
Wednesday, June 23, 2021

The Buffalo Springs Respite - The City at the Edge of the Universe, Chapter 7

Norah led them to a ramshackle structure constructed from scavenged concrete blocks and rusted metal sheets. A sign outside the establishment read “Buffalo Springs Respite - All are Welcome”. There were a variety of mounts and vehicles outside including 4 giant coyotes with saddles, 2 monotreads, and a hovercraft. 

The expedition exited their vehicles and entered the respite. Within they found a saloon that was one part Old West and one part Post-Apocalypse. A half-dozen surly looking patrons sat quietly at their tables. The man behind the bar eyed them suspiciously as they entered. He looked just as surly and as road-weary as the others - covered in dust and sores, unshaven and wind-blown.

Norah asked the man, "Where's Mack?"

The man hesitated before replying, "Mack is sick today, so I'm covering for her."

Officer Tucker, Rex, Professor Putnam, Felix, and Scout stood just inside the door. Felix and Scout looked at each other nervously. Felix said, "Hey, Scout. Let's talk outside real quick." 

They turned to leave but they found the exit blocked by another two burly travelers, each carrying a hand-stunner.

Norah backed away from the bartender, "Yeah, we'll come back later." She turned to leave.

The bartender pulled a hand-stunner from under the bar. Simultaneously, the other patrons all pulled stunners from under their tables. 

The bartender said, "You're not going anywhere!"

Chapter 7 - The Buffalo Springs Respite

What follows is a play-through of an adventure scenario I'm writing for Overlords of Dimension-25. The scenario is a survival hex-crawl where the player characters and their entire town are transported to a strange new dimension, only to be attacked by armored invaders intent on rounding up the townsfolk for a mysterious and nefarious purpose. 

This week, the team travels to Buffalo Springs and gets into a fight with some bounty hunters. Plus, A DEATH IN THE PARTY! 

Dramatis Personae

  • Officer Bocephus "J.T." Tucker - Williamsburg police department - Level 2 Warrior
  • Rex Werthy - construction worker - Level 3 Engineer
  • Professor Thadeus Putnam - retired professor of anthropology - Level 2 Expert
  • Felix Silla-Rossi - 15 year-old juvenile delinquent - Level 2 Rogue
  • Scout Thomas - 16 year-old outdoorsman and YouTube personality - Level 2 Scout
  • Officer Steve  - a German Shepherd, Officer Tucker's partner.
  • Vera - retired nurse - NPC
  • Mabel - Professor Putnam's elderly housekeeper - NPC
  • Ivana Soraya - elementary school teacher - NPC
  • Auguste Kristijan - locksmith - NPC
  • Qarma Blaze - teenager and retail sales clerk - NPC
  • Farah Subhash - retired truck driver - NPC
  • Alan Poulson - general contractor - NPC
  • Norah Fernandez - wasteland traveler with contacts in the Earth Resistance - NPC

Fight at the Respite

The bartender said, "The Consortium is paying 1000 credits a head to bring in your people alive. So what's it gonna be? You gonna make this easy or hard?" 

Scout said, "Hard!" and turned around and opened fire on the man blocking his exit with his assault rifle. The man fell down, dead. Felix fired his antique luger pistol as fast as he could into the other man. Rex ran behind the bar and attacked the bartender with his shovel. He then threw himself out of a nearby window and sought cover behind the wall.

The bartender leaned out the window and fired his sonic stunner at Rex, hitting him. Rex shuddered but fought through the seizure.

Norah fired her laser rifle at a bounty hunter but missed. A nearby bounty hunter stunned Norah in return. She fell to the floor unconscious.

Chaos reigned in the respite as the bounty hunters fired their sonic stunners, missing. One of the bounty hunters leaped out of a nearby window and jumped onto the back of the giant coyote mount tethered to a hitching post outside.  Two more bounty hunters ran around from the side of the building and covered the exit.

Professor Putnam returned fire with his own stunner, missing. 

Officer Tucker activated a stun grenade and tossed it across the room. It bounced back a few feet and caught Professor Putnam in the effect zone. Professor Putnam and two of the bounty hunters fell down unconscious.

Scout fired again with his assault rifle, killing another bounty hunter. Felix ran around the corner to help Rex. 

The bounty hunter on the giant coyote spurred his mount over towards the exit of the bar, blocking further escape. The coyote was the size of a bull. Its massive jaws clamped down onto Scout, crushing his chest. Scout screamed and fell to the floor, unconscious and dying. 

DM - We're using the "death at -10 hit points" rule from AD&D. Scout was bit for 5 damage reducing him to -1 hit points. 

Officer Tucker opened fire on the coyote with his automatic pistol. The giant canine was shot twice but kept fighting!

Outside, Rex and Felix opened fire on the bartender who appeared to be the leader of the bounty hunters.  Rex moved around to the back of the building in an attempt to flank the bounty hunter leader. He saw inside two more bounty hunters guarding an older black woman who was bound and gagged in a chair in a back room. He quickly dodged back as one of the bounty hunters broke the window and attacked him with the sonic stunner.

Officer Tucker continued firing on the coyote until it died. He then put one bullet in its rider, killing him. 

The leader of the bounty hunters moved to the back window to attack Rex. Rex shot him in the head with his pistol. The leader went down.

DM - Natural 20! 11 damage!

After the defeat of their leader, one of the bounty hunters outside got onto the hovercraft and fled, the other jumped up onto a coyote and ran off. One bounty hunter inside picked up Professor Putnam's unconscious body and ran towards a broken window. He was shot down by Officer Tucker. 

Felix grabbed his laser rifle and ran through the respite's dining hall towards an busted window, firing at the fleeing hovercraft and scoring one small hit. It was not enough to stop the hovercraft and it sped away. 

At the end of the battle, the team had captured two bounty hunters who had been stunned by the grenade. Two got away. Seven lay dead. 

Scout lay on the floor by the entrance, bleeding to death. Officer Tucker leaped to his aid. He withdrew several small emergency first aid kits from his and Scout's pack. He was soon joined by Rex and ultimately Felix. No one seemed to know what to do. First aid kits were opened and bandages were applied, but Scout continued to bleed.

It soon became clear. Scout was dead. 

DM - No one was trained in First Aid - that was Scout's job. Everyone kept trying, wasting a first aid kit with each try, but no one could roll lower than their Technical score. Scout eventually reached -10 hit points and died. 


