
Thursday, September 24, 2020

The King's Birthday - Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Chapter 51


The sun was setting in Niole Dra, capital city of Keoland, and the mood was festive. The King's Birthday, a week-long celebration, was about to commence. There would be music and merriment and celebration. Later, aristocrats from across Keoland and diplomats from the farthest reaches of the Flanaess would present their gift to the king. 

Stevedores were busily unloading the cargos of tribute from the river barges that had been drawn 225 miles up the Sheldovar river. No sea-going ship could navigate against the wind and current and several shallow fords and marshes this far upriver.

Imagine then the surprise of those along the city's barge docks when a breeze picked up from the south, the river's water level began to rise, and a sea-going ship with a stylized raven painted on its main-sail, faintly glowing lightning bolts burned into its hull, and a dragon's skull affixed under its bow sailed its way upriver against the wind and against the current!

Standing on the forecastle of the ship was a half-elven sorceress and a dwarven priest wearing a skull mask. They were waving their hands and arms as if directing the movement of the wind and the water. 

It was the Sea Ghost, a cargo ship out of Saltmarsh. It deftly maneuvered up to the barge dock and pushed barges aside as it squeezed into an open spot. The wind suddenly died down and the upwelling of water dissipated. The ship lowered itself before settling onto the river's bottom. It listed slightly to port before coming to a rest against the dock with an audible clunk.

The captain of the ship, a mechanical automaton from a bygone age, called out to the dumbstruck longshoremen, "Hey! Ahoy! Could you throw us a line and tie us off? We've got some cargo to unload for the king's birthday!"


The Crew of the Sea Ghost:

  • Alot Aname - Neutral Good Warforged Fighter, ancient sentinel of a wizard's fortress, spent several decades deactivated underwater, Captain of the Sea Ghost.
  • Avastana "Aella" Kádár - Neutral, Half-Elf  Outlander and Storm Sorceress from Ket, daughter of the king of the sea elves, deck sorceress and first mate of the Sea Ghost.
  • Craig "Blunderbuss" Oxworth - Lawful Good Dwarven Priest of St. Ogden (Cleric), sailor and shipwright, bosun of the Sea Ghost.  
  • Cai'luin Manaan - Chaotic Good Sea-Elf Bard, member of the royal family of the tribe of Manaan. Cook of the Sea Ghost.
  • Corvid Ravenson - Neutral Good Fallen Aasimar Paladin of Vengeance and Divine Soul Sorcerer, sent to Oerth to avenge those who wronged his angelic "brother", Auric Ravenson. Second mate of the Sea Ghost.
DM Note-
I'm running the adventure "Sing a Song of Sonant Spells". Its a nice short adventure to fill that 8th level dead zone between the Final Enemy and Tammaraut's Fate. It's also fairly light fare and not a deep time or brainpower commitment. 

Shore Leave
The city of Niole Dra lies on the banks of the Sheldovar river. Behind it looms a hill atop which is the temple-amphitheater of Olidammara, God of Music. Today begins the King's birthday and the city is filling fast with bards, traders and nobles from across the realms, bringing strange songs and wonderous treasures with them.

The hard cobbles underfoot are warmed by the summer sun as a humid late afternoon breeze blows from the north. The Sea Ghost's arrival coincided with the first night of festivities. Captain Alot granted all the officers and four of the crew of seven shore leave for the night. 

DM Note-
The module was originally written for the city of Rex Tumon and the festival of Milil, god of Music. I adapted it for use in Greyhawk. The first part of the module is very loose - the players decide what they do for the festival. Its presented as a skill challenge. The player describes what they do and make a skill check appropriate for that activity vs 15. The idea being if they chose to play instruments they should make a Perform skill check. If they chose to pick pockets they should make a Sleight of Hand skill check. If they chose to drink they should make a Constitution saving throw - that sort of thing. After which I tally up the successes and failures and the results determine how many NPCs they meet, how many rumors they hear, and how many rewards they are offered, or complications encountered. So I asked my players what they wanted to do. Aella and Cai'luin wanted to attend a fancy party, Craig and Corvid attend a religous observance, and Alot does some people watching.

Aella and Cai'luin Attend a Fancy Party
Aella and Cai'luin donned their finest attire and attended an aristocratic ball. They lacked formal invitations but Cai'luin's introduction of PRINCESS Aella of Manaan, along with the notoriety of her ship's entrance, gained them entry. Cai'luin served as Aella's herald through the evening. Aella even ran into some old acquaintances from Seaton - Lord Westland, Lady Moontha, and Lord Woodchild. 

While mingling she accidentally bumped into a devil-touched merchant, spilling his drink. The merchant was appalled but a quick introduction and apology by Cai'luin on Aella's behalf calmed the situation. The merchant introduced himself as Cimbri Carrion, a dealer in artifacts and curiosities. Aella told Cimbri of the devil-touched merchant Captain Xendros in Saltmarsh. Cimbri said that he knew her well as they were a part of a vast network that traded and exchanged goods across the Flanaess. 

Cimbri complained that this year's festival was a pale imitation of what it used to be. It began as a celebration of the music of Olidammara, god of music and revelry. But in recent years the music has become so boring and predictable. Cimbri invited Aella and her companions to pay a visit to his shop in the morning. It was located in a plaza known as Remo Square. 

DM Note-
Aella rolled a natural-1 on her Persuasion skill check and failed pretty badly. The scenario allows one other player character to pick up the slack of a failed roll so Cai'luin stepped in and saved the day with an absurdly high 27 on his Persuasion skill check. 

Father Craig and Corvid Attend a Religious Celebration
Father Craig and Corvid decided to attend one of the local religious festivities - a celebration of the god Olidammara with performances of music and song along with a ritual blessing performed by the priests. After the ceremony Father Craig met one of the local monks, a gnomish scribe named Duose Blanc. Duose listened to Father Craig describe the Raven King and was genuinely interested in the rituals and doctrines of this new religious addition to the Flanaess. In return, Father Craig learned about Olidammara and the annual celebration of the king's birthday. 

Brother Blanc confided with Father Craig that he was looking forward to hearing a performance by Genevieve Woodstock. She had performed at the last twelve festivals but had declined to be included in the blessing of the performers. This year she was nowhere to be seen. Indeed, her music shop was located next to his scriptorium and she seemed to have locked up her shop and left town. As her friend, he was quite concerned for her. Brother Blanc was so impressed with Father Craig that he offered him a blessing of heroism from Oldimmara. In exchange Father Craig gave Brother Blanc an expensive gift. 

DM Note-
I can't remember the gift now. I'll update the blog when I ask Craig's player about it.

Corvid, meanwhile, loomed over the other festival attendees - glowering at their celebratory mood. There was no time for celebration when there was VENGEANCE to be had! Corvid managed to attract the attention of a half-orc captain of the watch. She introduced herself as Captain Cantonal Vaud and asked Corvid if there was going to be any trouble. Corvid began to stare her down as the pair tried to intimidate each other. Father Craig intervened and diffused the situation. Captain Vaud pointed two fingers at her eyes and turned her fingers towards Corvid as if to say "I'll be watching you."

DM Note-
Craig rolled an 18 on Religion. Corvid rolled a 16 for Intimidation. 

People-Watching for Alot
Alot spent his evening wandering the streets of Niole Dra observing the revelers and performers. He wandered into a bar and stood in the corner for a while - watching. Eventually, the brusque owner of the bar, a man named Freddy, confronted Alot. Freddy was upset. Apparently, Alot had spent over an hour standing perfectly still and the regular clientele had become wary of the mysterious mechanical warrior standing sigil near the entrance. Alot was scaring away customers. Freddy shouted at Alot and told him to leave. Alot apologized and walked out into the nearby plaza. There he stood a while longer - watching.

DM Note-
Alot rolled a 7 on his Insight skill test. 

To Beat the Band
Aella and Cai'luinn were returning to the ship around midnight when they came across Father Craig and Corvid returning from the amphitheater. They were passing a small plaza lit by torches and filled with people even at this late hour. At the center of the plaza was a fountain surrounded by revelers singing in unison. They saw Alot nearby and joined him in observing the late night festivities.

They spoke to one another and compared stories of the night's experiences. The people around the fountain were singing a strange wordless tune that repeated every twelve seconds or so. No one seemed to notice that within a few moments everyone in the plaza was singing the wordless tune in perfect unison, swaying back and forth. 

Suddenly someone screamed. More screams followed and the crew stopped talking to investigate. The first two rows of people around the fountain had collapsed and more were falling as if some invisible force was moving through the crowd killing everyone it passed. By this time people on the outside of the plaza were screaming in horror and fleeing in panic. Frightened people cried for help as they ran through the city.

Corvid drew his magic sword and ran into the crowd where the most recent person had collapsed. That person was dead. Strange music emanated from the air nearby with no discernable source - as if someone was playing an invisible flute ten feet away. Corvid moved towards the music and swung his sword through the invisible air. The music became discordant for just a moment. He had done something! He called out to his companions, "It's here! It's some kind of invisible force!"

Aella waved her hands and a magical storm of ice and snow briefly appeared in the spot indicated by Corvid. Father Craig did his best to direct the fleeing townsfolk to safety but few could hear him over the cries of panic. 

