda soon caught up to the thonont. The beast was soon dispatched and Etlenda paused to catch his breath.

Winterfrost and Bearbite soon eliminated the remaining quaggoth on the ground and moved towards the drow.

The drow withdrew, disappearing around a corner and into a door.


Tempus and Bearbite moved to the door and waited for the others to catch up. Etlenda was still climbing down off the roof. 

Tempus threw open the door, bathing the interior with the bright illumination of daylight from his driftglobe. Tempus was immediately bombarded with half a dozen small crossbow bolts. The drow within were blinded by the daylight so their poison-tipped bolts harmlessly struck the wall and door. Tempus cast a spell and a fireball exploded in the center of the room. Many of the drow within were instantly incinerated!

Bearbite quickly followed up by charging towards the back of the room and killing one of the surviving drow. Another drow, more heavily armored and elaborately dressed, engaged Bearbite in battle. Winterfrost soon joined her orcine companion and the two remaining drow were quickly dispatched. 

The leader wore an amulet - a black scarab with red eyes, its back marked with the symbol of a drow noble house. Winterfrost took it. 

Giant Spiders

Suddenly there came a cry of alarm from outside the drow quarters - three humongous spiders attacked! Tempus and Kem attacked the spiders at range with magical spells and holy prayers while Etlenda once more climbed onto the roof. Two of the spiders were quickly slain while the third fled to the south. Etlenda leaped from the roof of one structure to the other and gave chase. He soon caught up to the spider and killed it. 

Enter Randall

In the back of the drow quarters they found a man encased in spider webbing. They cut him out and found him still alive. 

The man - a human - was named Randall. He was an advanced scout for an underground expedition on the River Sargauth to Skullport. He had been captured by the drow and now he had no idea where he was. The Mystics of Trollskull Manor invited Randall to join them as they explored Undermountain.

After a short rest, during which healing spells were cast and Etlenda was able to summon a new spirit wolf mount, they decided to continue searching the ruined dwarven city.

Compromised Position

The Mystics checked a few more dwarven structures - finding them empty. They moved towards the entrance and found a small structure that reeked of excrement. Winterfrost opened the door and found a drow voiding his bowels into a pail. The drow staggered in an attempt to pull up his pantaloons. Winterfrost ordered him to surrender but the drow stood defiant, "Kill me and my brothers will avenge me. You will know death at the hands of my captain, Ranaghax Auvryndar!" 

Winterfrost produced the black scarab amulet, "This guy?" 

The drow was momentarily shaken. He took a breath and picked up the pail. He the party to stand aside or be doused with his filth!

Etlenda stepped forward and stared the defiant drow into submission. Etlenda ordered the drow to put down the bucket and suggested a compromise. 

"Look, there's only one scenario where you don't wind up dead. You tell us where we might find T’rissa Auvryndar and you can walk away."

The drow considered his options. He relented, "You will probably find her in the old dwarven temple."

"Where is that?" asked Etlenda.

"It is past the dwarven ossuary. That is all I will tell you. Now let me pass."

Etlenda looked at the others, "Where's the dwarven ossuary?"

Kem checked her maps, "It's back by the stairs where we came down."

Tempus interjected, "Now wait a minute. How do we know that's where he means? There could be lots of dwarven ossuaries."

The drow rolled his eyes, "I said THE dwarven ossuary, not A dwarven ossuary. There is only one!" He looked at Etlenda, "Are ALL humans this stupid? "

Etlenda nodded and smirked, "A little."

The drow became impatient, "I told you what you wanted to know. It will not help you. My mistress will destroy you! Let me pass!"

"Okay, you are free to go."


The Mystics moved to the next structure. The door was barred and locked on the outside. A foul odor emanated from within. Bearbite attempted to open the lock with his picks but failed. Randall tried to open the lock but likewise failed. Winterfrost groaned and produced a crowbar. She bust the bar and lock off the door and it swung open.

Imprisoned within the structure were a dozen bipedal cave lizards! They stormed the door in a desperate bid to escape. The party withdrew, allowing them to run past. 

