
Wednesday, June 20, 2018

"The Quest for Omu" - Tomb of Annihilation, Chapter 19

After ten days of waiting the party finally saw a group of travelers in the distance. Artus, Dragonbait, Eku, Tony, and Vinnie were accompanied by the macetail and the honker Chak'sa. As the other group approached, thick purplish black clouds began to form and descend on the field. From one cloud emerged four four-armed undying girallons. From another emerged a large bipedal reptile with a long horizontal tail and a massive tooth-filled head. Its mouth was filled with half-eaten humanoid zombies- and it was charging towards them!


  • Bramble Wolf - a theran barbarian wise-man (Wildhunt Shifter Druid) searching for the legendary origin of his tribe.
  • Apparently Jones - a blue-skinned demijin caravan guide and animal trainer (Air Genasi Ranger) from Akasa, the land of sky mountains. Having failed to find work in Port Nyanzaru as an animal handler, she has joined the expedition to the interior as a scout.
  • Chak'sa - Apparently's honker (parasaurolophus) companion.
  • Xoc-Wik - a b'alam warrior (Tabaxi Fighter) from the jungles of Bres, searching for those responsible for the destruction of his tribe.
  • Zeynap Shiravadakar - a Eusebean smuggler (Human Warlock) bearing the spirit of a celestial unicorn.
  • Argent Truth-Sayer - a golden azi knight errant of Bahamut (Dragonborn Paladin) in the service of Bahamut, sent on a holy mission to join the expedition to destroy the Soul Monger. 
  • Eku - a mysterious shape-changing wise-woman from Chult, hired as a guide.
  • Tony and Vinnie - rough and tumble dinosaur wranglers who wished to learn from Apparently, possibly from 19th century Boston on Earth. 
  • Artus Cimber - an explorer on a quest to reunite with his lost love.
  • Dragonbait - a saurial from another dimension, friend and traveling companion of Artus Cimber.
Day 37 - The Clouds of Death
Argent fell victim to the Brain Fever and was left at the camp. Bramble, Apparently, Xoc-Wik, and Zeynap rushed across the plain towards Eku, Artus, Dragonbait, Tony, and Vinnie. The massive bipedal behemoth, a long-tooth,  closed on them from behind while the undying girallons charged from the left.

The long-tooth opened its mouth and disgorged the half-eaten remains of its former victims - themsevles animated by the power of the undying!  Bramble summoned two celestial bears which engaged the long-tooth, blocking its charge. Dragonbat drew forth a glowing greatsword and charged at the long-tooth emitting the smell of wood smoke and baked bread. Artus moved to help his friend, creating a magical ice storm behind the long-tooth.

Tony and Vinnie formed the beasts Chak'sa and the macetail into a defensive wall against the girallons. Unfortunately Tony was caught by a girallon and his head was bitten off. Xok-Wik and Zeynap directed ranged attacks against the girallons while Apparently drew her swords and engaged in melee.

Eku provided some healing to Apparently then transformed herself into a spike-tail behemoth and engaged the girallons, destroying them with her thrashing thagomizer.

The long-tooth defeated the bears but Bramble simply summoned replacements. The long-tooth was defeated by a magical blast of radiant energy from Zeynap while Dragonbait took care of the remaining zombies.

After the defeat of the zombie creatures the clouds of death moved across the plain and eventually dissipated.

The party, now reunited, returned to the campsite for the evening. The party was reluctant to reveal any information about Valindra Shadowmantle in the Heart of Ubtao with Eku or Artus. They kept their stories vague.

When asked about his magical power to generate ice storms, Artus revealed that he possessed an artifact known as the Ring of Winter. He had no memory of how he obtained it. All he remembered is that he had possessed it for over two hundred years and that as long as it magically prolonged his life he would dedicate his immortality to finding a way to free his beloved who was trapped in Mezro.

Artus looked around the campfire and saw that no one but Dragonbait was listening.  Dragonbait emitted the scent of honeysuckle and patted his human friend on his knee. Artus sighed.

The Blessing of Restoration
On the night after the reunion, Zeynap took a deep breath and confided to Bramble that Zalindra Shadowmantle had placed a geas upon him. Zeynap gritted his teeth and took the hit. Afterwards, Zeynap called upon the Blessing of Restoration given to him by the Oracle of Orolunga to remove the geas.

Day 38 
The party traveled south-southwest. Rain showers and heavy winds during the day hampered their progress and they advanced only ten miles.

Day 39 
The party continued south-southwest encountering only occasional rain showers. They advanced twenty miles.

Day 40 - Yellow Musk Zombies
Rain and heavy winds again hampered their movement. The party advanced only ten miles. They camped in some ancient ruins covered in jungle. Bramble stood vigil over the sleeping party when he spotted the silohuettes of ten shambling humanoids advancing into the firelight. Unlike the other animated corpses they had encountered in Chult these were covered in yellow vines and flowers. The zombies were accompanied by three large orchids which shivered in the night. Each orchid was adorned with three flowers - one purple, one yellow, one orange.