The woman in the back was brought out and unbound. She introduced herself as Mack, owner of the Buffalo Springs Respite. The thanked the team for saving her and defeating the goons who took over her place. Bandits are a problem outside the domes but normally they just rob her and leave. She's never been taken hostage before. 

Qarma brought Officer Steve in from the truck outside, "Ew! Gross! What was all that noise?"

Officer Tucker introduced himself, Felix, Qarma, and Rex. He told Mack that they had come here because they were interested in joining the Earth Resistance. 

"Earth Resistance you say? What makes you think I know anything about the Earth Resistance?"

Officer Tucker said that the unconscious woman on the floor, Norah Fernandez, had brought them here to meet her. They asked if she knew Norah.

Mack shook her head, "No, can't say that I recognize her."

The team was beginning to become suspicious that Norah had set up an ambush.

After a few minutes, Professor Putnam rose from his stupor. A few minutes after that, Norah came to. Officer Tucker pointed out that Mack didn't know Norah and demanded some answers.

"Well, of course she wouldn't know me. She's never met me. But we have mutual friends." Norah looked at Mack. The two exchanged a long silent conversation - as if entire sentences were being spoken with subtle eye movements and nods. 

Mack suddenly replied, "Oh! Norah! Of course! Welcome back. It's been so long. Your friends will be expecting you."

Norah said, pointedly, "Will my new friends be welcome here? I can vouch for them."

Mack smiled, "Of course! Of course! Welcome everyone. I'll give them the full tour. You go ahead and run along now."

Norah thanked Mack and bade her farewell to the group, "Mack here will take good care of you. Trust her and do as she says. She's a friend." She left the Respite, got on her mono-tread, and rode off. 


Mack said, "Well, thanks again for saving me! You are free to stay here tonight on the house. Drinks and food are on me!"

Professor Putnam and Felix dragged away the dead bodies out of Mack's establishment. 

Qarma paced back and forth in front of the Respite holding up her smart phone, searching in vain for signal bars that didn't exist.

Rex, meanwhile, spent several hours befriending the two giant coyotes. He named them "Thrasher" and "Chew-Face", in honor of Scout.

Inside, Officer Tucker and Officer Steve interrogated the two bounty hunter prisoners who were regaining consciousness. The interrogation was easy, the bounty hunters were cooperative, answered questions, and willingly gave up what they knew. They had no reason to be secretive.

General Clopis of the Ares Consortium had put out a general bounty of 1000 credits on anyone who had escaped something called the Iron Highlands Event. Some bounty hunters staying at the Wasteland Trading Post two nights ago overhead their conversation with Norah and figured out that they were escapees from the event and that they were headed north to the Buffalo Respite. So the other bounty hunters radioed the base. They were sent out from the base and arrived just in time to set up an ambush. The coyote-riders were hired as lookouts to warn of your approach. 

He revealed that their base was located in the ruins of Old Cuyahoga and that they had captured at least a dozen other escapees. They were being held in the base and would eventually be delivered to General Clopis in Manhattan Complex in a few days for the reward.

Officer Tucker thanked them for being cooperative and set them free. He let the pair take one of the mono-treads and allowed them to build a makeshift sledge out of a large sheet of duraplas so that they could transport the bodies of their comrades back to their base and warned them about coming back.  

That night, Professor Putnam performed the moonlight burial ceremony of the Indo-European Stone Skull tribe for Scout. They, as the surviving members of the tribe, threw rocks at Scout's grave to punish him for dying and leaving the land of the living. They then retired to the Respite to drink multiple rounds of alcohol. Later, the returned to the grave to beg for Scout's forgiveness by cavorting around the grave and howling at the moon.

DM - Professor Putnam is an anthropologist but his player definitely isn't. So his player instead generates random tribe names and references goofy traditions that she invents on the spot. 

After the ceremony, officer Tucker once more asked Mack the Earth Resistance. Mack said, "I may know somebody who knows somebody. I tell you what. Stick around here until tomorrow. That somebody who knows somebody may want to meet you."

DM - There was actually a lot of dialogue and roleplaying during this part that I am unable to convey. Mack gave a lot of exposition, asked a lot of questions, etc. I'm just summing up for expediency.

The Recruitment Pitch

The next morning, Mack woke everyone up early and asked them to gather in the main room. She told them that somebody who knows somebody wanted to meet them. They needed to go to a ruined building about a mile east. She told them that they were free to take any armor or weapons but they wouldn't need them. 

DM - I learned that I should have told them to leave behind their vehicles and mounts. It was only a mile away, they could/should have walked. It would have made it less complicated. I went back and updated the text in the module to fix this. Likewise, I later updated this entire next section from what I did to make it flow better and make more sense.

They took a truck and a mono-tread to the site and found the ruined building, little more than four exterior walls and a door - like a big warehouse. They placed their weapons into the armored cargo locker on Felix's mono-tread and entered the dark building. 

A moment later a hologram projection appeared in mid-air, larger than life. The woman wore a mask to conceal her identity. The mysterious masked woman introduced herself as an agent and spokesperson for the Earth Resistance and asked the player characters what they knew of organization.

Officer Tucker replied that the Consortium was hunting them down and that they knew the Earth Resistance was fighting against the Consortium. That the Resistance opposed the Consortium was reason enough to seek them out -  but he also hoped to get their help in rescuing the people of Williamsburg and  Buck's Head that had been captured. 

She told them that the Earth Resistance was familiar with the plight of the refugees from the parallel dimension and knew well why General Clopis wanted to capture them so badly. She told them that she can help them find a way to free their people and return to their home dimension, if that’s what they want to do, but she needed their help.

She asked, “Would you like to join the Earth Resistance?”

J.T. Tucker, Rex, Felix, and Professor Putnam looked at each other and nodded, "Well, yeah. That's what we said."

Qarma looked up from her phone, "Yeah. Whatever. Do you have a charger?"

DM - Qarma has graduated from NPC to PC with Scout's player picking up the reins. He's doing a great job. Everybody hates her. Qarma's player hates her. I love her and I love how he's playing her. He's also doing me a favor and playtesting the new "Civilian" career I created. I've already made adjustments based on his experience.

The hologram said, "Excellent. If you travel another mile north of here, you'll meet a man. His name is Tech Sergeant Karl Rhys. He'll take you to the Hidden City."

DM - It was during the playtest that I realized the hologram was redundant. I have since replaced the hologram with a direct meet-up with Tech Sergeant Karl Rhys, below. He now serves the same purpose as the hologram without having to add the extra step.