Tempus climbed up onto the roof of the structure. He reached into his bag of holding and threw some hard rations onto the ground by the door. Instead of fleeing, the humanoid reptiles fought and grabbed for the food, creating a scrum. 

Etlenda shouted to Tempus, "What are you doing? We were trying to let them leave!"

Tempus shrugged, "Sorry. That didn't go as planned!"

A few of the bipedal cave lizards snatched up food and ran. The others gave chase. They eventually rand towards the southern exit. 


The next structure was similarly barred and locked. Winterfrost prepared her crowbar.

"Sure!" said Etlenda, mockingly, "What else can we set free?"

Winterfrost busted open the door. Within were three man-like creatures, pot-bellied with ash-gray skin and long stringy hair. Their faces lacked eyes of any kind. They turned and sniffed at the door. They grunted and took cover in a pile of rocks and debris at the back of the structure. 

Winterfrost gathered up the broken pieces of the bar that once held the door. Tempus cast a spell of mending, repairing the pieces and restoring the door. 

Etlenda said, "Okay, what have we learned?"

Winterfrost conceded, "Yes, sir."

The Temple of Dumathoin 

The party decided to abandon Stromkulduhr and find the dwarven temple. They reversed their route to the site of the dwarven ossuary. From there they took a previously unexplored passage leading southwest. The daylight of the drift globe had ended. The party moved in complete darkness. Their darkvision providing dim awareness of their surroundings.

Etlenda saw a quaggoth hiding in the darkness. He charged forward on his spirit wolf mount. He was soon beset with additional quaggoths who had been hiding, waiting for his approach.

A pitched battle ensued within the vestibule of the dwarven temple. The quaggoths did their best to hold the line at the outer entrance but were pushed back to the inner door. Two dwarf-sized packets of something wrapped in spider silk cocoons flanked doors of the inner entrance. 

Despite a strong defense, the six quaggoth guards were eventually defeated. 

Tempus produced a knife and began cutting the silk cocoons. Inside he found... be Continued!

Sunday, April 10, 2022

The Dark Den - a scenario for MÖRK BORG

TRIGGER WARNING - the following scenario contains the implication of gruesome harm having been done to children and infants.

The following scenario was procedurally generated using the random tables in the MÖRK BORG rulebook.

In the untamed wilds of Tveland

Weather: Soup-thick mist

Noble child said to see dark visions

Blood-Countess ANTHELIA of Tveland falls severely ill

Name: The Dark Den

Inactive, because Misery was fulfilled,

4:1 For five days and five nights mothers flesh shall be the cloak of demons.

5 rooms

    1.  Leaning
    2.  Smoke-filled
    3.  Bloodied beds
    4.  Full of debris
    5.  Utterly silent 

A black pearl. If dropped in darkness it rolls towards the nearest exit to day.

The Dark Den

Anthelia, the eternally young countess of desolate frost-barren plains of KERGÜS, has fallen severely ill. She lies stricken in Allians, the city of black glass in the North.

Alia, the child seer of Allians, has had a vision of doom. 

Now she requires the NETHER-PEARL - an orb of obsidian said to be crafted in the pits of HELL.

The solution - send foolish relic hunters to retrieve this Nether Pearl.

What does the Nether Peal have to do with the illness of  Anthelia and the fate of Allians? 



The NETHER-PEARL is located in a vault called the DARK DEN in the cellar beneath an ancient abandoned stave Church.

There it was protected for centuries by holy guardians.

Many relic hunters tried to steal it.

Those who were caught were punished - their young children or grandchildren were taken from them and bound within porcelain dolls.

The cruel dolls were put on display where they would die of starvation to serve as a warning to others.

The entrance to the vault is a secret ladder beneath the altar.

Surface Level

An old abandoned stave church, now inhabited by 1d8 starving steppe wolves.

HP 8, Morale 10, Tough skin -d2, Bite d6

The surrounding grassy steppe is covered in patches of snow. The air is cold and foggy. Visibility is limited. The nearest village is a mile away. It is abandoned and thoroughly looted.

Anyone searching around the altar must make a DR 14 Agility test or fall through the rotted floor for 1d6 damage.

The Dark Den Basement

1. Entrance: Investigating the altar in the church above causes the floor to collapse. Everyone standing near the altar must make a DR 14 Agility test or take 1d6 damage.