Bramble sounded the alarm and ran around kicking everyone awake. True to form Zeynap groaned and rolled  over in his bedroll.

Artus, Dragonbait, and Xoc-Wik woke to find themselves being pummeled by zombies. They rolled to their feet and engaged the shambling corpses.

Bramble called upon the spirits of nature and summoned forth a storm. Lightning struck down many of the zombies. Eku transformed herself into a spike-tail. She waded into the zombies waving her thagomizer back and forth. Dragonbait cleaved through the zombies while Artus fired his pistol, a strange technological artifact from the Other World. After transforming himself into a bear and destroying a zombie, Bramble woke Zeynap with a forceful push.

The zombies were soon defeated and Zeynap finished off the three orchids with magical blasts of celestial glitter.

Eku transformed herself back into human form and explained that the orchids were known as "Tri-Flower Fronds", they were slow and easily destroyed, and the zombies were called "Yellow Musk Zombies", transformed by the pollen of a deadly vine. She warned that the camp must near the ceeper vine that spawned the zombies. They'd have to move the camp.

The group was forced to pack up their camp and move in the middle of the night. No one got any rest that night.

Day 41 
The next day was sunny and the party advanced twenty miles. The night was windy and rest was difficult to find.

Day 42 
The party continued south-southwest encountering only occasional rain showers. They advanced twenty miles.

Day 43 - The Ruined Gate House

The party trudged wearily through the rain the following day. During the afternoon they came across the ruins of an immense and ancient wall. The wall at one time had been twenty feet tall and ten feet wide. Now it was little more than a wide line of tumbled decaying blocks covered in trees. Eku noted that this was once the outer wall of the great kingdom of Omu - a sign they were nearing their destination.

They followed what remained of the ancient track to the ruins of an old gate house. The gate house was little more than a stone platform piled in stones and columns covered in vines, grass, and trees.

As they approached the jungle-clad ruins they spotted hunched humanoid forms scurrying over the debris. The ruins were haunted by ghouls! Two hulking skeletal minotaurs rose from the undergrowth, dirt and plants falling from their bones.

Zeynap directed spells at the fiends while  Xoc-Wik loosed his arrows at the many undying targets. Dragonbait covered the right flank while Chak'sa and Apparently engaged the left flank.

The skeletons and ghouls were soon dispatched and the party continued on their way, covering twenty miles that day.

Day 44 
The party advanced twenty miles through the rain showers of the day. Heavy rain and winds ensured no one found rest that night.

Day 45
The party traveled south-southwest. Rain showers and heavy winds during the day hampered their progress and they advanced only ten miles. 

Day 46
The party covered another twenty miles despite the rain. During the day the party caught sight of an Akasan airship flying low under the rain clouds heading south. Apparently did not recognize the ship. Heavy rain during the night made rest difficult.

DM Commentary - The Problem with Artus and Dragonbait
All during last week's session I got the sense that the group didn't care much for Artus and Dragonbait. I don't know if it was general paranoia or a bit of jealousy but they never trusted them, they never included them, they never relied on their skills or powers, and more importantly they never interacted with them. As a result, there was never a chance to communicate the story details around these NPCs. 

I didn't help matters any by buying into the distaste for these NPCs and making a joke about their story, "Oh, my backstory? Find out about it in the novel 'Ring of Winter' published by Del Rey books!" was the recurring joke.
I sent the following e-mail to my group AFTER this week's session.  

Let's talk about Artus Cimber and Dragonbait.
I regret including them.
They are powerful NPCs who are included in the setting because of their prominence in novels and earlier adventures that were set in Chult. They are included so people who read those novels can say "Hey! I know those guys!"
However, they are overpowered compared to the PCs and deflect the spotlight away from the PCs.
They also add a layer of complexity to fights that I hate. I loathe two things about NPCs - roleplaying interactions between NPCs and NPCs fighting NPCs.

They agreed on all points and we made some future plans on how we were going to deal with these NPCs going forward. 

However, the discussion led to some questions about Artus and Dragonbait and their story. This led to some retroactive interaction via e-mail that I will now insert into the chronology here.

Artus and Dragonbait
Artus and Dragonbait had remained mostly quiet and withdrawn during the journey from Orolunga to Mbala. They kept to themselves and made no effort to interact with the rest of the party.  Artus made an effort to be more open after their reunion with the others under the Heart of Mbala. The others, however, remained aloof and preferred to stay apart from the newcomers.

As they approached Omu, Argent Truthsayer approached Artus and Dragonbait to engage the pair in conversation. He inquired about their motives and their intentions. He needed to know if these two deserved his help or his judgement. 

Artus admitted that he was slow to trust. He had kept his secrets close to his vest at first. He also noted that after his attempt at friendship after the reunion was rebuffed he decided to keep to himself. 

Artus told Argent that he was a "Watcher", an agent of the Erelim. He scoured the world collecting and destroying powerful magical artifacts to keep them out of the hands of those who would abuse them.