Alot charged forth and swung his mighty magic dragon hammer at the invisible music. He could feel the resistance as his hammer passed through - something. The invisible thing let out a loud blatt and faded away to silence. It was gone.

A Sour Note
More music could be heard from the nearby tavern and marketplace and people were still streaming out, running for their lives. 

Corvid and Cai'luin ran into the tavern to the right. Aella and Father Craig looked at Alot for direction. Alot hesitated, watching the open doorway to the marketplace to the left, "I'm waiting for whatever it is to come through that doorway."

Aella and Craig looked at the doorway and and heard screaming inside the markplace. They nodded to each other and together charged towards the doorway. Alot called after them in exasperation, "No! Wait for it to- let it- let it come to us! Dammit!" He followed a beat behind them, frustrated that his plan was ignored.

Aella encountered the invisible source of the strange music just inside the doorway. She stopped and threw her hands up - creating a bonfire beneath the spot occupied by the music. Craig, meanwhile, prayed to the Raven King to provide blessings to Alot and Aella in their fight. The music moved towards Aella and she could feel the repetitive tune draining her life energy.

Alot caught up to them but Aella blocked the way. He couldn't get close to the music to attack it. He grabbed her arm and physically moved her out of the way, then took her place in the doorway. There, with Father Craig's blessing, he silenced the music with his hammer. More music could be heard in the hallway to the left.

Meanwhile, in the tavern, Corvid and Cai'luin found themselves confronted by three invisible musical - "things" - one loud and two softer.

DM Note- 
I said "They're like air elementals that make music - invisible but you can feel their presence in the air near you. They're music elementals."

Corvid soon found himself surrounded while Cai'luin stood on a nearby table and played his own music on his lute. The sea-elf bard peppered his song with stern rebukes towards their opponents.

The paladin of vengeance was a whirlwind of death as his blade sliced the air - destroying the two smaller musical creatures. His fight against the larger one was more desperate but with Cai'luin's musical help and encouragement he was able to finally defeat the invisible force. 

So too had Alot destroyed the reaming musical elemental in the marketplace and the crew reunited in the plaza.

The plaza was silent and littered with a dozen dead townsfolk. One could more music and frightened screams in the distance in other parts of the city. 

Captain Cantonal Vaud, the half-orc captain of the city watch, arrived with a squad of watchmen but they were too late. Alot and the crew told her what had transpired. Freddy the tavernkeeper verified their story. Captain Vaud said that there were outbreaks of these "killer melodies" throughout the city and her guard were stretched thin. She had to run and respond to another situation. She asked Captain Alot and his crew to try to figure out what was going on, if they could. 

The crew started with Freddy the Tavernkeeper. Freddy said that the tune kind of sounded like something he'd heard his friend Genevieve practicing in her shop. Except she never played it in public and no one else heard it. Yet it had been everywhere tonight and no one could remember where they heard it.  It was just so infectious, you couldn't help but hum it. 

Then those "killer melodies" appeared! 

Father Craig asked Freddy about Genevieve. Freddy said that she runs a music shop in the marketplace and was a regular at the tavern. He was really worried about her because she had been missing for several days and her shop had been padlocked from the outside. It was highly unusual for her to go missing during the king's festival. 

"Where's her shop?" asked Alot.

Freddy escorted the crew into the marketplace - a small indoor alley just off the plaza and adjacent to his tavern. He pointed out Genevieve's music shop, Cimbri Carrion's curio shop, Fineser Galanodel's herbistry, and Brother Blanc's scriptorium. 

A thick padlock on the door to Genevieve's music shop prevented entry. Freddy excused himself and said he'd return in a moment He had to help with removing the bodies of the dead.

Left alone, Alot took out his crowbar and easily busted the lock off the door. 

Inside they found a music shop with racks of musical instruments. There was a table with loose papers covered in musical compositions. A cabinet displaying a banjolele and some bagpipes. 

A look a the papers revealed a note: 

Repetition=control Need 5+ singers (kenku?)

Kenku murder ruins



"Did someone named Kenku get murdered in the ruins?" asked Cai'luin.

Corvid looked at the bard dispassionately, "If only we knew someone who studied history and natural science at the bardic college." 

Cai'luin replied, "Oh, right! Let me think. Right, Kenku are crow people! Got it!"

Cai'luin looked at the note, "Reverse equals seal slash banish huh." He absentmindedly began playing the magical tune backwards on the lute. 

Cai'luin closely examined the cabinet and found that it swung open, revealing a hidden compartment. Within were some gold coins, some scrolls, two potions, and a journal. Father Craig said, "Take the journal but touch nothing else. We are not thieves."

A quick perusal of the journal revealed a great deal of research on "Cadenzas" - a type of mysterious musical elemental - including rituals meant to summon them into existence. Many of the notes were prefaced with, "Duose says..."

"Who's 'Duose'?" asked Cai'luin.

"I know who he is," said Father Craig, "It's Brother Blanc."

Also within was a map of the city and five thin sheets of velum. On each sheet was drawn a single line with a few letters of text: 

T     V     C
C     F     E
E     O     O
H     E     H
A     E     S

When stacked together, the lines and letters overlapped. All five lines converged on the hill overlooking the city. The letters of text formed the words - "THE CAVE OF ECHOES".  

Alot said, "I think we should pay Brother Blanc's scriptorium a visit next."

The Scriptorium
They exited the music shop and magically mended the padlock - Good as new. They moved towards the scriptorium and were preparing to break in when they heard music within.

It was the strange music of the cadenza!

Corvid busted open the door and the crew rushed inside. They found Brother Duose Blanc in the psychic thrall of one of the smaller musical cadenzas - his life ebbing away! Corvid's sword and Alot's hammer soon banished the musical elemental. Brother Blanc faltered but Father Craig caught his fall. 

Brother Blanc regained his composure and thanked his rescuers. 

Father Craig politely asked Blanc about Genevieve and her plan. Blanc denied any involvement.

Father Craig became impatient and grabbed the arms of Blanc's chair, looming over the gnome. "People are dead! For all we know Genevieve might be dead too! Tell us where she is so we can save her!"

Suitably intimidated and shamed, Blanc revealed that Genevieve had become despondent that despite her talent and abilities she had never received the favor of Olidammara for her music. She came to him asking about summoning and binding cadenzas to make her a better singer. Blanc admitted that he gave Genevieve the information she sought and taught her the secrets to bend the music elementals to her will. Enough people singing in perfect unison could open a portal and release a cadenza into this world where it could be bound. But it didn't matter because all the voices needed to sing in perfect unison.

Cai'luin pointed out that kenku are able to perfectly replicate anything they hear. Alot conjectured that Genevieve enlisted the aid of the kenku to perform the ritual. 

"Anything else?" growled Craig.

"Yes, she said she found the Cave of Echoes, the site of an abandoned temple to Olidammara, buried on the hill."

Craig rolled his eyes, "We already figured that out, idiot!"

The crew tied Brother Blanc up so they could give him to Captain Vaud later. The brought him to Freddy and asked him to make sure he didn't escape. They asked Freddy where they might find the kenku.

Freddy said they lived in an decrepit warehouse down by the barge docks. 

Alot asked Freddy if he could take them. Freddy said that he couldn't but he knew someone who could. He called out into the darkness, "Hey! Boots-and-Cats! Get your feathered butt over here!"

"Boots and Cats?" asked Alot.

"Yeah, that's his name. You'll see."

A moment later a dark figure warily approached from the gloom. It had the head of a crow on its black feathered humanoid body. It wore tattered clothes and a leather hood. Freddy introduced them, "This is Boots-and-Cats." The kenku repeated a strange noise that sounded like a trap drum, "boots-and-cats-and-boots-and-cats-and-boots-and-cats.."

Alot told Boots-and-Cats they were looking for Genevieve and hoped to save her. He asked if Boots-and-Cats could introduce them to his murder. They had some questions. They knew it was late but it was urgent. 

Boots-and-Cats spoke only in repeated phrases and snippets of sound effects but pantomimed for the crew to follow him. 

Murder in the Ruins
The kenku led them to a ruined warehouse. Boots-and-Cats knocked on the rotten wooden door. He made three sound effects - a bird, a storm gust, and a bell. The door opened and Boots-and-Cats led them inside.

Within was a broken table resting on a barrel - around which were several kenku playing cards for money. Musical instruments in various states of disrepair lay scattered about. 

Father Craig asked, "Which of you is the leader."

One stood up and approached Father Craig. When asked his name the kenku made the sound of coins jingling in a pocket.  Craig asked Pocketful-of-Coins about Genevieve. Pocketful shook his head and wagged his talon-like finger. He pointed to the cards on the table. He picked up the deck and dealt five cards to Father Craig and five cards to himself. They compared hands. Father Craig had a losing hand. 

Using pantomime and sound effects, Pocketful-of-Coins made it clear that Father Craig had to put up some stakes. If Father Craig won, he would answer questions. If Pocketful-of-Coins won, he would win the stakes. 

Father Craig took fifty gold coins out of his purse and put them on the table. Pocketful-of-Coins made a sound of pleasure and applause. 

They were each dealt a hand.

Father Craig looked nervous and drew additional cards, giving Pocketful-of-Coins a false sense of confidence in his hand. They showed their cards. Father Craig was bluffing. He had a great hand and Pocketful-of-Coins lost. 