Tech Sergeant Karl Rhys

They did as she directed and soon met a man wearing a long coat over a futuristic blue and grey uniform. He wore a tight-fitting helmet. His face was unshaven and he had the look of a man who'd seen too much.

"I'm Tech Sergeant Karl Rhys. I'm with the Earth Resistance. Come with me. I’ve got a transport flier parked just out of town. I'm going take you to the Hidden City.”

He led them to a blue and grey transport flier - an aircraft with a long pointed fuselage and no wings but three short fins. "You'll have to leave your vehicles here. We'll send someone to retrieve them."

DM - That was when I realized they should have left their vehicles and mounts behind.

The transport flier traveled low to the ground for about an hour. Tech Sergeant Rhys handed them each a blindfold, “I’m sorry. You’re going to have to wear these until we know we can trust you. Don’t worry, you won’t have to wear them very long. Also, I’ll have to take your weapons. This is purely a security precaution and they will be returned to you.”

The flier transported the blindfolded passengers through a rapid descent. The flier landed and they were transferred into another vehicle. They could hear the wind over a large body of water - no doubt Lake Erielhonan, aka Lake Erie.  The pressurized vehicle submerged and traveled for about an hour before surfacing. They were taken out of the submersible and led through a large chamber full of the sounds of machines and echoes - like a hangar bay. They were then escorted, still blindfolded, into a room with a loud electric hum. They passed through an arch or doorway that seemed to be the source of the hum.  There was a flash of light and their stomach seemed to drop. They were led out of the room and were taken down a corridor to a smaller room and told to remove their blindfolds.

They meet a woman wearing a futuristic skin-tight blue and grey uniform.

“Greetings. I apologize for all the skullduggery. We have to be cautious. I am Colonel Betty Lang of the Earth Resistance. You are in a secret and secure location known as the Hidden City. I understand you’ve been through quite an ordeal. I’m here to tell you two things. First, you are safe now. The Consortium can’t find you here. This is a safe place. You are free to stay as long as you like and where you go from here is up to you.”

“Second, I’m sad to report that the Consortium has captured your friends and loved ones. Doctor Mangrove tells me that they believe that by interrogating and experimenting on you and your people - everyone from your dimension - they might unlock the key to a technology that will help them in their quest to completely dominate the Solar System.”

“If you would like to help your friends, your family, and your loved ones, join us. Join the Earth Resistance and fight against the Consortium. We will help you free them and one day help you return to your home dimension.”

The team was unanimous in their desire to join. 

"Excellent! Welcome to the Resistance. Allow me to show you around a bit and introduce you to some people."

Professor Putnam pontificated, "Its too bad Scout isn't here to join us. He would have loved this."

DM - Yikes! that's a lot of exposition in a short amount of time! Also, there's like three or four separate recruitment pitches in there. I had to go back and streamline this process so that it flowed more naturally. In retrospect, I might even have added a random creature battle to the city before meeting Karl Rhys, just to split up all the exposition encounters.

The Hidden City

The members of the party were shown to a shower bay where they were able to clean themselves and don clean blue and white jumpsuits. They were given an opportunity to grab a snack of dried and compressed seaweed and algae chips and rehydrate with some clean water. 

Colonel Betty Lang met them in a large conference room. 

"Welcome to the Hidden City." She pushed a button on her computer-gauntlet and a hologram appeared. The image was of what appeared to be a large transparent potato mad of light. The interior of the potato was a complicated network of chambers and passages radiating out like spokes from a central axis. "The Hidden City is located inside an asteroid. I cannot tell you which asteroid - that is top secret - but know that you are no longer on Earth. You were brought here by the only two operating hypergates known to exist. They were activated by our chief scientist, Doctor Mangrove. Please, come with me."

Felix looked around in awe, "Cool! We're in space! Scout would have loved this!"

She led them away out of the conference room, down another corridor, and into a waiting room with large windows that looked into a laboratory. Within they saw a middle-aged black man wearing a long white and grey lab coat over a blue tunic discussing important subjects with an assistant. 

Colonel Lang activated an intercom and spoke into a microphone, "Doctor Mangrove. They're here as you requested."

Doctor Mangrove nodded and left the laboratory, entering the observation room through an airlock. 

"Are these they?" he asked. Colonel Lang nodded silently. Doctor Mangrove beamed with glee before excitedly shaking each of their hands, "Greetings! Greetings! Welcome to our universe! I say, can you understand my language? Oh! Excellent! How convenient!"

"I must say, the event that brought you here was simply extraordinary! Unprecedented! Indeed, your arrival represents a real opportunity for me! And, of course, for Doctor Jondo of the Consortium. You and your people must be an absolute BOON to his research!"

Felix asked, "Does this have anything to do with the hypergates?"

"Oh, yes! Yes yes! You see, Doctor Jondo is the head scientist working on a project to reactivate the hypergate network for the Consortium. Unfortunately for him, but fortunately for us, he ran into a severe impediment to his research that has stymied him for years!"

“You see, five hundred years ago, the Terran Empire used the hypergates to travel instantaneously between the worlds of our Solar system. Then the Martians revolted. They used planet bombs to destroy the surface of our world. This not only destroyed the Terran Empire, it destroyed the hypergate network. Since that time, the network has been unusable.”

“If the Martians could reactivate the network, it would represent a huge strategic advantage for them in their conquest of the Solar System."

"Doctor Jondo has been working on the project for years. Luckily, he has been unsuccessful. You see, the hypergates make use of wormholes that connects two points in space. These wormholes are incredibly dangerous."

"You see, without the algorithms that the Terran Empire used to control the wormholes, they have a tendency to disrupts  the very fabric of space and time. Certain laws of physics cease to function in their vicinity. Chemical reactions fail to occur. Electrical current stops. Nothing with a brain, no artificial device, no living being or artificial apparatus will function near the wormhole. Because this quantum disruption affects reality itself, you see, there is no way to shield oneself from its effects.” 

“However, I have a theory. Every subatomic particle, every proton and electron in our universe has a specific quantum wavelength. The wormhole affects all particles with the same quantum wavelength. I suspect that matter from your universe possesses a different quantum wavelength from matter from our universe. This would make you immune to the effects of the wormhole, you see."