He said he was sent to Chult over two hundred years ago to find the Ring of Winter. He obviously found it but he wasn't sure how. He had tracked it down to the Temple of Ubtao in Mezro, "the Forgotten City", where it was being guarded by the bara named Dhalmass. At that time Mezro was protected from the outside world by powerful spells and wards that rendered it invisible. 

He had planned to break in and steal it. He didn't remember what happened next but he woke up with the ring! 

Artus waved his hand as if to make a long story short, summing up the part about him falling in love with a Chultan woman named Alisandre and the city being trapped on an inter-dimensional demi-plane.

It was then that he abandoned his quest to destroy the ring and decided to use the ring to keep himself alive long enough to find a way to free Mezro and save his beloved Alisandre. After that, he planned to destroy the ring.

He spent the last two hundred years traveling the world of Antara conducting research. He spent a lot of time in Akwa-Obio - the City of Scholars, researching Chult and looking for ways to bring Mezro back from its inter-dimensional limbo. There he met and became friends with the scholar Maara Ihe. He left that city about ten years ago. 

Argent asked about the frost giants. Did Artus steal the ring from them like they claimed?

Artus replied that the ring didn't belong to the frost giants. If it ever did, it was thousands or millions of years ago. The ring was in Mezro for at least five thousand years. If the giants laid any claim to it, it was based on a very ancient and dubious claim. They probably only wanted it now for some byzantine political dispute between the giants. 

Argent then asked about Zalma Haik and the Ysian merchants. Artus replied that he had never had any dealings with the Ysians. The closest he could think of was that Dragonbait used to be a Ysian slave. 

That raised a few eyebrows.

Dragonbait nodded as Artus explained that Dragonbait, being a saurial from another world, was an oddity. He had been captured by Ysian slavers but Dragonbait had managed to escape. He met Dragonbait in Port Nyanzaru and the two became immediate friends. The Ysians probably only wanted to recapture Dragonbait and considered Artus to be a thief of their property. 

Argent replied with great earnestness, "Very well.  You have been honest with me.  I will stand with you and help to see you through to your one, true love."

Day 47 - End of the Road
The party traveled ten miles before encountering a cliff on the side of a plateau. The two hundred foot tall cliff stretched to the east and west as far as they could see. They climbed the most accessible section of the cliff and made their way to the top of the plateau. The top was a wide rocky plain with few trees. The edge of the jungle lay a few hundred yards to the south.

The party cautiously crossed the clearing. As they neared its center there appeared a trio of ice giants  about a hundred yards away at the edge of the clearing to the left.

One of the giants spotted the party in the center of the clearing and called the alarm. He bellowed at the party in Atlantean, "Artus Cimber! Surrender yourself and give us what is ours!"

Simultaneously about a hundred yards away to the right another group emerged from the jungle. It was the Ysian merchant Zalma Haik and his entourage of mercenaries and tribal warriors. He was accompanied by a unknown woman dressed in the robes of a wizard. They too spotted the party.

Zalma angrily hailed the party, "Artus Cimber! Give us back our property!"

Artus nervously looked at his new friends in an attempt to assess their mood. They did not look happy. He smiled and shrugged. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

"The Heart of Ubtao" - Tomb of Annihilation, Chapter 18

The small craft cut through the sky for over ten hours straight. The sun set behind the western mountains, illuminating a massive wall of thundercloud ahead of them. A storm raged over their destination. Apparently grimaced and took the air-skiff down into the darkening clouds. Lightning snapped and thunder roared as the party was pelted with rain riding in the back of the open-air skiff. It had become dark. Wind buffeted the air-skiff, causing it to careen, dip, and buck. Apparently struggled with the controls.

Apparently worried she might not see the- whatever it was the Heart of Ubtao was supposed to be. To her amazement she saw light ahead. It was dim indirect light filtering out of a doorway and through two openings in the top of a ball of stone nearly seventy feet in diameter, hovering in mid air over the dark jungle two thousand feet below. The monolith was oblong and shaped like a heart. A bare tree and a small cylindrical structure emerged from the top like aorta and venticle. Small roots hung to the side like veins. Red tinted rainwater poured off the monolith like blood.

"Is- is that it?" asked Apparently.

"I guess so." said Zeynap, "I'll admit, I thought it would be bigger!"

Apparently had a bad feeling about this. She concentrated on her surroundings and opened her senses. She felt the presence of her hated enemy - the power of Skion - the undying force. She informed the others and they prepared themselves for battle.

As she got close she could see a humanoid figure in the backlit window, only it wasn't a window it was a doorway. A stairway led from the doorway to the flattened top of the rock near the tree. The humanoid figure invited Apparently to land there.

Apparently set the air-skiff down on top of the heart-shaped rock. The humanoid figure wore a heavy dark cloak as protection against the driving rain and winds. The figure beckoned the party to come down the stairs to escape the  weather. It called out in Atlantean, "Quickly! Come inside and be comfortable! Would you like some tea?"

Argent closed his eyes and concentrated on his surroundings. He could smell the animating force of the undying emanating from the figure. He gripped his axe. Zeynap laid his hand across the dragonid's arm, "Be careful. Bramble thinks its some kind of lich!"