Pocketful-of-Coins bowed. The kenku replayed a conversation with Genevieve asking the kenku for help. Four kenku agreed to accompany her.  He then replayed the voice of Brother Blanc saying, "If anything goes wrong, leave it to me. The temple of Olidammara has an eternal debt to your people."

At the mention of Genevieve the other kenku began humming the tune of the cadenzas. 

Cai'luin asked Captain Alot, "Where to now?"

Alot said, "We head up the hill to the Cave of Echoes."

Corvid said, "FINALLY!"

Cai'luin said, "Should we invite a few of them to come with us?"

Alot said, "Why?"

Cai'luin said, "I'm fairly confident that to close the portal, we need to sing it in reverse, so we need five of us to sing. I know I'm a good singer, but can YOU sing?"

"No, lets leave them here. No need to endanger them. We'll figure it out."

Cai'luin was unconvinced, "Okay."

It was now an hour past midnight. With the sound of fighting and panic and elemental music scattered throughout the city the crew of the Sea Ghost left the city and followed the ancient path towards the Cave of Echoes and the hidden temple of Olidamarra. 

To Be Continued...

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Vengeful Tempest - Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Chapter 50


That night the winds once more became calm and the Sea Ghost sat still in the placid sea. The moons of Oerth shone bright and full in the sky above.

Without warning, much as it had done the night before, a mysterious fog appeared around the ship. This fog, however, glowed with an evil orange hue and soon became a very hot humid miasma. 

Somewhere in the fog the crew heard the beating of massive drums. The crew was awakened and the C-Team took their positions on the deck. 

A dark shape appeared out of the fog 200 feet to stern. It was an ancient Suloisian design, painted black with the carved figurehead of a red dragon. Its tattered sails dangled uselessly from its yards. 

The 100 foot long black ship was crewed by 30 dark shadowy figures that appeared to be made of black fog or mist. On her deck were two hulking armored warriors wearing masks that resembled a porcelain doll's face and five humanoid creatures that appeared to be made of porcupine quills. Standing at the helm was a large beast made of gaunt bone with a long tail like a scorpion and tattered wings like those of a locust. The creature of bone wore a tricorn hat. 

It was the Vengeful Tempest!


The C-Team:

  • Avastana "Aella" Kádár - Neutral, Half-Elf  Outlander and Storm Sorceress from Ket, daughter of the king of the sea elves, Deck Sorceress of the Sea Ghost.
  • Alot Aname - Neutral Good Warforged Fighter, ancient sentinel of a wizard's fortress, spent several decades deactivated underwater, Bosun of the Sea Ghost.
  • Craig "Blunderbuss" Oxworth - Lawful Good Dwarven Priest of St. Ogden (Cleric), sailor and shipwright.  
  • Cai'luin Manaan - Chaotic Good Sea-Elf Bard, member of the royal family of the tribe of Manaan.
  • Corvid Ravenson - Neutral Good Fallen Aasimar Paladin of Vengeance and Divine Soul Sorcerer, sent to Oerth to avenge those who wronged his angelic "brother", Auric Ravenson.
DM Note-
I'm running the adventure "The Kraken's Wake" so that we can get some actual use out of the naval rules in Ghosts of Saltmarsh. It fits perfectly in that 8th level dead zone between the Final Enemy and Tammaraut's Fate. It's also fairly light fare and not a deep time or brainpower commitment. 

Hard to Port!
Captain Alot immediately rang the ship's bell to wake up his crew. In seconds everyone was at their stations, manning rigging and battening hatches. Captain Alot steered his ship hard to port. 

The two armored figures on the Vengeful Tempest launched some bolts from their heavy crossbows to measure the range. As the Sea Ghost crossed in front of the black ship, two massive steel harpoons were fired from recesses in its bow, each trailed a strong black chain. The harpoons stuck fast in the port hull of the Sea Ghost. The chains began to retract and the Vengeful Tempest started reeling in its prey. 

Instead of fighting it, the Sea Ghost turned into it. Aella used her storm sorcery to direct the winds into the sails of the Sea Ghost. Captain Alot ordered his crew to tack into that wind and put all speed into closing with the Vengeful Tempest. 

A Mighty Wind
Aella waved her arms and created a sphere of wind which she directed onto the deck of the Vengeful Tempest. The sphere expanded into a swirling maelstrom - a miniature storm which lashed and battered the ship's diabolical crew. 

With a furrowed brow, and a flick of her wrist and the elbow just so, Aella hurled a glowing orb of wind that swirled and expanded in dimension, until it landed with a howling presence in the middle of the ship's main deck. Ghostly warriors were flung as if matchstick in the mighty gale.

-The Tale of Aella, Chapter 4 - Morgana's Mystery, by Cai'luin Manaan
Five winged humanoids covered in dangerously sharp quills were caught within the storm. They took flight to escape it and began flying towards the Sea Ghost. As they neared, Cai'luinn struck a chord on his lute and a massive explosion of water and steam struck the flying creatures in mid-air. It scattered them and destroyed three.

Captain Alot called out to his crew, "RAMMING SPEED! PREPARE FOR BOARDING!"

Ramming Speed!
The Sea Ghost drove straight into the Vengeful Tempest, bow-to-bow. The ram that had been added to the Sea Ghost prior to leaving port struck the black ship, piercing its hull. The bow of the Vengeful Tempest rose up as the two ships became locked with each other. Alot lashed the tiller and darted across the deck of his ship towards the bow.

With a sickening crash, the solid oak ram pierced the hull of the Vengeful Tempest.
-The Tale of Aella, Chapter 4 - Morgana's Mystery, by Cai'luin Manaan

Destroy the Ballista
The dragon's head at the front of the Vengeful Tempest began to glow. It belched forth a gout of flame that engulfed everyone on the forward deck of the Sea Ghost. The shadow crew then launched a heavy bolt from the ballista mounted on their bow. The heavy bolt narrowly missed Craig. Craig shouted, "Get that bloody thing!" 

...and with a whoosh of naptha, the dragon's head spewed fire on the crew, dousing them in a raging inferno.
-The Tale of Aella, Chapter 4 - Morgana's Mystery, by Cai'luin Manaan

Corvid and Alot leaped onto the stern of the Vengeful Tempest and began smashing the ballista. Shadowy crew members shoved against the boarders and tried to push them back, interfering with its demolition. 

Undaunted by flame or water, the ghostly crewed cranked back the mighty thews of the ballista and let fire at Craig, intuitively sensing the water magics were eminating from from him.
-The Tale of Aella, Chapter 4 - Morgana's Mystery, by Cai'luin Manaan
Cai'luin followed Corvid and Alot, playing his lute and hurling biting insults towards the enemy.

But the brave and stoic sea elf Cai'luin teased them mercilessly and the cursed crew grew so flustered that the shot went them even more to curse!
-The Tale of Aella, Chapter 4 - Morgana's Mystery, by Cai'luin Manaan
Corvid twisted and came up behind them and succeeded in destroying the war machine. 

....and Corvid used his incredible vengeance to disable the ballista with twin whips of azure flame - never to rise again.
-The Tale of Aella, Chapter 4 - Morgana's Mystery, by Cai'luin Manaan

Against the Spined Devils
Two spined devils flew over the mid-deck of the Sea Ghost and menaced Aella. Craig dropped down from the forecastle to the mid-deck to assist her. Aella dismissed her tempest swirling on the deck of the enemy ship so that Alot and Corvid would room to maneuver. One spined devil attacked with a long weapon like a frog gig while the other lashed its tail to launch its quills. Aella managed to lock a continuous Witch Bolt spell on one while Craig's prayers were answered in the form of a miraculous hammer that materialized in the air next to the other, smashing it as it flew. Craig and Aella backed up against the side of the stern deck to reduce the angles from which the spined devils might attack. 

....decisions were made, there could be no unmaking them.
-The Tale of Aella, Chapter 4 - Morgana's Mystery, by Cai'luin Manaan

Meanwhile, the mangonel on the stern of the Vengeful Tempest continued to launch stone shot at the sails of the Sea Ghost.

Loyal Defenders
With Aella's maelstrom gone, Alot led the charge towards the stern of the Vengeful Tempest, followed by Corvid and Cai'luin. As armored devils interposed themselves between the attackers and their captain, sending crossbow bolts ineffectually at the invaders. As the pair grew nearer the armored defenders threw away their crossbows and took up their halberds.

"Vengeance", cried Corvid, and his rage rose up like a shield - deflecting the bolts away from his skin and into the water below.....
-The Tale of Aella, Chapter 4 - Morgana's Mystery, by Cai'luin Manaan
Captain Morgana lashed her bone scorpion's tail at Captain Alot, piercing his heavy armor. Alot grunted and pulled the venomous sting out of his chest, throwing it aside.

Captain Alot swing his magical dragon's head hammer against the armored devil. The infernal creature was smashed. Glowing cinders and ash swirled and armored components went flying across the deck.

So too did Corvid impale the other armored foe with his magical longsword, reducing it to cinders and armored parts. 

Meanwhile the mangonel of the Vengeful Tempest succeeded in destroying the last of the Sea Ghost's sails, leaving nothing but useless tatters dangling from the yards. 