"I believe Doctor Jondo likewise suspects this and that is why he directed General Clopis to round up everyone from your universe. He wanted them alive, you see, first so that he could experiment upon them, and second so that he could recruit them or press them into service. He wants to use your people to help him reactivate the wormholes and re-establish the hypergate network."

Colonel Lang added, "We have intercepted intelligence that this is the case. An army of workers and equipment have been redirected from Iron City Complex and Manhattan Island Complex to the event area. We believe Doctor Jondo is harvesting every last bit of matter from your universe for his use."

"Oh, that's terrible terrible news!" said Doctor Mangrove. 

Colonel Lang addressed the others, "That's why we need your help. We would like your assistance in reactivating the hypergates before the Consortium does."

Professor Putnam raised his hand, "Um, excuse me. I'm just a retired anthropologist. What do I have to offer?"

Colonel Lang smiled, "Professor Putnam. You should know that scientists and engineers are especially venerated among the Resistance. The ARES Consortium ensures that only a select few citizens of the UEA domes are able to receive an advanced education in science or technology. As a result, those with such backgrounds, even those from another universe, are in high demand. Unlike the domes, the Resistance places a high priority on academic knowledge, scientific research, and technological innovation. If for no other reason, you would be a great asset on our diplomatic missions to other worlds."

"Oh!" Professor Putnam practically blushed.

Officer Tucker cleared his throat, "Yeah. We're all for it. But we have a more pressing issue we need to take care of first. There are people from our universe being kept captive by bounty hunters in Old Cuyahoga, wherever that is. We need to rescue them as soon as possible before they are transferred to Doctor Jondo."

"Of course!" replied Colonel Lang, "We don't have time to assemble a proper strike team, but I can assign a submersible transport to take you there and bring you back. Your people would be welcome and safe here. We can provide them with false identities. After that, they will be free to do whatever they choose to do."

The Mission

Colonel Lang explained their situation in the Resistance. They were to be recruited as “advisors” or “consultants” outside the standard military hierarchy of the Resistance. They were assigned to their own living quarters within the Niagara Org. The hypergate to and from the Hidden City was restricted to mission-related travel and emergencies only.

Officer Tucker would retain his police rank and title and would be addressed as such. However, these were merely honorifics and did not integrate with the Resistance chain of command. 

Once they were safely back on Earth and in the underground base called Niagara Org, they were allowed to stow their equipment in their quarters. Their vehicles and mounts were  being transferred. 

An armored submersible transport was assigned to take them to the mouth of the Cuyahoga River.  The underwater journey from Niagara Org to Cuyahoga took just over eight hours. 

Rex said, "Wow, a submersible! Scout would have loved this!"

The transport surfaced onto the river bank under the cover of darkness a few miles outside of Cuyahoga Dome and the team deployed. It was near midnight. 

Cuyahoga Dome was a majestic sight. The city was contained within three large geodesic agricultural domes and over a dozen massive residential and industrial mega-structures. The structures are all sealed self-contained environments and were connected by multiple sky-bridges, tubes, and an extensive public transportation system. 

In the distance, the team could see rocketships the size of skyscrapers blasting off into the sky and descending on plumes of braking-thrust to rest gently on the landing deck at the spaceport.

They soon found the ruins of Old Cuyahoga a few miles east of the domes. The original buildings of the Old City had been destroyed long ago leaving nothing but skeletal remnants - thick walls rising dozens of feet out of the hard duracrete foundations. The remnants of the ancient structures created walled compounds that had become occupied by those exiled from the Cuyahoga dome and their generations of descendants. Those who lived in the compounds had created ramshackle shelters out of scavenged materials.

The team entered Old Cuyahoga and found wretched people living in squalor, hunting stray dogs, wasteland rats, and giant ants for food. Some cultivated crops of mushrooms and small gardens of stunted vegetables in duraplas greenhouses cobbled together by cast off materials. 

Felix took a look around and soon found some fresh monotread tracks that led to a walled compound. The entrance to the compound was protected by a gate made of iron bars. Inside the compound were two guards warming themselves around a glowing thermal emitter. Two more guards patrolled on top of the walls. They could see the hovercraft, giant coyote, and mono-treads that fled the ambush the day before, plus a few extra mounts and vehicles.

This was the place.

The Fixer

Unfortunately, they had no idea who awaited them inside. They needed some intelligence. 

Felix went around and asked some of the locals what they knew about the bounty hunters inside the compound. He was met with paranoid silence until one local pointed across what was once a downtown street.

He saw a short line of people waiting to talk to a woman standing near a thermal emitter. She was a human, a Terran, about twenty years old. She had long red curly hair and freckles, giving her a youthful and innocent appearance. She wore a long heavy coat and thick fingerless gloves. She seemed to be making deals with the people in line, trading, shaking hands, nodding.

They waited their turn to approach her. As they came near, she smiled while her hand reached for her rocket pistol under her coat. She held out her other hand and said, “That’s- that’s close enough, thanks. I mean no offense but I don’t know you. This is only a precaution. Who are you and what do you want?”

They explained that the bounty hunters had captured some people that they needed to free. They simply wanted to know how many bounty hunters lay within and with what were they armed.

She smiled, "Oh, yeah. Those guys are jerks. Here's the deal, I'll tell you what you want to know, but it won't be free. It will cost you. I will give you a full run-down on their defenses. In exchange, you have to bring me something from their vault. They've got a databank I need."

Felix asked, "What's a databank?"

The woman replied, "It's a thing about the size of a briefcase. Its got lights on it."

Felix sighed, "No, what's it do?"

The woman stopped short, sighed, and started over, "You see, a computer is an electronic device that performs calculations. It stores important information in a databank. Usually the databank is part of a computer, but this databank is portable, you see."

Felix rolled his eyes, "Oh, got it."

"Anyway, bring me this databank intact. If the bandits are unable to seek retribution for the theft, even better. Do we have a deal?"

Officer Tucker said, "Sure. I think that's reasonable."

"Fine. But know this - if you renege on this deal, I know powerful people. They will make your life miserable."

"We got it."

"Okay, let's see." She mentally counted up, "uh, twelve, thirteen, fourteen. There's fourteen of them - four guarding the wall and ten down below in the bunker. There's two or three dire-coyotes in the compound. Oh, wait, they've also two volgiurs in the bunker as guard beasts."

Officer Tucker asked, "What's a volgiur?"

"It's a great big flightless bird that runs on all fours. They eat - well, they eat whatever they want."