The party hesitated. Apparently said, "No tea, thank you."

The cloaked figure sensed their hesitation. "Come now, you have nothing to fear." She removed the hood of her cloak, revealing a female face. Her skin looked as if it were made of polished alabaster. Her eyes were amber. Small deer-like antlers sprouted from her forehead. Her long hair was made of thick green ivy. She was an elioud, an immortal being from the other-dimensional realm of Aeon.

"Greetings, my name is Valindra Shadowmantle."


  • Bramble Wolf - a theran barbarian wise-man (Wildhunt Shifter Druid) searching for the legendary origin of his tribe.
  • Apparently Jones - a blue-skinned demijin caravan guide and animal trainer (Air Genasi Ranger) from Akasa, the land of sky mountains. Having failed to find work in Port Nyanzaru as an animal handler, she has joined the expedition to the interior as a scout.
  • Chak'sa - Apparently's honker (parasaurolophus) companion.
  • Xoc-Wik - a b'alam warrior (Tabaxi Fighter) from the jungles of Bres, searching for those responsible for the destruction of his tribe.
  • Zeynap Shiravadakar - a Eusebean smuggler (Human Warlock) bearing the spirit of a celestial unicorn.
  • Argent Truth-Sayer - a golden azi knight errant of Bahamut (Dragonborn Paladin) in the service of Bahamut, sent on a holy mission to join the expedition to destroy the Soul Monger. 
  • Eku - a mysterious shape-changing wise-woman from Chult, hired as a guide.
  • Tony and Vinnie - rough and tumble dinosaur wranglers who wished to learn from Apparently, possibly from 19th century Boston on Earth. 
  • Artus Cimber - an explorer on a quest to reunite with his lost love.
  • Dragonbait - a saurial from another dimension, friend and traveling companion of Artus Cimber.
A Courteous Host

The elioud led the party down some stairs cut into the outside of the Heart and through an entrance. All but Bramble followed her through the entrance. The theran druid hesitantly shook his head and remained outside in the driving rain.

Inside was one large hollow chamber about sixty feet in diameter. There was a pool of water in the center.  Rain poured down through a chimney in the ceiling - the hollow interior of the petrified tree above. Three glowing crystals emitted wan yellow light.

Along the wall was arranged some book cases filled with large books, a desk, and some crates. On the opposite wall  was a cage large enough to hold a hippopotamus. The cage was currently occupied by six humanoid zombies. The zombies reacted violently to the entrance of the newcomers.

There was no place to sleep. Two heavy tapestries covered sections of the opposite wall.

"This place STINKS of decaying flesh!" snarled Argent. He stared directly at Valindra, "You reek of it!"

The androgynous being touched her sternum, "Oh, many apologizes! I must cloak myself in the aura of the undying. It is a magical spell I must cast daily so that I do not cause undue stimulation among my research subjects," she indicated the zombies, "I may dismiss the aura if you would feel more comfortable."

"That is unnecessary," replied Xoc-Wik.

Apparently coughed gently and stared vacantly at a wall.

Argent sniffed in disgust and made his way counter-clockwise around the chamber while Vilandra moved to a work table on the opposite side. He paused to inspect the books. They were old texts on history, culture, and geography.

With a flick of her wrist Valindra caused an alchemical flask filled with water to come to a boil. She crushed  a handfull of dry leaves and sprinkled into the boiling water. She levitated the concoction across the room to  Zeynap, "I believe this is what you humans call 'tea'. I hope it meets your approval." Zeynap took the hot beaker of leaf water and quickly passed it from hand to hand to avoid burning himself.

"NO MAGIC!" blurted Argent.

"Pardon?" responded Valindra.

The dragon-man reiterated, "No! Spells!"

The porcelain-skinned creature hesitated, its golden eyes were blank, "Very well, if it will make you feel more comfortable."

Unbeknownst to everyone in the room, Bramble had transformed himself into a spider and had made his way slowly into the chamber. He crawled along the wall searching for secret doors and hidden chambers. He explored the void behind the tapestry on the right and found it empty save for a magical teleportation circle drawn on the floor.

Zeynap and Xoc-Wik engaged Vilandra in conversation. Vilandra was forthcoming with information regarding her purpose in the Heart - she was searching for the Soulmonger! She explained that she represented a group of wizards who sought to collect and sequester devices of great power so that they could be safely studied. She had determined that the Soulmonger was the source of the mysterious outbreaks of undying and that it was located in a place caled Omu. However, she did not yet know where Omu was located. She had sent several groups of her personal agents in search of Omu and the Soulmonger. If they found it, they would bring it to her so that she could study it properly.

While she waits she studies the creatures reanimated by the Soulmonger. She hires locals to capture the reanimated dead. She offered a substantial award for each animated zombie, skeleton, or ghoul brought to her for study.

During their conversation, Valindra made an off-hand reference to Syndra Silvane. Xoc-Wik asked what she knew about the mysterious masked patron. Valindra said that Syndra represented a group called 'the Erelim'. The Erelim opposed Valindra's quest to find the Soulmonger. The Erelim wanted only to destroy the device. Valindra wanted to study it.