The mangonel timber heaved it;s stone in a high ranging arc, slamming home on the Sea Ghost's mast. Those close by would swear they heard a 'crack' from the oaken mast.
-The Tale of Aella, Chapter 4 - Morgana's Mystery, by Cai'luin Manaan

Having finally defeated the two spined devils that vexed them, Craig left his hiding place and ran up onto the stern deck of the Sea Ghost, making his way across to the Vengeful Tempest.

Captain Morgana prepared to throw a javelin. Lightning arced and danced off its long jagged form. She hurled it at Cai'luin but missed. The javelin returned to her hand as a bolt of lightning, striking Craig and Corvid. 

....some say he's lucky, others say he's got panache, but all agree that his chord's have the ring of thunder.
-The Tale of Aella, Chapter 4 - Morgana's Mystery, by Cai'luin Manaan

Alot slammed his dragon hammer into Captain Morgana, knocking her off her clawed feet and onto the deck. 

Alot struck her again but it was Corvid who brought his sword down in the killing blow while shouting, "VENGEANCE!"

..and his sword flashed in the midnight,bringing down it's silent judgement upon the wicked.
-The Tale of Aella, Chapter 4 - Morgana's Mystery, by Cai'luin Manaan

Captain Morgana shuddered under the blow. With her last ounce of strength, she hurled her javelin at the Sea Ghost. It struck the ship and exploded, leaving a massive gash in its hull. 

Corvid looked upon the damage to the hull and commented upon the final actions of Morgana. "Boy, that was a real dick move".
-The Tale of Aella, Chapter 4 - Morgana's Mystery, by Cai'luin Manaan
As she expired, the sea beneath the Vengeful Tempest began to glow and swirl. The ships began to spin as they were caught within a whirlpool. As the sea began to recede towards the glowing center of the whirlpool, clawed hands emerged from a fiery pit, reaching and clawing for the ship and its crew.

The ethereal crew of the Vengeful Tempest were immediately drawn off the ship and fell into the hellish whirlpool.

Alot shouted, "Time to go!"

Alot, Craig, Corvid, and Cai'luin ran back towards the Sea Ghost as the crew of that ship managed to remove the harpoon from their hull. No longer connected to the doomed ship, the crew of the Sea Ghost watched in awe as the Vengeful Tempest was drawn back into hell via a spiraling vortex.

To Be Continued...

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Voyage of the Sea Ghost - Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Chapter 49

The sun was setting on the Azure Sea. A slight wind propelled the Sea Ghost sluggishly through the calm seas. The ship made little progress. Captain Alot, an automaton who had no need to eat or sleep and wore goggles that gave him excellent night vision, manned the helm. 

Suddenly there blew a strong wind from behind. Alot looked behind him and was surprised to see two waterspouts curling and writhing their way towards the ship. They had appeared without warning in the darkness with no hint of cloud or storm. 

He rang the ship's bell and called for all hands to batten the hatches and prepare for a storm. Within seconds the water spouts were upon the ship. These were no natural phenomena, they moved with intent!

To Alot's horror, suspended within each of the waterspouts was a massive man-eating shark! 


The C-Team:

  • Avastana "Aella" Kádár - Neutral, Half-Elf  Outlander and Storm Sorceress from Ket, daughter of the king of the sea elves, Deck Sorceress of the Sea Ghost.
  • Alot Aname - Neutral Good Warforged Fighter, ancient sentinel of a wizard's fortress, spent several decades deactivated underwater, Bosun of the Sea Ghost.
  • Craig "Blunderbuss" Oxworth - Lawful Good Dwarven Priest of St. Ogden (Cleric), sailor and shipwright.  
  • Cai'luin Manaan - Chaotic Good Sea-Elf Bard, member of the royal family of the tribe of Manaan.
  • Corvid Ravenson - Neutral Good Fallen Aasimar Paladin of Vengeance and Divine Soul Sorcerer, sent to Oerth to avenge those who wronged his angelic "brother", Auric Ravenson.
DM Note-
I'm running the adventure "The Kraken's Wake" so that we can get some actual use out of the naval rules in Ghosts of Saltmarsh. It fits perfectly in that 8th level dead zone between the Final Enemy and Tammaraut's Fate. It's also fairly light fare and not a deep time or brainpower commitment. 


Ship's Position: 16 miles southeast of Saltmarsh, just off Angler Island

The tempests moved aggressively towards the Sea Ghost in a way very much unlike a natural waterspout. The two waterspouts showed malicious intent! 

The crew had just enough time to strike the sails and return below deck before the whirling waterspouts reached the ship. Alot lashed the tiller fast and grabbed his magical dragon-hammer. He charged the closest waterspout and delivered a blow to the massive shark suspended therein. 

Aella, Craig, Cai'luin, and Corvid ran onto the deck. Craig said a prayer and sacred flame fell miraculously from the heavens onto the tempest but with little effect as the swirling winds simply blew away the column of fire. Corvid drew his magical sword and darted up the ship's ladder to attack the sharks. Aella used her storm magic to create a tidal wave to crash onto both water-spouts. 

The sea-elf Cai'luin quickly found himself trapped within a waterspout being attacked by a very large very angry shark but was soon saved by the interventions of his companions.  In exchange, Cai'luin cast a bardic spell onto the other tempest, creating an explosion of steam. 

The battle continued for some time until Corvid, with a prayer to the Raven King, God of Death, drove his magic sword into one of the tempests. His divine strike skewered the shark within. The remaining shark was quickly dispatched. 

The two whirlwinds persisted but were now harmless. The massive sharks were dead. They spun wildly within the whirlwinds. Without the guidance of the sharks, the whirlwinds drifted off to sea in random directions. 

Bell of the Depths

Ship's Position: 25 miles southeast of Saltmarsh, five miles south of Redshore

That night the crew slept while Alot manned the tiller and Craig and Cai'luin stood watch on the bow, scanning the darkness with their night vision so that they could sail through the night. 

Around midnight there was a sound of the ringing of a massive bell that reverberated throughout the ship. The crew was awakened. Every sailor on board knew what it meant - it was the Bell of the Depths, a sound of ill omen that spelled doom to any ship that heard its peal. The crew became uneasy and had difficulty sleeping so Cai'luin played a song to calm their frayed nerves. 

Young Green Dragon

Ship's Position: 30 miles out of Saltmarsh, 
10 miles east-northeast of Redshore and 13 miles southeast of Splitrock

The next morning saw calm seas and poor winds. The sky was blue and the sun was warm. The crew were in poor spirits but a pep talk from Aella helped alleviate their worries. 

Corvid stood on the forecastle and scanned the horizon. He caught a glimpse of a winged creature flying roughly 200 feet over the sea. It was a young green dragon and it was out hunting. Corvid alerted the crew and Captain Alot took the precaution of sending all seven of them below decks while the C-Team prepared their weapons.

The dragon took notice of the ship and altered its flight to an intercept course. It flew low and fast over the calm seas several hundred feet off the starboard side of the ship. At sixty feet out it dove under the water. Aella used her storm magic to cast a lightning bolt at the dragon as it swam just below the surface. The dragon dove deep and went under the ship. The C-Team prepared themselves for anything. Captain Alot lashed the tiller and looked around for his longbow. The longbow he had never used.  Alot cursed his luck. Why did they have to be attacked by a foe that could fly and attack from range? 

Cai'luin played a note on his lute and uttered a series of arcane whispers known only to bards. He knew that wherever the dragon was, it would know fear and would move away from the ship.

The dragon resurfaced off the port bow and flew over the deck towards the starboard side. Corvid hurled a magical bolt of fire at the dragon while Aella released a burst of magical burning rays. 

The dragon disgorged a cone of poisonous green gas onto the deck which engulfed Craig, Cai'luin, and Aella. 

Cai'luin cast another bardic spell and the air around the dragon exploded into watery steam. 

Corvid ran a few steps towards the starboard rail and disappeared into a puff of blue mist. He magically reappeared above the dragon. Corvid fell onto the dragon's back and grabbed its wing. The dragon remained airborne but was not longer able to maneuver. Corvid stabbed at the dragon with his free hand while the reptilian beast struggled to dislodge its attacker. 

"Corvid flexed his thews, muscles rippled across his chest. He crouched, and with the leap of a cougar, he closed the distance through the air and landed upon the dragon's back."
- The Tale of Aella, Chapter 3, by Cai'luin Manaan

DM Note-
Corvid's player, "I can either do something effective or do something stupid."

Me, "Do something stupid!"

Corvid's player, "Alright. I cast misty step and appear on the dragon's back. I grapple it! I believe its movement is now zero!"

Me, "Oh my god, I love it so much!"

Craig said a prayer of hope and everyone on the deck felt rejuvenated. Aella cast an electrical witch-bolt spell at the dragon which created a continuous arc of lightning. Cai'luin howled some insensitive remarks towards the dragon which hurt its feelings. 

Alot found his longbow and loosed an arrow. To his surprise it struck home into the dragon's mouth, penetrating its skull! 

DM Note-
Natural 20! 17 points of damage!

Corvid continued stabbing at the dragon with his magical longsword. Craig said a prayer to St. Ogden and a mighty spiritual hammer flew forth and struck the dragon.

However, it was Aella's ongoing lightning bolt that felled the dragon. It plunged lifeless into the sea. Corvid pulled it as he swam back towards the boat. The crew was recalled, lines were thrown, and the dragon's carcass was hauled onto the deck for harvesting. 