The Compound

The team assembled in the dark on the far side of the compound away from the main gate. The two guards patrolling the wall had directional lights attached to their helmets. The team waited until they were farthest apart before approaching the wall. 

Felix activated the Jump Harness strapped over his smart-suit. He suddenly felt lighter, as if gravity was being negated. He took a few quick bounces and found that he drifted back to earth slowly as if he were on the moon. He took one end of a rope in his hand and leaped over the twenty-foot high wall. 

He landed on the other side and quickly looked back at the guard. The guard turned around - he had been heard! The guard approached Felix's position warily, shining his directional light around in an attempt to identify the sound. Felix sought cover. The guard froze and looked in his direction. 

Felix took aim and fired.

To Be Continued...

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

A Nemesis for Rex - The City at the Edge of the Universe, Chapter 6

 The tiny caravan of two four-by-four pickups and a Mercedes van drove east towards Buck's Head and turned left towards Gerard Air Force Base. It was just after midnight. Rex's pickup developed engine trouble as they crossed the railroad tracks before the turn to the air force base. Rex pulled off and told the others he might be a while fixing this. They should go on and he'd catch up at the trading post. 

The remaining two vehicles turned left on the county road and drove through the forest towards Lake Wilma. At the next intersection they found a pickup. It had been shot by lasers and exploded, parts lay everywhere. There was a man lying in the road unconscious. They stopped a few dozen feet back and advanced cautiously, weapons out, in case it was a trap. 

Scout reached the man. The decal on the what was left of the side of his truck said "Allen Poulson, General Contractor". He was alive but in bad shape. Scout gave him first aid but it wasn't going to be enough. The man had serious injuries - broken legs and arms and possibly other. Plus it was near zero degrees outside. He wouldn't survive. They made a makeshift stretcher and put him in the back of the truck. 

They reached the edge of the forest from Earth-Prime and crossed over into the desert of Earth-25. It was a fifty mile trip through rugged terrain at night. They weren't taking chances, driving no faster than 3-5 miles per hour. This would take a while.  

Chapter 6 - A Nemesis for Rex

What follows is a play-through of an adventure scenario I'm writing for Overlords of Dimension-25. The scenario is a survival hex-crawl where the player characters and their entire town are transported to a strange new dimension, only to be attacked by armored invaders intent on rounding up the townsfolk for a mysterious and nefarious purpose. 

This week, the team rescues Rex's old nemesis - Allen Poulson - who turns out to be kind of a jerk! 

Dramatis Personae

  • Officer Bocephus "J.T." Tucker - Williamsburg police department - Level 2 Warrior
  • Rex Werthy - construction worker - Level 3 Engineer
  • Professor Thadeus Putnam - retired professor of anthropology - Level 2 Expert
  • Felix Silla-Rossi - 15 year-old juvenile delinquent - Level 2 Rogue
  • Scout Thomas - 16 year-old outdoorsman and YouTube personality - Level 2 Scout
  • Officer Steve  - a German Shepherd, Officer Tucker's partner.
  • Vera - retired nurse - NPC
  • Mabel - Professor Putnam's elderly housekeeper - NPC
  • Ivana Soraya - elementary school teacher - NPC
  • Auguste Kristijan - locksmith - NPC
  • Qarma Blaze - teenager and retail sales clerk - NPC
  • Farah Subhash - retired truck driver - NPC
  • Alan Poulson - general contractor - NPC

Are We There Yet?

The truck and the van drove through the night, crossing difficult hilly terrain strewn with boulders and gullies. By dawn they were still only halfway to their destination - the Wasteland Trading Post. 

Alan Poulson regained consciousness. The caravan stopped to check on him. He thanked them for saving him but immediately demanded to be taken back into town - there was something there he needed to retrieve. Scout told him that was impossible and that they were headed somewhere safe. Alan was dissatisfied with that answer and complained the rest of the trip. 

A few hours outside of the Wasteland Trading Post, Felix caught sight of a wrecked vehicle - it was the size of a small house! Parts and debris were strewn all around it. Felix pointed it out to Officer Tucker and they diverted towards the wreck. Once they were about 800 feet out a lone humanoid figure - a woman - jumped up on top of the wreck and pointed a rifle at them. A laser beam flashed through the air from her rifle, striking the ground in front of Officer Tucker's truck. Felix readied his hunting rifle to return fire. Officer Tucker stopped and turned. Felix said,  "We're not going to fight?"

"No, she's defending her salvage. We have no problem with her. She can have it."

They drove past. Felix waved at the woman. She watched them warily but eventually gave a hesitant wave in return. Felix, emboldened, gave her a thumbs up. She returned the gesture. This made Felix smile. 

They arrived at the trading post at around 4 in the afternoon. The cold January sun was setting in the west beneath a hazy orange sky. To their surprise, Rex was waiting there to greet them. 

"What took you so long?" he asked.

"How did you get here before us?" countered Tucker.

"I was in a 4x4 so I decided to pick up the pace. I got here like eight hours ago!"

"We've got the van. It's not made for off-road so we took it more slowly."

DM- The Overland Turns are eight hours long. A vehicle can Creep at 6mph (3mph in the hills) or Drive at 12mph (6 mph in the hills). Creeping is slower but the Driving skill roll is Easy. However, because of the slow pace, you'll have to make two rolls. Driving is faster but the Driving skill roll is Average. The faster pace meant Rex only had to make one roll. 

Wasteland Trading Post

Qarma, the teenager rescued from Williamsburg on the previous night, saw the green-furred gorilla-hybrids guarding the entrance and became frozen with fear. When Rex and Vera took Alan Poulson's stretcher into the five story partially-disassembled rocket parked in the center of a large crater, her eyes grew wide and she began to stammer. When the purple-furred monkey-man came bounding out to greet them, she screamed and fainted. 

Rex helped carry Alan Poulson to the field hospital inside the old rocket. Vera came down to help. Vera was a retired nurse and had decided to help earn her keep at the trading post by working for Brigid at the field hospital.

Rex and Alan went way back. They were both general contractors and were professional rivals. Rex had a very low opinion of Alan's work ethic. 

Alan rolled his eyes, "Great. You escaped too. How did an idiot like you manage that?"

Rex said, "Nice to see you too. I managed to escape with the help of my friends, the ones who rescued your sorry ass."

"Where are you taking me?"

"To a doctor. She'll be able to fix your broken arms and legs. She's not free, though. What do you have to trade?"