Xoc-Wik asked why Syndra wore the silver mask. He asked if she too was an Elioud. Valindra replied that while Syndra wore the mask because her body was dying. She had lived far beyond her natural lifespan and the Soulmonger was draining her life away and would eventually kill her. She made the case that Syndra's motivation for destroying the Soulmonger was selfish while her own goal would lead to a better understanding of the forces at work.

Valindra then asked if Syndra had hired them to find the Soulmonger. Xoc-Wik gave a dismissive non-reply. Valindra seemed unconvinced.

Argent made his way around the room while Zeynap and Xoc-Wik distracted their host. He peeked behind the tapestry to the left and was started to see the decaying remains of two four-armed white-furred simians known as Girallons! He almost choked as he jumped back.

"Be careful!" interjected Valindra, "Do not disturb those! They are dormant for the moment!"

"What are those for!?" demanded Argent.

"I have managed to pacify them and can now control them. Their strength proves useful. My magic can move naught but  trifles."

Argent stalked back around the room always remaining on the far side from Vilandra.

Vilandra apologized for the lack of accomodations but offered to share her chamber with the party while they waited for the storm to subside. She had no food to share but they could at least rest on the floor - as long as they didn't mind if she continued her research.

Argent bared his teeth, "I'll sleep in the wind and rain." He stalked out of the hollow chamber and climbed the stairs to the top of the Heart. There he met Bramble who had resumed his humanoid form. The pair compared notes about what they found and shared their suspicions. They could not bring themselves to trust the elioud wizard. They wrapped themselves in their tarps and huddled against the petrified tree. There they spent a restless night in the wind and driving rain two thousand feet above the ground.

Xoc-Wik, Apparently, and Zeynap likewise found little rest on the stone floor of Valindra's chamber. Valindra spent the night working at her alchemical table, cutting bits of flesh off the zombies, and writing notes in her books.

Zeynap had the last watch. Valindra finished her work and approached him, "The winds have subsided."

"We'll be leaving at dawn," said Zeynap, standing to better converse with his host.

"Zeynap, I can always use additional agents in my search for the Soulmonger. If you find it, will you bring it to me?"

Zeynap demurred. He spoke vaguely about checking with the others.

"I see. Now listen closely," she moved uncomfortably close to Zeynap, she reached out with her long slender fingers of porcelain and held his face gently by the chin, Her amber eyes began to glow. "You will do everything in your power to prevent the Soulmonger from being destroyed and deliver it intact and functional to me in the Heart of Ubtao. You will not tell anyone else about this. This will be our little secret. You will not allow anyone to interfere with the duties of my agents. You will know them by their red robes."

Zeynap stood silently for a moment. He stared deeply into her luminous amber eyes. "I understand."

"Excellent." Valindra smiled revealing black teeth.

Zeynap sat back down. He was unsure of what just happened.

Day 29 - Base Camp

The party established a base camp in the open grasslands beneath the Heart of Ubtao. They collected what firewood they could and leaned the overturned Atlantean air-skiff against a boulder to provide shelter to their fire. They spent the day as a group foraging the surrounding countryside for food. During their foray they managed to spot a bipedal saurian predator about a hundred yards out. The saurian stood about ten feet tall. It raised its head to sniff the wind and caught the scent of the foraging party. The predator moved quickly towards their position. The party did their best to hide themselves behind boulders in the tall grass. Neither Zeynap nor Argent could hide themselves, however, and the hunter targeted the former. Zeynap retreated while sending magical bolts of rainbow glitter at the beast and Xoc-Wik loosed several arrows from his bow. The beast was quickly defeated.

Day 30
Clear day, no wind, nothing to report.

Day 31 - Batiri Ambush
Rain showers persisted throughout the day. The wind picked up in the evening and had become a gale by dark. The overturned air-skiff rocked back and forth as the high winds buffeted against the tarpaulin and lines holding it down. The tall grass swayed and shuddered.

It was late and night and Xoc-Wik was on watch. He could hear nothing over the winds and was taking the time to groom his fur. The sound of heavy thuds and cries of pain alerted him to danger!

Ten diminutive humanoids wearing carved wooden masks and with skin the color of lemons had crept stealthily into the camp and had attacked each member of the party in their sleep. They had been ambushed by a hunting party of batiri!

Thankfully everyone had survived the initial assault and were now awake and ready for battle! Bramble rolled on the ground and sprang to his feet. He called upon the spirits of the forest to summon forth and direct the high winds that surrounded them. The winds formed a twisting wall of air that snaked through the party. The tornado-like wall of wind blew all of the small batiri away into the dark.

Xoc-Wik drew forth his bow and loosed several arrows at the leader. The attack killed him instantly.

The party dismembered the remaining bodies and scattered the parts to prevent reanimation from the Death Curse and resumed their rest.

Day 32
Rain in the morning. Clear and calm evening. Heavy winds at night. Nothing to report.

Day 33
Rainy and calm, nothing to report.