"...and with a mighty wave of her hand, the magical essences speared through the brain of the dragon and fell to the waves below. Never to rise again."
- The Tale of Aella, Chapter 3, by Cai'luin Manaan

A Ghostly Visitation

Ship's Position: 45 miles out of Saltmarsh,
15 miles east of Splitrock

The rest of the day passed uneventfully as the Sea Ghost made poor progress in the calm winds. Near midnight the following night, while Cai'luin stood watch and Craig manned the tiller, there came again the peal of the Bell of the Depths and once more the entire crew was awakened.

This time the sound of the bell was accompanied by a strange unearthly fog that arose out of the clear night. Captain Alot and the rest of the crew came onto the deck just in time to witness the fog manifest into a strange humanoid apparition made of mist. The apparition approached Captain Alot and held out a vaguely rectangular shape made of fog. Alot held out his mechanical hands to receive the gift. 

The apparition spoke in a haunting voice:
"To fight the ones who drowned her isle and home,
She pledged her ship, her crew, her soul, her bones.
For endless eons they now sail to fight,
To feed the devils’ everlasting spite.
Only honor can end this long reprise,
If honor there be left in her cold eyes.
To fight the ones who drowned her isle and home,
She pledged her ship, her crew, her soul, her bones.
for untold year she continues her fight,
To feed the devils’ everlasting spite.
Only honor can end this long reprise,
If honor there be left in her cold eyes."
The apparition put the rectangle into Alot's hands. It took solid form and became a leather-bound book with brass clasps. Alot thanked the apparition for the gift and the spirit disappeared. So too did the mysterious fog vanish and the Sea Ghost was once again drifting in calm seas on a clear night.

Alot spent the remaining hours of the night reading through the book. It was a captain's log written in old Suloisian, a language Alot could read thanks to his knowledge of history. 

 The book was the journal of Captain Morgana, the captain of the Faithful Defender, a ship that sailed in defense of Agroburg, an ancient Suloise city that was sacked and destroyed by the Dark Alliance over a millennium ago. Within the book's pages, Alot learned the following:
  • Captain Morgana was a conjurer who fought along with her crew to defend Agroburg against the Dark Alliance of evil humanoids.
  • When Agroburg was sacked despite Morgana’s best efforts, she swore everlasting vengeance upon the Dark Alliance.
  • She and her entire crew made a pact with Asmodeus. Though they condemned themselves to hell for eternity, they would sail the seas of Oerth to bring terror to those who destroyed Agroburg. 
Alot closed the book and gave a robotic shrug. "Well, that's not the Vengeful Tempest, so I guess that must not have anything to do with our mission."

DM Note-
Alot's player actually said that. You could hear the other players slapping their foreheads over the Discord channel. 

The Chaos Storm

Ship's Position: 50 miles out of Saltmarsh,
20 miles northest of Splitrock,
20 miles southeast of Anglar

With the coming of dawn the Sea Ghost saw increased winds which propelled them closer towards Gradsul. At mid-morning the skies began to darken and a few moments later a storm was brewing. Aella could sense the influence of chaos magic within the storm - this was no ordinary storm! Soon after the Sea Ghost was caught within an elemental maelstrom. The ship was pelted with ice, fire, rocks, and strong gales. Craig said a prayer to Saint Ogden and the ship became protected from the chaos magic around them. However, at the center of the storm was a flashing blue white light and a whirlpool was drawing the ship towards it. 

DM Note-
I described the light as, "Anyone here remember the strobing light in the movie the Final Countdown that hurled the aircraft carrier back in time? Its like that!"

Craig said another prayer but to no avail. The ship was drawn into the light and disappeared.

The crew of the Sea Ghost woke up on the deck. The storm was gone. The sky was clear and the sun shone brightly. It was still mid-morning. A coastline was visible to port. Alot immediately recognized it as the coast of Salinmoor in between Splitrock and Anglar. They had been teleported several miles off course. Luckily the captain found good winds and made up for lost time.

The Voice in the Deep

Ship's Position: 65 miles out of Saltmarsh, 
20 miles east of Waverock,
15 miles southeast of Rawnis

The captain had found some good wind and made good time. By sunset they were in between Anglar and Rawnis. The sun set in the west casting an eerie orange glow to the sky. Everyone in the crew were suddenly struck with a booming telepathic message.

The ominous telepathic voice demanded that the ship offer it a sacrifice. Three living humanoids must be bound and thrown overboard. Should they comply they could pass without trouble. Noncompliance would result in the destruction of their ship and the loss of everyone on board. 

Corvid commented, "Only three?" 

The seven crewmembers looked at Captain Alot with apprehension.

Captain Alot replied to the voice, "Go to hell!"

The ship was suddenly heaved upwards from the bow as if they had run aground. Massive tentacles wrapped around the ship's hull.

Cai'luin immediately played a dissonant chord on his lute and uttered a bardic spell. The sound forced the kraken to release the ship and move forty feet in front of the ship to escape the noise. Aella quickly cast a Chaos Bolt spell at the monster.

Captain Alot shouted orders to his crew, "Full sails! Ramming speed!"

Captain Alot piloted the Sea Ghost so that its recently added ram impaled the side of the massive kraken. The kraken howled and spit a massive blast of steam and mist into the air. It rolled off the ram and slid down the port side of the ship.

DM Note-
Using the rules in the back of Ghosts of Saltmarsh, ramming the kraken did 69 points of damage! Alot's player was ecstatic!

"He swung the tiller around and said, "Have at thee, Beast" as the Metal Man drove the ships ram straight into the sickly Kraken's heart". 
-The Tale of Aella, Chapter 3, by Cai'luin Manaan

Corvid Ravensun said a prayer to the Raven King and a loud sonorous bell pealed across the sea. The reverberations of which called the kraken to shudder in pain. 

The kraken's tentacles reached up onto the deck of the Sea Ghost. One grabbed Craig and tossed him into the air. Craig landed in the sea sixty feet away from the ship. 

The crew heard loud splintering and crunching as the mouth of the malformed kraken bit into the hull. 

DM Note-
Kraken do double damage to structures and objects. This was the first time running D&D that I was able to use this ability for any creature! That made me happy!

Cai'luin cast a bardic spell to shatter the kraken. The beast howled in pain. 

Aella cast a powerful lightning bolt at the kraken.  The lightning splayed across the kraken's malformed skin like oil off water. 

"Aella ran her fingers through her hair, and lightning crackled between her finger tips. Flinging the charge at the lurid beast, there was a gasp from all when the ball of electrical energy shorted into the water and dissipated" 
-The Tale of Aella, Chapter 3, by Cai'luin Manaan

Craig Oxworth bobbed in the ocean. He said a prayer to Saint Ogden and a massive whirlpool appeared behind the kraken. The swirling water tried to draw the kraken away from the ship and towards its center. The kraken held firm to the ship but was eventually drawn backwards.

 The kraken called down three bolts of lightning from the heavens to strike Corvid, Cai'luin, and Aella. 

Cai'luin cast his bardic "Water Hammer" spell onto the kraken. Aella cast another chaos bolt and Corvid sent a bolt of magical flame at the kraken.

As the battle progressed the Sea Ghost continued to sail on, leaving the kraken, the whirlpool, and Craig behind. Captain Alot grabbed the tiller and turned the ship hard to port. 

DM Note-
I kept having to make the Roll20 map bigger and moving the kraken, craig, and whirlpool tokens sixty feet down to simulate the ship moving away.

The kraken swam away from the whirlpool and towards Blunderbuss. The tentacles wrapped around the dwarven priest and hurled him into the air. Craig was thrown sixty feet. Craig emerged from the water and dismissed the whirlpool, only to form a new one immediately under the kraken. 

"The Kraken tried and tried to swallow the dwarf. The beak closed around his body, but to no avail. The dwarf grimaced and spat in the Kraken's face. "It'll take more than the likes of you to eat me!"  
-The Tale of Aella, Chapter 3, by Cai'luin Manaan

The kraken was sucked down into the whirlpool where it was torn apart. 

The Sea Ghost continued to circle back around to pick up Craig. Craig simply created a massive wave of water to pick him up and propel him towards the ship. The animated water deposited him onto the deck of the Sea Ghost. 

DM Note-
That was a really fun encounter! 

The Vengeful Tempest

Ship's Position: 70 miles out of Saltmarsh, 
10 miles east-southeast of Rawnis,
47 miles south of Gradsul.

That night the winds once more became calm and the Sea Ghost sat still in the placid sea. The moons of Oerth shone bright and full in the sky above.

Without warning, much as it had done the night before, a mysterious fog appeared around the ship. This fog, however, glowed with an evil orange hue and soon became a very hot humid miasma. 

Somewhere in the fog the crew heard the beating of massive drums. The crew was awakened and the C-Team took their positions on the deck. 

A dark shape appeared out of the fog 200 feet to stern. It was an ancient Suloisian design, painted black with the carved figurehead of a red dragon. Its tattered sails dangled uselessly from its yards. 

The 100 foot long black ship was crewed by 30 dark shadowy figures that appeared to be made of black fog or mist. On her deck were two hulking armored warriors wearing masks that resembled a porcelain doll's face and two humanoid creatures that appeared to be made of porcupine quills. Standing at the helm was a large beast made of gaunt bone with large insectile wings like those of a locust. The creature of bone wore a tricorn hat. 