Alan was confused, "What are you talking about? I have insurance? I can afford it, unlike you."

"Nope. Not any more. It doesn't work like that here. Don't worry about it. I'll cover you."

"I don't want your goddamned charity, Werthy."

"Too bad. I said don't worry about it. I'll cover you."

Shopping: the Role-Playing Game

Scout and Officer Tucker introduced the new arrivals to the Wasteland Trading Post. They took their newly acquired loot - 50 cartons of cigarettes, 125 bottles of alcohol at various levels of consumption, a month of coffee, some tea - to Mister Kubera's Curios and Knick-Knacks. Mister Kubera was a diminutive human, bald with a rotund belly, "Ah! Welcome back!" he said with a voice that dripped with honey and decadence, "What strange delicacy have you brought for me today?"

Scout and Tucker explained that nothing was free. This trading post functioned on barter. You bring in items and if one of the six shop owners buys it, you get credit that you can use at any or all of the other shops. Mister Kubera paid extra credits for vices and delicacies - alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, etc. This current haul from yesterday's trip into Buck's Head and Williamsburg netted them a staggering haul: 19,565 credits! 

Scout and Officer Tucker had Mister Kubera split the scrip five ways - 3913 credits each! 

Their first stop was to Brigid's Medical Services to give Rex his share. Rex immediately paid to have Brigid use her auto-surgeon to repair Alan Poulson's broken bones. 

Scout, Tucker, and Rex next visited Sobeki's Arms and Armor. Sobeki had in his collection two suits of what looked like armor for an ancient knight. Sobeki explained that they were battle-suits - not merely suits of armor but powered exoskeletons that supported their own weight and could integrate with smart-suit accessories. Officer Tucker and Rex both purchased their own suit.

DM - The Wasteland Trading Post allows player characters to purchase any item from the Wasteland Scavenging Table. Roll d100. If the roll is less than the item's Availability rating, it is in stock for that day and can be purchased. Once someone fails a roll, that's it. No more of that item is in stock. 




Agricultural Equipment



Alcohol, Bottle






Battle Armor



Bio-Fuel Still






Body Armor, Light



Bolt Gun



Breather Helmet



Camp Light






Carry all



Coffee, Preserved, 1 month















Cutting Torch, Hand-held









Digging tools (5)



Educational Computer



Emergency Distress Beacon



Entrenching Tool



Fire Extinguisher






Flight Pod






Food, Preserved, 1 meal



Food, Preserved, 1 month



Force Field 



Garments, 1 container












Grenade Launcher



Grenade, Aerosol Mist



Hand Light



Heat Gun



Heavy Gloves






Ice axe









Laser Gun



Laser Rifle



Laser Saw



Load Lifter









Magnetic Keycard



Mess Kit



Microwave Gun



Mono Knife



Mono Sword



Needle Gun






Night Vision Goggles



Personal Communicator



Personal Computer



Personal Scooter



Plasma Thrower



Plasma Welder



Plastic Crate



Pole arm



Power Generator



Powerpack Charger



Pressurized Tent






Rations, 1 week



Remote Control 



Rocket Harness



Rocket Launcher



Rocket Pistol



Rocket Rifle



Rope, 50 ft



Security Locker



Shell, Aerosol Mist  (5)



Shells, Chaff  (5)



Signal Scrambler



Sleeping Bag



Small back-hoe






Snow Shoes



Sonic Stunner



Sports Ball



Steel Cable, 100ft



Swim Fins









Technical Scanner



Technical Tools









Traffic Regulator












Water, 10-gallon Container



Water, 5-gallon Container



 In Roll20, each player typed what item they were rolling for. That kept it honest. 

This created a fun little mini-game as the players went shopping. It also led to a little rule whereby a player could not ask me what an item was or did if it wasn't in stock. So a lot of rolls were just to see if one was in stock or not. 

Officer Bocephus J.T. Tucker: Rolling for Battle Armor = 26

Rex Werthy: Rolling for Battle Armour = 12

Felix: Rolling for Monotread = 55

Rex Werthy: NOICE!

Felix: Rolling for tech scanner = 72

Rex Werthy: Rolling for a Powerpack Charger = 10

Felix: rolling for smart suit = 87

Rex Werthy: ALL - I have enough money left to buy a Small back hoe. Thoughts? : D

Prof. Thadeus Putnam: Smartsuit = 26

Rex Werthy: nice roll, Prof!

Prof. Thadeus Putnam: rolling for Night Vision Goggles = 35


rolling for Signal Scrambler = 74


 Prof. Thadeus Putnam: rolling for smart suit Security Package 35 cr = 75


Scout: Spacesuit Enhancement

Scout: rolling d100 = 93

Rex Werthy: Rolling for Technical Tools

Rex Werthy: rolling d100 = 37


Rex Werthy: I AM ON FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scout: Backup Power Pack

Scout: rolling d100 = 73

Prof. Thadeus Putnam: Stealth Enhancement 25 cr = 26

Rex Werthy: Can't hit shit, but I can buy like a mutha fucker. : D

Scout: rolling d100 = 96

Electronic Warfare Enhancement = 97

Stealth Enhancement

Security Package = 9

Scout: Finally got one.

Communications Package = 27

Prof. Thadeus Putnam: Backup Power Pack 25 c = 68

No. Sigh

Officer Bocephus J.T. Tucker: Laser Gun = 27


Prof. Thadeus Putnam: Watchbox = 30

Felix: rolling for bio scanner = 38

Officer Bocephus J.T. Tucker: Grenade = 2

Officer Bocephus J.T. Tucker: Found one

Felix: rolling for macroglasses

Felix: rolling d100 = 57

Felix: rolling d100 = 10 = 47

Prof. Thadeus Putnam: Force Field = 97

Very much no

Heavy Gloves = 40

Officer Bocephus J.T. Tucker: Microwave Gun = 69


Felix: rolling twice for pressurized tent

Scout: Plasma Thrower = 60

Officer Bocephus J.T. Tucker: Plasma Thrower = 91


Prof. Thadeus Putnam: Bioscanner = 59

Felix: rolling for night vision goggles = 11

Officer Bocephus J.T. Tucker: Rocket Pistol = 14


Qarma's Really Bad Day

Qarma had regained consciousness but she was still having a nightmare. For three days she had to hide in a dirty stinky building with three old women. That was gross enough. Then, two days ago, they were rescued and taken in some rusty trucks across a dirty smelly wasteland. Now she was in this decrepit place surrounded by weird monsters. GROSS!