Day 34 - Centipedes
After a rainy day of foraging the party returned to their camp to find it crawling with centipedes. Zeynap blasted the swarms with celestial magic while Argent chopped into them with his axe. The centipedes were quickly dispersed.

Day 35 - Honker Herd
Xoc-Wik was once again caught off guard while on watch when he looked up from his late night reverie to notice that a herd of honkers had moved into the camp. The honkers were simply grazing and posed no threat so he shrugged and went back to his work. One honker licked  Zeynap's sleeping face. Zeynap slapped the Honker away and grumbled, "I said no, Chak'sa!"

Day 36
Rain all day. Heavy wind during the day. Nothing to report.

Day 37 - Reunion

After ten days of waiting the party finally saw a group of travelers in the distance. Artus, Dragonbait, Eku, Tony, and Vinnie were accompanied by the macetail and the honker Chak'sa. As the other group approached, thick purplish black clouds began to form and descend on the field. From one cloud emerged four four-armed undying girallons. From another emerged a large bipedal reptile with a long horizontal tail and a massive tooth-filled head. Its mouth was filled with half-eated humanoid zombies- and it was charging towards them!

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

"Death Flies on Leathery Wings" - Tomb of Annihilation, Chapter 17

Argent, Apparently, and Zeynap descended the stairs of the step pyramid with their two new companions Artus Cimber and Dragonbait. It was raining and getting dark. Bramble, Xoc-Wik, Eku, Tony, and Vinnie had established a camp in the ruined city below. Tents were pitched, canvas tarpaulins were erected, the animals were fed, and fires were built. It was raining. It seemed like it was always raining in the jungle continent of Chult. The grey sky was becoming dark.

"Who's your friend?" inquired Bramble.

"Artus Cimber, pleased to meet you." the explorer reached out to shake Bramble's hand.

Bramble looked down at the outstretched hand dubiously. "Yeah- what about him?"

Artus withdrew his hand, "That's my traveling companion Dragonbait. He communicates by scent."

Dragonbait emitted the scent of lemon.

"He says he's happy to meet you."

Bramble turned to Zeynap, "So, what did you learn about the Soulmonger?"

Zeynap told Bramble about the spirit naga Saja N'baza and how she told them that the Soulmonger was located in the lost city of Omu between the Peaks of Flame and the Valley of Lost Honor.

Artus interrupted, "Dragonbait and I will join you on your mission to find Omu, for there we will find Ras Nsi."

Bramble glanced at Artus and turned back to Zeynap, confused, "Who is Rosh Neeshi?"

Argent recounted the tale of Ras Nsi and the Chosen of Ubtao - the Barae. He told Bramble about the Curse placed upon Mezro and how it will not return until all the Barae are dead.

"If Ras Nsi must die in order to free Mezro, I will do everything in my power to see that he dies so that I will be reunited with.. but that's unimportant. What's important is that Ras Nsi is in Omu and I will find Omu and I will kill him. Since you are going to Omu and I am going to Omu, I think we should help each other find Omu. What do you think?"

Brambles eyes narrowed and he pursed his lips, "Yeah...."


  • Bramble Wolf - a theran barbarian wise-man (Wildhunt Shifter Druid) searching for the legendary origin of his tribe.
  • Apparently Jones - a blue-skinned demijin caravan guide and animal trainer (Air Genasi Ranger) from Akasa, the land of sky mountains. Having failed to find work in Port Nyanzaru as an animal handler, she has joined the expedition to the interior as a scout.
  • Chak'sa - Apparently's honker (parasaurolophus) companion.
  • Xoc-Wik - a b'alam warrior (Tabaxi Fighter) from the jungles of Bres, searching for those responsible for the destruction of his tribe.
  • Zeynap Shiravadakar - a Eusebean smuggler (Human Warlock) bearing the spirit of a celestial unicorn.
  • Argent Truth-Sayer - a golden azi knight errant of Bahamut (Dragonborn Paladin) in the service of Bahamut, sent on a holy mission to join the expedition to destroy the Soul Monger. 
  • Eku - a mysterious shape-changing wise-woman from Chult, hired as a guide.
  • Tony and Vinnie - rough and tumble dinosaur wranglers who wished to learn from Apparently, possibly from 19th century Boston on Earth. 
Day 21
Heavy rain prevented travel so the party remained camped in the ruins of Orolunga. Bramble and Xoc-Wik considered scaling the stairs to consult with the oracle but upon hearing of the test involving swallowing snakes whole decided against it.

It was cloudy and calm.

The party returned to the north fork of the river Tath. Apparently located a fallen tree that bridged the river at a narrow point. The tree-bridge would allow the humanoids in the party to safely cross the river. The beasts were large enough and heavy enough to ford the river.

Apparently and Argent crossed the large fallen log to the other side. Suddenly the log swarmed with swarms of deadly centipedes!

Xoc-Wik exclaimed, "Look out!"

Zeynap replied, "For what? They're just a bunch of bugs."

Xoc-Wik said, "I saw a swarm of those same insects strip a man to the bone in six seconds!"