2. The Procedure Room: in this room, children were encased into porcelain dolls. In the center of the room is a table with child-sized restraints. Along the south edge of the room are eight glass gars filled with pickled babies. Along the north wall are two tables with saws, hooks, knives, and other surgical tools.

3. Eerie Silence: this room is bare save for four bloody skeletons on the floor. No sound can exist within the room. The skeletons remain inert until two or more characters enter the room.

HP 7 Morale 8 No armor
Shortsword d4 or Knife d4
Bony knuckles d2
Special Skulks about, impossibly soundless. Attacks by surprise. 
Can mimic voices to lure victims, but can only repeat what it has heard. Attacks on them with piercing weapons are DR14. Any strike doing 5 or more damage destroys the skeleton completely.

4. Spare Doll Parts Storage: 1d4 porcelain dolls heads worth 20s each.

5. Magical Fire: Anyone who opens the door must make a DR 12 Toughness test or take 1d6 damage. Closing the door requires a DR 12 Strength test. If the door is not closed at the end of the round, the fire spreads into half of the adjoining room. Anyone exposed to the fire must make a DR 12 Toughness test or take 1d6 damage. The fire continues to spread through open doors at a rate of one room every two rounds until contained.

6. Blood Stained Beds: One porcelain doll lurks in the shadowy corner. Another hides beneath one of the beds. 

HP 11 Morale – Porcelain -d2 
Claws/piercing bite d4
Can climb along walls and ceiling like a spider

7. Rift to the Nether Realm: Guarded by d4+2 porcelain dolls.

The rift is ten feet deep. At the bottom is raging hellfire and hundreds of clawed hands reaching and grasping.

Jumping across the rift requires a DR 12 Agility Test. Failing a test results in falling into the rift to be grabbed by clawed hands. The hands claw and scratch until the victim escapes. The victim cannot escape until the hands grabbing them have taken 7 HP in damage.

HP 7 Morale - Leather skin d2
Claw d2 + special
Special: Anyone bitten tests Toughness DR8 or dies within two days before rising as a zombie if not cured. 

The Nether Pearl: an orb of black glass. The bearer controls all undead they can see. The pearl cures the zombie curse. The bearer can heal themselves by draining hit points from others. The target must make a DR 8 Toughness test to resist drain or lose 1d4 hit points which, in turn, heal the bearer.

Play Report

My Friday group consisted of:

  • Niduk the Lesser, Heretical Priest from the thief-tunnels of Graven-Tosk.
  • Niduk the Other, Gutterborn Scum who escaped from a Tveland Orphanarium.
  • Ray the Dog, companion to Niduk.
  • Grittr the Varg, Fanged Deserter raised by wolves in the wilds of Bergen Chrypt, bearer of a tongue-shaped dagger known as Notung.
  • Geoffrey, Occult Herbmaster raised a little witch in a cottage in Galgenbeck, bearer of the magical Gourmand's Cutlery which allowed the bearer to eat any material.
  • Therg, Gutterborn Scum raised by rats in the gutters of Grift. She carried a bag containing the teeth of dead wizards as well as the sharpened teeth of her former companion, Keftar.

We had previously played Rot Black Sludge in the MÖRK BORG rule book, as well as Bloat by Greg Saunders.

After receiving the mission from the creepy Alia, the group traveled south to the abandoned village.

Grittr strode forward, ahead of the others, in an unsuccessful attempt to intimidate the wolves. Two wolves ran forward and attacked him. They were soon dispatched.

I allowed Grittr to make a DR 16 Presence test against the wolves. On a success, one of the wolves would flee. 

Ray the Dog had 1d8 hit points - I rolled 8 - and a bit attack using Niduk's Presence for 1d6. He was essentially a free ranged attack. Thanks to several critical hits, that dog later became the MVP, doing more damage than the rest of the party combined.

The party moved into the church. Grittr managed to successfully intimidate two of the wolves into fleeing. The other two attacked. Therg used his caltrops to deter the remaining outside wolves from reentering the church. Once the two wolves inside were defeated, they investigated the altar. Some of them fell through, the others used the ladder to join them.