It was the Vengeful Tempest!

To be Continued...

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Sea Ghost Sets Sail - Ghosts of Saltmarsh, Chapter 48


The sea elf walked ashore just outside the fishing village of Saltmarsh. Water drained from the lute strapped to his back. His hair was wet. His human clothes were dripping. It was just past dawn. The sky was overcast and mist clung to the cliffs and rocky beaches around him. The morning was cool and foggy. He was standing in a shabby run-down collection of abandoned houses. Crabs scuttled over every empty edifice. One crab scurried away from his feet while menacingly brandishing a rusty knife. 
He followed the crab a bit as it retreated towards a nearby shack. He bent over in an attempt to communicate with the aquatic creature, "Hello. Can you point me towards the nearest inn or tavern?"

All of the crabs lurking in, on, or around the house replied in hissing unison, "Free me. FREE ME!"

The sea elf staggered back, horrified. He stumbled as he fled up the gravel path towards the awakening village of Saltmarsh.


The C-Team:

  • Avastana "Aella" Kádár - Neutral, Half-Elf  Outlander and Storm Sorceress from Ket, daughter of the king of the sea elves, Deck Sorceress of the Sea Ghost.
  • Alot Aname - Neutral Good Warforged Fighter, ancient sentinel of a wizard's fortress, spent several decades deactivated underwater, Bosun of the Sea Ghost.
  • Craig "Blunderbuss" Oxworth - Lawful Good Dwarven Priest of St. Ogden (Cleric), sailor and shipwright.  
  • Cai'luin Manaan - Chaotic Good Sea-Elf Bard, member of the royal family of the tribe of Manaan.
  • Corvid Ravenson - Neutral Good Fallen Aasimar Paladin of Vengeance and Divine Soul Sorcerer, sent to Oerth to avenge those who wronged his angelic "brother", Auric Ravenson.
DM Note-
I'm running the adventure "The Kraken's Wake" so that we can get some actual use out of the naval rules in Ghosts of Saltmarsh. It fits perfectly in that 8th level dead zone between the Final Enemy and Tammaraut's Fate. It's also fairly light fare and not a deep time or brainpower commitment. 

Also DM Note-
Cai'luin's player said, "Do crab have a swim speed?"

I said, "Yes they do."

Cai'luin's player said, "Great, I speak with them and ask them where I might find the nearest tavern."

I said, "Okay. They reply by hissing - 'Free me!'"

Cai'luin's player said, "Ha ha. Wait, really?"


Cai'luin's player said, "Ah! I get the hell out of there!"

Craig Oxworth
A year had passed since the invasion of the Fortress of the Sahuagin. Craig Oxworth, high priest of The Raven King in Saltmarsh, as far as he knew the ONLY priest of the Raven King in all of Oerth, had acquired the structure near the cemetery to serve as the residence for himself and the three Sisters of Tristin and hospice for the dying. Years ago Craig had received a vision from a dwarven spirit named Saint Ogden who told him to give up ox herding and become a priest of Tristin Ravenson - the Raven King, the God of Death, Guardian of the Underworld, and Judge of Souls. Craig had never heard of Saint Ogden or Tristin but who was he to question the commands of an otherworldly spirit. 

Craig had traveled to Saltmarsh to meet Auric Ravenson - the holy manifestation of one of Tristin's avatars on Oerth. Craig arrived in Saltmarsh but he was too late. He learned that Auric had died at the hands of an ancient black dragon that lived in the Drowned Forest. Auric had left behind a small temple, still under construction, and one follower, the cemetery's groundkeeper, a half-orc named Krag.

In the intervening time the sisters arrived in Saltmarsh and joined the temple. The sisters were strange pale-skinned women with dark eyes. They acted as nurses, assistants, and temple prostitutes. Craig had prayed and meditated and had, himself, learned more about the god to whom he had devoted his life.

Tristin Ravenson was once a legendary hero whose memory had been lost. Tristin was the half-mortal son of the immortal Raven Queen - goddess of death and guardian of the underworld. Orcus, the demon-prince of Undeath, killed the Raven Queen and usurped her throne. Tristin and his band of legendary heroes confronted Orcus. Tristin himself wrested the dreaded Wand of Orcus away from the demon-prince and slew the foul terror with his own weapon! Thus did Tristin Ravenson achieve apotheosis and become himself the god of death, fertility, resurrection, and the afterlife. Tristin appointed his trusty companion Ogden as Guardian of the Gate and Magistrate of Souls and the lowly goblin Splug as Auditor. It was Splug who kept the tally of a mortal soul's deeds for judgement by Ogden at the gates to the Afterlife. 

The sisters represented the fertility aspect of Tristin's worship - that in decay there is rebirth, in death there is fecundity. Also, as a mortal, Tristin Ravenson was famously rapacious in his promiscuity with every creature that crawled, walked, flew, or swam. The accounts of Tristin's offspring are themselves legendary.

It was Craig's duty as priest to prepare the living for judgement at the gates to the Afterlife - to provide blessings, absolution, and mercy to the dying as well as condolence and assistance to their families.  

Convalescing into Existence
Soon after Craig taken over and set up the hospice he was visited by a new apparition. While praying at the temple two skeletons began to form out of the air before him - one a human and one a horse. The skeletons began to form muscles and organs and eventually skin. Both beings collapsed onto the floor. Their bodies were frail, emaciated, and weak. 

Craig rushed to the being's aid. He had ashen gray skin and long black hair. The man glared at Craig with purple eyes and growled, "VENGEANCE!" before losing consciousness.

Craig rushed the frail figure to the hospice while Krag took the horse to Ingo the Drover. For the next several months Craig and the Sisters of Tristin nursed the man back to health. 

The man recuperated quickly. His muscled filled out surprisingly quickly and soon he was tall and strong - though his skin remained pallid and his hair dark.

The strange visitor said little but he revealed that he was called Corvid Ravenson. He had been sent by a vengeful Raven King to seek retribution for the death of Auric Ravenson - the first avatar of the Raven King on Oerth who had died before fulfilling his holy mission.

When asked about the nature of Auric's and now Corvid's holy mission, Corvid said that, like Auric before him, his memory after taking form on Oerth had become unreliable and that he could not recall. Auric had spent many months as an amnesiac shipwright before recalling his purpose. So, too, would Corvid need time to find his purpose. In the meantime, all that he could remember, the only thought that occupied his mind during every waking hour, was VENGEANCE!

DM Note-
Corvid's player had meant to say he "coalesced" into existence but what he actually said was he "convalesced" into existence. It was a funny slip of the tongue and we joked about it but in the grandest nature of "yes, and-" he went with it. 

A Chance Meeting
It was raining when Craig and the mysterious Corvid met the dwarven crew of the cargo ship Spirit of Winter on the docks. Captain Windrune lamented that he could find no cargo leaving Saltmarsh so he was stuck. He said that there was some dreaded pirate ship attacking all ships that left port and no one in the Azure Sea was safe. Craig tried to cheer Captain Windrune and his crew up by offering to buy them drinks at the Snapping Line, a tavern for fisher-folk from Saltmarsh. Corvid followed the group sullenly. 

Corvid, Craig, and the other dwarves entered and found a table. Although they faced no outright hostility it was clear that the locals did not welcome the presence of the dwarves or the pale-skinned stranger. Craig knew this was the case for two reasons: 

1) The dwarven miners who had come to town had brought unwelcome attention from the crown to their little lawless backwater.

2) It was a stereotype that dwarves made terrible sailors and the crew of the Spirit of Winter were notably incompetent at their jobs. 

Captain Windrune could sense the animus in the room. He rose from his seat and said, "Perhaps we should go to the Wicker Goat. I hear the dwarves from Copperlock's mines go there."

Craig put his hand on the captain's shoulders and said, "Nay! We'll stay right here. The Wicker Goat is a boring tavern frequented by town guard. This tavern has live music!"

Corvid grimly scanned the room and muttered under his breath, "Vengeance."

Hanna Rist, the proprietor of the Snapping Line, called for the attention of the small crowd gathered in the tavern. She announced a special musical performer for the evening - straight from the College of Bards - Cai'luin the Sea Elf!

Craig became suddenly concerned. Prince Aegon and Princess Nyx of the sea elf tribe of Manaan wished to kill his friend Aella whom they saw as a threat to their power. Could this sea-elf be an assassin sent to kill her?

The blue-skinned elf played his lute for half-an-hour but few paid him much attention. Later, after the crowd had thinned a bit, Cai'luin announced that he would recite some elven poetry.

Most of the remaining fisher-folk got up and left. Craig became interested and ordered another round for his dwarven companions. 

Cai'luin spoke in elvish and recited a hauntingly beautiful tale of lost love and death and redemption. The poem was half verse and half song. Craig didn't know the language but was still moved by the beauty of the elf's recitation. 

Craig overcame his emotion and approached the sea-elf. He introduced himself and asked Cai'luin his intentions.

Cai'luin said he was here looking for a half-elf named Aella. 

Craig became even more suspicious and suggested the pair speak outside. 

They stood under the overhang covering the entrance - an upturned boat supported by columns. Craig grilled Cai'luin about why he wanted to meet Aella. 