Zeynap grimaced at the thought and summoned forth an orb of iridescent celestial flame. The decaying tree trunk caught fire from the magical flame. Xoc-Wik loosed a magical explosive arrow into one end of the tree trunk. It exploded into splinters and that end of the trunk fell into the water.

Apparently loosed a normal arrow into the other end of the tree as centipedes continued to swarm over the rocks towards her.

Argent ran up to the tree and pushed it off the bank and into the river. The tree rolled into the water and the centipdes ceased to be a threat.

Having eliminated their natural bridge, the party spent the rest of the day using rope and block and tackle to safely cross the river.

It was raining as they approached the foothills at the base of the granite monoliths near M'Bala. Apparently saw a spike-tailed behemoth grazing ahead. The spike-tail took an interest in the group and approached them inquisitively. Apparently, who was an expert in reading animal behavior and communicating with animals, successfully shooed it away without incident.

Day 24
Rain, nothing to report.

Day 25
Rain, nothing to report

Day 26
Heavy rain prevented travel. The party hunkered down for the day.

The party arrived at the camp at the base of the trail leading to M'Bala around noon. It was raining. There they expected to find Nova Scotia Blackman maintaining his lonely vigil. Instead the camp was deserted. They spotted a note left conspicuously in a place meant to be found.

Beware the trek up to M'Bala. Flying creatures known as pratras attack all who traverse the path. I have temporarily abandoned my vigil to travel north in search of "Vorn". I should return 12-15 days after the full moon.

A set of tracks left by a group of humanoids heading north corroborated the note.

"What's the plan?" inquired Apparently.

"I wish to visit the Heart of Ubtao," replied Argent.

"What for? We know where the Soulmonger is, more or less. What can we learn at the Heart?" demanded Bramble.

"Knowledge. The Heart is where the barae of Ubtao met. Ras Nsi was one of the barae. We may learn something useful there. Something that may help us defeat Ras Nsi."

"But it's not on the way! Besides, it's thousands of feet in the air!" argued Bramble.

"I have an idea," said Argent, "An airship was going to visit M'Bala. We should see if they can take us to the Heart. Not only will it be a quick trip, they'll already be airborne."

Bramble considered Argent's suggestion, "Okay, we'll visit M'Bala and look into the airship."

Apparently pointed out the obvious, "Not only can the beasts not ascend the path to M'Bala, they can't ride in an airship. What about them?"

Tony spoke up, "Yeah, ah, youse ain't got to worry about that, blue lady. We can look after these cockamaney horses."

Vinnie chimed in, "That's right! We's can takes care of ourselves!"

Bramble said, "Fine. You travel overland and rendesvouz with us under the Heart of Ubtao. Then we'll continue on to Omu.

"Youse gots it! Uh, where's the Heart of Ubtao?"

Eku spoke up, "I will guide them there."

Artus said, "You'll need proper protection. Dragonbait and I will join you."

Apparently, Argent, Bramble, Xoc-Wik, and Zeynap said farewell to Artus, Dragonbait, Eku, Tony, Vinnie, and the two beasts and began their ascent to M'Bala.


The remaining members of the party climbed the narrow path up the thousand foot face of Mbala. They had tied themselves together for safety. This limited their movement but prevented any single member from falling or being snatched away. There was a low cloud ceiling and it was raining. The party was halfway up the path when the leathery-winged forms of eight pratras carrying large rocks descended through the gray clouds.

The pratras dove at the party. Zeynap took aim with his magic fingers. One by one the pratras released their stony payloads. Zeynap zapped the first two missiles and they exploded into rocky debris. The others crashed down upon their targets. Several missed and bounced to the forest hundreds of feet below.

Xoc-Wik and Apparently took aim with their long-bows and loosed several arrows. Three of Xoc-Wik's magically charged arrows tore through a pratra and it spun out of the sky, dead.

Bramble channeled the spirits of nature and called forth a thunderstorm from the clouds above. Lightning struck several of the pratras, frying them instantly.

Bramble shouted, "I thought you said these things were tough!"

Xoc-Wik responded, "They are! I've just become a much better shot since the last time we fought them."

The pratras ascended above the clouds and gathered more stones for use as projectiles. They dove back down and released another volley at the party.  Once again, Zeynap was able to eliminate a few of the rocks in mid-air while the archers loosed arrows at the incoming dive-bombers.

Two of the pratras peeled away and stormed Xoc-Wik and Apparently. Apparently dropped her bow to draw her short sword but watched helplessly as her bow fell over the path and fell to the forest below.

After a fierce exchange the party dispatched the two pratras engaged in close battle. The remaining two attempted to flee. Xoc-Wik took aim and loosed three arrows at the retreating winged creatures.

"What's that for?" inquired Zeynap.

The two arrows struck their targets and the winged humanoids fell from the sky.

Xok-Wik turned to Zeynap with a sneer, "Spite!"

Apparently looked towards the forest below, unable to spot where her bow fell. "Damn."