Grittr lit a lantern and led the way into the operation room. 

Grittr opened the door to the north and entered the room of silence. The skeletons attacked and he retreated to the operation room so that the others could attack the skeletons from range. 

To Grittr's surprise, the skeletons closed the door. 

Grittr finally wrenched the door open and the others fought the skeletons - often resorting to throwing jars filled with pickled babies. 

Best quote of the game: “Anyone got any extra pickled babies? I’m out!”

I never thought I’d run a game where glass jars containing pickled babies and severed limbs were used as weapons. 

Once the skeletons were defeated, Grittr opened the door to the magical fire room. He was engulfed with magical fire. He tried to close the door but failed. The fire moved into half the silent room, burning several of the others. Grittr finally managed to force the door closed.

They retreated to the operating room and went around to the room of blood-stained beds.

There they saw a creepy porcelain doll lurking in the corner. Several members of the party were frozen in fear as the doll attacked. Once they overcame the fear, they were able to defeat the doll. Grittr overturned the beds and found another doll which was soon defeated.

My players complained to me that I was going to give them nightmares.

The party decided to take a short rest in this room.

Once rested they opened the north door and went into the chamber of the Nether-Pearl, torn asunder by gaping rifts in the floor. 

The party became bogged down in the south-west corner of the chamber as wave after wave of creepy porcelain dolls climbed across the ceiling to drop on them. Many of them defeated by Ray the dog.

Niduk the Other tried to leap across the rift but failed, falling into the grasp of the clutching hands from the Nether-Realm. The others made ranged attacks until he was free. 

He allowed Grittr to toss him. Grittr instead shoved him hard and Niduk once again fell into the rift. 

Once freed, Niduk tried again to leap. He made it across and took the Nether-Pearl, deftly replacing it with a bag of sand and rocks of equal weight.

He could feel the power of the pearl. The clutching hands from the Nether-Realm held their palms up to carry him safely across the rift. He saw his companions as convenient sources of healing life energy. 

He put the pearl into his backpack and led the way out. 

Unbeknownst to Niduk, Therg had secretly lifted the pearl as he walked past. She put the pearl into the bag of teeth.

The bag began to grow and boil until she could no longer hold it. She dropped it and the pearl rolled, trailing teeth like iron filings aligned to a magnet. The fleshy interior bodies of nearby porcelain dolls were drawn around the pearl, absorbing the teeth.

The mass of flesh and teeth took a vaguely dwarf-like humanoid form, misshapen, malformed, with too many teeth growing out of its swollen gums and chin and face. The misshapen creature then vomited forth the Nether-Pearl, which was retrieved once again by Niduk. The voice of her dead friend Keftar cried out from the twisted mouth of the revived thing, "What did you do? Therg, what did you do?"

Keftar had been Grittr's player's character in an earlier game. He did a great job roleplaying the resurrected creature who shared his mind with several dead wizards.

Therg begged the misshapen Keftar for forgiveness. Keftar was insatiably hungry for human meat - a desire to add more mass. Geoffrey bestowed upon Keftar the Gourmand's Cutlery and said, "Here, eat up!"

At that, we called it a night. They returned the pearl to Alia and got their reward - 3d10 silver each. In addition, each player rolled for what they found after a thorough looting of the cellar - another 3d10 silver, two unclean scrolls - Death and Telekinesis, and a sacred scroll - Grace of a Dead Saint.

Map for use in VTTs


Thursday, April 7, 2022

Stromkuhldur - Dungeon of the Mad Mage, Chapter 13


The Mystics of Trollskull Manor descended to the second level of Undermountain known as the Arcane Chambers. They passed through the Goblin Bazaar. The Bazaar was severely depopulated - many of the goblin merchants having been recruited by the Legion of Azrok to fight the drow farther below. 

They retraced their steps to the Dead Eyes Watch Post. The watch post was now manned by hobgoblins. The hobgoblin guards bade them approach slowly with hands up. The Mystics complied and were allowed entry. 