Cai'luin insisted that his intentions were honorable but said that the reasons were private and were meant only for Aella.

This did not sit well with Craig and the dwarf became even more suspicious. 

The pair resolved their impasse when Cai'luin revealed part of his story to Craig. In exchange, Craig offered to set up an introduction for the following morning at the temple to Tristin overlooking the cemetery. 

DM Note-
Cai'luin's player wanted the revelation of his backstory to be a surprise for Aella's player so he was reticent to recount it to Craig's player first. I warned them that this impasse was beginning to disrupt the group getting together and asked them to work it out so that the story could proceed. 

Afterwards, Craig crossed the Sharkfin bridge and trudged up to Aella's house. He banged on her door, despite the midnight hour and the rain. She opened the door and before she could ask him in the dwarf barged past her.  Rain dripped from his cloak and his boots left muddy prints on the nice floor. Aella signed. Craig told her what happened. He asked if she'd be willing to meet with this sea-elf the next morning. She agreed.

"Oh, by the way," he continued, "We got a summons to the town council tomorrow at noon. The baron has a mission for us."

"I know," she replied. "We'll go there after after our meeting."

The Mission
By morning the rain had stopped. The town was wet and humid. Aella was walking towards the council hall when she heard Alot, the automaton, call out to her.

She greeted Alot and asked how he'd been.

Alot said that he was now Captain Alot. Baylore had left the ship in order to concentrate on building his secret stronghold on Leper Island. The Sea Ghost had been in Saltmarsh for several days but Alot had spent his time tending to his oyster beds off shore. He had only recently learned that he had been summoned to the town council hall along with the others.

They entered the hall where Craig was already standing. They were met by Commander Eliander Fireborn who escorted them into a meeting with Baron Anders Solmor. Skerrin, the baron's creepy right-hand man, loomed behind him.

Baron Solmor greeted the trio warmly. He told them that King Skotti's birthday was approaching. The king's birthday - not his actual birthday by the way, it's celebrated on the same day for every king of Keoland for convenience - is a major festival throughout the kingdom. Every noble and member of court sends gifts and tribute to the king. Solmor, having only recently been appointed baron by King Skotti last year, wished to make a good impression on the king by sending a big gift! 

Unfortunately, Few ships were willing to leave port, and the ones who were could not be trusted with such a delicate and dangerous mission. 

"Why is it dangerous? I'm literally thrilled you asked! Commander Fireborn, please tell them."

Commander Fireborn explained that for the past several weeks, the Azure sea has been plagued by the Vengeful Tempest!

The Vengeful Tempest
Aella looked confused, "What's a Vengeful Tempest?"

Craig explained, "It's a ship of cursed souls. They are doomed to sail the seas of Oerth, killing and robbing anyone who cross its path.  Some say they're ghosts. Some say they're demons."

"That's right," said the baron, "and its attacking any un-escorted ship that sails the Azure sea! We sent a request to Seaton for a naval escort but all ships are currently occupied. Ordinarily, with good wind it's a two day journey to Gradsul at the mouth of the Sheldomar river, one if you brave the sail through the night. Then five days up-river to the capital in Niole Dra. The King's birthday is fourteen days away! Time is of the essence!"

Commander Fireborn continued, "We want to hire the Sea Ghost to take the baron's tribute to the king. Your primary mission will be to make it past the Vengeful Spirit. However, we'd like you, if you can, to destroy the Vengeful Spirit once and for all! So we want you to be bait. Lure them in. Let them try to board you. Then destroy them! In exchange for getting the cargo to Niole Dra, we will pay each of you 3000 gold pieces.  If you destroy the Vengeful Tempest, we'll pay you an additional 5000. We'll pay you half up front and half upon your return."

"We don't have the luxury of a naval escort," he continued, "so instead we direct the shipwrights of Saltmarsh to make a modification to your ship to make it battle-worthy. Unfortunately, we only have time for one such modification so you'll have to choose: hull reinforcement, a ballista, or a naval ram. You will be fully supplied for your journey, of course."

The baron stood from his chair, "What do you say? Will you take the job?"

After a brief consultation with Aella and Craig, Captain Alot took the job.

The Introduction
After the mission briefing with Baron Solmor and Commander Fireborn, the trio, along with the brooding Corvid, went to the temple of the Raven King. Krag, the half-orc groundskeeper of the cemetery, was digging a new grave nearby.

Cai'luin approached the party standing on the steps of the temple. He took one look at Aella, wielding the ancient Trident of Manaan which once belonged to the grandfather of King Pelagius which was used to defeat the Lizard King Sakatha a hundred years ago, and he was in awe, "You. You must be the one known as Aella!"

Aella nodded to confirm her identity and demanded that Cai'luin explain his intentions.

"Princess Aella, Lo, I am Cai’luin Manaan, of the Tribe Manaan.  I am the 4th son of Karnasus, the younger brother of King Pelagius of Manaan. I am your cousin.  I am a member of the royal family but there will never be a path for me to be King.  As a small boy, I remember hearing of King Peagius’s adventures with the nomads of the north and it inspired my soul to one day walk above the waves.

"I have a know fancy words and possess a glib tongue. This talent gets me into trouble far more often than it should.  However, I have a quick mind and quick fingers, and I learned to play several musical instruments – I had heard of these amazing music makers that travelled from place to place to share their music, song, and stories – and that was what I wanted to do most of all. I left the sea and studied story and song at the college of bards. 

"Upon the king's escape from the slavers in the north and return to Manaan, I would pester him to distraction for stories of his times above the waves.  Some he would share gladly but his times with the nomads was never discussed.  All of my training that I had learned told me there was a story to be had.  I pried and pandered to any that would listen within the court who were around at the time of King Pelagius’s return. I finally was able to guess that his freedom came from the help of a human woman, a human woman with whom he may have been romantically involved.  My conjectures were confirmed when the King’s retinue returned from the Lizard Man Games. They met a half-elf sorceress named Aella from Ket and they knew right away that she was the offspring of King Pelagius. 

"If it is true then you would be the first born of his children, even if illegitimate, and would be due rights and position as a Princess of Manaan.  It is right and just that you should be able to stake that claim and take your place with the family, if you should so choose.  

"I decided then and there, against my families wishes, at least I assume, for had I asked them they certainly would have said “No”, to meet you, Princess Aella, and be your escort and guide back to the Clan Manaan and the City under the Sea."

Aella interrogated the sea-elf, "You say you are from Manaan. Do you know Oceanus?"

"I do."

"How is he?"

"He is well. He was punished for participating in the raid on the Sahuagin stronghold last year but in light of his heroic actions his punishment was a token. He was banished from the court and is prohibited from leaving the city. He spoke highly of you."

Aella nodded, "He is a dear friend of ours."

Cai'luin spoke, "My princess, in what way may I serve you?"

Aella held up her finger. She huddled with her companions to confer in private. 

DM Note-
I muted Cai'luin so he couldn't hear the other players talking.

Aella returned and addressed Cai'luin, "Understand that right now I have no interest in the throne of Manaan. I would, however, like to know more about this trident. I understand that in the hands of a descendant of Manaan it possesses special powers. Do you know what they are?" 

Cai'luin replied, "No, princess. That knowledge is secret and known only to the druids who serve the king."

"Would you help me discover this secret?"

"I would, gladly, your highness." said Cai'luin, smiling.

"Excellent. But first, we are about to set sail on a dangerous mission. Will you help me when we return?"

"Your highness, it would be my fondest wish to accompany you and be the chronicler of your tale. Even should you never wish to return to Manaan, I would like to be the one who tells your story."

Aella looked at the others. Alot and Craig nodded in agreement. "Fine. We set sail on the Sea Ghost tomorrow. Welcome to the crew."

Preparing the Ship
That night every shipwright in Saltmarsh went to work modifying the Sea Ghost. The ship was a cargo vessel, ill-suited for fighting, so extra timbers were added to reinforce its hull. Although it was originally thought that there would be time only for that, Craig Oxworth, a former shipwright himself, stayed up all night to oversee the installation of a stout ram jutting out from the bow just under the water line. 

Meanwhile, each of the crew's positions were assigned.

Alot was the ship's captain, obviously. Alot would also serve as the ship's quartermaster and navigator.

Aella was assigned as First Mate.

The intimidating Corvid was made Second Mate. 

His background as a shipwright made Craig Oxworth the obvious choice as bosun and his miraculous abilities as a cleric also qualified him to serve as the ship's surgeon.

Cai'luin, for his part, would serve as the ship's cook.

The crew gathered on the deck at dawn the next day. Captain Alot, Aella, and Corvid addressed the crew about their mission. Aella's inspirational crew failed to make an impression so Corvid stood forward, glowered, and demanded their obedience and fealty. Corvid's intimidating presence was enough to snap the crew to immediate attention. 

Meanwhile Cai'luin did his best to prepare the first meals. His efforts were less than stellar and the crew grumbled about their new cook.