The party reached to the top of Mbala late in the afternoon. They were above the rain but the ancient ruins were shrouded in fog. They saw a camp that had been constructed by the Knights of the Circle. The camp was in disarray and appeared abandoned. Many of the tents and structures had been knocked down and ripped apart by the pratras.

Of special note was the large wooden air-ship in the open square. The lift balloon was torn and shredded and the structure was damaged.

The party called around and several soldiers emerged from the fissure that once led to the lair of the pratra. The fissure had been widened and a ladder was installed. The fissure was then covered and concealed by a canvas tarp.

Ser Slaughter emerged and greeted the party. He explained that the pratras had been harassing the camp for several days, dropping heavy rocks, plucking men away, and tearing down the camp. The camp decided to take cover in the cavern that was once the pratra lair.

Argent informed Ser Slaughter that the pratras would pose no future problem. Ser Slaughter and the other soldiers were grateful.

A handful of civilians, the crew of the downed air-ship, emerged from the fissure. They inspected the damage to their ship. One of them noticed Apparently and called her name.

"Apparently? Apparently Jones?"

It was the captain of the air-ship. The captain was Akasan and had known Apparently's mother, Adverb, in the old days. Adverb had saved the captain's life on more than one occasion and the captain was sad to have heard that Adverb and her family had been exiled to the surface.

Apparently asked where the air-ship was heading. The captain said they were going to Kir Sabal then back to Akasa. Apparently then asked if they could hitch a ride and possibly take a short detour to the Heart of Ubtao. The captain said it was going to take several days, possibly weeks, to repair the hull and gas bag.

However, he had an idea. He had an old Atlantean air-skiff that he had recently acquired. It was damaged and would probably only operate for another 16 hours of flight before it lost its lift capability. He offered it as a gift to Apparently in appreciation for her mother. Apparently accepted the gift.

The party spent that night in Mbala.

The party boarded the air-ship the following morning. Apparently familiarized herself with the complex Atlantean controls. Crystal-powered Atlantean air-transports were much more advanced than the balloon-ships of the Akasan sky-nomads.

"Do you know how to pilot this thing?" inquired Zeynap nervously.

"Yeah, sure, no problem," replied Apparently with false confidence.

They lifted off into cloudy skies. Apparently took the air-skiff below the clouds and into the rain so that she could get her bearings and estimate her air speed. The air-skiff flew a generally south-easterly course across the Aldani basin. They were traveling at about eight knots. Apparently estimated about thirteen hours to the general location of the Heart of Ubtao. She took the skiff back up above the clouds to avoid the rain.

"How do you know where we're going?" inquired Zeynap, his voice shouting against the wind.

"Trust me!" she shouted back.

The small craft cut through the sky for over thirteen hours straight. The sun set behind the western mountains, illuminating a massive wall of thundercloud ahead of them. A storm raged over their destination. Apparently grimaced and took the air-skiff down into the darkening clouds. Lightning snapped and thunder roared as the party was pelted with rain riding in the back of the open-air skiff. It had become dark. Wind buffeted the air-skiff, causing it to careen, dip, and buck. Apparently struggled with the controls. 

Apparently worried she might not see the- whatever it was the Heart of Ubtao was supposed to be. To her amazement she saw light ahead. It was dim indirect light filtering out of a doorway and through two openings in the top of a ball of stone nearly seventy feet in diameter, hovering in mid air over the dark jungle two thousand feet below. The monolith was oblong and shaped like a heart. A bare tree and a small cylindrical structure emerged from the top like aorta and venticle. Small roots hung to the side like veins. Red tinted rainwater poured off the monolith like blood.

"Is- is that it?" asked Apparently.

"I guess so." said Zeynap, "I'll admit, I thought it would be bigger!"

Apparently had a bad feeling about this. She concentrated on her surroundings and opened her senses. She felt the presence of her hated enemy - the power of Skion - the undying force. She informed the others and they prepared themselves for battle.

As she got close she could see a humanoid figure in the backlit window, only it wasn't a window it was a doorway. A stairway led from the doorway to the flattened top of the rock near the tree. The humanoid figure invited Apparently to land there.

Apparently set the air-skiff down on top of the heart-shaped rock. The humanoid figure wore a heavy dark cloak as protection against the driving rain and winds. The figure beckoned the party to come down the stairs to escape the  weather. It called out in Atlantean, "Quickly! Come inside and be comfortable! Would you like some tea?"

Argent closed his eyes and concentrated on his surroundings. He could smell the animating force of the undying emanating from the figure. He gripped his axe. Zeynap laid his hand across the dragonid's arm, "Be careful. Bramble thinks its some kind of lich!"

The party hesitated. Apparently said, "No tea, thank you."

The cloaked figure sensed their hesitation. "Come now, you have nothing to fear." She removed the hood of her cloak, revealing a female face. Her skin looked as if it were made of polished alabaster. Her eyes were amber. Small deer-like antlers sprouted from her forehead. Her long hair was made of thick green ivy. She was an elioud, an immortal being from the other-dimensional realm of Aeon.

"Greetings, my name is Valindra Shadowmantle."