A mixed platoon of  hobgoblins, bugbears, and goblins guarded the doorway. The captain came out to interrogate the Mystics on their origin, their destination, and their intention. Etlenda explained that they were this season's contestants in the challenge of the Mad Mage Halaster and they sought safe passage. Etlenda asked the captain how the campaign went against the drow. The captain declared that their holy crusade against the foul invaders continues. With the recent vacancy of the Xanathar's Guild, he and his platoon had been sent to secure this watch post to prevent further expansion by the vile dark elves.

When asked how he felt about Xanathar's Guild, the hobgoblin captain showed disdain for the criminal element and confidence in their ability to hold this post against any attempt by the Guild to retake it. The goblins and bugbears under his command, however, rubbed the back of their heads and glanced at each other warily - a sign that his troops did not share the captain's positive assessment.

The captain attempted to recruit the Mystics into the Legion's righteous crusade which they politely refused.

The captain announced that the toll for descent was 1 gold piece per party member. Etlenda gladly paid double the amount as a sign of encouragement and solidarity with the Legion of Azrok - as long as they held the post against Xanathar's Guild. 


The Mystics of Trollskull Manor:
  • Winterfrost of House Silverspear - Chaotic Good Moon Elf Noble and Fighter. The daughter of elven diplomats, raised among dwarves.
  • Etlenda, aka "Exile" - Neutral Good Eladrin Outlander and Paladin. Exiled from the Feywild and raised by wolves. While exploring the Feydark he crossed over into the Underdark and emerged into the Mortal World.
  • Tempus Vegvisir - Lawful Good Human Trade Sheriff and Cleric of Helm. Husband and Father.
  • Push-ta "Bearbite" Tok - Neutral Half-Orc Former Smuggler and Rogue, secret member of the Zhentarim.
  • Kem Hearthfire - Chaotic Good Half-Orc Former Gladiator Priestess of Gond. 
  • Glom the Wretched - Chaotic Neutral Goblin NPC, former thief and guide to the Arcane Chambers.
DM - This week we returned to Undermountain. I got great positive feedback from my players about the way the campaign has been going. They really appreciated the mix of dungeon-crawling, faction politics, and role-playing. They felt the balance has been really well maintained. They expressed a concern about having to refight battles as they ascend out of the dungeon and descend back into it. I reminded them that it's a living dungeon and stuff happens while they're gone. If they wanted a secure route, it was up to them to make it secure. They might consider hiring guards to occupy and protect key checkpoints. They rolled their eyes at the additional expense but acknowledged it was probably the best way.


The party went right at the bottom of the stairs, having already taken the left passage. The corridor turned left - Kem figured they were facing south. The passage turned east then south again and opened into a chamber - a hundred feet across with a thirty foot ceiling. The southern, easter, and western portions of the chamber were covered in debris from a massive collapse. The chamber contained small walled structures - mostly collapsed or with fallen walls. This was once part of the dwarven city of Stromkuhldur. They explored a few of the structures but found them empty - long ago stripped of anything useful - so they continued through an excavated passage in the collapsed southern wall.


The passage contained a side branch heading east. The half-orc Push-ta scouted the side passage. He returned to report a natural cavern with a large three-headed beast - a chimera - lying upon a pile of coins. The party decided to confront the beast.

Winterfrost and Etlenda led the way. They charged into the room and attacked the creature. The chimera  responded by biting at Winterfrost while its dragon head breathed flame onto Etlenda, burning him and his spirit wolf. They, along with Push-ta, counterattacked and made short work of the chimera. 

The team took some time to separate the pile of coins by type without counting. They recovered hundreds of electrum coins and thousands of silver coins. They put the electrum into a magical bag of holding and continued their exploration.

Giant Spiders

They continued down the excavated tunnel and entered another section of the dwarven city. This chamber was larger than the first and the north and western sections were buried in collapsed debris. The subterranean structures were larger. Many contained chimneys and pipes connecting to the ceiling. The walls were covered in a thick layer of silky webbing. Large sheets of webbing dangled from the ceiling, swaying slowly. Many of the structures were connected by massive strands of web. 

Suddenly three humongous spiders attacked - attempting to cover the Mystics of Trollskull Manor with webbing from their hidden positions atop structures or on the wall. 