Felix checked in on her, "Feeling better?"

"No. Yes. I guess. Whatever."

"Can I get you anything?"

"Ew. No. Not from this disgusting truck stop - whatever it is. Hey, aren't you that weird kid with the skateboard?"

Felix introduced himself. 

"Whatever. Hey, what's the deal with that other kid. I've seen him around high school. Isn't he like famous or something?"

"Scout? Yeah, I think he has a online video channel or something."

She stared off towards Scout and Officer Tucker as they led the others towards the trading post, "Yeah. Scout, huh?"

Felix scrunched his nose. "Yeah. Okay. Whatever. I'll check on you again later."

Felix went to look at the old junker vehicles for sale in Mister Gibbon's lot. Mister Gibbons wiped grease form his simian hands with an old rag and spoke in an accent like he was from Brooklyn. 

Felix saw a strange vehicle - like a motorcycle but instead of two wheels it had a single long caterpillar tread. "What is this?"

"You got a good eye, kid. That there's a mono-tread. An older model. I put it back together myself. I tell ya what. If you want it, I can part with it for, say, 1250 credits."

Felix's eyes grew wide. "It needs more cargo capacity. Can you bolt on some cargo boxes?"

"You got it kid! I'll have that ready by the morning."

"SOLD!" Felix handed over his scrip receipt. 

Norah Fernandez

Another mono-tread entered the gate through the crater wall. It pulled up to Mister Gibbon's lot. It was the woman from the vehicle earlier. 

"Hey there, Gremlin!" she said towards Mister Gibbons, "I need a re-charge."

Felix called out, "Hey! You're the lady!"

"What are you talking about, kid?"

"You're the lady on that big wreck earlier. I waved! You waved back!" 

"Yeah, I remember. You were smart to keep driving."

"You drive a mono-tread, just like me!"

"I do?"

"Yeah!" He showed off his new acquisition. The woman winced, "Kid, you might want to get some fireproof pants before you ride that old thing."

"Hey! I'm sorry! What's your name?" blurted Felix.

She hesitated before answering, "Norah. Norah Fernandez."

"What planet are YOU from?"

She paused and gestured towards her ragged green and white tunic, as if the question was stupid and that answered everything. 

"I don't get it" admitted Felix.

"I'm from Earth. UEA."

"What's a UEA?" asked Felix.

"How can you know know what the UEA is?"

"Uh, we're kind of from a different planet."

"Which planet?" inquired Norah incredulously.

Felix thought carefully about his reply, "Earth. But not this Earth."


Felix tried his best to explain but lacked the words, "Hold on. Let me introduce you to the Professor. HE can tell you! Professor!"

Felix led Norah to their camp and introduced the rest of the refugees from Earth-Prime.

"Professor. Tell her what happened!"

Professor Putnam embarked upon a long-winded technical explanation of what had occurred to the town of Williamsburg and surrounding area, including speculation regarding the involvement of the nearby research base.

Norah did her best to follow but it was all just too much, "Yeah. Uh, that's some story. So, what's your plan now?"

Officer Tucker said, "We're not sure. We came back here with trade loot to equip ourselves. We heard that Mister Kubera's always looking to buy artifacts from the ruins. We figure we'd hit there next."

"So what's the UEA?" asked Felix.

Norah said, "The United Earth Administration. They run the domes - what's left of civilization on Earth." She looked off into the darkness and sniffed, "They're just a puppet set up by the Consortium."

"What's the Consortium?"

"You really ARE from a different Earth, aren't you? The Consortium is a massive corporation owned by the ruling family of Mars. They're a bunch of imperialist fascist -" She cut herself off. "Anyway. That's the Consoritum."

"So what happened here? To Earth, I mean?" inquired the Professor.

"Well, a long time ago the entire Solar System was ruled by the Terran Empire here on Earth. They controlled the hypergate network that linked all the planets. Mars didn't like that so they rebelled. The Empire and Mars fought a huge war. The Empire controlled the hypergates but Mars had developed rockets. About five hundred years ago, the war ended when Mars sent an entire swarm of interplanetary neutron bombs to Earth. The Earth was devastated. As a result, the hypergate network was shut down for everybody. Forever. It hasn't been up since."

"What are the domes?"

"The domes were built by Martian colonizers about two hundred years ago. Part of what they called Reconstruction and Reparations. They set up the UEA as the government. The UEA is nominally in charge of Earth but really the Consortium is in charge. The Consortium was given exclusive charter by the UEA to exploit Earth's resources. It grants them legitimacy. So the Consortium set up these huge mining operations and big complexes like the one near Manhattan Island."

"That's where they took our people." said Officer Tucker.

"They what?"

"Armored soldiers from the Consortium flew in the day after we arrived and started stunning everyone. They rounded everybody up. Somebody told us they were being taken to Manhattan Island Complex."

Norah looked concerned, "I’m not sure why they attacked you and took your people, but the fact that they were stunned means they want to capture you alive. I wonder if they want to study you for some reason. That means there’s a strong chance you’ll be able to rescue your friends and loved ones."

Rex said, "Yeah! That's what I've been saying! Let's go rescue them!"

Officer Tucker admonished him, "With what? A cop, a construction worker, a retired professor, two teenagers, and a few stragglers? Where would we go after that? We need to find a way home!"

Norah said, “Yeah, no offense, there’s no way you’re going to help them in your shape. You’re going to need friends and allies. If I were you, I’d stay as far away from the Consortium as possible. I wouldn't go near the domes either. They’re just the puppets of the Consortium. No, your best bet is to contact the Earth Resistance."

She paused to gauge their reaction. When they showed interest, she continued, "As it happens, I know someone who can help you out. I can introduce you. She’s a lady named Mack. She runs a hostel for exiles outside the ruins of Buffalo Springs. Hey, it’s a long way out of my way, but I’d be willing to take you there and introduce you. We can take off tomorrow.”

Officer Tucker narrowed his eyes, he could tell Norah was sincere but was also holding something back, "What's the charge?"

"No charge!"

Felix stood up, "Great! Sounds like a plan! Also - Hey, Scout! I think Qarma has the hots for you!"

Scout looked confused, "Uh, what?"

Qarma stormed out, "Ew! Gross!"