Setting Sail
The Sea Ghost set sail just after dawn the next day with the following crew: 

  1. Erving 'Two Toes' Charles - Megan Fox thumbs
  2. Zelda 'Phantasm' Outerbridge - wispy and mysterious
  3. Katharine 'Pirate' Stratford - honest forthright
  4. Minna 'Devil's Grin' Reeks - filed teeth wicked scar
  5. Winter 'White Hair' Ward - Gordon Liu as Drizzt
  6. Torr 'The Fierce' Theodoric - always holding hands with twin
  7. Trudy 'The Fierce' Amarant - always holding hands with twin
  8. Anita 'Four-Teeth' Chrom - fantasy meth addict
  9. Radburn 'Mad Eyes' Trollope - crazy eyes
  10. Ewing 'Shark Bait' Archer - meek nerd red-shirt, incompetent, lovable, tries hard but always fails
  11. Hockney 'Crew Member' Seth - generic

Unfortunately, the wind was blowing in an unfavorable direction so going was slow. What would normally be a twenty-six hour trip to Gradsul now looked to be several days.  They would be cutting it close. 

DM Note-
Following the rules for sea travel in Ghosts of Saltmarsh, we started the day with the Quartermaster/Navigator making a Wisdom (Survival) check. Captain Alot got an 18. The
Sea Ghost was on course.

Second the first and second mates worked on the crew's morale. The pep talk before setting sail gave the crew a quality rating of 1. Aella gave another encouraging speech and got a 24 on her Charisma (Persuasion) roll while Corvid enforced discipline with a Charsima (Intimidation) roll of 22. The crew's quality was increased to 2. 

There was no damage to repair so the bosun has nothing to check. 

I then rolled the first of the day's random encounters.

The Desperate Trader
The Sea Ghost was a few hours out of port when they came across a galley adrift - its masts missing, its oars motionless.

Captain Alot ordered the Sea Ghost to come along side and strike sails. He hailed the galley. The captain replied that they had been attacked the several nights previous and asked to come aboard. A line was thrown and the two ship's were brought together.

The captain of the other ship, the Kingfisher, told Captain Alot that they had been attacked by the Vengeful Tempest several nights ago. The captain was a wreck, a shell of a man wracked by fear. When asked about the attack, the captain withdrew, clutching his face, muttering only, "I- I dare not recall that night! It was- it is too horrid to think about! My crew! The fiends slew my crew! They cut down my masts and took my cargo. Only a handful of us survived." The captain's demeanor turned from fear to desperation, "I- I don't want to stay out here! What if they come back? I need to get back to a safe harbor! Please, can you take me back?"

Captain Alot thought about his options. He could bring the captain and his crew aboard but the poor wretch was afraid for his life. He dared not take him into harm's way. He could take him back to Saltmarsh or stop off in Seaton but that would be a delay that they couldn't afford. 

Alot asked Craig to evaluate the Kingfisher's condition. Could it be repaired?

Craig told Captain Alot that with the masts gone. They could possibly effect some repairs but it would take days - days they didn't have. 

"I'm sorry, I can't help you." replied Alot.

The captain of the Kingfisher became even more desperate, "I- I just need to get my ship back to a safe harbor! Please, please I beg of you, can you lend me some of your crew to row my ship to a harbor? I- I'm willing to trade! I have some supplies that weren't taken by the Vengeful Tempest. I have some spare timber and pitch which could be used for repairs. I've got some quality rum hidden away. I've even got a mangonel I'd be willing to give you! Can't you do anything?"

Captain Alot asked the captain of the Kingfisher, "How many rowers do you need?"

The captain's eyes lit up with hope, "Eight! I need at least eight rowers!"

Captain Alot rubbed his mechanical chin with his two-fingered hand, "Hmm. That I can't do. I've only got a crew of eleven so eight is right out. But look, I'm willing to help. How about four? For in exchange for the rum."

The captain of the Kingfisher nodded in desperate agreement, "Yes! Four would do! Thank you! Thank you! May you be blessed by Procan!"

Alot put it to the crew and four volunteered to join the Kingfisher.

  1. Anita 'Four-Teeth' Chrom - fantasy meth addict
  2. Radburn 'Mad Eyes' Trollope - crazy eyes
  3. Ewing 'Shark Bait' Archer - meek nerd red-shirt, incompetent, lovable, tries hard but always fails
  4. Hockney 'Crew Member' Seth - generic

In exchange, Cai'luin took possession of a crate of excellent rum. 

DM Note-
As written, this encounter is supposed to be a simple choice - do you lend any of your crew to help this wretch in exchange for a trade? They really wanted to help but they didn't want to sacrifice any of their crew. So they started trying to come up with alternatives. 

This quickly devolved into the players trying to brainstorm ways to help without paying the price. Could they do repairs? I said yes but it would add days to their journey. Can they do magic? Not really. Can we tow the ship? No. Etc. Etc. Etc. It became a game of a hundred questions. I would have entertained an alternative solution if it were truly novel and creative but really they were just trying to find a workaround . I finally had to just lay it out - "Look, I've given you the choice to make. Please decide what you want to do." They selected the four crew members from the list and took the rum.

The Wyrmskull Warriors
That afternoon as the ship prepared to make their turn to the east. Suddenly the sea around them began to churn and small storm clouds formed overhead. Lightning strike the sea around them as three massive blue-skinned giants rose from the sea. Each of the giants wore dark blue matching tabards adorned with a symbol of a white dragon's skull flanked by twin white lightning bolts. Beneath them scrambled dozens of aquatic trolls who swam in circles and reached up towards the giants as if trying to touch them. 

Captain Alot, Aella, Craig, Corvid, and Cai'luin rushed to the forecastle and stood ready for battle.

One of the giants looked around as if confused before looking down at the puny beings below.

"Uh, hi there little dudes! We, uh, we seem to be lost and we were hoping you could help us."

Alot was frozen with astonishment. "Uh, what?"

"Yes, hello! My brothers and I are known as the Wyrmskull Warriors. We are three exhibition fighters trying to find the city of- Niole Dra? Have you heard of it? We were hired to perform an exhibition bout for the king of Kolland or something. We were trying to teleport there but we seem to be off course. We asked these Skrag but apparently they're fans. They keep trying to grab us and rip our clothes off and bite off bits of our skin. We're really lucky you sailed by. Can you point us in the right direction? I mean, if it's not too much trouble. We could offer a trade, I guess?"

Alot relaxed a bit, "What do you have?"

The giant searched himself and directed his brothers to do the same. One produced a small metal tube from a pocket that in his massive fingers was no longer than a the length of one knuckle. "Um, this thing? I think its a map. I couldn't tell. It was too small."

He handed it to Aella. She opened the tube and found a roll of vellum within upon which was drawn a map to an island in the Azure sea. Notes indicated the location of a hidden treasure. Aella nodded to Alot.

Alot said, "We'll tell you in exchange for the map- and for an autograph. I mean, you're kind of famous."

The storm giant gave him a big thumbs up, "You got it, brohampton!"

Aella, who had a keen mind for directions and maps, gave specific directions for finding Niole Dra from their current location.

In exchange, one of the giants used his electric spear to burn twin lightning bolts in the style of the Wymskull logo onto the hull of the Sea Ghost.

Alot said, "We, too, are going to Niole Dra for the king's birthday. Would you wish to accompany us? We would welcome your presence in these dangerous waters."

The storm giant inhaled sharply, "Yeah, uh, thanks bro but, you know, we can, you know, teleport there, so- you know."

Alot became excited, "Oh, then perhaps you can take us with you."

Again the storm giant looked awkward, "Oh, uh, no can do, broheim. We can only teleport us three. But- anyway, thanks for the directions! Good luck in your journey! Later, broskis!"

With that, one of the storm giants produced a giant scroll which he read aloud. The trio were engulfed in a massive sphere of lightning and wind and disappeared.

The sea-trolls, disappointed, returned to the deep.

DM Note-
Alot's player got a hoot out of that encounter.

Sharknado x2!
Night fell on the Azure Sea. A slight wind propelled the Sea Ghost sluggishly through the calm seas. The ship made little progress. Captain Alot, an automaton who had no need to eat or sleep and wore goggles that gave him excellent night vision, manned the helm. 

Suddenly there blew a strong wind from behind. Alot looked behind him and was surprised to see two waterspouts curling and writhing their way towards the ship. They had appeared without warning in the darkness with no hint of cloud or storm. 

He rang the ship's bell and called for all hands to batten the hatches and prepare for a storm. Within seconds the water spouts were upon the ship. These were no natural phenomena, they moved with intent!

To Alot's horror, within each of the waterspouts were swarming masses of sharks - massive man-eating sharks! 

To Be Continued...

DM Note-
The Voyage of the Kraken's Wake is written for Forgotten Realms so I had to adapt it to Greyhawk/Ghosts of Saltmarsh on the fly. The module suggested I roll randomly to determine how many days of sail/random encounters happen before being attacked by the Vengeful Spirit. I did this and went with it.

Unfortunately, later I looked at the map of Greyhawk and saw that with good wind a ship from Saltmarsh can make it to Gradsul in about 26 hours. Whoops. So I had to throw in poor wind after the fact to explain the long journey. 

Also, although it wasn't asked during the game, a plot hole occurred to me - if there's a pirate ship menacing shipping, the navy would send escorts with the cargo ships. If navy warships couldn't handle the Vengeful Spirit, then how can the crew of the Sea Ghost? So after the fact I came up with the line about the Vengeful Spirit avoiding escorted ships and as a result not enough escorts to go around. The baron is a low man on the totem pole in the kingdom and wants to make a good impression, so instead he employs the Sea Ghost.