The party became split into two flanks and the battle became a slog. Soon more spiders joined the fight from further south in the city-chamber. As one spider was defeated, another would appear! 

Kitchen Guards

From around the corner of the nearby structure appeared an elf with charcoal gray skin and long white hair - a dark elf - a drow! The drow was investigating the disturbance and seemed surprised to see intruders defeating the massive spiders. He ran back inside the structure.

Kem said a prayer was was surrounded by several dozen spiritual hammers which attacked the spiders and forced them to retreat. 

Hu-man Patty Johnson became immobilized in sticky webs. Etlenda and Tempus were forced to divert to aid their friend and help her escape from the webs. Push-ta climbed the structure to give chase to the fleeing spider. He soon shot it dead with his light crossbow. 

Etlenda and Tempus rejoined Kem and Winterfrost who had defeated the spiders on their flank and were pursuing the drow into the structure.

There they were plunged into magical darkness. The spiritual hammers struck down the drow in the room and the magical darkness ended. 

They were in a kitchen. Bugbear and goblin prisoners were chained to a table preparing meat to be cooked while a cauldron bubbled in the far corner of the room. 

They freed the prisoners and equipped them with weapons taken from the drow. The prisoners fled to reunite with the Legion of Azrok.


The party exited the kitchen soon afterwards but were attacked by a drow with a crossbow from the opposite roof. Etlenda disappeared, only to magically reappear on the far roof. He rode his spirit wolf mount as he chase down and slew the defiant dark elf.

The party had noticed that the drow had come from the the northeast. They explored that way and found the entrance to a richly appointed bedchamber. The door was decorated with paintings of a female dark elf and multiple giant spiders.

Within was a luxurious bed covered in fine spider silks. The preserved heads of goblins and bugbears sat on a shelf in one corner. 

By the bed was a locked chest. The chest was decorated with a spider motif. Push-ta produced his lock picks and quickly opened the lock and the chest.

Within they found an onyx spider figurine, 8 sticks of incense, a dagger with a reservoir for poison , a folded robe of spider silk dyed black with gold spiders on it, a potion of yellow oily liquid similar to a healing potion, a birchwood wand and a fancy leatherbound spell book decorated with moons and trees, and a secret compartment Push-ta found a pouch decorated like the spell book with a diamond and a pearl.

Demon Mirror

They party exited the bedchamber and explored some other nearby structures. Most were empty but in one locked structure they discovered a large oval mirror. The mirror's frame was carved to look like hundreds of black spiders - they seemed to move and boil. 

Winterfrost approached the mirror and saw her own reflection. As she drew near her reflection was replaced with a waxy amorphous mass with a single giant red eye. It spoke in a language she did not understand. The mirror tilted forward. Winterfrost retreated as it fell onto the floor, smashing into a thousand shards.

Tempus, a religious man, had heard the words. He knew the language - Abyssal, the speech of demons. He relayed what the demon said, "I know you. I know who you are."

Treasure Downstream

The next structure they found was opened. Within was a vein of turquoise running down the eastern wall. The vein resembled a blue-green river. Several carved salmon were embedded into the turquoise as if swimming in the river. 

There was a deep basin carved into the floor of the northern portion of the room. The fish appeared to be swimming away from it.

Etlenda examined the fish and noticed that they were attacked via pegs and could be rotated. He spun all the fish around so that they were swimming towards the basin.

The basin magically filled with water. Within the water was a bright milky green fish, swimming around.

Etlenda got on his knees near the basin. He reached in and managed to catch the fish. When he withdrew it from the water, it stopped moving. It had become frozen in emerald. He placed it within his magical bag of holding for later examination.

Quaggoth Charge

As the party exited the structure, they saw four large hairy beasts, like a cross between a man, a bear, and a gorilla covered in white fur, charging towards them, clinging to the walls of the dwarven structures. The beasts snarled and seemed intent on violence!

They were being directed from the rear by a drow handler. More drow could be heard mustering around the corner.

They were under attack!

To be Continued!

Next week, Push-ta's player is absent to I'm taking the opportunity to run Mork Borg for some of my other players who had yet to experience it. The two players who had previously played Mork Borg were very excited!