Buffalo Springs

That night, Rex was tinkering with modifying the Void-born translator they had purchased. He was trying to adapt it to translate Officer Steve into English! At one point he was able to translate Officer Steve's barks to the English word "Bark! Bark!" With some more tinkering he got it to "Woof! Woof!" Some more work got it to actually translate but all the words were backwards! He was SO CLOSE!

The next morning, the team assembled and packed their equipment into their vehicles. They were leaving the van behind with Vera and Mabel.

Alan, his legs and arms fully healed thanks to Brigid's futuristic autosurgeon, said that he was going back into Williamsburg. He had some things he needed to retrieve. Ivana, Auguste, and Farah decided to join him. Ivana wanted to sneak into the high school and find out more about where the townspeople were taken. Auguste wanted to sneak aboard a Consortium transport, if she could, and follow it back to wherever it took everyone. Farah, meanwhile, just wanted to kill some Martians. 

Qarma was done with all this and ready to travel north with the expedition. Mabel would stay behind at the trading post with Vera and the van and the ATV. 

DM- I created a new table to flesh out the townspeople better and give them more motivation. Players can use it for PCs also.

So now when they encounter a townsperson I roll on a few tables to find out what they did for a living, where they lived, how are they equipped, their disposition, and their goal/motivation. Suddenly the NPCs became much more interesting!

Where they lived:


Williamsburg - East Side Residential


Williamsburg - East Side Residential


Williamsburg - East Side Residential


Williamsburg - West Side Residential


Williamsburg - West Side Residential


Williamsburg - West Side Residential


Buck’s Head


Lake Wilma


Gerard Air Force Base


Rural Home

How are they equipped:


















Club (1d4)


Club (1d4)


Knife (1d3)


Knife (1d3)


Revolver (1d8)


Revolver (1d8)


Rifle (2d6)


Rifle (2d6)


Shotgun (1d8)


Sawed-off shotgun (1d10)


Semiautomatic pistol (1d8)


Semiautomatic rifle (2d6)

Their disposition:


Panicked. At the first sign of trouble, this individual will freeze or collapse in fear. During any fight or any time the group is detected by Consortium forces they will neither fight nor flee. They freeze up, sometimes collapsing into a ball, sometimes screaming, sometimes crying or whimpering. Only an Etiquette skill check will spur them to action.


Wary. The individual is selfish and hesitant to help others. A Fast Talk/Convince skill check is required to get them to follow orders, help search, or carry gear.


Cooperative.The individual is friendly and cooperative. They will follow orders and help search or carry gear.


Gung ho. The individual is ready to take the fight to the Martians! Their loud and foolhardy disregard for stealth or caution increase the chance of detection each turn by +10%. The next time the group is detected, they will choose to fight. Only a Leadership skill test will convince them to do otherwise.


Traitorous. The individual will pretend to be cooperative but will try to betray the rest of the group at an opportune moment in order to steal a vehicle or piece of important equipment.


Despotic. The individual attempts to take control of the entire group. They expect their commands to be followed and will bully, intimidate, or attack anyone who does not comply.  Other townspeople might choose to follow this individual. Only a Leadership skill test or sound thrashing will bring them into line.

Their goal/motivation


Capture and interrogate one of the invaders.


Get out of town as fast as possible - anywhere is safer than here!


Get to Gerard air force base, that’s where its safe!


Get to the hospital to rescue a sick loved one.


Get to the hospital to retrieve a prescription or important piece of medical equipment such as oxygen or brace.


Get to the Pennsylvania National Laboratory to confront the scientists and find out what’s going on.


Investigate the high school to find out what’s going on.


Raid the police station to obtain a firearm or vehicle.


Return home to rescue a loved one or pet.


Return home to retrieve a firearm or vehicle.


Return home to retrieve a photo album or photograph


Return home to retrieve a prescription or important piece of medical equipment such as oxygen or brace.


Return home to retrieve an heirloom or item of personal value.


Return home to retrieve an important document such as a deed, a birth certificate, or financial statements.


Return home to retrieve jewelry, gold, or a gemstone.


Set up a safe defensible shelter in an abandoned coal mine.


Set up a safe defensible shelter in an old hunting shack in the woods.


Shoot down or otherwise destroy a Consortium flier.


Sneak aboard a departing invader transport.


Steal something valuable from a location downtown.

The expedition set off north with Norah leading the way on her mono-tread. The two trucks followed with Felix on his mono-tread. Felix soon learned that his mono-tread was a lemon! The engine was missing entire parts and worked at only 25 percent power! On top of that, the steering was shot! Norah gave the others a radio frequency so everyone was able to communicate on the same channel.

The expedition drove out of the hills of the Iron Uplands and along the easier terrain for eight hours, covering about 50 miles. 

They decided to stop early and set up a camp. Rex went to work making repairs to Felix's mono-tread. He would have to finish Officer Steve's translator later.

The next morning the expedition covered another 50 miles, travelling along the coast of what in Earth-Prime was called Lake Eerie, but Norah called it Lake Erielhonan. By 3 in the afternoon they were driving past the ruined city of Buffalo Springs. 

In the distance they could see the twisted skeletons of ancient skyscrapers. The area pocked with massive craters. Norah turned right and led the expedition to a small collection of buildings. 

Buffalo Springs Respite

Norah led them to a ramshackle structure constructed from scavenged concrete blocks and rusted metal sheets. A sign outside the establishment read “Buffalo Springs Respite - All are Welcome”. There were a variety of mounts and vehicles outside including 4 giant coyotes with saddles, 2 monotreads, and a hovercraft. 

The expedition exited their vehicles and entered the respite. Within they found a saloon that was one part Old West and one part Post-Apocalypse. A half-dozen surly looking patrons sat quietly at their tables. The man behind the bar eyed them suspiciously as they entered. He looked just as surly and as road-weary as the others - covered in dust and sores, unshaven and wind-blown.

Norah asked the man, "Where's Mack?"

The man hesitated before replying, "Mack is sick today, so I'm covering for her."

Officer Tucker, Rex, Professor Putnam, Felix, and Scout stood just inside the door. Felix and Scout looked at each other nervously. Felix said, "Hey, Scout. Let's talk outside real quick." 

They turned to leave but they found the exit blocked by another two burly travelers, each carrying a hand-stunner.

Norah backed away from the bartender, "Yeah, we'll come back later." She turned to leave.

The bartender pulled a hand-stunner from under the bar. Simultaneously, the other patrons all pulled stunners from under their tables. 

The bartender said, "You're not going anywhere!"

To Be Continued...